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Using Magick to Draw

I thought about this a lot like 2 days ago but I might as well post it here even though I won't be able to go through with my plan until I got everything completely ready with my OS.

I have noticed that after drawing for hours when I go lay down my mind is capable of running algorithms which use the brushes I've used to instantly create complete drawings of anything. This can be done instantaneously, line-by-line, in chunks, and at any speed from slow-motion to regular speed to timelapse/fast. I can rapidly edit the images and I can also create them just as fast in 3-dimensions as 2D (and I have noticed my mind can convert absolutely any 2D brush into a 3D equivalent which can be used to sculpt 3D models). I can instantly picture in very high clarity any scene I want recreated with any brush and drawing techniques I want. If there is some scene from the astral I want to reproduce, I can see the whole thing drawn out using whatever brush I want.

For further development on this I think I should start with:

1. Imposing astral-images onto my screen and then sketching them in.

I could anchor an astral image onto the desktop which can be opaque, or represented as a bunch of dots you have to draw lines in-between, or selectively (like holding a magnifying glass over it) show through parts of it, or shown as an outline, or represented in other ways all meant to guide me through actually drawing it. Then it is only a matter of tracing the lines/dots/whatever I see imposed on my screen much the same way you might put a photo underneath some transparent paper and then trace it with your pencils/markers/etc.

2.A There must be a way to give a "grand command" with my consciousness that then causes my hands to automatically reproduce the whole image.

Instead of willing each stroke, I simply wait in a trance while my hands draw out everything, just like a medium whose hands are drawing whatever the commanding spirit wants (some mediums can even have both hands drawing two different things at once while they hold a conversation and mentally don't focus at all on what either hand is doing). This would be the next step for development and could make the process of physically reproducing astral images so much easier, quicker, more accurate, and efficient.

2.B Additional functions such an estimate time for production clock and other thoughtforms forming an entire interface in this design process could be created.

When the image to be drawn is imposed onto the screen in-front of me the timer will show how long it's going to take me to draw it. I could then edit the image or substitute another image and tweak things around until ready and trying out different filters and brush algorithms. My Astral UI will show me before I give the "grand command" to start drawing how long exactly it will take and possibly other information like how many strokes of the pen will be needed to accomplish it, how many colours used, how many steps period, etc. I can then making a wise decision about how much time I want to use on a given day drawing and deciding what it I want to draw from the astral or from my memories of scenes of the physical plane.

3.A The next step in this development might be to skip using my hand completely. Instead the stylus pen could be psychokinetically controlled, it moving without me even having to touch it physically.

3.B Why move the pen around? All it is doing is sending signals to my computer which are interpreted and turned into the output on the screen.

I have a wireless keyboard and mouse for example; why not create the correct vibrations to send those radio signals directly to the unifying receiver to control them? I could directly interface my consciousness with my machine this way and no longer need a keyboard, mouse, and digitizer to actually draw, type, move the cursor around, and click. My control would be much more precise, direct, fast, and powerful.

4. A further refinement would be to skip sending control signals to the computer entirely and instead directly edit files on the computer with my mind.

An entire PNG or other image could be constructed instantaneously and directly on my computer by psychokinetically changing the memory on the computer to produce the file. This could also be done for writing entire books and messages instantly. Maybe also creating entire programs. Mediums have had blank pieces of paper placed in a room and a spirit writes out a full and detailed message on it with nobody touching it or being close to it. This would be same thing but with computers instead.

5. I could create tulpas that draw for me, producing lots of art and possibly other things too, completely independent of me.

In this case I wouldn't even be deciding on what to draw at all, a thoughtform I created would act completely independently of me to draw lots of stuff, producing perhaps massive amounts of art while I'm off doing other things. Then I can review what it has produced, share it, and even draw collaboratively with it.


To accomplish all of this my plan would be to start with creating a drawing tulpa that helps facilitate the whole thing from start to finish. I would create and empower this thoughtform from the outset for this purpose and working with it to realize each step of this plan. With its help, I would get an estimate of how long it will take me to develop these powers with it, how much loosh I would need to invest in it, etc. I'd start with something simple to see that my thoughtform is able to deliver on its arrangements it will have with me and as my trust grows that it can take me from step to step without screwing up we will keep going and if it fails too much I will dissolve it and create a new drawing assistant thoughtform from scratch.


I think drawing, painting and most kinds of art, visual or not, already are one way or another a way of performing magick.

But I'd definitly like to be able to channel things from the astral, when I learn to astral project… Any good topic on it?

Here's my art btw: http://mystic-dream-book.tumblr.com/



You do realize you don't have to AP to channel stuff from the astral right? There are ways to interact with the astral while your soul is still in your body.


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A day late and a dollar short.



How do I connect with it or draw pictures from it then?



Genuine Mediumship is a good book that will help also as for seeing art and stuff from the astral develop the sense for it and then just use intention and your general mindset to connect to good stuff.




>not a butthurt slut




>the projecting autist


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I'm right now doing some meditations imaginging different brushes, pencils, markers, etc. and drawing stuff in my mind. I have various papers, canvas, all the tools in front of me but I'm just doing this in my mind right now… and it's as real as doing it by hand, quite a struggle to things just right. I keep doing the meditations over & over in my mind, repainting, redrawing, remarking, etc. trying to get things right and rewiring my nervous system so when I take up the brush for real I will get good results.



>le slap man isn't reflected in the spoon



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>he went back to this thread to do "drawing magick" due to him getting triggered by Blake K.'s post in /4chon/.


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Don't mind me, just came to the realization I bumped a month old thread.


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File: 8a300a25fc39784⋯.pdf (1.38 MB, 100x100, 1:1, A Book of Satyrs.pdf)

op is probably dead at this point but I like this idea.


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How have I not heard of this guy before?

This is great!


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I know right? I wonder how he knew what to draw. He had some techniques but I cant say I really understand his art or teachings



Also he looks suspiciously like Hitler


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He wrote extensively on working from the subconscious, even sending copies of his books to Freud, who it seems made his writings redundant in a materialistic sense.

Had he been born a few decades prior he'd probably be massively famous after his death.


it's said that hitler apparently wanted a portrait from him but he refused to do it.

but he does seem like an inverted hitler. He became a widely respected, though impoverished, artist with a massive portfolio; he became a war artist during the great war; he maybe did porn commissions; and he ultimately died in near total obscurity



He wrote extensively on working from the subconscious

I still have no idea how he did that. When ever I try it just feels like I imagine it and the page is still blank.

>he'd probably be massively famous after his death.

It feels like too many artist go out like that.

>it's said that hitler apparently wanted a portrait from him but he refused to do it.

good call…it would have been point less with out charlie chaplin. Were their mustaches magical?

>he does seem like an inverted hitler

true I didn't really think about it until now

>he ultimately died in near total obscurity

He was better at magic anyways

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