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Esoteric Wizardry


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I can type this message saying magic has not worked for two years. Most people on here lie and are delusional. This place if nothing else has inspired a higher quality of writing about magic for my own fantasy books in the future. If you see a book called "One Clipped Wyng" about arch angels in the future, I made that. But yeah, you all can't teach a guy who tried his best for two years, meaning you all are either really bad at teaching magic or there was never anything to teach in the first place. If you want to claim I am retarded at magic go for it but the evidence of my abilities never came. Anyway post below why you think people like me who need evidence of abilities working are retarded because magic doesn't need evidence and reveal to me how in reality I have done everything wrong and know nothing about magic. Kybalion, Book of Knowledge, and Initiation into Hermetics were the books I read, and I also read a bit on Chaos magic and practiced sensing energy in my body. At best I have successfully learned to alter the flow of blood in my limbs and how to carefully pressure muscles throughout my body without actually accomplishing any energy beyond those things being sensed or displayed. Also astral projection never worked and furthermore in general I am pretty rightfully pissed off the community could not produce a proper means of achieving magical ability of any variety that could not easily be explained as a natural product of the environment already explained through widely known knowledge. As a whole I am unimpressed with this community and have slowly realized either 100% of this community is likely lying/delusional, or only a small portion of the community can actually do magic and just refuses to explain how to do it in plain English.



Stop that, Harry. Yer a muggle.


Practice Gnani Yoga, fast-forward your spiritual development and power a shitload.

Also wait for me to finish writing my own summary of my magickal practice and knowledge, it's partially written already, but I am so fucking busy.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



I've had strange things happen to me since childhood.

Magic is everywhere in my life, every day, and it always brings something new, or something i truly needed.

I've even experienced remote view, and proved it to myself asking the subject of my view what she was doing at the time i was asleep.

apply more, or just give up forever.



If you take a look at a stereotypical wizard image, including the one you posted, you'll notice how they are always old men. 2 years is not old. Have little bit more patience. It took me 3 years to make my first really big manifestation. It was so real that my my friends asked if I made some deal with the devil in a serious way. The details of that story will be left for another time

There is nothing being hold back, just not being told at first as it would be too much to deal with or the information that cannot be given in plain english because there are no english words that can be used to describe them. There are several ways you could be sabotaging yourself. Constantly remembering a spell you made in the past without charging it will weaken it. Having doubts is healthy but if those doubts have to much emotion on them it will create a tough-form that will counter balance the desired effect.

If the probability of the desired effect occurring naturally is too small, the "universe"(i am using this term loosely) will not have much opportunity to create a natural path to the desired effect.

For things you consider very important you should also work out the mundane way to get it.

You are at stage where any other information

It is time for you to seek knowledge beyond 3D density literature in the astral plane.

If I were you that would be my top priority now. Remember that the astral senses are connected to your mind, not your body, so it will be closer your imagination that to your 5 senses.

Good luck OP

It's way past time someone makes a


story thread, preferably with no story on the first post to make sure the thread does not get focused the first story.

I'll contribute later.



this is what happens when you rely on anonymous strangers to give you life advice.

taking anything here as fact without IMMENSE support for their argument is the same as asking /b/ on how to make crystals with bleach and ammonium. Many of the practices here are probably REGRESSIVE.

consider this your a graduation to a higher standard for truth.


Smiley this shit is your fault you fucking faggot, you roleplay here all day long and never do any of the actual work, you presume to know what you're talking about but you send out methods that dont even work. Will you take responsibility for your moral ineptitude and negligence or will you keep proudly leading the blind as a blind man yourself?


Seriously until you become conscious of the Real Self and its relation to all manifest things, you can not wield any power. The objective of a wizard is to become lucid in his waking. When you become lucid, then reality responds to your thoughts, and is shaped by them to the degree of the emotion put fourth.











>you send out methods that dont even work

No I don't lol.


>just refuses to explain how to do it in plain English.

Full list of tools to do basic magic:

