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Esoteric Wizardry
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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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/fringe/, I dare you to show me that this whole occultism thing is not just LARPing by explaining it in easy words. That excludes using any words that a random person on the street would not know, at least without definition in those "easy words". I understand that you might act offended at this question, but if it is not a scam you should be able to at least summarize the general ideas and provide easily conductible experiments that are not explainable by self-delusion.

Thank you very much.



Systems of magic are tools to focus and progress intent.



Ok, thank you. I gathered already that at least some of you understand it as mental tools. Should have mentioned that.

Three more questions.

1. Do you or some of you consider it legit to really make yourself believe something, regardless of it's actual preditctive power? This could be useful but quite dangerous. Do you have a name for it?

2. Why are the books written in such confusing, LARPing tone? The only one I looked into which is clear about what it does was one on chaos magick. Are the others meant to be read in the same way?

3. Is there something more "scientific/engineered" as in "look what works, adjust, repeat"? Or are you just expected to do that for yourself? Since there are parallels between people it would make some sense though.



>Do you or some of you consider it legit to really make yourself believe something, regardless of it's actual preditctive power?

What do you mean by predictive power? It's common practice to feel as if change has already occurred, be it mental or physical in order to make it permanently manifested if that's what you're asking. This is commonly how people got rid of their physical ailments in the first years of magical work.

>Why are the books written in such confusing, LARPing tone?

These are books on magic mundane-kun, how else can you expect them to sound to normal people? If I didn't have a paranormal experience prior to starting to research all this stuff I'd have said all these made up terms are a bunch of baloney but if you read enough books you'd start to notice that although names for various things change, the description of their essence remains the same. Magic doesn't change, only the systems that people tried to build around it in order to get some use out of it.

>The only one I looked into which is clear about what it does was one on chaos magick.

Post the book name and I'd be able to address it's LARPiness more directly.

In any case for neophytes there is a book guide you should follow but Atkinson who's written most of the recommended works has a huge salesman type of writing you could have gripes with. The information is solid though and imo is excellent theoretical foundation.

>Is there something more "scientific/engineered" as in "look what works, adjust, repeat"?

The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram is a perfect example. If I'm not mistaken the original is a Golden Dawn ritual but at this point everyone and their grandmother modified it according to their own special snowflake belief systems without reducing its effectiveness.

>Or are you just expected to do that for yourself?

Imho that's a big part of progressing with magic. A good portion of questions in the question thread are people looking for clear cut rituals that someone else made but I think it'd be better if they understood the theory behind magic, understood how to use their will in order to craft their own rituals for whatever goals. Questions like what ritual should I use to seduce my coworker/classmate are cancer.


Hey Khan, haven't seen you post here in ages, can we expect another thread full of good info?



I'm not sure what you mean by question one but ultimately we generally (or should) treat this with as much of a skeptical mindset as a scientist(use a journal and don't pretend or give yourself mental issues). Try things to gain an effect or result. Figure out how it works. Test it again based on hypothesis, etc. Eventually you get a solid understanding and working method to play with.

As for question 2. I can agree. Either the author has one too many mental issues, is sucked into a parasitic egregore/thoughtform (mind virus) or is trying to make a "get rich(bitches) quick" book. You'll eventually find authors which are more humble and informative as your need for it arises. Other than that, learn reality from experience.

Try to either go for a pure theory book like some Vedic, Hindu, Tibetan, Bhudist or Daoist scriptures (I'd recommend commentaries if you're new else wise it's all gibberish). And finding practical books to go along with it like basic ritual, pranyama(qi-gong/breath work), yoga(tai-chi/chi-kung or esoteric exercises), etc. Depending what you find interesting.

I think I answered some of question 3 in the first but I'll give a little more info. This is called occult science of which there are many forms and cultures(science being a method to understanding oneself and your external reality). Most of what we study are just the ancient scientific system of cultures outside the west like the Egyption, Greek, Vedic, Chines, etc. I'm coming to the stage where I can see how profound and useful western science is and how powerful occult wise it is once you truly understand and grasp holistic(right brained) thinking. You'll eventually come to your own understandings of what works, how it works, etc. The tools of sciences (languages) which we use are just an overlay which is placed onto our perception in order to allow us to get closer to this source.

