Fringe Girl Mascot ☻ 09/29/14 (Mon) 20:57:49 No. 75
This thread is for drawings of Fringe Girl! What is your favourite drawing of her?
☻ 09/29/14 (Mon) 20:58:33 No. 76
I think this was is best out of these two.
☻ 09/29/14 (Mon) 20:58:58 No. 77
09/30/14 (Tue) 02:43:24 No. 257
09/30/14 (Tue) 03:51:49 No. 265
Why is flame princess on /fringe/?
Prince !WUiFNXmoFo 09/30/14 (Tue) 04:55:50 No. 269
Do you guys think Fringe Girl is a fan of negroid penises?
mccprinceI !mccprinceI 09/30/14 (Tue) 05:06:10 No. 273
Prince !mccprinceI 09/30/14 (Tue) 05:07:11 No. 274
le 2nd test
Prince !mccprinceI 09/30/14 (Tue) 05:09:32 No. 275
09/30/14 (Tue) 19:32:20 No. 313
>>265 Those aren't flames.
nigerian prince !M0emAYMAyU 09/30/14 (Tue) 20:22:18 No. 354
>>353 sissify the wite boy,,,,,,,,,…………….////////////
its the toll u gots 2 Pay
09/30/14 (Tue) 20:22:30 No. 355
>>353 Oh noes why must you defile her so? Someone blast this heretic out of here!
10/13/14 (Mon) 05:20:25 No. 3292
mein waifu
10/13/14 (Mon) 06:12:49 No. 3312
>Celts >white
10/13/14 (Mon) 06:21:29 No. 3315
>>3312 Why are you mentioning the Celtic here in this thread?
10/13/14 (Mon) 20:42:10 No. 3725
>>75 >>76 >>77 >>78 nice.
aber die mascot ist still not a gut mascot if she does not have r34.
10/13/14 (Mon) 20:43:16 No. 3726
10/13/14 (Mon) 20:48:14 No. 3727
>>3726 wot?
u can't fight the inevitable only delay it!
>see Vivian
11/08/14 (Sat) 02:56:16 No. 8666
RANKINGS ON FRINGE Fedora A fedora rejects magick and refuses to investigate it, he is actively opposed to the practise of magick and denies its existence. He doesn't want to do anything for himself and wants to sit there and demand you prove things to him so that after hours of preparation and considerable effort to show him magick he may then dismiss it again with "magick doesn't real, nice trick there faggot". His mind's already made up and he thinks practising and studying magick is foolishness. Some fedoras purportedly have read some magick books before but they may have been really shit books, or they might not be clever enough to make proper use of them, or they think what they read is better explained by a non-magickal explanation. They are men of faith and can't be reasoned with. "Magick is not real, trust me I've never done it!" is a famous slogan of the fedora.
Mundane A regular person with no magical knowledge or practise. Probably they aren't interested in magick or only know a little. There attention is given primarily to the mundane pursuits in life. They do not necessarily reject magick and they may be theists or religious but for whatever reason they don't pursue it. They may be apathetic, they may think they can't achieve a level of skill in magick where it would be worth their while, they may simply be too distracted with just trying to survive, they might have had some bad or startling experiences with the paranormal and let fear dominate them and keep them from going further, they might not know where to begin with getting into magick, etc. There are many reasons mundanes don't actively study and practise magick even if they acknowledge its existence or possibility. They are the same same as
Hylic or
Somatic in Gnostic terms. Neophyte A person who is learning magick. They have an actual interest in occultism and study it and may be engaged in some basic practises. They've at least read some books – they are learners following the path of illumination. They want to develop adept-hood in magick. They might not be accomplished in the practise of magick for now but they're learning and they respect the initiates and masters who they seek guidance from. Same as
Psychic in Gnostic terms, someone with the potential to overcome his material-animal nature and become a spiritual being.
Initiate A person who has learned a lot of magick, probably studied at least a minimum of one year, read multiple books, engaged in a variety of practises with enough success in magick to not take the doubters seriously anymore. He has achieved gnosis, he's seen some shit, he's got results. He knows there's "something to it" and doesn't doubt his path any longer. Considers himself a wizard, is able to help others along the path and teach them as well. Some of these would be
Pneumatic in Gnostic terms but most would still be called
Psychic .
