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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry


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RulesModerator LogLibraryArchivesFAQFringe GuideRanksCSS/fringe//asatru//4chon//ask/#looshFringechan

The rules are simple and mostly apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/:
1. No duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit
2. No making threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread
3. No creating new threads purely to no-effort shitpost (you will be forgiven if it's a major GET)
4. Post threads that fall under the subject matter of /fringe/ (creepypasta is not allowed here, take that to /x/)
5. No identifying posts / namefag drama
6. Do not sit on the default flag or post with no flag all the time.
If the board goes up for claim and the board owner can't be found anywhere, please contact live:chanseywrites on Skype to give the board to her.

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I͎t'͖̯͔̫̙͟ś̘̪͔ ̧ḥ̪̀a̜͈̙ͅp̲̜͔͖̭ͅp̲̭̖͕͜e͍n̼̞̤̙i̬̳̹͔͇̝̼n̝̫̱̻̞ģ̥.̹


Lets just stick with fringechan.org



No, we should have both sites operating, this one filters the newfigs. Do you want every newfig directly invading fringechan? I don't.


Restore it!

We need the forbidden knowledge!


Damn there were some pretty good threads



Nothing is lost, only transformed.



mods are fags



most of them are very old copies


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>smiley fell for the helpful janitor trap

What a shame.

Luckily, my archive has most threads of value. Nothing as great as these threads have been posted since this archiving.

This archive has most threads that were alive between the 19th of December, 2015 and February 5th, 2016

Let us use this opportunity to move to fringechan, yes?



Finally decided to be active here and this happens ;-; How could your magik be so useless smiley-kun?

I guess you cannot forseen things that are not directly directed to you but with a lot of wizard (ou wannabes like me) one of us should be aware.



>Let us use this opportunity to move to fringechan, yes?

No fuck that lets browse both boards.



I have done telepathy and various other advanced magickal experiments with complete success with Protagonist before. Don't know why she has went off the deepend like this.


I feel terrible that I didn't archive images or pdfs. If anybody has important pdf's that they got from here, please upload them to /library/ if they are not on any of the mega.co.nz links.


Advanced people don't browse this board because they know where to get their own information, and most people don't worry about the uptime of /fringe/,


There is nothing here. This will not keep newfigs here as a filter, they will just be annoyed and deny magick entirely.



Are you talking about the gal that would take smily place if he got "recured"?

Anyway. did this happened only to fringe or affected other boards too?



>>Advanced people don't browse this board because they know where to get their own information, and most people don't worry about the uptime of /fringe/,

>Implying advance magik is even written in books.

Even the blood magik is not available at the high ranks. Could see some protective magik and even some OBE or the type, written. Other than that I would be aware that half of the book (the "real shit") is misguinding info. Unless you "learn" how to step away and go forward, that would be alot of time and energy consuming.

> Not learning everything you know from you higher self and from passed lyfes.




Damn dude.



No Chansey and Protagonist are two different girls.


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Not aware of smely CJ. Didn't even knew it had that many gales lel.

Care to explain since newfig at that?


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What's the point of staying here? There's nothing here and a backup is unlikely.

Besides that:

- Constant CP on 8chan and 8/fringe/.

- Kikes owning 8chan, tor being blocked, VPN's being banned en masse, other dubious and sketchy decisions being made. 8chan is heading to shit for sure.

- Free mason connection to current owner(s) of 8chan.

- Cripplekike effectively demoted and acts like a monkey on a stick right now, a figuratively and literal crippled mascotte. The original motive and driving force is getting less and less influence over 8chan.

- We've had way too many technical issues with 8chan in the recent past and there's few signs of it ever really getting 'good'.

- No influence on the technical side of things on 8chan, whereas on fringechan we do completely.

- And as this example shows, no (immediate, and probably no recent, if any at all) backups, on fringechan we have them very regularly.

I'm the one that currently hosts fringechan. Going to sleep now though, so I won't be replying to anything.



There's more people here and shares space with a lot of other active boards that fringe people also post on.

If the board is restored we should stay.

If not, I think this place is going to die, and we'll probably have to move…



Protagonist is posting on /sudo/ spreading disinfo.




I thought you decided o close up shop smiley.

