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Esoteric Wizardry
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File: 1465328507182.jpg (63.08 KB, 460x288, 115:72, 1463658667903.jpg)


how do i become a magician

(Rule 2 - Questions Thread)


masturbate daily



You're not a magus.






File: 1465334634102.jpg (80.98 KB, 584x355, 584:355, my cuckshed.jpg)


i dare say i'm amongst the most experienced in practical use of quantum physics on this board, with a little knowledge about everything and a lot about a little.

while the rest of you were looking for magical trees to make wands i honed my own.

celibacy isn't required. sure, it packs more punch and some rituals demand you don't flick it for a few days but in general releasing the energy allows a novice to feel and become accustomed to it, maybe even guide it to parts of the body, heart, mind.

that said, fapping leaves you without ambition and depressed. a lot of energy is spent negating the depression following the easy fix.


on the subject of wands,

>current year

>not using a invis laser to carry vibes



File: 1465334959300.jpg (29.97 KB, 406x364, 29:26, disdain.jpg)

absolute plebs


Right now I've been fapping every day and I refuse to stop as I'm afraid of the come down. I need to function well but it's becoming harder and harder to fap each day, more and more extreme stuff is needed. I don't want to crash though.



its three or four days, after that hand wont stray to penis. degenerate.



I can stop at any time I am just trying to keep a shitload of depression at bay.



deal with your depression. pussy.



I'm not depressed right now, I am dealing with it, by fapping. It's going to hit me hard again though soon. I don't know how to stay afloat indefinitely. If you got any ideas, you throw em' at me.



start with asking yourself why you're depressed. figure that out and fix it. simple as that.



I know why I'm depressed and I know roughly how to fix it but it's really fucking hard, we're talking months of thoughtforming and powering the fuck up needed here. In the meanwhile I got to stay afloat.



Oh, what is it that could be so hard?


File: 1465339609235-0.png (504.56 KB, 1544x2400, 193:300, 4 stages of the redpill.png)

File: 1465339609235-1.jpg (39.98 KB, 434x720, 217:360, 6 corps.jpg)

File: 1465339609235-2.png (1.28 MB, 1699x1638, 1699:1638, 6 corps 2.png)

File: 1465339609235-3.png (476.5 KB, 802x819, 802:819, 9 corps.png)

File: 1465339609235-4.jpg (2.94 MB, 800x4017, 800:4017, 666.jpg)




Where the fuck are the thumbnails?


File: 1465339793242-0.jpg (305.52 KB, 1148x773, 1148:773, 1917.jpg)

File: 1465339793242-1.png (396.02 KB, 526x700, 263:350, Abolish the white race 01.png)

File: 1465339793243-2.jpg (1.92 MB, 1877x1782, 1877:1782, Abolish white race.jpg)

File: 1465339793243-3.png (271.98 KB, 984x728, 123:91, Abrahamic distinction.png)

File: 1465339793243-4.png (307.99 KB, 1263x1329, 421:443, Abrahamic genocide.png)


not flood


File: 1465339846565-0.png (1.19 MB, 1350x3570, 45:119, AIPAC.png)

File: 1465339846566-1.jpg (789.03 KB, 664x1665, 664:1665, American immigration refor….jpg)

File: 1465339846566-2.jpg (134.76 KB, 370x699, 370:699, Ameriquin.jpg)

File: 1465339846566-3.jpg (235.37 KB, 900x600, 3:2, anarchists.jpg)

File: 1465339846566-4.png (280.86 KB, 882x1100, 441:550, Annotations distilled.png)


File: 1465339876110-0.png (146.98 KB, 588x1181, 588:1181, Another Innocentjew.png)

File: 1465339876110-1.jpg (138.45 KB, 631x515, 631:515, Antisemitism.jpg)

File: 1465339876110-2.jpg (115.44 KB, 868x844, 217:211, A real Jew in Germany.jpg)

File: 1465339876111-3.png (130.02 KB, 612x792, 17:22, Arguing with Jews.png)

File: 1465339876111-4.jpg (18 KB, 260x339, 260:339, A small token of our appre….jpg)


File: 1465339900185-0.png (356.8 KB, 700x555, 140:111, Baba Kamma.png)

File: 1465339900185-1.jpg (97.98 KB, 850x599, 850:599, Benetton Advert.jpg)

File: 1465339900185-2.jpg (499.65 KB, 1791x960, 597:320, Black man observing a mome….jpg)

File: 1465339900185-3.jpg (604.67 KB, 1000x2891, 1000:2891, Bobby Fischer on Jews.jpg)

