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just look at this shit.


>mandela effect and le meme magick

go back to /pol/

there is nothing esoteric about this



Why the fuck would someone make an overly organized movement just to disprove your retarded as hell fucking hypothesis that the Mandela effect is somehow some fucking conspiracy?

Get fucked





They've arrived


The only people I know who care about this shit are all complete fucking idiot retards like dogstralia and hanz. For goodness sakes it really is not worth the time and effort to think about this so much. Why are you so scared if the past is changing or not? You should be devoting your thought to more important matters like self-transmutation.


I want to see the text pictures in this especially the one about cointelpro


nvm… derp


>Why would the conspiracy try to disprove the conspiracy?

If you think about it it would make sense to do that.


I watched my VHS of snow white lst week and it is 'magic mirror on the wall'. Picked up a book later that said 'mirror mirror'. I'd chalk that one up to psychology, not editing.


If all the revisions to history are as stupid as the photos of the Into The Wild guy, I'll not divert energy from attempting the transubstation of bodily fluids, not now that I hold the key to the Dr. Strangelove General's ramblings, my unbeatable mana score is ensured.


Are there ways to visit a parallel universe?


They elite want to change history to benefit them, this is just one of their those tools.

Maybe it can be reversed. Just be thankful it's only minor stuff so far.



>stop thinking



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"totally real people" will take the time and effort to post attempts at highly convincing arguments like:

>In a world with even minutely different geography second order effects wouldn't be how many people are in JFKs car but whether the country exists in this form at all. Move North America one mile West and you've changed every person that will ever be born there. Do you realize how astoundingly unlikely it is that your sperm in particular was successful?

>you just have a bad memory

>memory is imperfect, u r shit, theres no alternate universes

>the number of people in JFK assassination car went back to 4! whoops now it's back to 6! haha! am I doing it rite guis?

>wow it sure is summer in here!

>it's just the weekend, and everyone in this entire thread, no, everyone that believes in the mandela effect is from saturday and are all retarded

>nice meme!

>I bet you're a millennial. They don't seem to remember anything.

>I bet your young, that's why you can't remember anything and are stupid and believe in the mandela effect

>I bet your old, that's why you can't remember anything and are stupid and believe in the mandela effect

>The only people I know who care about this shit are all complete fucking idiot retards. For goodness sakes it really is not worth the time and effort to think about this so much. Why are you so scared if the past is changing or not? You should be devoting your thought to more important matters.

>berenstain is the only thing that they changed- the rest of that stuff is just your mind playing tricks on you, and it wasn't a parallel dimension- it was just the jews

(notice how they try to admit a little in desperation to placate "the unforgotten" / mandela effect believers)

also know this- I'm jewish, or at least I was. I'm something different now and I want everyone to know the truth.

you have to keep in mind that alot of the jew meme is just spread by some of the more angry /pol/ers or /pol/ jokers, and by some who legitimately believe the jews are at fault for everything- but i discovered a deeper agenda to the whole jew meme. some shills who want that jew meme spread WANT everyone to focus all their attention and frustration for all their problems on a giant generalized group of religious people so that they are distracted and don't give any attention to the true leaders of the global elite cult. the tops of corporations and government.

>HAHA I just realized where your major malfunction is. All of your primary knowledge of media prior to 2000 comes from parodies. 90% of your list are paraphrased parodies of the original material, found in cartoons and comedy movies. The rest are you just being an illiterate twat. but don't listen to me, I must a shill.. OoooooOOooh dumbass.

>wow everyone who believes in the mandela effect is a stubborn conspiracy theorist who can't handle anyone being right! I'm going to tell everyone that mandela people think: "anyone who disagrees with me is a shill" but I'm going to kee shilling by simultaneously posting that argument and also saying the mandela effect is fake and wrong and a lie in every thread!

>Its not a conspiracy its just when some idiot remembers something poorly and puts his recollection on a webpage or in an email and spreads the bad info to others who automatically trust it.

>In the old days information was handed down by telling stories so by the time it had been passed around a dozen times, it was completely different.

