Vital Energy & Healing also a bit on auras and thoughtforms
The nature of vital energy (or etheric energy) is something I have sought to understand for a long time. There have been many texts written about it but it is poorly explained and I was never able to really understand what this energy is and how it works. Eventually however through prolonged meditation and obsessing over the question and reading through my texts a more clear concept of what this stuff really is has formed in my mind.
It is the emotion of life and vital action, it is paired with an archetypal astral form, amd it is very much like love. The instinctive mind processes it and the activities of the body are directed by it. It is the mercury of alchemy.
If you want to make any sort of modifications at all to the body, you need as clear an ideal or archetype as possible, and then you need to force this love-like feeling (the vital energy) through the body into the parts that need are to be modified and brought into conformance with the new ideal. This would involve making a very strong thoughtform, attaching it, and reprogramming the body with it.
There is a vital aura as well that can be strengthened and if you are clairovoyant enough to see it, it can give you a reliable indicator of your health in the present, and even of problems that could develop awhile off in the future. You can work on this aura filling it with vital energy (which is like a love of life) to prevent sickness. If you have a huge excess of this sort of energy, you may radiate it to others, and heal them too; although you should make an effort to make this process manual instead of automatic so you don't get too drained by needy people to a point you are put into a very compromised, weak state and can't help others or do much until you slowly recover.
If you want to see any auras, it seems to be much like synesthesia, so just as you might imagine how green tastes or other implausible mixing up of the senses you just see the emotions represented as colours. This is one theory I have on the matter. The other is maybe it's a very definite energy structure and not a subjective translation of the senses at all. I will have to think about this more. Either way, it's one form of perception of something which gives very useful information about a person. The auric substance is used to create thoughtforms and when someone is making a thoughtform you can see the aura parting from the main body into the form being created. Also wherever the attention goes, there is a psychic link created, and it can be followed.
Feelings of depression and suicide and a loss of interest in the activities of life are indicative of low vital-energy. You can be temporarily low on vital-energy and rebound no problem but if it's prolonged, or even if it's a short-time, it's a vulnerable state for you to be in where negative influences can work themselves into your body and mess things up. It seems to me that you do not want to suppress the flow of happiness, it must flow, but there are certain outlets where it leaves you and does not come back and you burn-out fast and there are other outlets where you can experience the joy of some activity without the burn-out, the energy is circulated back.
If you have a high degree of spiritual development and are able to meditate upon the absolute, infinite, life-energy principle you may take from it without depleting it and give back to it as well. It is like a great ocean of vital energy. A typical way to access this infinite energy reservoir is for one to do rhythmic breathing while focusing on the spiritual self, becoming aware of the I AM, and breathing the energy in and out. You might wonder why would you breath out vital energy, well I suppose it's because it carries with it certain things you may wish to part with, and the whole practice normalizes and evens out your vitality. It is hard to make this connection and even when it is done, the flow may not be all that strong, it depends on your development. It is best for a very healthy person to do this and to accumulate an excess of vital energy and to then work upon a sicker person, if you have to self-heal it is typically slower at first because they are so spiritually and mentally and physically handicapped in their low-energy state but it's one of those things where you can work up a momentum and exponentially icnrease your power… very hard and slow at first but once you get the ball rolling you can recover even if you have to do it on your own.
Merely loading up the body with this energy is not enough to heal it btw without a definite ideal which you must seek to possess by mentally embodying it; then the mercurcy (vital energy) and the sulphur (astral-emotional archetype) work together to reform the salt (physical body, which itself is heavily condensed and patterned thought).
If you want to discover potential thoughtform attachments that are harming your health, do a lot of the Robert Bruce style "energy work" where you work on focusing and becoming aware of different parts of the body, and wait for impressions concerning the body-parts to arise in your mind. Really damaged, sickly, and malformed body parts when you focus on them feel awful and you usually have lots of bad memories and associations and negative suggestions and so on connected to the part. You do not necessarily have to discover it all or know it all but to heal it you need to force a degree of love into the body part connected with an ideal of that body part in its healed state until you reach a point of "forgetting your pain and forgetting there was any problem at all" as you use a powerful thoughtform charged by strong emotion of love to change the form of the body part.
I think it would be helpful for me to describe my own healing method I use. I have been able to utilize it up to a certain degree; but to the degree which I have been able to use it, it has worked. The limiting factor in my case has been the amount of emotion (loosh) I have had available. Anyways, this is how I do it:
I focus upon a white light or a black void, I then usually create a few very simple thoughtforms at points (usually 3-dimensional numbers as they are easiest for me to create), and I start to form a subtle perhaps invisible cloud of thought-substance around them which pulls in more and more of this stuff and I have a general idea of what I want to see. Once it's going strong enough I let the numbers dissolve and continue to focus in on the scene forming. Often-times a lot of irrelevant stuff will then appear and I may push it to the side, go through or around it, or let it dissolve and reform into other stuff too while keeping up my intent. I intend to have a presentation of a normal healthy body part or even my whole body. I am conscious of working with the world-soul or "demiurge" or some higher consciousness of which I am like a cell and it the far greater body. Eventually I will then connect to or receive a complete vision of what I am looking for, this allows me then to know what the body or bodypart looks like when it is perfected. Then it is a matter of merging with this new form and taking it into yourself. When this happens the old conditions, problems, etc. of the body are forgotten and you become more like the ideal which you are merging with.