It's like baking a cake. You have an intention which needs to be fulfilled. You use a language to overlay your perception with which other people made to allow you to experience the ride of baking it. You end up creating the cake and gain a basic understanding of how it all works. After that you can choose to continue using the same recipe or customize certain areas in the form of flavors, volume, styles, etc.


Hey there. I see so many easily answerable questions and feel the need to stick my nose in lol.

As for a thread, I've certainly been thinking up one. Though it's the first month of winter so I might take some time to write it up since I keep finding out so many new concepts, ideas and principles of the body and reality. It should be a thread based purely around gaining proper enlightenment through cultivating both the mind and body. Basically how to end game life lol. That along with a ton of information and practices on utilizing your body (think of the qi-gong thread but ramped up 3 times). And a simple way to understand reality. Think of it as a complete tutorial on internal and external alchemy which allows you to not only understand and cultivate yourself but the world around you as well.


The universe is made up of electric (bioelectricity/light) and magnetic (gravity/charge affinity) waves. Human bodies output and intake both of those types of information and then process them into other types of information. I.e. hunger, thirst, emotions, will etc. If humans absorb and process information already it follows they could learn to exercise control on how that information gets processed. A human could experience the impulse of hunger. Some humans might reach for a granola bar or snack while some might reach for a book knowing that their body is simply bored or stagnant. Wizardry is learning informational input/output and using the will and focus to direct those flows to change the scene or environment to the humans idea of "better"

Humans are weak however. Humans are subject to greed, anger, envy, pride, and other manner of destructive emotions or informations. If the reference guides to shaping information were in plain language (not hidden or "occult") then any fool could use that without understanding what they may be fiddling with.

A child knows fire is hot I still do not put a flaming torch in their hand.


One of the most simple ways I can explain some of the effects magick and occult wisdom have, consists in this:

To [know or achieve] that which is unattainable [by the intellect] may be reached or attained in a matter beyond [intellectual] attainment.

Or, the art of causing change to occur in conformity with will.

Example: The way you can make a girl love you, simply by words you say, music you show, the art you make, etc…

A famous singer, for example, is always a magician wether they know it or not. There are just other words for it, like entertainer, pop-start w/e…

But what they are really doing, is using their art, to change and influence people's minds and mixed up with their image and videos, in order to be loved and even worshiped.

Most of them eventually become aware of their alienating power, that's why it shouldn't be abused.

Magick, in the old days, was simply called the art. And then it went from art to science, and then it was separated.

But it's still there.

For example, the words you say in a ritual don't really matter at all, neither does the ritual itself. Your belief, will and mindset you have during the ritual, is what causes the effect.

Hope I made it clear enough. Safe travels my friends.


tl;dr systems of magic are mental tools and protocol to access control over the energy related to the subconscious, rational thinking mind & emotion in order to consciously align or attract probable futures or strengthen your bond with other human beings.

Its practical quantum physics, control over not just the body and its muscles but every emotion and thought you feel and think, which are broadcasted at all times from your persona and heart.

Magic can be aligning to pick a fight on Friday night because you're pissed and want to vent, it can also be professionally avoiding such a scenario.

Magic is wanting something so much that the desire courses through your soul, the animating matter, your bodies biologic electricity to focus and exude that desire, attracting the people that could make your desire come true, making it happen.

Did they stop having meme magic courses on /pol/? Why are the prophets silent?





I've collect a few images to show meme magics power.

if anyone has some ebola chan ones or the one where /pol/acks made a deal with ba'al it'd be appreciated



>Think of it as a complete tutorial on internal and external alchemy which allows you to not only understand and cultivate yourself but the world around you as well.

Noice, looking forward to it.


/pol/ is having an aneurysm over the Oregon being a false flag or not at the moment.



>"Occultism" is just LARPing bullshit hiding behind fancy expressions.

Da fuck is a LARPing?

Speak like a person, anon, not like some teenager on a cellphone… otherwise I might also start adding a dozen acronyms per sentence that you're gonna need a 3 volume acronymopedia just to follow the conversation.

With that being said, let's get to what matters.

First, asking why occultism is occult is like asking why encryption is encrypted.

It's supposed to be that way because that's what it is.

Occultism was devised to occult some other shit just like encryption was devised to encrypt some other shit.

And asking "why it is the way it is?" is a morronic self-evident question.

Second… da fuck are you talking about?

