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Esoteric Wizardry


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Okay, first off, this is not a LARPing thread. I have actually experienced this place and it is neither conjecture nor attention-seeking. I was in the astral yesterday in a waking lucid dream state when I discovered the astral chan. I don't remember its name (due to memory leak) but it was an imageboard, and looked very similar to this site. Posts were controlled completely by thought, but in the same manner, just as this site is. I found an interesting thread in the /b/ board about how the east and the west would be going to war soon and how to ensure the survival of the human race. We seemed confident humanity would survive, but determined that the west would fall prey to the east and that their ideologies would reign supreme for a time. My question - anyone else been to this thread, or this chan in question? There were BILLIONS of posts and there were threads in languages that I understood to be other-dimensional, as the symbols warped like a 5-cube, etc, but many were in our own language, from both this and other parallel realities, and I think that our position at this point in time is far from unique. But here's the million dollar question: saying you HAVE been to this site: (this is, I repeat, not a LARP thread, do not pretend) who is the site admin? Is there one? I didn't notice any moderators of any kind. Also, do you know of any other astral chans? Or am I the only one to have experienced this? I can't be the only one.

>inb4 dream, it was 100% lucid and I was fully aware of my astral state without "waking up," when I awoke I was massively charged with loosh and my aura was basically a kaleidoscope that flew in every direction

Give me some feedback, anons. But don't reply if you just want to make up some story or derail this thread. This was an honest experience and I'm curious as to how many of you are aware of its existence.

also there were no post errors, the site ran 20x faster than here as well


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>in a waking lucid dream state when I discovered the astral chan

>waking lucid dream state

>dream state

If youre dreaming, its not the astral world.


ITT: OP pulls thoughts from the akashic records and projects them into a familiar state



I will try to find that chan tonight.

But maybe it could be somenthing else that you saw as a chan because it would be easier to understand. It could be: a communication network used by toughforms or unconcious sleeping people, an indirect way for your mind to give you a future prediction, or reading the akashic records.

The ideology that is going to reiging supreme for a time is probably Islam, comparing it to other future predictions

>who is the site admin? Is there one?

From my experience the astral didn't seem to have any strong hierarchy.

>do you know of any other astral chans? Or am I the only one to have experienced this?

So far you are the only one. I will try to find it, but it's probably one of the possibilities i mentioned.


Ir really want more information about locations in the astral and possible activites there. G.O.O.D.S. recommends fighting dragons. Chans recommend sparring with Goku and having sex with undines undines.

There has to be more that that.



you obviously didn't read the post did you

it's fully possible to enter the astral this way, in fact it's probably the most reliable way to do so without reaching a trance state


I wanna say no though because this was much more lucid then a projection. It had the specific nature of an artificial creation, because I could sense other conscious thoughts projected against it which is why I'm curious as to who admins it.


Like I said, I doubt it was the records because usually that sort of thing projects itself as a series of "visions," at least in my experience.

The communication network is feasible though, since I perceived higher-dimensional consciousness.

These are all very good theories, however. I'm still convinced it was an artificial creation placed in the astral, however, due to its nature of appearing to me when I sort-of went looking for it and also seeming to have lucid thoughts similar to my own within.

My prevailing theory is that it's other fringe-tiers who, in their unconscious or astrally awakened state, have collaborated either consciously or unconsciously and a chan of some kind exists out there.

I remember hearing something about Islam, but I remember specifically that one "anon," mentioned something to the effect of that because the west is becoming so cucked, the east won't even have to fight a war, they'll basically just kind of occupy our lands and then their ideologies will reign supreme for at the very least a couple decades, and the longest a couple hundred years. Then another anon mentioned that they thought China would try to use that excuse to capitalize on the debt America owes by occupying its land and converting it into a communist nation.

>Strong hierarchy

I'm not saying so much that the astral realm itself has a hierarchy, more that this particular area might. But as I said, I didn't notice any janitors. The entire site was like being INSIDE the computer and looking at a 3-D projection of an imageboard, like a fourth-dimensional being would probably have on their "computers".

>only one so far

Just try to passively look for it, like you were typing in a search engine is the best explanation I can give. I was at a "nexus," of some kind in the astral when I found it, but my memory is fuzzy because like I said, there's always memory leak when I go into the astral from a waking-dream like state.

The reason I asked is because others on fringechan mentioned having created or having access to such a place and I went looking for it from the "central hub," that I'm talking about.


Well, I suppose trips don't lie.

However, I wasn't doing anything remotely interesting, I more kind of just like to wander the astral. I came into some sort of central hub and then "searched," for chans and then I found it, no particular action necessary. Maybe I should try to focus on storing my memories of it next time I head there…


Who constructed the classic records?







I found it and shitposted about random books on their /lit/ last night.

As to who's the admin and what it's all about I'll have to lurk more.


I've had a lucid dream where I was on a site like this, I don't remember much at all though.


I found it last night after I had a successful OOB and willed myself to the location. I posted a thread asking a question, who the board admin was, and was immediately banned/banished from the place. Gee, I wonder who the admin was?


the records often manifest themselves in a manner you can interact with.


I've been there OP. I make some posts from time to time and I know what you're talking about. I might coordinate with others on this board to use a specific subboard on the astralchans.



All dreams happen in the astral silly.



>hey guise last nite i dreamt of this chan HOW COOL IS THAt?? My mum sais i have to go to bed now. See u in dreamland lol!



You think of us a fools, yet

no belief is any more liberating than another. That includes all religions, atheism and any other "ism".

Here's why:

As philosopher Descartes would surely agree, the deductible implications of subjective reality information such as dreams are not any less valid than 5 senses information since there are potentially an infinite number of unprovable hypothesis of an illusory system that covers all perspectives of our lives experiences.

It is, indeed, a plausible explanation that OP has dreamed with this chan, or more precisely the astral equivalent of it.

Also if it's not too much too ask please visit this chan more often.

There is an important role in magick research called the "Insubortinate". Your objective is to criticize, doubt, question and make fun any claims made here. Of course keep it reasonable so it doesn't get you banned.

You can have your fun and learn about the most most interesting belief-system network ever (more so than so than any religion).

If you follow the board rules and and don't be rude, we can make very beneficial agreement.


the troll just gave me an idea. It could be the egregore of this chan.


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All dreams are in the astral.



what about scrying?

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