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Esoteric Wizardry


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Hello, /fringe/!

My group and I are working on a time and space device, and we require assistance. We've got some concept schematics done, but our next step is to create finalized schematics and to build the device.

If you have any electronics, computer science, or any other experience that may benefit this project, feel free to join the Skype group.

Skype group link: https://join.skype.com/PTfCMST4v5Jm



>a time and space device

What is it supposed to do? Stop time? Time travel?



Time is not real, it's a result of limited/ mortal consciousness experiencing the healthy accumulation or deterioration of molecular structures.

Can you build a machine that rearranges molecules from spacetime x to z?

If you somehow could fuel this machine with God (cause that's the kind of energy requirements were talking about), you would be God.

These are my five cents, timetravel =! Feasible.

Maybe in the future when we have integrated science with quantum physics, in all aspects.






Open up vortexes so that you can hop from one universe to another, or one time period to another.



Look, I'm right.

Wait five years until science catches up.

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