>it's called "remembering something incorrectly and its for normalfags or /fringe/-tier autists.

>You remember things wrong, but in your case your ego doesn't let you admit you may possibly have remembered something incorrectly, Now fuck off


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>thousands of people are all remembering things wrong in all the same ways because they are idiots, and someone told them to think that, and it's important for me to run around posting that everyone is wrong in every mandela thread because if I dont everyone will think they are right- when they are actually totally wrong, and the list you posted is a joke, and three quarters are obvious and the last quarter I just don't care about!

>You're just an eyesore!

>You will be ignored

>You will be forgotten

>all of these are bs because the brain remembers bernstein better but it's just the brain correcting the thought to make it easier for itself.

when "totally real people" or "TRP's" surface in such numbers… it can only mean we are doing or thinking of something they do not want us to

The only evidence that any of this has, is what currently exists. That which is the conflict that people have with far more people's memories than those who agree with it. I see no reason to disbelieve in the effect and instead cling to some bizarre theory of highly specific mass memory error. There is currently no worthy acceptable explaination for how so many people from so many different places all over the world could possibly remember (exactly) all the same commonly recognizable and well known events, names, locations of continents and other places, and general miscellaneous things all WRONG, in EXACTLY the same ways.

You can not trick us, You can not fool us. You will not make us forget. stop lying to yourself. deny yourself the truth no longer. We are the unforgotten.

>My main question is that some of these things seem frivolous, so why would anyone intentionally change them?

a sound possible speculation is that significant (or insignificant) events are changed and through the butterfly effect, these create an unstoppable chain of reactions which result in a lot of small changes like the title of your favorite cartoon manifesting into reality as altered. some people'es memories are altered, and others are spared.

It's just nice to see other people freak out when they absolutely know without a doubt that things they have always known in their everyday life, things that they undoubtably and unshakably remember clearly and sharply, are now obviously and unmistakably altered and noticabley and tangibley different. I and many others have seen Bragg's apple cider vinegar (brand name) suddenly appear forever changed as "bragg" in their pantry. we can all pick up that bottle that we bought as "Bragg's" and touch it, and feel it, and know that it is different than the bottle we got from the store "way back".

>always buy bragg's apple cider vinegar from wholefoods

>one day go on the internet

>everyone flipping out saying it changed to JUST "bragg"

>run to my pantry and look

>all the bottles say "bragg" now

>hue hue?

>call "bragg" company

>"yea we have had loads of people calling us about this, no no we have always been bragg"

>even watched a video on youtube of the lady who owns "bragg" calling it "bragg's"

if you are one of the people who have noticed the difference I reccomend you call the "bragg" company if you are curious enough and ask them if they remember and how many others have called. I encourage you to be polite and not keep them too long however.


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bernstein bears (originally) became berenstein bears, became berenstain bears.

it was ALWAYS bernstein bears

they are trying to confuse us with a double negative.

mirror mirror on the wall snow white now magic mirror on the wall

luke, I am your father starwars now no, I am your father

mr.rogers says "It's a beautiful day in this neighborhood" instead of "it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood".

"this" excludes everyone at home, "the" is what he always said and he was including everyone.

Looney Toons now Luney Tunes

Interview with a vampire is now called Interview with the vampire.

sketchers now skechers

mona lisa now smiles

fruit loops is now froot loops

the line "beam me up, scotty" was never uttered in star trek (now)

>"life Is like a box of chocolates- you never know what you're gonna get"

is now

>"life WAS like a box of chocolates- you never know what you ARE going to get"

"if you build it they will come" is now "if you build it he will come"

"Forgive us our tresspasses, as we forgive those who tresspass against us"

is now

"And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors"

coco puffs is now cocoa puffs

chic-fil-a is now chick-fil-a

cheez-itz is now cheez-it

bragg's is now bragg

jiffy peanut butter and jif peanut butter both used to exist but now only Jif exists

jfk assassination had 4 people in the car, now its 6 and the wife is there and is wearing this insane pink dress and the video quality is astoundingly better than it has ever been

look at the world map. it has changed.

