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How do I makw myself lucid dream so I can create my own dream husband to love me forever?

(Rule 2)






i'll be your husband

pls respond



im looking for a serious relationship with an irl man with lots of hair, not an internet man… again



hairy i mean



>lucid dream

There are main 2 ways to do that and they both worked for me.

1)Sleep deficit.

Sleep less than 7 hours/day for 3 days in a row with belly facing down then sleep for 10hours on the fourth day with belly facing up and arms on your side and and hand palm facing down.

2)Interrupted sleep

Set an alarm clock for 5 hours after you go to sleep. then go back to sleep in the position i described earlier.

Other tips) Create a habit to "reality check". It's basically checking if you are sleeping multiple times during the day.

>dream husband

It's actually very easy to do that but even tho you can make him appear while you are awake, you will probably be very disappointed as it never is as good as an irl person.

You can find here or elsewhere instructions to creating tulpas. Don't forget to give it a name,a shape, and a specific purpose, and NEVER let it be superior to you like on that "powerful tulpa" thread. That would be really dangerous.



>create a habit to "reality check". It's basically checking if you are sleeping multiple times during the day.

This is it, I think it could work if I do this, but what would be good examples of knowing if your sleeping or not?



I know one example I can check if I can fly



See if you have exactly 5 fingers on each hand. For some some reason finger count is always weird in dreams. And try to see things in detail, (e.g.: your own skin texture)



But that alone may still not be enough. You might still have to do either (1) or (2) or something else.



The thing is tho I can't realize I'm dreaming even when weird things are happening



We talking body hair, or head hair?



Body hair

And he has to be in my country australia



so you are looking for a koala



No, a hairy manly man



European or American living in Australia preferred


Anyway, its that or dream husband



So, you want a bear?



I have a hairy British ass. Do I qualify?



Not if your not in australia



>How do I makw myself lucid dream so I can create my own dream husband to love me forever?

You don't imagine the knot you've given in my head with your question… this is like a frog asking a fly how to sit on a chair to be able to ski a mountain uphill.

Do you even know what a lucid dream is?

It's when you are aware that you are dreaming… distilled down to it's most basic and fundamental core, that's all there is to it.

How do you expect to create a husband that will love you forever out of that ability?

I'm perplexed…


>im looking for a serious relationship with an irl man

So, if you admit your destination is not dreamland, I would understand a lot more if you asked a question like: How do I make myself empathic so I can develop with my dream husband love forever? Since, empathy being one of the ingredients of a good marriage, at least that would make all kinds of sense.

I'm just saying this because lucid dreaming among with other skills like visualization (aka tulpas) or out of body experiences are mainly perceptive skills, there's pretty much nothing that makes them active in any real tangible way… and the act of creation is an action.

Just sayin you gotta travel the appropriate road if you wanna reach your intended destination.


>I can't realize I'm dreaming even when weird things are happening

If you're into inducing lucid dreams, grab a copy of Stephen LaBerge's work entitled Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming or something solid like that, so that at least you ensure that your results aren't just the product of an over-active imagination, like what happens with so many people.


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Making husbando or waifu in dream wont work. It never does.

You'll share love and emotion on another plane, for a while, like two suns cradled in each others arms, and eternity of warmth and safety… Then you'll see it in her eyes that she knows that she needs to go now and once you are aware, you will be left in a dark void, clutching for her to come back, forcing the dream not to end but its over and not, ever, never coming back.

What you're asking for is impossible because he or she must leave once you know.



oh btw pic related is me see for the skinny otterfag part, the gay tattoos and the naked forearms, i'll visit you when i visit my sister in her studies down under if you're a beachbod bunny.



Its IRL husband or dream husband



Fuck off slut




>Its IRL husband or dream husband

Well, either way, it's gonna take more than just developing your lucid dreaming skills.

It seems you're more into Wake Induced Lucid Dreams… that's kinda advanced and you're gonna need visualization along with that too, so maybe start by practicing with some WBTB (Wake Back To Bed), which IMHO, is the easiest method to learn and practice… and get you dream journal together… that's always useful.

But seriously, I think 5 years from now you're gonna look back at you today and say: "what the fuck was going on through my head at that time?"

If I was in your shoes, you know what I would do? I'd get a list of potential targets (ahemmm, husbands, I mean, cough cough)… then develop your remote viewing skills… study the targets… and focus on the most prominent in your areas of choice. Then you go into remote influencing to create as many favorable situations as possible to turn luck in your favor. As this mysterious wonderful period of passion lasts you wanna develop some empathy as well, as to have that real time emotional connection that only good standing couples do, and presto.



At least I'm not a soulless std filled degenerate slut



Remote viewing is hard, can't tell what's imagination or not


Lucid dreaming:

>can't realize I'm dreaming even when weird things are happening

Remote viewing:

>can't tell what's imagination or not

Then how exactly do you propose going about this little endeavor?






