>Nothing, can't realise I'm dreaming ):
You got two options… you either beef up or you lower the bar.
Assuming that you failed with the recommended exercises provided in this thread (which you neither confirmed nor denied so far)… you can lower the perceived difficuty of your objective by aiming at a higher one.
Try your best to induce a dream where you dream that you are going to bed and then try to realize you are dreaming inside of both dreams… The point is not to succeed, but rather to make your subconscious mind chew, ruminate and digest the concept until it starts blowing off steam struggling with agony/despair and then you go back to your previous task and find it to be much more pleasant and easier to accomplish than before.
If not, lower the bar by doing things while you are awake… learn to meditate and practice going into gradually deeper levels of rest while maintaining awareness so that you can reach that intermediary point of no thoughts where you are halfway between awake and asleep wile still aware of everything and progress from there.
>I never meet the same dream people ever again
You have to concentrate on their smell, their noise, their timing, their touch, their details, their wart on their backs, their habit of curling the hair with a finger and stuff like that… it's called sensory visualization… use as many senses as you can to communicate more often with your subconscious.
Anyways, any regular shmuck or shmuckette without even an iota of talent can do it. That stuff happens with horror stories/movies all the time, especially with kids. You tell'em a boogeyman story before bed and 90% of the time they almost pee their bed dreaming the boogeyman is coming to get them. Same principle is used by any regular folk to give the opposite effect… and instead of having your most terrible fears giving you horrid nightmares you get your deepest and strongest and most passionate desires to give you those vivid and pleasant dreams. As easy as 1, 2, 3… Visualize, fall into hypnagogic state, lucid dream… presto. If you make your subconscious understand during the visualization that you need your husband as you need oxygen, you'll get it almost everytime everywhere throughout your dreams independently if you already know how to consciously control the dreams or not.
That's the beginning, after that, things stabilize and become easier and less complicated due to conditioning… so don't worry, in the long run, you don't have to do all this mumbo-jumbo every single time.