Why did your volunteer fuck you over smiley my man.



>Why did your volunteer fuck you over smiley my man.

If you can find this out for me I would very much like to know. I have no idea why she is doing this.



Ok, smiley. Since you done goofed with your chosen janitor (knowing that women are more easy target to be taken over and give them this power) now tell us the historie. Since this board is about to begin again because based cripple don't even know how to back up, you could do yourself an apresentation of this CJ and the board in general. We would be having newfigs lurkiing for the kekes, so atleast provide some.

I even defend women on this on your OP about being jailed but it seems you goofed it for real.



This probably happened because 4chon treats Smiley like a lolcow.

But what's bad about moving to fringechan? We could miss popularity at most, which is good for the board quality but bad for people in general because they miss important knowledge.



Agree, my man, we proconintel now :^)

But relax a bit. We are staying for sure if you can get that back up. If not you can start over again and maybe rethinking your given priviliges?

Get the most important OPs back and we will get to the pace again.

I'm not saying not to go to anywhere else. The reason we should stay here is like a "fringe for dummies".



Got my cybershaman thread?



Smiley calm down your autism. You though with your dick when you gave the janitor position with such a power, right? Now you can think again with your real head.

Focus on get the back ups, if not recreate the most important OPs and get ride of the rule number 2 for general questions. Stop being scyso. Why do you do magik if you can't even get the ride in your mind?


Agree, but you have to ask yourself if it's better for people to just stay out of it. I could say so but they will find a way to fuck up anyway so why not get them a (little) guide?

> Implying you even care for other people.


well i did try to save /fringe/



not me.



>I'm not a retard




Hate to say it but you were right based warlfag.

Now if only smiley would stop his racing mind and think clearly again we could have this board rocking again in 48 hours.


Smiley. pls, focus you, yoursefl are being played like a puppet. Your job is not to argue now but simple take charge of the situation which implies you stick an OP about what's happening and what's going to happen.

I would suggest you take a time to rethink the whole think since you don't have the back ups. If you have any use them. And for all I would say to get ride of rule 2 and get this shit aflout again. This could be a new fresh for this board.

If you stop being a scyso you can get this rock in 48


>why stay here?

Admins on new channel remove posts.



don't do anything stupid.



> Celtic pagan

Oh boy hope that's just a ruse.



I tried to tell you something was up smiley, I don't know why more anons weren't alerting you on /ask/





Correct. Smiley was admin for a very long time on fringechan.org. Most people sat around waiting for the CSS changes Smiley dearly advertised. Then a lot of things happened that did not happen on fringechan. Then:

>admin hidden 4 hours - Changed password for admin (#1)

So now Smiley is not admin. Based on the assumption that:

A: Does not talk to anyone involved in fringechan neither through Skype, IRC, Tox or else.

B: Was offline for many months to the point people speculated his death.

C: Is mentally unstable.

D: Grandfathered himself into fringechan, not based on merit, only history.

E: Cannot choose volunteers and have no active volunteers to remove CP ads that has covered the front page for months.

So no, you are no longer admin on the new website and any future involvement will be as a volunteer until you have proven yourself mature enough to take the role as admin.

Sadly, I have no idea who Protagonist is or if she's even remotely associated with the website but there has been no talk about a Coup d'état on IRC for any time I have been there. Otherwise it would have been known.






your not gonna hero are you smiley?



what site are you using?



Fuck smily. Calm down, It's not over yet so calm down. Stop being fooled. You're in a puppet show. Remove yourself from that puppet show and see that you're just being fooled around, nothing ended.


> Who would gain in such a play and why it would be so important?

Guess that would get you the reason why. Also scare to thing about.


What are you planning to do smiley?



Record video in what manner? As in record the screen?


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Things like this happening isn't possible on Masterchan..

Good luck with the new chan, stop by if it turns out to be shit..


What the fuck is happening…



what do you mean?



That has never happened.



> The ride

It's going to end now?



8ch is dying.

It's gonna be ok.

Make a sticky to migrate to


And don't look back.