1. Day journal: recording your mental states, thoughts, emotions, more important than dream journal

2. Neurogenesis: proper sleep, exercise, healthy diet, flavonoids, curcumin

3. Proper posture and proper breathing

4. Dream journal

5. Alternating between Awareness Meditation and Flow

6. Sigils and thoughtforms:

Thoughts crawl under the surface of you consciousness and when they are concentrated enough, they move to the level of your awareness. Your thought-space is an enormous, complex network. Your current thoughts are the sum of a butterfly flying by you when you were 7, and radio commercial you heard for 4 seconds from the car driving by you when you were 12, and movement of facial muscle of your friend that one time when you were 20 and that you didn't consciously notice, but you subconscious did. Your thoughts behave similarly to memes. They fight for the survival, for your attention. You connect your thoughts to others and impact them to various degrees with body language of even the little finger of your hand. All humans share one thought-space. Thoughts are not units, they're part of an ocean. Thoughts of past generations are alive in the current generations. Archetypes are thought structures that we can tune into. People change and grow all their lives and they switch between archetypes over the course of years. Doing magic means doing this consciously and more efficiently. Mechanisms exist that make you unable to forget how to keep your heart beating, or changing your archetype too quickly, or maliciously affecting person you're talking with by exploiting the mechanism of mirror neurons. Wizard bypasses these mechanisms to a degree. Wizards call upon the basic and the strongest desire to survive and desire to give life and transmute them into usable energy. People skilled in marketing and PR are wizards. Programmers are wizards. Scientists are wizards. Popular musicians and movie directors are wizards. Doing magic means consciously or intuitively seeing the patterns.


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If you haven't figured out, for two years, that most of /fringe/ is retarded and heavily deluded than you deserve your fate.

>I am pretty rightfully pissed off the community could not produce a proper means of achieving magical ability of any variety

You can only be pissed at yourself for trusting strangers on the Internet. Take anything anyone ever writes here with a skeptic mind. The only thing /fringe/ has ever done for me was giving me initial push to study things myself. No one will ever teach you anything, especially not here.

>Kybalion, Book of Knowledge, and Initiation into Hermetics were the books I read, and I also read a bit on Chaos magic

So, you read three books and then a few more over those two years? Now that's what I call studying up and doing research. Why don't you comb through different mega libraries and read lots of different stuff, from different systems? Maybe you will find something that resonates with you best, or maybe you will figure out what all these authors are getting at from different perspectives? The Temple of Solomon the King has a great variety of writings.

Also, those books, arguably, aren't that great IMHO. IIH and Book of Knowledge have taught me nothing (but I wasn't really trying to learn from them either, so there's that), they just didn't suit me or something. So again, why don't you just read something else? And for the Kybalion, well… I don't respect WWA nor his other works, but I am very grateful to Kybalion, Arcane Teaching and Arcane Formulas, if anything they opened my eyes and firmly lodged into my mind the idea that allowed me to progress further and is with me ever since.

All is Mind. Having this simple principle you can do anything.

>As a whole I am unimpressed with this community and have slowly realized either 100% of this community is likely lying/delusional, or only a small portion of the community can actually do magic

There, you get it. Now you can actually start on your path. Good luck!


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Nigga, it's fucking magick, did you think it'd be quick or easy? The people you're trying to emulate meditate daily for fucking DECADES. You read three books in two years and claim the whole thing's fraudulent?

I mean for fucks sake man. Hermetics, Chaos Magick, Thelema, and astral projection are a series of very different things with each having THOUSANDS OF VOLUMES WRITTEN ABOUT THEM. You probably aren't going to become a fucking Magus by casually browsing shit fucking Amazon recommends.

Not just that, but you want someone to fucking spoonfeed you. That's just insulting. You want someone to fucking break down a lifetime worth of study and effort into a bitesize fucking forum post in "plain English". Here's a surprise, jackass, but the reason meditation and constant study is so fucking important is because you are supposed to fucking THINK FOR YOUR OWN GODDAMN SELF. Read the shit, interpret it, and figure it the fuck out. If you can't read a goddamn book without needing a Sparknotes analysis to explain it to you, you're officially too dumb for fucking magick.

I am magically fucking furious.



imo, you need to research/ponder more.

If you ask me magick, or esoteric studies for the most part are just a round about way of seeing something in another light to give you a more proper perspective on truth. Magick simply provides contrast.

Although i don't read much either, i think about the hermetic principle "As within as without; as above so below" a lot.

It's helped me to better understand 'samsara', illusion etc… because since all is mind all is one, regardless if the world we live is like the movie the matrix or not. No one can see things as they are; we see everything through the stained glass windows of our mind. Meditation is like painting the glass or switching it out. Sorry i like to ramble.


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The average individual uses their mind to attract what they want, yet in seeking something flawed they manifest that which is imperfect. Lacking any metaphysical power the initiate fails.

Breathing exercises, yoga, weightlifting, intense meditation (an hour at least, belly breathing, trance), tai chi, qi gong, martial arts, kundalini exercises, a routine called the ten tibetan breaths all improve the density of your nerves and the amount of electricity that can pass through them. In addition you develop single pointed concentration, an ability to visualize, and psychic abilities reveal themselves.

After becoming strong your ability to do witchcraft or sorcery is intuitive.

If you want a system to use in order to perform spells all you really have to understand is that a ritual is perfected by capturing all the senses and going deep into trance.