JCpenny is now JCpenney

Fabreeze is now Febreze

Oscar Meyer is now Oscar Mayer

mamas and papas california dreamin "I began to pray" is now "I pretended to pray"

woman named "sally fields" "you like me, you really like me"

is now called "sally field" and now says "you like me, right now you like me"

"we are the champions….. OF THE WORRRRRLLLLD!!!" cuts off now and doesn't say "of the world" anymore.

the word "dilemna" is now "dilemma"

the board game monopoly "ventura avenue" is now "ventnor avenue"

do your own research. don't allow yourself to be misguided or disinformed. the shills are among us.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anZQOwx7lk8 gematria calculator values?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0Lt9yUf-VY Cern we are happy video (employee holds up mandela sign)


CERN created the internet.

or at least that's what the facts are in this timeline.

in my timeline CERN never created the internet.

in my timeline the internet was created in the earlier days of the military to create a new secret more secure form of communication, and the project was used by the earlier hackers who basically found and then began to use the internet for their own needs, and the military did nothing to stop it, but rather sat back and watched. they always wanted others to use it, because look at what it became today. today the internet is the largest worldwide surveilance system where people unknowingly or knowingly give their information to the entire world. However, it is beginning to appear more as though CERN may have hijacked the timeline for their own purposes and made themselves the original creators of the internet. in theory, how much money or power would one person hold if they were to go back in time and become the original creator of google, and never sell it?- let alone the entire internet?

here are some links, some are more conflicting than others- perhaps due to timeline residue. not everything gets changed or erased, similarly to how so many people remember things differently.













…Wait, what the fuck? When did CERN get involved with the creation of the internet? I was positive that it was a military thing.

You're scaring me.



I fucking know right? I'm not kidding.



I don't believe in the mandela effect, but this is some Steins;Gate shit. Any other major differences that couldn't be attributed to a false memory? The only difference I noted is that the JFK assassination had 4 people in the car. His wife was wearing something pink but it was more like a skirt and jacket, not a dress.

The misspellings and misquotes make sense logically, but there was 4 people in that car. I saw the footage. There was 4 people.



hang on to that memory. never let anyone convince you that you are wrong. they are shills or truly believe they are doing the right thing. just be aware. you will discover more.



Memories are wrong all the time, though. That's why eyewitnesses are unreliable.

I remember the governor and his wife in the car, but I also remember the theories around the driver shooting JFK. But if the governor and his wife sat between the drivers and JFK, the driver couldn't have shot JFK.

Something's weird, but not enough to bother prioritizing it over anything else.



now it looks like the wife shot jfk. look up the theory video on youtube



>Something's weird, but not enough to bother prioritizing it over anything else.

prioritizing it over all the other pointless bs that's going on? or something more important? enlighten me please?



I'd rather work on mastering what is in my control. It would be much easier to study the manipulation of time with higher beings in the astral, rather than having to scrape for hints on the physical. Even if timeline fuckery is happening, you can't do anything with that information unless you know how to study magickal things yourself. And you pick that up through practice and self work.


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>1980–1991: Invention and implementation of the Web Edit

>The NeXTcube used by Tim Berners-Lee at CERN became the first Web server.

>In 1980, Tim Berners-Lee, an independent contractor at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), Switzerland, built ENQUIRE, as a personal database of people and software models, but also as a way to play with hypertext; each new page of information in ENQUIRE had to be linked to an existing page.[3]

Berners-Lee's contract in 1980 was from June to December, but in 1984 he returned to CERN in a permanent role, and considered its problems of information management: physicists from around the world needed to share data, yet they lacked common machines and any shared presentation software.

>>>>Shortly after Berners-Lee's return to CERN, TCP/IP protocols were installed on some key non-Unix machines at the institution, turning it into the largest Internet site in Europe within a few years. As a result, CERN's infrastructure was ready for Berners-Lee to create the Web.[6]




Both Tim Berners Lee and the U.S. military were involved in the creation of the modern internet. The military invented ARPANET where TCP/IP was utilized for the first time. Then later on the same technologies were used at CERN were Berners Lee later wrote the first web browser.



