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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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I am back from the psychiatric ward. Here is a run-down of what happened:

The Police Visit Me

I was posting on /4chon/ and talking to Hanz when I had to get the door. There were two very nice white female police officers at the door. They asked to see my leg and I showed them. There was nothing there and I was thinking they would leave then. Unfortunately the one police officer asked me if there were wounds anywhere else on me and asked me to show my arms. I ended up taking off my BDU shirt and cotton shirt underneath that and they saw. They then insisted I was to come to the hospital either voluntarily or involuntarily. I talked to them about it and made very sure of two things:

A) That they would not forcibly medicate me.

B) That I would be able to leave at any time.

They assured me that I would not be forcibly medicated and that I would be able to leave. I believed them and was under the impression I would go to the hospital, they would do various tests, there'd be discussion about my options, I'd talk to various psychiatrists, etc. and find something that works for me. I was taken into the back of the police vehicle (no hand-cuffs or anything) and driven there. While in the vehicle I talked to the female police officer, she does Judo like me and has the same belt level as me, and also uses essential oils like me. She was very sympathetic and the best person to talk to. I was dropped off at the hospital by her and I signed in and she left.

The Hospital

They did blood pressure test, took blood sample, urine sample, etc. and had me talk to various psychiatrists and doctors. All was going very well until I met the main psychiatrist who was a negro from Africa that I couldn't understand at all because of his strong accent. None of the psychiatrists were white but at least the Hindu/Indian ones I could talk to about Hinduism and they'd understand and talking with them was pleasant also Indians are basically caucasoid. The negro psychiatrist was more stand-offish and it probably didn't help that I felt extremely uncomfortable being around anyone of his race. I should have left as soon as it became apparent I didn't have a white psychiatrist presiding over me but I didn't know what was going on.


I met a 16 year old red haired girl in the waiting room who had the "street name" aka nickname Smiley and she fapped to me. Smiley wants to see me if I ever get out of the psychiatric ward, she told me where abouts she can be found on the streets. Smiley is homeless and was there with this other guy who looks identical to me (blonde, same sort of beard, same sort of wild curly hair) who never wears shoes. When they released him he didn't have shoes and he didn't want to wear any. He had jumped off of a bridge and was only alive because Smiley caught him and held onto him until he could be pulled back up. Smiley fucked him while they were in the ward… they literally had sex there.

The Psychiatric Ward

Everyone who was there (not including nurses and psychiatrists), they were ALL Northern Europeans, aryan as fuck, blonde or red hair, and skinny or fit (no fatties). There were just 2 guys I ever saw in there with black hair but still completely European and or two women with black hair. I have two arm-bands on me and they dressed me in blue paper clothing rather than my normal clothes which they took away from me along with all my stuff and gave me these special red socks. Everyone there was skinny or fit (no fatties). At first I thought I was there voluntarily. I asked about what I would be doing there and if I'd be getting to talk more with psychiatrists and so on. However they were very busy all the time and I mostly had to talk to other people there and gather clues to understand just what sort of place I was in and what it was about. It seems they just hold you there and keep an eye on you constantly, making sure you don't kill yourself, and some people come there because they've been on drugs but when I was there it was pretty much all just fellow white people like myself who tried to commit suicide; most of them by cutting just like me (although my cuts are way deeper than all of them, which gained me mad respect I think).


>this is not finished, but I have to go back very soon, and can not write more

>when I was in the ward I casted a sigil out of the words "QUICK FREEDOM" to get out, and eventually I got out

>I tried to greenpill everyone there, I'll write more about this later if I get chance



Wait, 4chon on pl or net? Because one of those sites gave your IP to the feds.


You have to go back? I thought it was voluntary? If you were allowed to leave at any time, why did you have to do sigil work?



I haven't finished writing my story. tl;dr is while I was in things changed and I ended up being held there involuntarily. I'll explain in full detail later if I can. I don't know who betrayed me but I think .pl should be considered a honeypot and should be boycotted.


There is SO MUCH MORE I have written down as mental notes that I need to type out still. So many amazing things. I continue to experience mindblowing synchronicities every single day and many other events keep happening that are just so amazing. I am likely going back in just 5 hours 30 minutes from this post, hopefully I will be able to escape again. I might end up starting a greenpill revolution whether I have to do it from inside a psychiatric ward or not.