I have to sleep and if we have to remake the board anew what I'll do is I'm going to re-present all the knowledge again, clean and restored, it's going to take a couple days of non-stop writing but when all the new threads are done or I just release it all in one document we should have hopefully very good ma– I see someone's orb thoughtform right now afk


Back. You guys should see this shit from the mod panel. Someone is going all out trying to create as much CHAOS as possible on here.



screenshot it



Why should you be made admin, Protagonist?



If you see my IP you'd know what posts I've done in the past. Sadly they are deleted. Respond on Skype.


Smiley, you should really read Montalk's articles. They talk about entities making small parts of your life hell so that you feel that it's overall useless, and stop trying to achieve happiness.

Also, I need to talk to people about fringechan but I don't want the current raiding mod seeing it. Do you have email with PGP, or some other secure communication tool?



Yeah, better go to sleep and do really good protection for yourself now. Also why not asking for help from user based info?

People may have info of some OPs but would be better if you focus on the really important ones for now and then ask yourself which ones should be Uploaded. Also fucking get ride of rule number 2 for a time so you can give this board life again.



Well you got me there.


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What the fuck are you doing?




I think you two are same person, different proxies. For one you are writing in all lower-case and for the other you're using shiftcaps and all large red text.



Are you serious gale? Do you even realize you're the one that's really getting herself in the ilusion?

You should be wiser. In the end you're the real "victim" here.



Protagonist the whole board got deleted from your volunteer account. What is happening?


what is goin on

who is smiley


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>D: Grandfathered himself into fringechan, not based on merit, only history.

I have lots of merit as a mod.



Smiley just let the board alone and the gale got all thing deleted. Now it's time for some re-thinking.

Also she is playing on multiple boards to amuse herself in her delusion.



nice tripcode



We can talk about it on Skype. It's time to be mature about it and stop running.



Nice hook. Smiley just put a simple OP sticked to tell what happened and what you will do. Also ask for some contribution if you see it necessary



Are you going to talk and defend yourself at all? What is going on? When did you notice /fringe/ was fucked?


Really weird mindfuckery happening on Skype right now, there's just so much overwhelming chaos right now I can't even keep up with it all, it's everywhere… on so many boards… on Skype…



dude just stop

just cut communication and go on to rebuild /fringe/ or move to fringechan or whatever you've decided

let the chaos ride behind you, don't stay to get caught on the avalanche



Calm down and go to sleep. Better put that OP sticked though.

For Prot just let her having her fantasies now. Don't stick for it.



it was me. i dont feel like explaining. i thought you'd understand



I have multiple theories and don't know which one to believe. You haven't exactly been "on my radar" in a long time, I thought you disappeared months ago, and were probably put in a psychiatric institution or something.



i was lol



So why did you do this?



Smiley the gale herself seems imerse in a fantasy land. She probably had a really good "help" and now is some how back on track.

Asking "why" to someone without a freewill is strange. She is probably in a maniac mode yet and could give you some interesting explanation, would not believe any word though.



I don't know how to deal with people who I can't make sense of. Two girls right now and both of them I can not understand their motives, I can not understand why they do anything they do at all.

Can you elaborate more on her not having a freewill? Perhaps they are possessed?






everyone just wants to hurt you of course. you're definitely the victim.



Reasons of your own or reasons of something or someone else?


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Edrama, eclebs, beta cucking.

Welcome to censorship chan..




> Can you elaborate more on her not having a freewill? Perhaps they are possessed?

What do you think? Would not say a "mere" possession since they -should at least be- wizards but maybe they got tricked by.

And here comes the part of protection most people forget. the "ego" one. Women tend to be more easy to get taken over but I would guess men get it more when it cames to pure ego.

Did you know if they're envolve in some praticies with someone/something latelly? One of the gale could infected the other too so I would back trace to know who to trust.

Remember smiley, if one person is enough powerful and know how to protect themselfs, the ego are the best option for a take over. Of course she could be with a minium conscienc from psyquiatric drugs and that would explain the so easy way to get her ( and the other gale maybe by infection or manipulation of the ego).

Would not say either of her are dark wizards since they don't even control themselfs. Which is somehow pathetic. Don't know if the contract they made was based on this or not. I would assume, however, that they made a really conscious contract though.



BOTH of them have been in psychiatric institutions before. Fucking shrinks, ruining everything.