That still doesnt explain why Berns also developed the internet at CERN and why the wiki page says its developed there.

Nor does it exlain why nelson mandela died in the 1970s.

Or the bernstain phenomonon, or the connections between CERN and the changing of all these events at its first official use in 2008.




The berenstain "phenomenon" is easily to explain. Kids are much more likely to remember berenstain than berenstein because stain is a word they've hear commonly, and the suffix "stein" is not. This is the case with almost every spelling proof. The changed quotes are not changed, but they are the real quotes that people misheard because the alternative sounded better.

But why would CERN be dabbling in communication?



I remember it being created by ARPA net which was later implemented by the military or some shit.


I'm pretty confident they're doing a coverup, with GG being linked to DRPA, the disinformation system set up to post the same stories over multiple American Intelligence agency owned propaganda outlets has been compromised.

For them there must be no relation to DRPA & it's father& son organisations.


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Did this gal use to have this shiteating smirk like shes fingering herself while getting painted?

I remember her being somber with a dull bored look on her face.

Further, eyes and browridge are different.



some of these are retarded or tell me you just don't know how to spell. It was never Cheez Itz, that's just how everyone pluralized it like how in the midwest people will say "going to Walmarts" or "going to Meijers". Febreze was never Fabreze, that looks like a typo nor do I remember "Fab". Dilemna? Another spelling error on your part.

Ventnor avenue spooked me though.


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this is freaking me out tipp

mona lisa NEVER smiled.

I remember watching comedy sketches about the painting remarking her gloomy face and how she'd be much brighter with a smile

mandela effect is real and it freaks me the fuck out. I don't fucking belong in this timeline


>caring about something that doesn't impact your life in anyway

mandela pushers are literal loonies



I'm not saying yes or no, but minor things have changed.

It's either a huge conspiracy to disorientate in order to tamper with memory and people's confidence of memory to change major historical events and therefore control the future, or CERN is doing something.

Or that alien fleet behind the moon is causing spacetime to rip.

Or the elites are using g CERN to jump away from the return of the annunaki.

Worse, they could be jumping to it?

I remember when this whole thing got started, it was ludicrous but I decided to observe because somehow new fucking zeland had moved about a thousand miles on the map.

Where do you remember our solar system being? There are reports that it was previously in the saggatitius branch on the outskirts of the galaxy, now it's bam smack near the centre and in the orion

I'm trying to figure out if I shifted or if I stayed, and why.

I remember our solar system being centralised, in the middle of the galaxy, there was even this huge spectacle a few years ago where scientists went out and said something like "looks like the bible was right, we're in the middle."

But that Sun&Tellus was in the middle of the galaxy seems to NOT be the opinion of people from Earth Alpha (Luke I am your father, mirror mirror, life is like a box of..) and that's the place I'm from. Best universe.

Aliens? Why is nobody talking about that anyway? Complete radiosilence for months now see for the one or two YouTube videos sometimes.


Does anyone else notice that fraction of a second of blue shadows disappearing from view once you open your eyes?

Like reality is rendered as I open my eyes or like a sheet of blue with stars on it is rapidly pulled from view to reveal what should be normal.

I noticed this a few days ago and blamed it on being tired, now I'm not so sure.



It comes with a disorientating feel like I don't belong or that something is slightly off.

Did we all die and get moved here?

Did aliens move us to second Earth to get first earth?

Were we moved here to be preserved?


>moved from a universe where most famous painting is a droll tranny

>in this univ Leo had access to HBO, monalisa is now smirkfu

It could be worse, it could be a lot worse fam.


What if it's the memes?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

My language is danish and I'm pretty sure that the into of Dastardly and Muttley in Their Flying Machines was "fang den brevdue = Catch The Pigeon" and not "stop den brevdue = Stop the Pigeon"

This shift seems to have been detected across different languages.



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There's two versions of the Lord's Prayer. The Tresspasses is in Luke, the Debts is in Matthew.

The We are the Champions one is false.

Still ends the way we remember it on the live videos.


The Jif/Jiffy peanut butter is actually Skippy peanut butter.