File: 1465339900186-4.png (398.9 KB, 784x2195, 784:2195, Bobby Fischer on Jews 02.png)



oh fuck I just wasted a GET lol


File: 1465339963226-0.jpg (116.85 KB, 496x850, 248:425, Brbara Spectre.jpg)

File: 1465339963229-1.jpg (1.01 MB, 2456x1672, 307:209, British immigration reform.jpg)

File: 1465339963231-2.png (88.98 KB, 872x505, 872:505, Buchenwald gas chambers.png)

File: 1465339963231-3.jpg (578.16 KB, 700x656, 175:164, But not the last.jpg)

File: 1465339963231-4.jpg (148.54 KB, 960x764, 240:191, Can be bested.jpg)


File: 1465340003634-0.jpg (168.13 KB, 612x457, 612:457, Charles Lindbergh on Jews.jpg)

File: 1465340003635-1.png (525.67 KB, 830x500, 83:50, Christians After pol.png)

File: 1465340003635-2.png (188.72 KB, 632x724, 158:181, Coin clipping.png)

File: 1465340003636-3.jpg (117.66 KB, 800x583, 800:583, Communism.jpg)

File: 1465340003636-4.jpg (224.83 KB, 500x600, 5:6, Communism on the West.jpg)


File: 1465340083087-0.jpg (49.28 KB, 560x765, 112:153, Coudenhove-Kalergi.jpg)

File: 1465340083087-1.jpg (67.18 KB, 533x290, 533:290, Coudenhove-Kalergi again.jpg)

File: 1465340083087-2.jpg (2.72 MB, 3200x1950, 64:39, Coudenhove Kalergi plan.jpg)

File: 1465340083087-3.jpg (139.28 KB, 640x480, 4:3, cremation_of_care.jpg)

File: 1465340083087-4.jpg (82.71 KB, 599x388, 599:388, Cursing prayers with noodl….jpg)


File: 1465340100630-0.png (864.45 KB, 2068x1972, 517:493, dammit pol.png)

File: 1465340100630-1.png (20.22 KB, 416x377, 32:29, Denying Jews Immigration.png)

File: 1465340100630-2.jpg (78.27 KB, 500x696, 125:174, der_jude.jpg)

File: 1465340100630-3.png (76.17 KB, 827x343, 827:343, Dershowitz speaks the trut….png)

File: 1465340100630-4.png (176.04 KB, 400x397, 400:397, Die for Israel.png)


File: 1465340133788-0.jpg (27.92 KB, 470x293, 470:293, Doesn't exist.jpg)

File: 1465340133788-1.jpg (338.39 KB, 720x322, 360:161, Driving Immigration.jpg)

File: 1465340133789-2.gif (195.22 KB, 600x462, 100:77, Dual loyalties.gif)

File: 1465340133791-3.png (171.97 KB, 1522x636, 761:318, Eating into the other race….png)

File: 1465340133792-4.webm (762.14 KB, 480x320, 3:2, Edom.webm)


File: 1465340165811-0.jpg (165.88 KB, 559x571, 559:571, Einstein normalizes antise….jpg)

File: 1465340165811-1.jpg (59.69 KB, 420x287, 60:41, elephant for blind men.jpg)

File: 1465340165811-2.jpg (3.08 MB, 1832x7232, 229:904, EmmaLazarus.jpg)

File: 1465340165811-3.jpg (104.51 KB, 647x479, 647:479, Essential ingredient for m….jpg)

File: 1465340165811-4.png (241.99 KB, 687x916, 3:4, EU immigration reform.png)


File: 1465340187687-0.png (246.91 KB, 594x396, 3:2, Europe must be multiethnic.png)

File: 1465340187687-1.jpg (132.23 KB, 517x440, 47:40, Even when they nailed him ….jpg)

File: 1465340187687-2.png (140.91 KB, 439x290, 439:290, Every single day.png)

File: 1465340187687-3.jpg (777.74 KB, 1471x4282, 1471:4282, Famous people on Jews.jpg)

File: 1465340187688-4.png (62.55 KB, 1500x2623, 1500:2623, Fatality of Communism.png)


File: 1465340214217-0.gif (1.48 MB, 1276x3412, 319:853, Finders.gif)

File: 1465340214218-1.png (403.32 KB, 533x1023, 533:1023, Founding the EU.png)

File: 1465340214218-2.jpg (1.46 MB, 1598x1600, 799:800, Franfurt School.jpg)

File: 1465340214218-3.jpg (758.63 KB, 1608x1600, 201:200, Frankfurt School.jpg)

