you obviously didn't read the post did you
it's fully possible to enter the astral this way, in fact it's probably the most reliable way to do so without reaching a trance state
I wanna say no though because this was much more lucid then a projection. It had the specific nature of an artificial creation, because I could sense other conscious thoughts projected against it which is why I'm curious as to who admins it.
Like I said, I doubt it was the records because usually that sort of thing projects itself as a series of "visions," at least in my experience.
The communication network is feasible though, since I perceived higher-dimensional consciousness.
These are all very good theories, however. I'm still convinced it was an artificial creation placed in the astral, however, due to its nature of appearing to me when I sort-of went looking for it and also seeming to have lucid thoughts similar to my own within.
My prevailing theory is that it's other fringe-tiers who, in their unconscious or astrally awakened state, have collaborated either consciously or unconsciously and a chan of some kind exists out there.
I remember hearing something about Islam, but I remember specifically that one "anon," mentioned something to the effect of that because the west is becoming so cucked, the east won't even have to fight a war, they'll basically just kind of occupy our lands and then their ideologies will reign supreme for at the very least a couple decades, and the longest a couple hundred years. Then another anon mentioned that they thought China would try to use that excuse to capitalize on the debt America owes by occupying its land and converting it into a communist nation.
>Strong hierarchy
I'm not saying so much that the astral realm itself has a hierarchy, more that this particular area might. But as I said, I didn't notice any janitors. The entire site was like being INSIDE the computer and looking at a 3-D projection of an imageboard, like a fourth-dimensional being would probably have on their "computers".
>only one so far
Just try to passively look for it, like you were typing in a search engine is the best explanation I can give. I was at a "nexus," of some kind in the astral when I found it, but my memory is fuzzy because like I said, there's always memory leak when I go into the astral from a waking-dream like state.
The reason I asked is because others on fringechan mentioned having created or having access to such a place and I went looking for it from the "central hub," that I'm talking about.
Well, I suppose trips don't lie.
However, I wasn't doing anything remotely interesting, I more kind of just like to wander the astral. I came into some sort of central hub and then "searched," for chans and then I found it, no particular action necessary. Maybe I should try to focus on storing my memories of it next time I head there…