You light incense for the aroma and candles/banners/sigils/physical objects to focus on. Your robes might feel soft and be comfortable. Eating something spicy during the ritual may incite anger to be used against an enemy. Chanting a curse or protection spell makes the entire body resonate, or the use of a singing bowl. From there repetition, intensity, and the finality of knowing the spell has worked carry through in bringing the working to life.

Having the ritual done in a sacred area such as a shrine or a clearing in a forest changes and enhances the energy. The hour of the day matters also; healing someone with light during the day and hour of the sun while the moon is gently waxing towards fullness utilizes a moment when celestial bodies will give the healing it's maximum efficacy.



Go read The Inner Secret by William Walker Atkinson and also The Science of Breath fgt. They are both very good, very profound books.



*charging it* holy fuck you are all shizophrenic faggots.

Lets see any of you try to curse me - go. Lets see it. I will report back on how my next week is.

Lets see what you delusional faggots got.





Make a squiggly with blue ink that is supposed to represent you/your essence or being in whole on your body and posy a picture, if you dare.

I won't bother you but you'll be at the mercy of someone you doubted.



If I wanted to read a book about the science of breath I'd read one written by some true yogi, not a fraud. Atkinson wrote all those books not because he had anything worthy to say, but because he needed money, simple as that.

Also, I read the Science of Breath. It's bad, especially with comparison to some sanskrit manuscripts about the breath.



Would you direct me to a good sanskrit manuscript on breathing techniques?




Hatha yoga pradipika



That book sucks.


Mundane shill gtfo



Pointing out piece of what I said without any explanation is meaningless as I do not know what exactly is wrong with that.

My knowledge background is different than yours and english is not my native language.

It's very likely that what I said could be expressed in different words that would make sense to you.

As for your curse, the reason many of us don't try to prove anything to others is that skepticism weakens the effects of magick.

Yeah, I know, I hate that part too, but I experienced events that can't be explained by coincidence, things that have a chance of of 1 in a billion. I don't need to prove myself to anyone and I am unable to prove anything to YOU.

Have a good time.


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Practice Gnani Yoga, fast-forward your spiritual development and power a shitload.


2 years and not even astral projection? That implies something hindered you heavily in all your efforts.


I'll put it to you this way, OP. We are all conditioned in a unique way. Many of us are conditioned to the point of no return. Actually I shouldn't say no return, but really the conditioning is so crystallized that it's going to take a whole lot to melt off and re-integrate.

You probably know this, but I'll re-iterate. Magic is not science. It requires elements of the subjective universe as well. Many think it depends on how much the psyche "truly believes" it can happen. That is not exactly how it works.

When I do magic, I can go in with an attitude of hardcore rigid skepticism similar to that of a materialist and still make it happen. You know why? Because I'm not attached to the past or future. I'm just here in the presence having some fun. I won't go into the details of how I view reality, life, etc., but the reason many fail is because they have an image of their idealized self doing magic like a wizard from a movie or video game.

To do magic requires spiritual training as well as intellectual/logical training and some heavy scholarship. I don't know man it's hard to explain.

Stop daydreaming and fantasizing and just live life in the present moment, as detached from the ego as possible. Start going out everyday and talking to people and being social. Live outside your head not inside it. Do some presence training.

You don't "believe in magic." Like some invisible god. You just do it with zero insistence or assumption with respect to a specific outcome.

I don't know what else to tell you or how else to articulate it for you.



Maybe you mean Raja Yoga?



What has that faggot done to himself? He looks like a madman…


Bumping because decent advice on this thread



So what do you recommend, since pretty much all of Fringe worship WWA and Bardon?


>higher quality of writing

>writes a book called "One Clipped Wyng" about archangels in the future

This plus your grammatical skills sure tells me you know what you're talking about.


Hello, I'm new here.

And also new to magick and the occult. But I already am a wizard, in the sense that I do create things that cannot be explained and have the hability to enter peoples minds and change not only their minds and emotions, but the prespective of everything. Maybe not yours or another wizard's mind, but from the people I know, people I love, people I care and people I dislike. My methods are simple, yet unorthodox and I don't think anyone has ever mentioned anything like it in these forums. I don't think I can control the elements there and then, but it seems that the medium where I do my stuff either predicts, or causes certain effects on the outside. I'm talking massive fires, explosions, rains, earthquakes. But I know and hope that part is just coincidence. Because not only it wasn't my intention to mess with the environment, but also because I can't actually control it. But the coincidence has happened an awful lot of times. To the point where I have to be really careful with the words and ways I use, when I do what I do.