Master An initiate who has finished all of his studies, is extremely skilled in the practise of magick, has much to teach everyone else, and has basically overcome third density and reached a level of consciousness where he is assured not to fall back into ignorance. He has attained mastery of the magical arts. Master of Masters Hermes Trismegistus is called the
Master of Masters . You will never be him, not without learning and practising for countless lifetimes in which you consciously remember everything. A spirit of this level of power travels to other worlds and reveals the highest truths to its inhabitants, creating the foundations of religion. He makes even learned wizards who've already mastered their arts still looks like like neophytes compared to him.
11/08/14 (Sat) 05:12:41 No. 8689
Oðin SAGE! ## Board Volunteer 11/18/14 (Tue) 01:53:16 No. 10052
☻ 11/18/14 (Tue) 08:58:55 No. 10095
11/18/14 (Tue) 13:32:33 No. 10144
>>10052 >I can fap to this I hope that's a joke. Wizards don't w@nk, because it wastes vital sexual energy that is needed for conscious awareness. You must be a mundane who lacks control of his mind, and gives in to temptation and addictions. Are you also on drugs?
11/18/14 (Tue) 16:01:49 No. 10156
>>10144 He doesn't mind negros or bum-shacklers practicing magick and actually encourages them with a libertarian do-what-thou-wilt. It very much may be that he's also a druggie and a wanker.
Oðin ## Board Volunteer 11/18/14 (Tue) 18:11:32 No. 10161
>>10144 >>10156 Nice bait, but I won't fall for it; you're both apprentice fishermen.
12/02/14 (Tue) 17:07:08 No. 11712
full size
12/17/14 (Wed) 22:43:50 No. 13415
>>10144 Spoken like a true roll-player.
01/10/15 (Sat) 18:05:41 No. 17244
01/21/15 (Wed) 16:09:27 No. 19019
>tfw we don't have drawfags on here
☻ 01/24/15 (Sat) 22:03:13 No. 19496
>>19471 God damn it, now rule 34 of Fringe Girl exists.
01/24/15 (Sat) 23:02:53 No. 19516
>>19496 1) Blame
>>19019 for asking
2) I wasn't the first,
>>353 was.
03/05/15 (Thu) 01:14:53 No. 25324
aww we lost the art
03/05/15 (Thu) 01:27:29 No. 25336
>>25324 At least no rule 34 of Fringe Girl exists anymore. Her purity is restored.
03/22/15 (Sun) 18:28:57 No. 28871
>>25324 Pulled from the internet's collective memory.
☻ 03/23/15 (Mon) 08:42:38 No. 29034
We need that damned edit image feature so I can edit the image for the sticky and add this or a new Fringe Girl picture to it and we need more drawfags to draw Fringe Girl in new ways. Don't forget the monarch sybolism too to trigger paranoid people into thinking we've got some mind control stuff going on with this board kek.
05/09/15 (Sat) 20:31:37 No. 37582
File: 1431203498279.jpg (64.72 KB, 543x326, 543:326, mains-amour-touch-assist-f….jpg )
Need more input on fringe girl. Does she wear shoes? What's that blue stuff on her head? What does she look like from behind?
05/09/15 (Sat) 20:36:43 No. 37584
Use your imagination and creativity!
05/10/15 (Sun) 17:32:25 No. 37731
I don't know, try using that one thoughtforming technique in Magical Use of Thoughtforms that lets you convert any 2D image into a complete 3D hologram.
05/11/15 (Mon) 03:21:55 No. 37815
New fringe girl materializing. Please resist the urge to astralize and sneakilize peaks.
And yes, I am awake of the shorter arm
05/12/15 (Tue) 18:05:46 No. 38142
You made her look like a downy nigger ant injun hybrid.
05/12/15 (Tue) 18:30:33 No. 38152
Fringe Girl is a retarded ugly whore. Demiurge Girl is the only true mascot for this board.
05/12/15 (Tue) 19:19:41 No. 38160
>no rule 34 of fringe girl yet
05/13/15 (Wed) 02:32:41 No. 38237
What's with the nigger lips and flared nostrils? She still looks like a nigger and this time cross-eyed too.