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>get out

>lets tell everyone about magick first before i moonwalk out the door



Enjoy being raped by the medical joos.






>Wait, 4chon on pl or net? Because one of those sites gave your IP to the feds.

Smiley told everyone on /fringe/ where he worked, everyone knew his first name and had many pictures of him. A secret admirer could get his dox with that stuff-he has several articles about him on those "lolcow" stalker sites too.



>Wait, 4chon on pl or net? Because one of those sites gave your IP to the feds.

Both do. The only difference between them is that Jim sells it while czaks lets them take it.


You all seem pretty happy about this. Why does everyone hate BO?



>greenpilling people in a psychward while being monitored by mundanes

You've pretty much fucked up there



That's true. Here's hoping fringechan guy would at least try to delay them.


That's what I was thinking. Also that he posted about being visited a few months ago and they'd still have his info. But the fake-smiley post about the leg gash sent them to his house. Meaning either someone reported it, or they were monitoring for his posts.


He's a lolcow from 4chon. I don't really care about that. I, as a human, want him to improve. Maybe if he left those shitty communities he'd stop getting all this negativity from people.


I agree. A psych ward, where they misdiagnose people with stuff like schizophrenia daily, is a bad place to teach people that mind is all.


>getting along fine with inmates



Smiley, I would like to tell you a story, maybe you've heard it before.

There was a little village in the middle of nowhere, and in this village there was a man who had gained a reputation as a crazy person. The village idiot.

Our idiot was walking just outside the village one day when he found the village shaman (who was greatly revered by the people of the village) had stripped naked and was meditating in a tree. The idiot thought "If he can do it, I can too!" stripped down, climbed up the tree and joined him.

They sat there for a few hours and finally the idiot asks "What separates us? Why are you so revered while I am treated as a crazy person?"

The mystic replied "Because I know who to talk about my experiences with."

Assuming you see this, please meditate on it during your time in lockup.



>getting along fine with inmates

If Smiley wasn't an idiot, he would know they are patients, not inmates. Even in the psych wards where they lock the doors, we still refer to them as patients.

In either case, getting along with the majority of them isn't that hard since they are mostly in there for depression. Hanging out with them really made me realize how not depressed I was and also just how much we suck at caring for the depressed. I was in a unusualy good mood for the 3 days I spent in one and I made friends with like half the people there because I wasn't a moody sorry-sack like the rest of them. I wasn't even trying as well; they would just come up to me, pay me random compliments, would spend their time cracking jokes with me. There was something "off" in most of them, but in spite of being something minor anybody could look past, it is sad that these people just need friends.



That's real nice. It definitely feels like that's what separates us from most folk. That we know our experiences are valuable and are able to express them in language.

Anyway Godspeed Fringe Wizard.



>If Smiley wasn't an idiot, he would know they are patients, not inmates

Citation of him ever referring to the patients as "inmates"?


New updates: There is a place within walking distance of me very interested in hiring me full-time and paying me double minimum wage + some, I have made connections with two very advanced old wizards that want to help me achieve incredible psychic power as well as train me in survival and military skills, an old woman wants to teach me sewing and doll making and cooking, I have learned to buy stuff online, I will probably not be locked up in the psychiatric ward, it's been probably a week now maybe more since I last fapped and I don't really care to start again, all the white homeless people everywhere acknowledge me and love to have a chance to talk to me, and my ability to greenpill others is very strong and people listen and get interested.

From total devastation and thinking my life is over it seems my rise to power may really have only just begun in earnest. It may be too early to say – but my years of total devotion to the pill philosophies and all the wisdom I have gained from imageboards and intense study of and meditation upon the occult seems to have prepared me for something greater. Maybe I will restore national pride and save my race yet…


I should probably try and find Smiley and meet with her but for now I've got so much gardening and other things to do hmmm… I'll probably see her around one day.



I'm sure you know the saying "it's always darkest before the dawn". It's the law of rhythm.

I'd worry less about your race and more about yourself.



you haven't been warded yet?

Did you escape again or did they not come.



hes making it all up dumbass



I don't believe smiley just because he's saying it, I just don't doubt that he'd get send to the loony bin with how he acts.




i bet you feel stupid now.