It's mostly through media, connecting stuff, transcending it with a strong will, feeling and emotion applied, creating almost a shell fully loaded with energy for everyone to feel and awe. But only for those who are attracted to it. For the mundane and the skeptical it would be nothing but art and coincidence. But I had some, too many WTF manifestations and impossible coincidences. That's why I love it.

But I wish I could do the real thing. Like telekenisis, perfection of body and mind, astral projection, conjuring elements, heal (I already heal in other ways), and all of that good stuff.

Anyway, I think I'm stuck with Chaos for now, it just.. It is what it is. You'd

have to see it manifesting by yourself.

I barely even meditate, and I keep drowning myself in all the information there is out there. Its time to collect what I need, remove what I don't and start to apply more, specially in perfecting myself.

I'll be in touch, just these strange and wonderful forums.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


From the tone of your rant I'd say your self-sabotaging.

Not sure what "abilities" you thought you would manifest, but your not going to turn into one of the X-Men.

Most practical magic is just straight divination then some ritual to produce a desired outcome.

You use a divination tool to see whether the ritual will produce the desired effect and if there will be any nasty unintended consequences.

If your not getting results then your making it too complicated. Too much head knowledge and not enough just doing shit for the fun of it.

Vid related. Start small and simple and work your way up.



>Why don't you comb through different mega libraries and read lots of different stuff, from different systems? Maybe you will find something that resonates with you best, or maybe you will figure out what all these authors are getting at from different perspectives? The Temple of Solomon the King has a great variety of writings.

Fin something you like and stick to it. There is only so much books can teach you anyway.

Personally I dislike most of Western Occultism and went almost purely for Eastern approach.



Name some books that you think are worthy.



This chan is full of shutins and depressive pieces of shit that can do nothing with their lives, no magic, no regular functioning in society.

You want to learn magick? Search for mindandmagick on YouTube. Watch all his videos from beginning to end (no shortcuts please). If by the end of the journey (shouldn't take more than a couple of weeks) you haven't done any magick and still think it's all bollocks, by all means abandon it and never look back.

I sincerely wish you the best of luck, in magick or elsewhere.



Well, I'm mostly into Tantra and Eastern stuff, so what I think is worthy and what you may think is worthy are probably different things. I don't know what you mean by "worthy". For example, I think that Dragon Book of Essex is absolutely "worthy", but I haven't read even a half of it, because it didn't suit me. Would it be a powerful tool for gaining power to someone? Certainly. There are many more books I think of as "worthy" but they didn't teach me anything. Every book has it's worth, but it mostly depends on the person reading it.

So, some material I very much enjoyed reading and learned something from it:

Kali Kaula

Kaulajnananirnaya tantra

Kulachudamani Nigama

Tantratattva of Shriyukta Shiva Chandra Vidyarnava Bhattacharyya Mahodaya

Osho's commentary to Vigyan Bhairav Tantra

some of Woodroffe's original material is quite decent too

As regarding Western stuff - I really haven't found anything that would really suit me.

Kybalion and Arcane Teaching is good as an entry-level books, they certainly were of use to me

Magical Use of Thoughtforms was quite fun

The Law and the Promise

Views from the Real World and other material from the Fourth Way

Dragon Book of Essex if you're into

that sort of thing


>got baited into following the teachings of roleplaying schizophrenics

>let 20 year old weeaboo nazis set his expectations for what the occult is supposed to be

Protip OP: there's always a "rational" explanation. this doesn't invalidate magick as a concept. If you're trying to do fireballs, you're doing it wrong.



shut up, you cretin

if you're not aiming for fireballs you're a bullshit occultist


Magick - the science and art of causing change to occur in conformity with Will.

This is one of the many, simple definitions of Magick.

And it is also based on perspective.

Everyone is a magician, some just chose not to look at it that way. It is what it is wether you call it magick or not.

Every thought is a prayer, every word is a spell.

From the most complex spells and conjurations to the most simple acts, like making a delicious sandwich because that's your will, its still magick.

Its your choice



And where do posters like you come from?

If your life is tied in promoting rubbish to people you think are beneath you, the relation must be inverted as your function is to be a gopher for them. Otherwise (if you aren't a shill) you sound like an even more bitter and miserable shitheap, one that thinks copying ideals from tv & magazines can wash away the shit. change yourself. hth, good luck, sincerely, in all things. kumba ya.



Why are people so caught up on fireballs? What would you even do with the ability to cast fireballs? Save on money you would have spent buying matches?



It's not the fireballs it's the principle of limited dabbler vs Magus



My suggestion. Learn calculus. You need a lot of abstract logic ability such as Isaac Newton had to perform magic.



Isn't everything in math abstract logic?



Yeah but some math is harder than other math.



Wasn't there a bunch of philosopher who said that the only real knowledge is mathematical.

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