If you are already having trouble realizing when you are dreaming, I suppose that falling asleep and then falling asleep again inside of that dream and realizing that you are having a dream inside of a dream, would seem impossible to you.

Kinda puts in perspective the difficulty of things.

You've hit a couple mental blocks and now you gotta work them out, you really do. Otherwise you'll end up in /tulpa/

First, lucid dreaming is not yet dream control.

Second, since you still don't have a very strong connection between your conscious and subconscious mind I don't think it is feasible to expect your subconscious to remember during the dream that you went to bed. Like another anon mentioned before, not much can be done other than doing constant reality checks. But you are already doing the checks but you're not having your AHAAAA moment.

The easiest way I know is trying immediately after waking up by going to bed an extra 10 or 15min while vividly imagining that AHAAA!!! moment when you realize you are dreaming and realize all details about it like how it makes you feel, what it means and what you expect, in order to make it easier.




>not reading psychomancy and also this:


I can remote view and have done it with lots of people. You just use intent + desire + astral light and you wait for it to register the vibrations of the far-off scene

that's about it… just practice and eventually you will get it





The method I use to know I am dreaming is simply this: the astral planes appear more real than real to me.

These problems you report with stuff like textures, hands, etc… not of it applies to me. In my case everything is hyper-real, more real than anything I experience awake.


Finished reading to the bottom of this thread and realize how much far advanced I am than most of you. I've been feeling pathetic when measuring myself up to the masters but at least I have very few illusions and have achieved enough that I am way beyond the stuff you guys are still struggling with.

OP, do away with the idea of "dreaming". There is much delusion connected to this concept of dreaming. The very idea of it is highly subjectivizing.

Make contact with the hyperconsciousness and proceed from the wisdom it will grant you if you stay in the question.


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Telekinesis and/or creating shit out of thin air. I've gotten pretty good at it.

>mfw I become lucid and immediately go super saiyan



It nice to see how far we've come in perspective though.

Kind of takes me back to the years when I was reading about lucid dreaming all wide eyed and taking notes on techniques, worrying about trying to get lucid dreaming working before attempting astral projection.

Hope these neophytes will persevere and stay on the path like we did.




>taking Smiley seriously

Alright Smiley, use your remote viewing powers to tell me the length and color of my hair.

>incoming "I don't need to prove myself!!"

the guy believes in faking it until you make it, hes a delusionist.



Kek, that relies on the Creery Sisters case, whom admitted having committed fraud.



>Hope these neophytes will persevere and stay on the path like we did.

Highly unlikely… this is 8chan after all… even half-assed OP doesn't know what she wants.



I know exactly what I want, a husband

Real or dream, dream more obtainable



>I know exactly what I want

Then, please do tell us your results so far, OP.



Not him but dirty blondish and short-medium, not exactly sure what to call it.



Actually could be light brown, I'm shit at describing colours.



Nothing, can't realise I'm dreaming ):


I also have a problem where I never meet the same dream people ever again



>Nothing, can't realise I'm dreaming ):

You got two options… you either beef up or you lower the bar.

Assuming that you failed with the recommended exercises provided in this thread (which you neither confirmed nor denied so far)… you can lower the perceived difficuty of your objective by aiming at a higher one.

Try your best to induce a dream where you dream that you are going to bed and then try to realize you are dreaming inside of both dreams… The point is not to succeed, but rather to make your subconscious mind chew, ruminate and digest the concept until it starts blowing off steam struggling with agony/despair and then you go back to your previous task and find it to be much more pleasant and easier to accomplish than before.

If not, lower the bar by doing things while you are awake… learn to meditate and practice going into gradually deeper levels of rest while maintaining awareness so that you can reach that intermediary point of no thoughts where you are halfway between awake and asleep wile still aware of everything and progress from there.


>I never meet the same dream people ever again

You have to concentrate on their smell, their noise, their timing, their touch, their details, their wart on their backs, their habit of curling the hair with a finger and stuff like that… it's called sensory visualization… use as many senses as you can to communicate more often with your subconscious.

Anyways, any regular shmuck or shmuckette without even an iota of talent can do it. That stuff happens with horror stories/movies all the time, especially with kids. You tell'em a boogeyman story before bed and 90% of the time they almost pee their bed dreaming the boogeyman is coming to get them. Same principle is used by any regular folk to give the opposite effect… and instead of having your most terrible fears giving you horrid nightmares you get your deepest and strongest and most passionate desires to give you those vivid and pleasant dreams. As easy as 1, 2, 3… Visualize, fall into hypnagogic state, lucid dream… presto. If you make your subconscious understand during the visualization that you need your husband as you need oxygen, you'll get it almost everytime everywhere throughout your dreams independently if you already know how to consciously control the dreams or not.

That's the beginning, after that, things stabilize and become easier and less complicated due to conditioning… so don't worry, in the long run, you don't have to do all this mumbo-jumbo every single time.

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