The /cringe/ in this thread is real, get a life fag


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So Smiley is the fringegirl pic and

>Smiley caught him and held onto him

represents how the narrator's life was saved by becoming invested in wizardry?

I love all the imagery and "strangeness" of this narrative :3



Where the fuck is the pic from then huh faggot?



bullshit occultist, lets measure wands.



It's from a room with ceil blue scrubs and red socks. It could be any room. There could be any reason for there to be scrubs and red socks. The picture doesn't prove the story's legitimacy.

I thought everyone knew the cliché, "Correlation does not equal causation."



This post made me consider the girl Smiley being the incarnation of fringegirl, but the girl Smiley in the story has no spiritual ability.


It's Smiley's room, I recognize it from his youtube videos. The scrubs might be fake, but I don't know what he'd have to gain from this fake story.


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I don't need a wand. External tools are for chumps that believe they're necessary.



>I don't know what he'd have to gain from this fake story.

attention on the internet

this is smiley we're talking about


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



you're aware they take everything away from you in a psyche ward, correct?



attention from [redacted]

Post last edited at



Want a post of me beside my psych ward clothing or maybe a picture of the card the police gave me or any other stuff?


You're aware I didn't have a camera while in the psych ward or indeed anything else except for they eventually gave my pen back and my essential oils and they gave me a piece of paper. Then when they released me they gave everything else back.


Hold on a moment I'll ban you just wait.



>Want a post of me beside my psych ward clothing or maybe a picture of the card the police gave me or any other stuff?

A picture of you wearing the psych ward clothing.



Dwarf/Smiley's retarded gf.



wut are you saying they're the same person?



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shit guys, I think I found the pic they took of Smiley for booking at the psych ward. Thoughts?


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If you live in the United States you should know that you do not have to answer the door if the police show up. They can not break into your home. Wait and eventually they will go away.

The police grabbed me and threatened me with time in a mental hospital. Because I pleaded the fifth amendment and kept silent I was sent to jail only one night and was released the next morning with no charges.

If you are still on psychiatric medications wean yourself off them by titrating down with smaller and smaller doses. They will inhibit your psychic abilities and weaken your physical body.




Hanz here. I know these red socks. The EXACT same socks are being handed out here in german mental wards too.


Greenpill me on the redsocks given out in psychiatric wards.

Why are they red?

Why the little white patterns over them?



During my visit in the good ol' U.S.A. they gave us blue ones with white rubberized designs on the bottom for traction like the red ones shown here. The design was paw prints. It was fitting, seeing as how they treated us like animals.

Mental health systems are dystopian bureaucratic nightmares.


They are bright colors so it can be easily seen if one is wearing them or not, going barefoot is bad due to spreading contagious foot diseases. The white patterns are rubberized to prevent slipping.



Oh wait you wanted greenpill, which means you want made-up bullshit.

The red socks are colored that way to absorb all of one's psychic power and to drain energy from them.The Boston Red Sox is an illuminati inside joke referencing this. The patterns are acupressure sabotage devices designed to encourage pacivity and compliance.

Adepts know to always wear the socks with the patterns on the top to avoid their effects and to pad the insides with toilet paper so that the red fabric doesn't touch the skin.





wtf am I reading?



>implying hes wrong


File: 1467662832361.jpg (11.86 KB, 480x360, 4:3, Mmmm.jpg)

llas sle soks ur slur? u'n srin sle piark izer as irerase… kiw's sujj iiorrejs naw. juse ur kiij ii. ki rrirsr, slas reajji lejrr lusl nakuks.


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What the fuck am I reading?




Art…I think. It's pretty entertaining. Hanz btw is completely fucking nuts of course but he shares his experiences which are always funny.



Czech language


crazy is as crazy does

smiley is dangerous

can't you see the reality

it eats at you internally

you are insane

you have a damaged membrane

collidally entrapment in esoteric transferianism eternally devoid of consciousness and eternal existence as a shoe

(5. Respect anonymity. No identifying posts.)


shit this is tough stuff. I hope OP/ smiley? is doing okay. a lot of us have been through similar things.

(5. Respect anonymity. No identifying posts.)




Have you read 'Heraclitus: Fragments'?

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