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Esoteric Wizardry


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Hi /fringe/

I am looking for resources for necromancy, I searched everywhere and everything is fake as hillary's tits.

Can you point me in the right direction?

Also General Necromancy thread.


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So I found some stuff that looks promising, I will post it here.

it says you need a a source of life force to call the spirit of the dead and bind it to your will, you would need to call upon gods which govern the dead like



















The following are notes about the place of the ritual

those who are proposing to raise up the souls of any deceased persons must do so in places with which it is known that they were familiar, in which some special alliance between soul and body may be assumed, or some species of attracting affection, still leading the soul to such places. . . . Therefore the localities most suited for the purpose are churchyards, and, better still, those which have been the scene of the execution of criminal judgments"–in plain words, the immediate neighborhood of a gibbet. A battlefield or other place of public slaughter is still more favorable, but best of all is the scene of a murder before the removal of the corpse.


here I found some stuff that looks promising, I will post it here.

it says you need a a source of life force to call the spirit of the dead and bind it to your will, you would need to call upon gods which govern the dead like



















The following are notes about the place of the ritual

those who are proposing to raise up the souls of any deceased persons must do so in places with which it is known that they were familiar, in which some special alliance between soul and body may be assumed, or some species of attracting affection, still leading the soul to such places. . . . Therefore the localities most suited for the purpose are churchyards, and, better still, those which have been the scene of the execution of criminal judgments"–in plain words, the immediate neighborhood of a gibbet. A battlefield or other place of public slaughter is still more favorable, but best of all is the scene of a murder before the removal of the corpse.


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You may want to check out the Hindu tantric Aghori sect. They are known for their extreme, tamasic rituals and as powerful necromancers.

They worship such entities as Smashan Tara, Smashan Kali (Tara and Kali of charnel grounds), Mahakala etc.

Keep in mind that "worship", especially in the occult sense of Tantra is different than in other systems, it is closer to being an invocation/evocation, but also not quite.

Just a heads up: if you want to really learn Aghora-related necromancy then some knowledge of Tantra is required, with Tantra being the system of magic those people use. Just wanted to make things clear, as due to new age disinfo most people, even those well acquainted with the occult, view Tantra as some exotic "sex magic" while it is a complex magical system (or rather a multitude of systems sharing the same name) in itself.

There isn't much about them on the Internet, as most Aghoris live in seclusion apart from civilization and they certainly do not write books on the subject, but perhaps I haven't looked with enough dedication.

There is a series of books called Aghori by Robert Svoboda, explaining some of the doctrine by Svoboda's guru Vimalananda but I don't know if they are a good representation of Aghora as a whole.


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Another take on necromancy is the whole "death essence" thing, which supposedly is the energy at so low vibrational state that it works as a vortex, sucking up other forms of energy.

Supposedly you can find it on the cemeteries, old battlefields and generally places connected with a lot of death.

You can use it to do a bunch of stuff, but I never really tried to fuck around with it, despite the fact that I was drawn to places of death and to the death itself ever since I was a child. I did feel something though, when meditating on the cemetery at night.

I have some resources on necromancy I may post later (they were posted on /fringe/ about a year ago in previous necro thread), but nothing really good.

If anyone has some good resources or tips then I will be very thankful for sharing. Let's keep this necro thread alive!

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