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August 2018 - 8chan Transparency Report
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The rules are simple and mostly apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/:
1. No duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit
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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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Everytime you hate on Smiley, you display your mundanity.

(5. No identifying posts / namefag drama)



It's not hate so much as it is pity and a resigned detachment. As an outsider looking in he brings a lot of this on himself.



You must be the greatest hater if you cannot see all the hate that has been directed his way.

But I am healing this Smiley…as we speak, he is without knowing being reconstructed by my workers, sealed off from the demons



I don't feel anything about smiley besides that he is funny

Btw fam could i ask who you are.



>if you cannot see all the hate that has been directed his way.

Like that drama with that Norweigan girl of his?

Or that time with that OTHER girl of his who deleted fringe?

Ooorr that time he freaked the hell out and started self harming on webcam?

ORRR that time when he chimped out after /edgy/ and what not were deleted? That's only the stuff I've heard passively through browsing fringe. I don't even personally know the guy, so no. Not a hater.

The point I'm trying to make here is that if you make your life a circus, don't be surprised when people start gathering round and wanting to throw pies at you.

Still, glad to know you're healing him. He's obviously a pretty troubled guy and while I'm a bit apathetic to his plight, Noone deserves what he's going through. For fucks sake, try to get him to be a little bit more grounded though. Please?



Every time you make a thread to prove other peoples' mundanity you indirectly show of your own.

People are quick to judge Smiley because his online written persona is different from his real life persona. I suggest that you talk to him in person or find a video of him talking so that you may see his true personality.


File: 1466866949775.jpg (115.13 KB, 520x691, 520:691, God-the-geometer-copy.jpg)

Judge not lest ye be judged

And with what judgement ye judge, ye shall be judged

and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.



by the way, this is not some airy ideal, this is simply how the universe works, it's physics.



it's funny how things start to come together when you start taking all these old sayings as just what they are



What exactly is he going through?


signed, Smiley



smiley is based you fucking cuckold



>Sells his knowledge to Gizmodo

>Somehow he's based

More like used media whore.



How are we going to have a cultural revolution unless we spread our knowledge to the masses retard? Why don't you go back to your basement virgin NEET.



>Every single book in the FAQ warns that spitting pearls before swine is useless

>Ignores them and goes do it himself as if someone browsing a clickbait website has anything good to do

Figures some faggot that looks like the "MAGIC ISN'T REAL" shitposter would switch to supporting Gizmodo.



>muh sekrit club

>muh speeshul knowledge

>nobody can know my ultra secret rituals and shit

Grow up


you won't trick me that way



I have a strong suspicion that Smiley learns far more from us than we ever learn from him.



Too right.

Smiley, take care and may you find abundant loosh.



at least he's smart enough to change the file name, fucking fool.



Smiley is a great example of everything not to do.


Meeting smiley in person would be an experience



if you live near waterloo canada you can drive to his address thats been spammed in various places





I must have missed this part of the drama. What was sold?


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Literally nothing.



During the 4chan exodus hotwheels said /fringe/ was one of his favorite boards in an interview and also /fringe/ was board of the week at the height of 8ch activity. That really brought an increase in usership. Then 8ch had the worst technical problems of any site I've ever visited and usership plummeted.

An article in some major culture blog could bring back those glory days.


This thread is VERY IMPORTANT and must be bumped


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It used to be fun and full of jokesters! "Slap me in the astral!" "Haha! Silly mundanes!" and whatnot. R.I.P! Those were good times!



Balet dis 4 ever and next time someone asks something personal why give it to them?



Remember the 14 year old "national socialist necrophiliac?"



I hope that whom ever that was.. wasn't actually 14 because you must be 18+ to post here.



Stop spreading this disinformation (you).

Any bad goys of any age can post here.

This isn't 4chan, we're outlaws here, not rulecucks.



18+. Are you underage? Do mods need to give you the ban hammer?


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