>this whole occultism thing

>it's actual preditctive power

>feel as if change has already occurred


You start with occultism and then you begin leaning more towards precognition, then Khan nudges you into visualization…

this shit cannot be all over the field like that.



Lol what you mean? What content do you want, I can't really show you or prove anything to you from here, so you're gonna have to take our words for it…

Or maybe I could… Maybe I can…

And I probably will.


Here's the thing, OP: everyone is LARPing in their day to day lives and they are mostly not aware of it.

Young kids are somewhat aware of it and more powerful because they manipulate the rules of the LARP. They are the masters of LARP and create, bend and break rules all the time on the fly. Adults on the other hand are conditioned to believe all rules remain permanent and inflexible.

Like LARPing, our power or lack thereof comes from the roles we choose to play that are programmed into us by those around us, our friends, our family, our culture and our society. In a way, depending on the system of occultic thought, it makes you aware of the LARP when everyone else has forgotten.

In a nutshell, being aware of the fact that everyone is LARPping will make you more aware of the role you have been playing and the role that has been thrust upon you by both your unconscious decision making and the thoughts and decisions of others. Waking up is the first step on the path toward forging your own destiny.






>random person on street

Everything is energy and energy condensed. Science has proven this through observation means. Different frequencies are visible and some non-visible. All have effects on the environment around them. Some of these effects - if not all - also extend within the human body/mind.

Different levels of perception are also much like a radio dial, which we can call consciousness. Through tuning our focus it is possible to select which frequency we wish to observe and participate in.

From there, we get into the precipitation of one energy form from the next… And how these effect the world around us and set events into motion. Events in our lives are set into motion even by the rotation of bodies within our solar system. Astrology was not separate from the ancient sciences.

Of course, all of this can appear nonsensical without the proper maps to guide us on our journey. The enemies of truth and life itself have burned and rewritten many maps, which those ignorant and feeble minded have copied to and propagated. This board reflects many of those inaccuracies.

However, life always finds a way and will not be denied.



>random person on street

Everything is energy and energy condensed. Science has proven this through direct observational means. Different frequencies are visible and most non-visible. All have effects on the environment around them. Some of these effects - if not all - also extend within the human body/mind.

Different levels of perception are also much like that of a radio dial, which we can label consciousness. Through tuning our focus it is possible to select which frequency we observe and participate in.

From there we get into the precipitation of one energy form to the next and how these effect the world around us and set seemingly inconspicuous events into motion, for energy is never destroyed only transformed including that of our souls. Events in our lives have been set into motion by the influence of bodies within our solar system, for example. Astrology was not separate from the ancient sciences.

Of course, all of this can appear nonsensical without the proper maps to guide us on our journey through eternity. The enemies of truth and life itself have burned and rewritten many maps, which those ignorant and feeble-minded have made desire to copy and propagate. This board reflects many of those inaccuracies.

However, life always finds a way and shall not be denied.


LARPing is power. All magic is a divine sex-act through which the conscious mind impregnates the subconscious with the seed of a desire. The whole purpose of ritual is to impress the subconscious, which, like a woman, is a sucker for drama. A LARP in which you act as though you already have your desire fulfilled will achieve results.


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Modern esoteric "philosophies" are the way we reach inner peace in the post-modern, post-industrial West. The Church was the means for ordinary people to reach this however, it has collapsed into insignificance. The new exoteric religion is secular liberal humanism which has no transcendence for ordinary people. Since myth, religion, and transcendence have been withheld from without, they must be found from within. The purpose of "magic", or meditation, or esoteric philosophy is to connect with the divine and achieve transcendence – to step outside ourselves and realise our position as spectators and players in the cosmic drama of the Universe.

Real religion takes different forms across different times, cultures, and peoples. This is one way for post-industrial man to attain some form of honest and purposeful religious experience. Note that black magic is magic for material use, whereas white magic is to achieve transcendence and be content with the experience alone.


If you're starting from a rational, materialist perspective, it helps to think of it as psychological conditioning. This helps you break the disbelief barrier, just play along.



read some p.d. ouspensky




i meant that as a continuation of what you said. he approaches the esoteric from psychological/scientific point of view



> one on chaos magick.






Why? This subject comes up all the time and the answer is always the same.



LARPing is actually a potent form of intent that needed during ritual work.


Occultism is bullshit



1. Everything is made of thought. The physical world is made of thought that is "fixed" and concrete. Thought as a phenomenon of the mind is far more malleable. They are essentially made of the same "stuff" (which is varying rates of vibration, but I'll avoid that parlance).