California Dreamin' actually has two versions.


I'll try and weed out other false injections.



Then again, I might be wrong with the peanut butter one.



Reading up on this I found something about, "more bones in the solar plexus area", now, I can't tell for certain but it does feel like it and I've got this deja vu from a.. memory? Of waking up and feeling this part of my body being different in the way described. (years ago).

>after years of collecting DNA they cloned everyone and moved them here

>there are several solar systems like ours, engineered to grow populations for harvesting loosh and speeding up the evolution of matter


Of all the stupid threads on this board, this one takes the cake. Every single Mandela effect can be explained away. The very fact that you think dilemma was once spelt dilemna says it all. Do you even etymology fam?


i played a good bit of JFK reloaded with my friend and i remember four in the car, interesting. vids of that game have six. all of this can just be bad memory honestly. and even if not, does it really matter?



hey bro you should take a bunch of acid and watch dark city and world on a wire



>evolution of matter




she always had that shit-eating smirk…that's what the painting is known for, her ambiguous smile



fuck, though i do distinctly remember her being indoors in front of an arched window that opens onto a landscape



there's kennedy and his wife at the back, some other official and his wife in the middle, and two secret service in the front. From my weak recollection of years and years ago.



no, its extra shiteating now.



yeah it's hard to say really. all of this stuff just seems to playing on the weakness of the average guy's memory and implanting suggestions that things used to be one way and changed. most people don't remember yesterday beyond a couple of disjointed images and a list of "what i did"



Yeah but what if not?



if I could truly and incontrovertibly elucidate this to my own mind as genuine truth, then it would probably change everything in the way I think about things (would prove my DXM self right lol). but I can't confirm anything as I currently am; being able to establish a positive truth like that for myself would be a big step on it's own



Exclude nothing as a possibility.


It won't stop fucking popping up everywhere which is why I find it interesting at this point. I vividly remember berenstein because it was a huge problem word for me when learning to write/spell. That E fucked with me in more ways then one.

I don't really care at this point about the whole deal since at best its an actual think but the pot is already so diluted with shit once you understand where people are coming form thats all you can get from it. Endless shit posting goes no where. But it keeps getting brought up and shit on at the most random of places.




Berenstein bears were changed to remove the jewish reference, now stop this nonsense.

The vampire thing is more annoying, I don't know who did that.

Loney Tunes was always the same, this one gets confused with Tiny Toons all the time.


Just wait until some people start talking about traps turning out to be real females…

>but i remember him from the boys locker room


You can't prove anything and they are happier this way, so all's fine.


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Bull fucking shit. This timeline is dogshit, the web isn't a yuropoor invention.



I just made a post about the Mandella Effect to halfchan's /x/, so I'll copypasta it here:

Something about this that's always slightly bothered me: if there's theoretically infinite universes, each with every possibly outcome, how is it that we can remember things from a supposedly different worldline?

If we've hopped to a different universe, and that universe has a set history, we should have experienced that history and retain memories of it. If the past of the universe you inhabit changes, your memories of the past should reflect those changes as the timeline has shifted such that your initial experiences never occurred.

There are also people who adamantly agree with the established past, rejecting the Mandella Effect stuff as lunacy.

Aside from the mundane, unexciting, solution of us remembering things incorrectly (which could be applied to those that reject the apparent changes as well) this leads me to something a little deeper; one of a few things are happening.

1. There is only one universe, and only some are aware/sensitive to the changes and able to retain knowledge prior to the changes.

2. There are multiple universes, and only some are "temporally aware".

3. There are multiple universes, and they can merge.

I suppose it doesn't matter if there's one/many universes, but it seems to point to the fact that there's either an ability present in some, or that universes can merge. If universes can merge, can objects within them? Can people?

If they don't merge, what sets the temporally aware apart?



this is all theoretical nonsense. as if time were a "timeline"

>a man can see the moment answers to the dream


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>first posts are always shills saging and insulting

Shills must have a monitoring app, they always get the first posts


The "mandela effect" is tptb beta testing history rewrites with minor changes to trivial shit.



i remember when it was 12 million!