Should we try to make /fringe/ a little easier to decentralize and harden against future attacks like this by creating ready-made copypastas for all the popular topics to be reposted and maybe some other measures?

Do you think the rollback will happen?

Should I go sleep now and check in again when I'm properly rested?



Don't relly on my opinion that much.

But I think you need to sleep now. It's of no use to be awaken now. You did the OP now go to sleep and don't think about this for now.

> Do you think the rollback will happen?

Yes, the question is "how so?" but again you have to rest for now.

Other anons should be posting here for some opinions on how to get things better. Remember smiley, this may be an important step of learning. You could get easy on this by knowing that.

Relax for now and cut off all the communication and protect yourself very well tonight.



perhaps you could get a /tech/ anon to help set up a program to screen cap threads every few days for back up and delete all the spam shit automatically.



except three hours ago in the fringe.org/meditations thread where i asked if someone had saved the text or screencap of the rhythm meditation i posted in the 8fringe thread after it got archived.



Your post seems to be there. Sometimes it's necessary to refresh for the post to appear.



>>Fucking shrinks

nah, fucking loons. magic is psychology major octave, you're employing crazy chicks who can't master their minds and think they're unicorns when they can't even appear normal enough to keep out of an institution, i don't know why but if i had to guess it would be for the offchance you might get your dick wet.

sure, disease of mind can be remedied with "magic", but doesn't it speak loudly about a persons progress in the arts if said person is batshit in the wrong ways?

>trusting women

>with anything



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Oh gosh, I'm retarded.






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What, so you could go back and bump that stupid thread on halfchan /x/? What kind of narcissistic idiot goes destroying entire boards for their own petty self-aggrandizement?

Fucking hell Smiley, she even fired a warning shot. You should've kicked her out the minute this thread appeared.


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I just come here for discussion. Why even be mad at anything lost? You can always ask for information if you want it and it will be posted.


Well kids, what we've learned today is never trust women and make weekly backups of your board because you've given volunteer privileges to psychos who think that magic is real :^).

Maybe I shouldn't have written that post about us having to move to fringechan once 8/fringe/ gets nuked.


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>There's more people here and shares space with a lot of other active boards that fringe people also post on.

The reason that 8/fringe has more users is only because they get redirected here from other boards. Thus, if we place a big redirection sign form here to fringechan, fringechan will eventually come to replace all the reference to /fringe/ on other boards as well. The only difference that its on a different server under a different domain.

>If the board is restored we should stay.

Something like this has happened in the past and will continue to repeat if we stay here. We have zero insight regarding the technical aspect of 8chan. Its a dying site, heading for the same doomy grave 4chan headed for.

By migrating now, considering there is a clear opportunity, we can prevent all future failure scenarios once and for all.


>Maybe I shouldn't have written that post about us having to move to fringechan

Our policies on pure shitposting are tighter and actually enforced on a daily basis. You can expect a higher standard of quality regardless of popularity. An influx of neophytes should do no harm, as long as they respect the rules. In fact, its only better on long term.



You're right. "We" should move but you could have this board here as well.

Why not use this as a containment board for newbews?

Of course after the gainz in popularity of chans and specially after seeing what happened to 4chan we should be always ready to depart.

BUT if you just depart with a selected crew and leave anyone else behind you will end up divided.

You could have a multiple layer to filter. Yet as you see in this case one should be aware even then.

As >>77247 but would say that smiley let someone with psyquiatric record in some "state facilitie" was a big mistake. Guess he should have known better.


>all those warnings about wimminz

>he didn't listen



don't most of us use both anyway



TBH I abandoned this one awhile ago, all the quality stuff, if there was any, was, in large on fringechan, and I was getting tired of wading through all the crap looking for the occasional gem – it was too time consuming, so I decided to make life easier on myself.


>giving a woman a position of authority

That's such an insanely retarded thing to do

Generally, you shouldn't mod anyone you can't beat up irl


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>Do you think the rollback will happen?

>Yes, the question is "how so?" but again you have to rest for now.


>If not, I think this place is going to die, and we'll probably have to move…

See attached and >>>/sudo/1071




Can finally leave this shithole of a website? Fringechan should be our main base now.