05/13/15 (Wed) 02:42:29 No. 38238
idk this is the first time I've drawn anything since art class I'm alot better than I thought tbh
05/13/15 (Wed) 13:27:14 No. 38332
>Shitposting outside of the shitposting thread
>"X is degenerate" with no further explanation
05/13/15 (Wed) 17:08:28 No. 38373
Creating new threads just to shitpost is not allowed but shitposting anywhere (as long as you're not creating a new thread) has always been allowed.
You actually took art classes? kek I can draw better and I achieved my skill through meditation and thoughtforming with only a little actual drawing here and there to test that my magickal work is indeed enhancing my ability.
05/13/15 (Wed) 17:57:22 No. 38391
No i meant mandatory art classes back in school when I was like 12. Those drawings are the first things i've drawn in years so I guess my magick is working too :^)
Newsman !/0NK7Vf.9g 05/13/15 (Wed) 22:05:44 No. 38447
05/13/15 (Wed) 22:34:05 No. 38458
The monarch butterfly reminds me of MK Ultra! top kek
05/13/15 (Wed) 23:04:48 No. 38463
05/13/15 (Wed) 23:25:03 No. 38464
There's a lot of sinister symbolism in the /fringe/ girl pic.
05/14/15 (Thu) 01:03:51 No. 38477
05/23/15 (Sat) 02:34:07 No. 40625
Maybe we need a better mascot than Fringe Girl or to totally redraw and redesign Fringe Girl so she's easier to use in art. As she is right now she just is so hard to recreate and use in anything.
06/06/15 (Sat) 02:26:52 No. 42919
and I made her black to piss off the natsocs
06/06/15 (Sat) 02:38:00 No. 42922
screw dumbing things down
06/09/15 (Tue) 17:52:39 No. 43378
It looked exactly like her!
wish i had a camera
06/09/15 (Tue) 17:53:29 No. 43379
flag CSS is not working
06/09/15 (Tue) 18:37:01 No. 43393
It appears to be working for me.
06/09/15 (Tue) 19:31:48 No. 43405
SAGE 06/28/15 (Sun) 03:21:13 No. 45116
If I laughed at this did I indirectly give my loosh to you?
06/28/15 (Sun) 03:23:40 No. 45118
SAGE 06/28/15 (Sun) 03:26:36 No. 45119
So do I stay emotionless when I read things online to retain all of my loosh?
06/28/15 (Sun) 03:27:47 No. 45120
Stay aware.
Read Mind Power by W. W. Atkinson.
SAGE 06/28/15 (Sun) 03:31:41 No. 45121
I'm stuck on Arcane teachings, the "cosmos" part is really boring to me and I can't understand it, I found the kyballion to be good but the arcane teachings is just meh.
06/28/15 (Sun) 11:50:37 No. 45149
wrong order and should be 7, not 6
06/29/15 (Mon) 00:29:40 No. 45195
Don't be at sixes and sevens over it.
06/29/15 (Mon) 01:08:03 No. 45200
Let me put it this way; you can retain your physical energy by never exercising but then your muscles wither and you become a skinny skellington because you never fucking exert yourself.
Same thing with loosh. Do not suppress your emotions but use them intelligently and with awareness.
08/28/15 (Fri) 23:37:08 No. 51938
What have you done!
08/29/15 (Sat) 00:37:42 No. 51948
Find Jenny and show this to her (she drew Fringe Girl).
08/31/15 (Mon) 04:57:11 No. 52335
09/01/15 (Tue) 17:46:11 No. 52485
11/22/15 (Sun) 11:11:53 No. 61639
Have you had your Fringe Fried Chicken today?
11/22/15 (Sun) 13:08:03 No. 61644
Was this an attempt at being funny?
11/22/15 (Sun) 17:39:39 No. 61664
was ur mom an attempt at being idiot
11/23/15 (Mon) 07:31:51 No. 61717
12/25/15 (Fri) 22:57:47 No. 65307
We need more Eris and Greenpill Man pictures too.
12/25/15 (Fri) 23:26:10 No. 65313
I haven't seen a green pill man comic in ages where he go?
12/25/15 (Fri) 23:26:37 No. 65314
01/29/16 (Fri) 22:12:29 No. 69363
Which one should I save?
01/31/16 (Sun) 08:50:15 No. 69425
Even if this works and you all win the lottery tomorrow this is the gayest fucking thing I have ever seen. But good luck!
02/12/16 (Fri) 07:21:45 No. 70159
Can i have a Fringe grill pony pretty please?