I am back from the psychiatric ward. Here is a run-down of what happened:
The Police Visit Me
I was posting on /4chon/ and talking to Hanz when I had to get the door. There were two very nice white female police officers at the door. They asked to see my leg and I showed them. There was nothing there and I was thinking they would leave then. Unfortunately the one police officer asked me if there were wounds anywhere else on me and asked me to show my arms. I ended up taking off my BDU shirt and cotton shirt underneath that and they saw. They then insisted I was to come to the hospital either voluntarily or involuntarily. I talked to them about it and made very sure of two things:
A) That they would not forcibly medicate me.
B) That I would be able to leave at any time.
They assured me that I would not be forcibly medicated and that I would be able to leave. I believed them and was under the impression I would go to the hospital, they would do various tests, there'd be discussion about my options, I'd talk to various psychiatrists, etc. and find something that works for me. I was taken into the back of the police vehicle (no hand-cuffs or anything) and driven there. While in the vehicle I talked to the female police officer, she does Judo like me and has the same belt level as me, and also uses essential oils like me. She was very sympathetic and the best person to talk to. I was dropped off at the hospital by her and I signed in and she left.
The Hospital
They did blood pressure test, took blood sample, urine sample, etc. and had me talk to various psychiatrists and doctors. All was going very well until I met the main psychiatrist who was a negro from Africa that I couldn't understand at all because of his strong accent. None of the psychiatrists were white but at least the Hindu/Indian ones I could talk to about Hinduism and they'd understand and talking with them was pleasant also Indians are basically caucasoid. The negro psychiatrist was more stand-offish and it probably didn't help that I felt extremely uncomfortable being around anyone of his race. I should have left as soon as it became apparent I didn't have a white psychiatrist presiding over me but I didn't know what was going on.
I met a 16 year old red haired girl in the waiting room who had the "street name" aka nickname Smiley and she fapped to me. Smiley wants to see me if I ever get out of the psychiatric ward, she told me where abouts she can be found on the streets. Smiley is homeless and was there with this other guy who looks identical to me (blonde, same sort of beard, same sort of wild curly hair) who never wears shoes. When they released him he didn't have shoes and he didn't want to wear any. He had jumped off of a bridge and was only alive because Smiley caught him and held onto him until he could be pulled back up. Smiley fucked him while they were in the ward… they literally had sex there.
The Psychiatric Ward
Everyone who was there (not including nurses and psychiatrists), they were ALL Northern Europeans, aryan as fuck, blonde or red hair, and skinny or fit (no fatties). There were just 2 guys I ever saw in there with black hair but still completely European and or two women with black hair. I have two arm-bands on me and they dressed me in blue paper clothing rather than my normal clothes which they took away from me along with all my stuff and gave me these special red socks. Everyone there was skinny or fit (no fatties). At first I thought I was there voluntarily. I asked about what I would be doing there and if I'd be getting to talk more with psychiatrists and so on. However they were very busy all the time and I mostly had to talk to other people there and gather clues to understand just what sort of place I was in and what it was about. It seems they just hold you there and keep an eye on you constantly, making sure you don't kill yourself, and some people come there because they've been on drugs but when I was there it was pretty much all just fellow white people like myself who tried to commit suicide; most of them by cutting just like me (although my cuts are way deeper than all of them, which gained me mad respect I think).