I think that all the time fear-thoughts, negative body-image, and emotions of all sorts draw to us as in the law of attraction certain conditions of the body and mind. We are at times more vulnerable to negative suggestion and negative psychic influence (more on suggestion and psychic influence later) and thoughts can get lodged in and be really hard to dispell. Eventually we grow sick and weak and miserable and the condition of the body becomes like a persistent thought hard to push away but if we grow in spiritual awareness and spiritual confidence or faith and we set about the work with our imagination and our emotions we can in a short-time create powerful psychic experiences that draw to us new conditions which overwrite the previous ones. You may hammer away at it slowly, just a little emotion and thought and suggestion repeated all the time, or if you figure out a way to stir yourself up enough and reach those deep trance states you can draw to yourself the new desired condition. Remember what the Arcane Teachings say about your spiritual center, your awareness pulls to it from all parts of the mind of God what you resonate with.
A way to see vital energy in action is to imagine for a moment a ghostly 3-dimensional form, not really fully formed in your mind's eye, and then to feel a great love for that form and intense desire to see it more substantially. If you keep concentrated upon it as you swell up with these emotions it will condense and become a more substantial and animated form. The vital energy will impart life into it and it will begin to act on its own, an independent unit of consciousness.
Possession is a very useful thing. Usually people focus on the negative side of possession and worry about malevolent beings possessing and then abusing them – but it works in so many ways and there is no need to fear being possessed by love, or possessed by beauty, or possessed by other good things. Knowing your true self as a spirit independent of mind and body, and having resonated upon the plane of personality and experienced the minds and bodies of others temporarily, everything in this whole world is a vector of experience for you to freely enjoy and make your own if you will it to be. You can become possessed in whole or you make take on certain qualities, memories, or whatever else you want to pick out of the infinite manifestations of the All.
If you fear taking on a quality subjectively, then imagine objectively instead. Imagine that whatever you imagine is an objective fact, manifest upon the physical plane, made possible through the vast intelligent of the world-soul which you are a part of. There is nothing truly subjective whatsoever, there are just many planes upon which certain activities, thoughts, or bodies find themselves. Everything is open to you, you just have to tune in, like a radio; you can find every part of the matrix of a person/being/entity if you will follow the various parts of them around with your awareness. The materialist idea of "all is in my head" tends to be a block for some people that creates a subjectivity barrier which usually someone else higher in the scale of development has to break down for them so they start to realize just how open they really are.
A way to see vital energy in action is to imagine for a moment a ghostly 3-dimensional form, not really fully formed in your mind's eye, and then to feel a great love for that form and intense desire to see it more substantially. If you keep concentrated upon it as you swell up with these emotions it will condense and become a more substantial and animated form. The vital energy will impart life into it and it will begin to act on its own, an independent unit of consciousness.
Possession is a very useful thing. Usually people focus on the negative side of possession and worry about malevolent beings possessing and then abusing them – but it works in so many ways and there is no need to fear being possessed by love, or possessed by beauty, or possessed by other good things. Knowing your true self as a spirit independent of mind and body, and having resonated upon the plane of personality and experienced the minds and bodies of others temporarily, everything in this whole world is a vector of experience for you to freely enjoy and make your own if you will it to be. You can become possessed in whole or you make take on certain qualities, memories, or whatever else you want to pick out of the infinite manifestations of the All.
If you fear taking on a quality subjectively, then imagine objectively instead. Imagine that whatever you imagine is an objective fact, manifest upon the physical plane, made possible through the vast intelligent of the world-soul which you are a part of. There is nothing truly subjective whatsoever, there are just many planes upon which certain activities, thoughts, or bodies find themselves. Everything is open to you, you just have to tune in, like a radio; you can find every part of the matrix of a person/being/entity if you will follow the various parts of them around with your awareness. The materialist idea of "all is in my head" tends to be a block for some people that creates a subjectivity barrier which usually someone else higher in the scale of development has to break down for them so they start to realize just how open they really are.
Here is a very good starting point to gaining control over your mental and physical body and submitting them to you, the spirit. Begin with the thought that you may change your perception so strongly that you may experience whatever you want and altogether lose awareness of your surroundings. It's not really all that hard to accept, you ought to know from the examples of others the immense power of the mind when it comes to perception, it is accepted by everyone acquainted with the facts that a man may be entranced or "have gone mad" and in his mind he will genuinely see something that is not there and for example mistake a person for a door-knob or something silly like that.
The next step then is to abandon the fear of madness (or what is more aptly-called subjectivity or a disconnect with "reality" where some other reality is superimposed on things without being made objective physical fact) without becoming in love with madness either. Just put out of mind such a potential state altogether. Do not "imagine" anything as only in your head, intend to imagine objectively. Everything is just as REAL as everything else and just as much an illusion (maya) as everything else. What you imagine takes form upon a higher plane but can then take form on the lower plane if you go about the operation correctly. It requires a very great intensity of thought and emotion but can change this shared reality we are awake in if this reality is the one you focus on. When you do this right you may then confirm with a second observer you trust that they also witnessed the manifestation of the phenomena you willed into being.
I'm going over these things about subjectivity and madness right now because they troubled me early on, especially in the first year in which I discovered the occult, but I managed to get around them with some faith and determination and especially the inspiration of others. I had my own terminology I invented to describe my own experiences up until then and was very confused, I've since adopted the terms of occultism, which are well defined and describe better the metaphysical truths.
If you are plagued by fears and limiting thoughts while trying to do magick, you aren't using your mind right. You need to use your mind to imagine exactly what you want to do; and not imagine with a doubt back of it.
Here is one sentence that will help you crush all doubts allowing you to use your mind properly; doubt is faith in the opposite direction. Doubt your doubts.