> How so

What I as implying is that the "rollback" could be done either with a backup or not. Of course you will not have the old threads around but you can rebuild everything. Also there are some threads archived so you could get those ones at least.

Smiley could think about a new use for this board for now. I would say it would be easy to make it more open to newfigs for asking questions, Could be a possibility.


You can do whattever you want since you have freewill :^)


> our main base

I'm not against the ideia of a main base, But that may turn the community to centered. What if something happen? You have "nothing" left.

Also if you get a collective people that think too much alike, they will turn they common ideias even more extreme. That's also a way to control it by ourselfs.

If we're all in the path of know thyself and the world, why would we close ourself from the world?

If you think "we" are too important for mundanes and that we should be talking solely to "high people" would not be the case for that people too?

If mundanes want to be initiated would not be wiser for some people to share (some) of their know-how? If we dismiss our "importance" we will let the mundanes that want to get into it without a safenet to begin.

Ultimatly that will harm everyone.

Having a multiple layers would mean people can analyse the questions from different perpectives.

Make no mistake, the knowledge is out there. But they're - most of the time- misleading. We don't have to compromise ourself with any "agenda" we should at least be open to help some people because if "we" don't "they" will for sure.

Of course that's my view on the matter.



Throughout the entire history of /fringe/ it has always existed on two sites simultaneously. For awhile it existed on 5chon and freedomboard.kirara.ca. For awhile it was freedomboard.kirara.ca and 8ch.co… and so on.

It is important that /fringe/ continues to be somewhat decentralized. As long as there are always two sites up, if one goes down, there is the other as back-up.

So we should not give up on this board. We should aim to keep both alive. …and in the even that 8ch ever happens to get shutdown completely, we would regroup at fringechan, but we should then aim to make another site somewhere so that two instances of fringechan continue to exist at once.



>Having a multiple layers would mean people can analyse the questions from different perpectives.

That's how The Bhagavad Gita works btw. 7 messages for men at the 7 different stages of unfoldment.



Thanks for the insight I'm new to the /fringe/ community tbh.


Yes but we have to be aware of the trustworthy and the falseones. That's also why I (personally) advocate for a multiple layer so one can see clear (with the hearth) the false from the Truth.


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Why do i have an awful feeling that there are people here repeating the tactis of any SJW infiltration case?

did tumblr fringe sect invade us?



Yep that's pretty much what's happening also Protagonist is calling the board a "cult" and was likely brainwashed during her time in psychiatric institution to believe Fringe is a Cult and that she should blame us for her suicide attempt and every other problem in her life.



Why can't you stop her with magick? I mean I know you're just a mundane pretender but this is truly shameful.



>created /fringe/

>call himself a wizard

>can't change the behaviour of mundane female



If I could radically alter at long-range the behaviour of a female who probably doesn't want to cooperate in letting me change her behaviour I would be an adept not an initiate.


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Why can't you?

*tips fedora*




ever occured to you that im not insane, and maybe you deserve everything you get?


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Since when is your sanity in question? If I was to call you insane then that would excuse your actions. You're not insane, you're just a bitch.


Ban protagonist.






still avoiding the point either way




What is your "point"? What is the reason that I "deserve" anything? Why are you so hateful?



Are you capable of talking or are you a stupid subhuman who can't articulate anything?



I want a full and honest breakdown of what your issue is with me, what you want to see me do in order to placate you, what you want me to do in order to redeem myself and make myself a better person in your eyes, and your reasoning behind all of this.

If you can give a correspondence of elements as well concerning me that is even better too.



>Fuck it, we have two boats, who cares if one sinks?



We should be aiming to have as many instances of /fringe/ as we can manage while still having each one very active. One day maybe, every city will have its own Fringe Temple, and the Order of Fringe Wizards will rival Freemasonry.

For now we must always have at least two sites, we can't have it down to just one site, otherwise we've got nowhere to go if that one is wiped out.



> Is that you smiley?

If yes, why are you being a bitch for a bitch? Why do you even talk to her?

Surprised for your initiate (???) rank.

Anyhow, I don't really get why we have so many "trouble ones" should not be the mastering of our mind the first step? Just wonder since newfig to this community and wondering what path did you chose.


> Why can't you stop her with magick?

