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File: 1467306660928.png (1.46 MB, 1600x900, 16:9, kindness-heart-image-orgsp….png)


I'm not joking. I think giving lots of compliments and genuinely meaning them in the direction of everyone on and off every day is the one true magic of influencing people.

Maybe we've all be overthinking it and the one true magic was in the gift of kindness all along.


If every thought is a prayer and every word is a spell, then surely a compliment, or words of love are one of the strongest, more positive and influencing power. Wondering what's stopping us from using it so much?



b8 thread, but:

It's the intention that matters. You know how, even as a mundane, you can look into someones eyes and see their true feelings? How you can pick up on how people feel even when they're lying? That's because intention shines through everything.

If you don't genuinely mean a compliment, it will hurt more than it will heal. And if you really mean all these compliments you give out, you're giving off a lot of positive energy that you have and making your world a better place. And since you have a lot of positive energy, you'll enjoy the world around you more. As within, so without.


What if the real magic was in our hearts all along?



>tfw it is

>tfw the thing with clapping for Tinkerbell is gospel

>tfw the Wizard of Oz is not only an intentional political allegory but also a very deep unintentional allegory about the wandering of the soul through the material/mentally-constructed plane (Oz)

>same with Alice in Wonderland

>The Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe actually functions on a far deeper level than basic Christian mysticism if you apply the psychology of the unconscious to it


No OP, I accomplish mental influence through extremely intense intent, imagination, and strong emotions. I create thoughtforms so fucking strong they sweep people away. In this process I will do anything to influence the person, there may be words said or nothing said at all, there may be gestures, whatever but it's all just to support a very strong mental impression to be made upon the other person.


I watch one particular mundane say thanks for everything and do the verbal shit and it's so fucking awful to watch. She was taught by someone else to be thankful for everything but she hasn't understood the teaching at all. She always says thanks for all food, over and over annoying the shit out of people around her, but if she'd just learn to sit for a moment and smell it and intently look upon it and eat it and consciously assimilate it and savour it she'd do better.


>the one true magic was in the gift of kindness all along.

That's what Jesus said.

And Buddha.

Mohammed, not so much.

Abraham, nah, eye for an eye, vengeful God etc.



this exactly, you have to really absorb what you're doing and express thanks only when you truly mean it as someone said earlier. False or overdone thanks or compliments make you look tryhard or phony to most and create more negativity than positivity.






check out the film "Zardoz"


And verily how dost thou vile remarks of agitation whilst in a sinister mind make of thee and the company thou keepest?



I know you can't into magic (yet), Epyc Wynn/Quaurgate, and there's a whole lot more for you to learn.

Everything one can imagine has a certain polarity, and so has your mental influence.

Influence can be both negative and positive, devastating or constructional, going against the grain or flowing with the stream.

Furthermore, influence can be achieved through a number of means, like >>79320 said.

The 'true' magic is not only about love and kindness, but sorrow, grief and hatred as well. 'Magic' contains it all, and one cannot ignore one side of the coin and still expect the other one to be the true side; they're both equally important.

That said, there's nothing wrong with kindness, on the contrary! It's a noble yet hard path to walk. Be sure to protect yourself and stay true to your path.




And we should keep in mind that many compliments are given in body language and tone, not just words.


"I'm not joking. I think giving lots of compliments and genuinely meaning them in the direction of everyone on and off every day is the one true magic of influencing people.

Maybe we've all be overthinking it and the one true magic was in the gift of kindness all along." - Cringey Faggot




I wont curse you, you do so yourself and you will get all that is coming to you all by your own design.



How is that magic you fucking dipshit? All it does is feed the narcissist epidemic in society. Merit is given where deserved.



">>79251 (OP)

How is that magic you fucking dipshit? All it does is feed the narcissist epidemic in society. Merit is given where deserved." - Angery Faggot


File: bc9e08767586991⋯.gif (12.1 KB, 366x534, 61:89, anger.gif)






Ugh pure autistic cringe



Get a life cringey loser. You are in psychosis. Get a fucking job.



ur mum's a loser



Talk about cringey. Get on some meds. You might be less of a hothead.



does anyone know where this is from?

it seems like it'd be usefyl



I think I found it!


http://lieske.com/5e.htm This is the index I think.



oh dang how did I not think to reverse image search.

Thanks g.



Excellent post & Great question.

I disagree with your sentiment but you're a beautiful person!



Disagree a lot op. I know too many people who talk to me only for the reason of compliments and affection, leaching off of me. Sure compliments are influencing, but they're ability to coax it out of me seems much more efficient



Maybe you should learn to resist their coaxing more effectively.

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