File: 1465340214218-4.jpg (768.47 KB, 1608x1600, 201:200, Frankfurt School01.jpg)


File: 1465340249025-0.jpg (44.2 KB, 531x411, 177:137, Freemason-Eastern Star Ros….jpg)

File: 1465340249025-1.jpg (122.35 KB, 655x720, 131:144, Freemasons.jpg)

File: 1465340249025-2.jpg (1.16 MB, 800x1318, 400:659, Freemasons2.jpg)

File: 1465340249026-3.png (540.7 KB, 825x793, 825:793, Fucking Jews in Guatamala.png)

File: 1465340249026-4.jpg (239.57 KB, 862x599, 862:599, Fulfilling Balfour.jpg)


File: 1465340266063-0.jpg (22.33 KB, 400x300, 4:3, Future of Israel.jpg)

File: 1465340266064-1.png (871.03 KB, 1776x1288, 222:161, German revolution 1918.png)

File: 1465340266064-2.jpg (168.35 KB, 900x437, 900:437, Germany.jpg)

File: 1465340266064-3.jpeg (246.82 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, Germany in the way.jpeg)

File: 1465340266064-4.png (1.14 MB, 2944x4128, 92:129, Getting warm p1.png)


File: 1465340311441-0.png (944.1 KB, 2576x4128, 161:258, Getting warm p2.png)

File: 1465340311441-1.png (606.8 KB, 3119x4128, 3119:4128, Getting warm p3.png)

File: 1465340311442-2.jpg (77.92 KB, 500x523, 500:523, Greater Israel.jpg)

File: 1465340311442-3.png (1.26 MB, 1632x1218, 272:203, Greater Israel.png)

File: 1465340311442-4.jpg (125.05 KB, 544x408, 4:3, Growth of Israel.jpg)


File: 1465340366334-0.jpg (11.52 KB, 303x167, 303:167, gutle.jpg)

File: 1465340366334-1.jpg (99.85 KB, 674x672, 337:336, Henry Ford on Jews.jpg)

File: 1465340366335-2.jpg (607.9 KB, 1724x1500, 431:375, High stakes truth 01.jpg)

File: 1465340366335-3.png (962.4 KB, 1306x2712, 653:1356, High stakes truth 02.png)

File: 1465340366335-4.jpg (1.38 MB, 2000x3000, 2:3, History of Disney.jpg)


File: 1465340415518-0.jpg (271.19 KB, 1284x507, 428:169, Hitler damns the Jewish ra….jpg)

File: 1465340415518-1.jpg (241.69 KB, 800x770, 80:77, Hope for Jewish world empi….jpg)

File: 1465340415518-2.jpg (115.67 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, How Israel funds the Islam….jpg)

File: 1465340415518-3.jpg (152.61 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, How Jews see gentiles.jpg)

File: 1465340415518-4.jpg (82.99 KB, 650x567, 650:567, How long has this been goi….jpg)


File: 1465340447402-0.png (591.69 KB, 1173x1162, 1173:1162, HypocritJew#9860897.png)

File: 1465340447403-1.png (122.47 KB, 1268x313, 1268:313, HypocritJew#9867869.png)

File: 1465340447403-2.png (153.58 KB, 1252x560, 313:140, Hypocrtical Jew 6000001.png)

File: 1465340447403-3.jpg (378.4 KB, 829x1475, 829:1475, If Marx wasn't Jewish who ….jpg)

File: 1465340447404-4.png (14.68 KB, 473x381, 473:381, Image of Jew.png)


File: 1465340478803-0.jpg (88.07 KB, 854x859, 854:859, Impact of Jews upon world.jpg)

File: 1465340478803-1.jpg (47.74 KB, 562x720, 281:360, In poor taste.jpg)

File: 1465340478803-2.jpg (85.98 KB, 400x398, 200:199, in the back.jpg)

File: 1465340478803-3.jpg (51.18 KB, 465x426, 155:142, Introducing Jewish ants.jpg)

File: 1465340478803-4.png (1.37 MB, 740x4874, 370:2437, Israeli organ harvesting.png)



You already are a magician.

This is one of the first things most magicians realize as soon as they start to open their eyes to it.

Simply, the fact that you made this post and caused all these reactions and sprouted thoughts and feelings in other peoples minds, already makes you a magician.

All words are spells and all thoughts are prayers.

The magician simply has more control that which can be controlled within his mind.



What is the context of the "freemasons1-2" picture?






Show your wand in all its glory! Let its splendour shine upon the world


Just want to let everyone to know there's a YUGE amount of red pill info pics in this thread



Thanks for that image.



>being underage


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