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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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This threads topics,

>invisible lasers to carry vibes instead of outdated wands (its current year, pls)



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& as promised



What is that sigil for?



play pretend chaote crawlies who don't even know their signature not welcome.



I know what Chaos magick is, that sigil just looks more complex and different than the usual.

Anyway, do you people actually use sigils in your magick or rituals?



Sigil according to desired result.

But do you know what the symbol represents?



Yeah, at least the one in my signature..

It kind of speaks for itself, it sends its energy or effect if you will, towards many different directions. It represents all possibilities, and usually involves uncertain and unexpected results.

Almost like Murphy's law «anything that can happen, will happen».


Get for the Spirit in the machine.


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Good Google, you can stay.

8, infinity, infinite possibility, eight arrows, eight paths, the Chaos star is the symbol of all possibilities and the most geometrically perfect sigil for "spreading".

4 on 4, a cube on a cube, creation squared creation into all things possible.

The sigil is posted is that but also incorporates pic related, the crown chakra, another symbol for spreading or connecting.

In the middle is a lotus of eight with a vacant circle for "trend", that which you want to send out.

The image is a transmitter.

Cum to it and think of anyone (within reason) you want to call or text you, couple it with a good memory of the person and see what happens.

Personally I'll be printing it out, glue it to a piece of metal (to further dissipate etheric charges, smear epoxy on it for gathering energy and place a crystal or fetisch, a clay doll or orgonite thing to broadcast my will into the ether.

I reckon this is the most powerful transmitter ever made, of course, it can be improved.. if the pattern as pure metal wire woven and laced around epoxy. To golden proportions. Maybe if the original skelly of the image wasn't crooked, and so on, it would be better.


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Previous thread topic; CyberShaman


>but 4 squared 4 isn't 8

numerology is different. 4*4= 16 =7

>>Number 7 resonates with the vibrations and energies of the ‘Collective Consciousness’, faith and spirituality, spiritual awakening and awareness, spiritual enlightenment, spiritual development, mysticism, intuition and inner-knowing, inner-wisdom, psychic abilities, the esoteric, inner-selves, deep contemplation, introspection, eccentric, religion, thoughtfulness, understanding of others, natural healer and healing, secrets, myth, ritual, peace, poise, emotions and feelings, inner-strength, endurance and perseverance, persistence of purpose, the ability to bear hardships, quick-wit, the loner, solitary, isolation, long-sighted, the non-conformist, independence and individualism, intentions, manifesting and manifestation in time and space and good fortune.

>>manifesting and manifestation





>not enchanted gauntlets

get ascetic anon



>enchanted gauntlet à la FMA

*tips satanic fedora*



I love the 7, it's my personal number.


Are you talking about the image in this response, or the one I mentioned? Or the Chaos sigil?

Also, have you already experimented with this? What results did you get?




i haven't, don't need to, i know what it does.

just noticed however that the center lotus has ten petals.

shit, i wanted eight.



Well… What does it do? If you… cum to it. lool



What episode of FMA has enchanted gauntlets?



>snip snap got no gun in my pack



>expecting a chaotee to know anything

During orgasm you release a massive amount of "Loosh" or Soul, which with decent enough energy work you can move to strengthen a node of reception, consciously evoking the art to better receive what is reaching out, to invoke.

Imagine you run to much power in a light bulb which emits a bright light and is aftermore forever a little bit less bright, and the thought or emotion to condition your colored glass held against it, refracting.

That image better distributes these energies as they chose to follow patterns and even if its just a pattern, ink on paper it has its etheric equivalent, aura or presence in the warp which the burst of energy is prone to partially align with and follow, this sigil in particular is made for greater power and expansion, the further innermost circle is place for trend which is what you wish to broadcast, the outer lotus to draw the etheric imprint outwards from center, reaching the visual manifestation of the sound "OHM" which, supposed creates a vortex in the (don't know which image best empowers (might in thirty (do now, pic is back to drawing board, need to create a vortex as outermost triangles are stale))) which I'm pretty sure it does as there is SUPPOSED to be a movement of energy to "frequency up" to better, for example, penetrate lower frequencies such as peoples auric defense fields unless consciously strengthened, even then,


print out my final version and stand in the middle, hell draw it yourselves in bloodmixed wax and metal filings with "OHM" of a rodin coil, can be made or bought kinda cheap.

would make a great coffeetable with a glasspanel on top and epoxy in the middle.


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But it only works with strong though forms, concentration and will, before the action, right?



Nah, just looking at it will scatterbomb your subconscious.



You seem very… Assertive. For someone who hasn't tried it for himself.



I know my circles.


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old cap from last thread


pyth=creating entities

golden=stabilising with intent(perfection and stability)



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Saturn 1-4


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Saturn 5-7


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I cannot find a working download link for Cybershaman 8 anywhere, can someone help pls


If i over lay them in order of corrsponding chakras, does the earth explode or just my mind?




Can someone explain how do you «play» these things??




Check out uncle chuckie for ebin techwizardry



>write a statement of intent

>"sigilize" using a hashing algorithm

>broadcast the hash on wifi




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What programming language do you use for your current reality build? Would you recommend any real-world programming languages for inspiration purposes?

I've gone pretty far with math, chemistry, and writing in my professional life but I never learned to really program anything more complicated than Dwarf Fortress raw files and I'm wondering which programming language might seem most like a natural writing style, just to compare notes. The universe-as-story model is useful, but even that pales compared to the practical power of the universe-as-language, and I'd really appreciate the chance to trade notes with anyone with a decent amount of experience in logomancy.

Anyone particularly well-versed in 'meaning concrescence' in the style of tryptamine others is also very welcome to give general pointers here. I have I think a decent amount of theory, but it seems rather rare to find specifically logomantic advice or works.



PS obviously I understand that each person's language is going to be user-specific, I'm more asking if there's anything I ought to know as someone in the process of developing a language that might help structure it. My goal is for it to be relatively easy to translate into since this would be my first attempt, but if there's a common syntax I ought to give consideration to adapting, I'm open to whatever.



C and ASM(s).

You may like "Literate Programming", but it's not my cup of tea.

C because it contains the minimal set of linguistic constructs that map to the computer architecture features, ASM because it's even lower level and some performance critical functions can be optimized ("smart" compliers are mostly hype).

I'd also point out that creation of thought-forms as programs makes them actually real, esp. when others experience them. This is a deeper way of casting an experience upon the cultural mind.

Lisp was magic, but seems to have lost its power since its dynamism makes it a bitch to compile into native code on modern processors.

Self generating programs, Quines, are something special…

If I were you I'd get a software defined radio and start playing with the air waves.


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'LARP WIZ–' la-LAR – larp?


Now this is stiffens my wand. What about logic programming that results in the atomic structure of crystals? Will it be a highly sensitive, tuned instrument then? You can find out by understanding just by creating such a thing, because that would be its PURPOSE. "I created this netcode and it's awesome for online gaming, no latency and great consistency, but it's vulnerable to hackers (injecting your viiiibes). When I map the key 1334 codez it resembles crystalline atomic structures. To make my game special I designed the code to resemble snowflakes, but only occultists and LARPers seem to play it."



Sorry for Necrobumping, but I have been unable to get this software to work on ReactOS. I don't want a Windows VM. Also, it seems that this software has not been maintained since 2001. Does anyone know of a more-recently made equivalent, preferably for UNIX/POSIX?

Also, the website for CyberShaman says that they were working on a transmitter for it. Anyone know the progress for this? Did they succeed?

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