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Esoteric Wizardry


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The 21 Satanic Points

1) Respect not pity or weakness, for they are a disease which makes sick the strong.

2) Test always your strength, for therein lies success.

3) Seek happiness in victory - but never in peace.

4) Enjoy a short rest, better than a long.

5) Come as a reaper, for thus you will sow.

6) Never love anything so much you cannot see it die.

7) Build not upon sand, but upon rock And build not for today or yesterday but for all time.

8) Strive ever for more, for conquest is never done.

9) And die rather than submit.

10) Forge not works of art but swords of death, for therein lies great art.

11) Learn to raise yourself above yourself so you can triumph over all.

12) The blood of the living makes good fertilizer for the seeds of the new.

13) He who stands atop the highest pyramid of skulls can see the furthest.

14) Discard not love but treat it as an imposter, but ever be just.

15) All that is great is built upon sorrow.

16) Strive not only forwards, but upwards for greatness lies in the highest.

17) Come as a fresh strong wind that breaks yet also creates.

18) Let love of life be a goal but let your highest goal be greatness.

19) Nothing is beautiful except man: but most beautiful of all is woman.

20) Reject all illusion and lies, for they hinder the strong.

21) What does not kill, makes stronger.


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The Dark Forces

ONA yf87

For too long our enemies have lied about us. But, as the cosmic tides begin another Aeonic change as the Age of the Dark Gods begins, we proclaim openly our defiance and our creed.

No longer shall the lies go unchallenged. Accordingly, we - as representatives of those dark forces which have always shaped our evolution proclaim the following about our sinister Way and its living:-

1) The Dark Gods are means to self- fulfillment, self- understanding and self-divinity.

2) We believe that only through journeying through the darkness within and without, in passing the Abyss, can true self- understanding be attained.

3) Our rites, ceremonies and magick are life-affirming and show us and bring us the ecstasy of existence, the laughter of life and the self-overcoming of the true Adept.

4) We are feared because we understand and because we rejoice in living - in its pleasures but most importantly in its possibilities. We extend the frontiers of evolution while others sleep and cry.

5) All that enervates we despise: we have nothing to do with the cowardly and weak who are trapped by their own failings and who scurry about in the filth that covers those who do dis-honourable deeds. We revere honour because honour means self-excellence and a recognition of the cosmic balance that is an Adept.

6) When we hate we hate openly and with pride and when we love we love with a passion to match our arroga nce: always mindful never to love anyone or anything so much that we cannot see it die, since death is a natural changing of forces.

7) We would rather die than submit to anyone or anything and this pride is the pride of Satan, that symbol of our defiance and a sign of our life-enhancing energy.

8) We prepare - through our magick, our deeds and our living - for the Age of Fire (the Aeon of the Dark Gods) which is to come, when we shall reach out toward the stars and the new challenges they will bring.

9) Our Way is difficult and dangerous and is for the few who can truly dare to defy the matrix of forms (like `crosstianity') that stifle the potentiality of our being.

It has been said (by Nietzsche):

"The more mediocre, the weaker, the more submissive and cowardly a man is, the more he will posit as evil: it is with him that the realm of evil is most comprehensive. Thebasest (most dis- honourable) man will see the realm of evil that is, of that which is forbidden and hostile to him - everywhere."

"The most powerful man, the creator, would have to be the most evil, in as much as he carries his ideal against the ideals of other men and remakes them in his own image…"

- Order of Nine Angles -


Nothing is like it should, we must use what's handed to us and create our own ways.. Both of those lists have points that are ridiculous and stupid.

We have to create our own individual lists, not follow old ones..

Nothing is beautiful except man: but most beautiful of all is woman.

Thats the most ridiculous thing I ever heard lol



>Nothing is beautiful except man: but most beautiful of all is woman.

this might refer to mankind as a whole and says that females or possibly effeminate traits are ideal for man.



>implying just because he shared and post this means he follows it to the letter



Exactly and as a whole, I disagree. A woman could be the most beautiful being, in a human point of view.