2. Everything is one. "You" are inseparable from the rest of the world in every way, like one big organism. A simple bottom-up illustration: you breathe in, you breathe out. Where does the air end and "you" begin? Same with the food and water you digest. It's all a unified "happening." This includes the subjective and objective worlds. Every invention or piece of legislation began in the imagination, for example - so where does "mind" end and the world begin?

3. You shape the world by the harmonious focus of thought (an imagined reality), emotion (whether positive or negative), and will (desire). Because you are one with the world, and the world is made of thought, your most salient thoughts mesh with the world around you and literally bend it toward that imagined state.

4. The rich get richer, the poor get poorer. The negatively-oriented quickly grow sick and old while the postively-oriented live with vitality. Pessimists have chaotic shitty lives, optimists succeed and enjoy life. The strong dominate, the submissive are dominated. These follow simply as cause-and-effect under the aforementioned axioms.

5. Occultism/magick is the process of seizing control over one's own faculties to maximize returns in bending reality to his will. It's expanding your domain of control. This can vary in the degree of direct or indirect action. i.e. You move your arm to pick up a glass of water, and that's a focused act of will, just firmly within the domain of perceived control. You perform a ritual to increase your probability of winning the lottery, and that's also an act of will, but extended far beyond just "you" and your perceived domain of control. But they're on the same spectrum.

Then there are all kinds of overlapping models, theories, mythologies, and practices to facilitate this. But that's the gist.



lamo u just answered a year old thread



Whatever. This board hardly moves anyway, someone could find a use stumbling upon the post.



If it makes you feel any better, I read your post and it helped me with some of the things I've been thinking about this week. #4 was especially interesting because I've been considering the whole predator/prey dynamic that exists in the natural world because animals are all STS, but it still carries over to some extent with humans. I think as a race we can all move on from that and become STO, but for the time being we're kind of stuck in this between period.


Occult just means hidden knowledge.

There's nothing larpy or bullshit about it.




But you don't actually believe a ritual to win the lottery is actually going to increase your chances of winning the lottery, do you? It's just a matter of changing mindsets and looking at things differently, right?



Do not think of it as a science. Think of it as a feeling, a sensation, and your soul as the sensor, and only then will you understand the connotations.


To put it as simply as I can:

Magic is when you create an Illusion within yourself, then make this Illusion a reality. Reality is a construct created by conciousness, conciousness can be fooled into thinking what isn't real is real, thus illusions and delusions can affect reality.

For many, this begins as LARPing, this is their training wheels. Then they realize that their "make believe bullshit" affects reality.

From there it can go two ways: Most of the time, people become obsessed with it and think everything in their mind equals reality in some way and when the connection is not what they expect they make up excuses.

Others walk the lonely path of trying to be serious about this, fight their way through hordes of underage larping faggots, slowly lose their sanity but then find this one field of spirituality they are really good at and try to give it some higher purpose. (They usually go insane on the way there though.)



1. Believing is the first step. It is also a dangerous one. You cannot make something that isn't a reality a reality if you don't believe in it.

2. Since many roads lead to Rome when it comes to magic and there isn't just one way to do it right and all others are bullshit when you write a book about magic it is always a very subjective thing. And for it to work, it has to be a BELIEVEABLE system. A good tool for that is to build some sort of interesting believe structure around it that tries to make you WANT to believe it. Thus they decorate it with "LARPing". But of course this is playing a dangerous game and thus a lot of books are just, well, shit.

3. If you want the best scientific example for magic look at what kind of crazy shit the placebo (or nocebo) effect is sometimes capable of. Especially when those effects hit a collective level. If you want to dig a little deeper check out the theories for the morphogenic field, if you want to stray further into understanding WHY magic works instead of HOW it works you can take a look at how conciousness affects quantum mechanics (not gonna lie quantum science is a fucking mess tho), the whole idea of how the universe is a simulation and the strong arguments there are for this. If you want less crazy shit that still helps you get the science behind spirituality in general, I recommend learning about psychology and philosophy. Bonus points for neurology but that shit is almost just as hard to understand and messy as quantum science.

I can go into details about some of those points if you'd like me to, but I tend to write way too long posts so I tried to just name stuff without going into too much detail here.



None of you bitches are real because I ain't real.

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