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Esoteric Wizardry


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All my life, any song I ever hear stays with me, and I have had stuff like phantom music happen and so on. I have avoided music and generally hate it. However I believe myself to have an immense talent for it that I have inherited from my previous life. Lately, I have been thinking, I should pick an instrument which I can master the playing of and which will fit my ability to channel music straight from the astral well. I just don't know what it should be. If it was something like a drum, no matter how good I became at, nobody would be impressed. Drumming is too easy.

I think maybe a flute would be best? Would a flute have enough complexity to it that it would allow me to create new music people haven't heard before? I think maybe I could play a flute all day and night all the time while invoking trances until I become a god of the flute and can do incredible magick with it.

What are the best instruments for wizards? I want something I can use to impress people and give them the genuine feel and realization that I am channeling this music from the heavens. I want to be able to stir up some intense loosh with my music.


I am very serious about the magick of this whole thing btw, I plan on doing things with whatever instrument I choose, that will be very much paranormal.



YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I think I will talk with my neighbours about this as they literally spent their whole life teaching music.


File: 1466234736010.png (808.79 KB, 698x948, 349:474, gol.png)



Like you even need to ask. Get a nice digital grand or something if you don't have room for a real one.

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