But from a whole point of view, a tiger, a fish, a bird, even a tree can be more beautiful and much more magnificent than a man or woman.

Most times that we stare at woman is usually more in a lustful way, even if she's indeed beautiful. But the way we stare at an animal, like a Tiger, or a Wolf, or a beautiful landscape. That's when you feel true raw Godly beauty..


I wasn't saying that about him, I was saying that about the list itself. It's silly.



Well I myself thought the list was silly as I posted it and disagreed with some parts, felt even a little embarrassed to post it, but posted it anyways as it's obviously thought provoking.


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>1) Respect not pity or weakness, for they are a disease which makes sick the strong.

>4) Enjoy a short rest, better than a long.

>10) Forge not works of art but swords of death, for therein lies great art.

>13) He who stands atop the highest pyramid of skulls can see the furthest.

>14) Discard not love but treat it as an imposter, but ever be just.

>15) All that is great is built upon sorrow.

>19) Nothing is beautiful except man: but most beautiful of all is woman.


generic self help mixed with generic philosophical platitudes with a dashing of edge

come on satan you can do better


I'm sick to fucking death of people posting quotes from Satanism, Nietzsche, Ayn Rand, Hitler and other "warriors".

Grow the fuck up and learn to co-operate with other people, rather than "slaying" them. Real life ain't Xbox.




10/10 album tbh




You obviously know nothing about Him.


This is 2edgy4me

This list will work for some people, but never forget how the pendulum swings, never forget that every action sets in motion whole new series of actions. If you hold a match to the world, you might end up burning yourself too.

Get to know both sides.



>not transmuting suicidal / depressed feels into courage / aggression feels by bravely taking on your enemies and being happy to be slain by them if it comes to that






No thanks, i don't want to get tangled up in an everlasting struggle for survival anymore.



…but you're already tangled up in that struggle.



Yes, and I don't want to get tangled up in that struggle anymore!!



Well how do you intend to get on out? Especially without first mastering survival in the first place?




Does anybody get this feel from a lot of this stuff? I mean, everybody touts Prometheus Rising, but I thought it was boring and obvious. Granted, maybe if I had read it as a teen it would have been mind blowing, I suppose. Anyway, I had this exact same thought about that book as well.



This is bullshit Satanism, its not even worthy of being called Satanism, it has nothing to do with its namesake.


>satan you can do better

Satan/ENKI has nothing to do with this blasphemous form of Satanism.



I am by no means incapable of surviving, I simply don't think survival is the ultimate goal of mankind or me personally.

Why should survival be important? Especially when it has to come through this 'guideline' of satanic survival. The fact is, we can choose. I don't have to live by the laws of nature, and in any case not by the laws of this so-called satanism. I can defy them in utter Irony by killing myself right now. well, after this post

We deal with the principle of earth here, people are fighting for their right to exist in this world. Humans are afraid of starvation and extinction. They do not want change, they will only accept the way things were and are. They cannot, in most cases, accept death. Change has to come in any case though, and survival of the human race is not a given by any means.

We live in a never-ending maze of worlds and beings coming into existence and dying out nonetheless.

As for how to get out? Therein lies a choice. Getting out' is somewhat more drastic than 'getting tangled up in'. You can either depart the world or accept the world.


I think it is points like these that distort the Left hand path and make it look like some edgy meme to outsiders.

Though there is a bit of wisdom in some of these.



And Joy of Satan is legit? Its non-stop moaning about "muh jews" and shitty website design alone turns off people. Not to mention some utterly false teachings…



Pot calling the kettle black.

Your Joy of Satan shit is equally cringe worthy -all forms of 'Satanism' are, for that matter.



Praise Hitler! 88



If you heal the world, you invite the pendulum swing of destruction too.



I always laugh at that females are beautiful one.

Le straights only being gay isnt pure.

Im not even gay but putting women on a pedestal is so annoying.

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