Do you really need magick now? Also why would you attack somebody in her condition with magick?


That would actually be a good thing and would be very neat. But I guess the moment this entered the "real realm" it would be take down or merge.

We can still have the smiley CJ tho :^)

Would be good to have a social net of wizards. Guess that would break some rules for some. But as I see it now, the people getting into /fringe/ need more help in the matter of mind than that of the spirit or magick.

Speaking of that:

> Having feels for fellow wizards.

This is dangerous. If you happen to be in something like this never create a link with that much power. Sex is actually risky here.



>Do you really need magick now?

I hate when people say something like this as if you can do anything without using magick. Everything you do is magickal if you do it with consciousness and intention and imagination.


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Bumpan for our true homeland


Making /fringe/ great again

(ATTENTION: Please refrain from solicitation and advertising to try poach more users. People are already aware of your site and will visit there if they wish. )



>implying every one reads all the threads.

After the last one can removed, this is the closest as we have atm, unless you would prefer we make a new one so it can be seen via the catalogue.


>Warning for free speech.

Really admin?



You have not been censored.

If I didn't respect your free speech, your spam post and the many numerous others of identical subject matter (/search.php?search=fringechan&board=fringe) would have been otherwise deleted.

Both boards will remain operational. There is a link to fringechan within the header, just in case you weren't aware.

Please respect the autonomy of the users who visit this board. Thank you.

Post last edited at




i didnt see it until this >>78517 post. thank you for saving me, initiate. this board is shit


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> MFW you two did not learn a thing from the whole incident.

You guys are dense, even after all this mess you did not get the point in having a discentralized group. Would you also like to be all in a containment board or chan? Do you like an echo chamber that much? Do you want you CJ to be all around and close?

If anything I would advocate for expansion and not centralization.


> Beng sabed by the outer anon with his ad :DDDD

If you can't even explore the HIGH LIGHT LETTERS, I cannot hope for such people to be able to explore the fringe topic besides le ebic coby pastas. And that's the only reason I see against expanding.


Chansey it might've been better to do that as a reply then to write into the post as a ban message now they're going to chimp out. People have been advertising there various /fringe/ alternatives forever and we're still #1.

It would've been best if this thread simply got no attention.



He probably already has known about fringechan forever and is part of the ingroup over there and just making sockpuppet posts pretending to be newfigs responding positively to the ads.






New people come to 8ch/fringe everyday especially given the prevalence of 'meme magick' nowadays, being redirected from /pol/. Not everyone is familiar with the better alternative in this case.

Which is fringechan.org

This board has truly degenerated into a massive circlejerk with 80% drama, 10% disinfo, and 10% intellectual fringe discussion.

If you want >>>/4chon/187783 as your BO, and all the negativity that comes with it, be my guest. This guy attracts and manifests all this degeneracy, he attracts it like moths to a light bulb.


File: 1466434350889.png (255.19 KB, 400x263, 400:263, 1398654886217.png)


>poach users

>implying the 8/fringe/ admins own the posters here

>implying anons can not make up their own minds and admins must step in to "protect" them from exposure to wrongthink

>people are already aware of fringechan

>implying every anon is a long time fringe user

>implying neophytes are not awakening all the time



t. degenerate whore



>This board has truly degenerated into a massive circlejerk with 80% drama, 10% disinfo, and 10% intellectual fringe discussion.

If Fringechan looks any different, it's because you guys hotpocket every single fucking post. to "maintain board quality".

Just browse both boards.



>it's because you guys hotpocket every single fucking post. to "maintain board quality".

literal lies


File: 1466455581998.jpg (14.58 KB, 500x236, 125:59, dont kill anyone.jpg)


>you guys hotpocket every single fucking post


Who are you kidding?


>You guys are dense, even after all this mess you did not get the point in having a discentralized group.

No, that's not what this is about. You are dense for not recognizing the technical incapability the current owners of 8ch.net have. Shit like this is going to continue to happen. Backups ARE necessary. Technical maintenance is VITAL. This has nothing to do with decentralization anymore, what use is it to shard part of the community on a sinking ship with many holes. Especially now there's a highly modern cruiseship waiting for you to step on with the same bells and whistles and more..

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