I can't tell you what directly relates to the problems you believe you are experiencing, but I can direct your attention to some features that may be of interest in your chart. It is up to you to then research the terms I use and meditate on their meaning. Meditating on the energies contained within each aspect of feature of note is the most important step in astrology, but unfortunately the one that is most often left out. The chart is a prompt for the intuition. The mind sees the symbols of certain energies and the intuition discerns the true value. The value you find is true for you because it is important to you. If you come to understand how one cluster of energies is causing an imbalance in your inner life, then you can make the necessary alterations to address this imbalance. But only you are the one who is able to do this.
Now, the first feature that I see is a Grand Cross. This is a multi-faceted aspect comprising four planets all at squares with each other. A Grand Cross is an aspect of great tension where all the planets are trying to express their energies at odds with each other. This pulling in multiple directions acts as a nullification and leads to indecisiveness. They all want to express themselves at once, leading to nothing being expressed at all. You have a Grand Cross in your Cardinal signs, which are the seat of your action, dynamism, initiative and force.
The aspects are Venus in Aries in Twelfth House; Mars in Cancer in Third House; Jupiter in Libra in Sixth House; and a conjunction of Neptune and Uranus in Capricorn in Tenth House. It is worth noting that to exacerbate these tensions, Venus is in Detriment in a sign ruled by Mars, Jupiter is in a sign ruled by Venus, and Mars is in Fall in a sign ruled by the -esoteric- Neptune. Venus and Jupiter are also in Opposition, making this tension even greater.
Saturn is heavily related to karma, enabling the cycle of destruction and renewal. He is lending his energies in a positive manner to Venus and the Moon in Cancer, who is in rulership of his sign and Conjunct with Mars. Saturn and Moon may have a positive influence in relieving the tensions of this Grand Cross. The Sun in Pisces is also lending a hand to Moon, Mars and Jupiter, although this could be a blinding influence. One where the affect of the energies is not properly understood and utilised because it has not yet been recognised for what it is, and as such the potential for growth is being wasted.
A Grand Cross may seem tense, but is a prospect for great inner growth. The opportunity to understand and deal with these forces and then make the necessary changes holds within it great amounts of potential.
Pluto is in the Seventh House but is also sitting really close to the cusp of your Eighth House. I have Pluto in Eighth House in Scorpio. It is very much a position of Trial by Suffering, but enables a great chance at overcoming many fears and tribulations that others will not begin to face until later in life. It has been said that those with Pluto in Scorpio go through the Dark Night of the Soul at a very young age, and coupled with the Eighth House - the House of Sex, Death and Reincarnation - you can see how this is all built to a crescendo. Pluto is the Lord of the Underworld, but he is also regarded as the Phoenix, a powerful symbol of transformation. Saturn may bring about the lessons we are to learn in our life, but Pluto is the one who burns through them, dying and becoming reborn, suffering and then becoming transformed. The Phoenix is also a symbol of Scorpio. Be careful of addictive behaviour. You probably find that you really like exploring taboo topics and experiences, the darkness holds the possibility of knowledge that you cannot seem to find in the light.
Pluto is in Trine with Mercury (ruling intellect and communication) and in Sextile with Uranus and Neptune. Be wary of the traps and pitfalls of the ego when dealing with these energies together.
There is much more here, and I'm sure you'll find it, but at least by researching these energies now you will prepare yourself to be able to read the rest of the chart itself.