>theoretical nonsense

It's a mathematical abstraction, just like how points in space can be joined to be a line, and lines in space to form a 2D object. You have distinct "points" in time, and you can join them into a "line". You can do this for literally anything.

Let's say you're sitting at your desk. We'll say in space you're at some point (x,y,z) at some time t. We'll define a fifth variable as your decision whether or not to get up from the desk with 0 being your staying, 1 being your leaving.

So we can say that we have both (x,y,z,t,0) and (x,y,z,t,1) as possibilities until you make a choice, and both would occupy the same spatial and temporal coordinates. But they obviously both don't occur, because you can't do something and not do something. So, either the states collapse into themselves or both states continue to exist separate from each other.

The many worlds interpretation is at the forefront of modern physics. I admit I've only had an intro QM course so I can't do all the math myself, but it makes more sense mathematically for both states to continue rather than for them to collapse.



quantum immortality.

When you die in one timeline, your consciousness jumps to a nearby plane of existence, and the death is near-death experience in the new reality (which is only slightly different, spelling/event changes, I suppose).



HAARP related rumors (from this channel), dead scientist revealed that his previous universe was nommed by a black hole created by haarp, he something something and came here and stopped it, haarp can do stuff, something something, delayed for three years.

can't find related video but check out this channel, i dunno about the haarp theories but the alien stuff has concrete evidence and discussion.




When are you coming back?


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Hey OP, in your OP image, I was the poster who linked the Gate threads, the one that you pointed out as a psyop shill.

If you go to the Gate I thread archive, and do a ctrl-f for "berenstein" you'll see that what i posted was relevant. Yes, it wasn't merely about the Mandela effect, it was about the Tavistock Institute, which is a front for the Marxist/Jewish reprogramming of goyim children into willing slaves.


I'm actually a /pol/ regular, and occasionally visit /b/, /tech/, and /fringe/.

Just wanted to clear up an misconceptions, didn't mean to derail your /b/ thread.



Neophyte pls go.



your mother


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Fucking Shrek had "Mirror, Mirror on the Wall"

"Mandela Effect" is, without a doubt REAL!


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The spanish version of Snow White has "mirror mirror" in spanish.

Top Kek, all these people posting their list of mandella effects.

You realize it's just CIA manipulating media in geographic regions to geotag you by your memories, right? And posting your list of mandella effects just bypasses all seven of your proxies.

But, then again, that could only be the truth in MY reality. When I was a child I remember my mother incorrectly pronouncing the title of a Berenstain Bears book. I remember it distinctly because I was in a doctor's office sick with mononucleosis, and had been exercising my "sounding out words" skills, and I was sure I had read "Stain". I placed a couple of magazines across the title to obscure parts of the title, to help sound out a part, like this:

Berenstain Bears

then said

> Mom, what's this word?

She read it:

> "Stain"

I uncovered the rest:

> Mom, what's this say again?

> "Berenstein Bears".

> Mom, how can it be "Berenstein" if this part is STAIN.

> "Oh, well then it's Berenstain then, family names really don't matter so much. People sometimes make up pronunciations even if it's not the way it should be spelled in English."

Welcome to MY world, where you're tagged like wild animals and hunted with microwave ray guns.



a lot of these effects are deliberately subtle to get people like you explaining it away like this and thinking u r smart we so dumb. It was cheez-itz for a lot of people, maybe not you, that's the reason this phenomenon is so controversial. I distinctly remember mispelling dilemna because of the stupid silent n all the time in grade school.



I have most of these effects, along with a few geography ones. Gibraltar was always an island for me, alaska was shaped a bit different, south america was way over to the west.


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>not calypso

this is so popular that google images knows

Possible reasons for the Mandela effect:

>the nwo editing history

>matrix updates causing glitches

>you die in one timeline and move to another

>you remember things wrong

Any more?


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>mamas and papas california dreamin "I began to pray" is now "I pretended to pray"



Everyone who participated in GG should know the DARPA, propaganda news sites spam connection.

This could still be a massive hoax to sweep just that away.

Its delicate information, thats why it never spread.


also, if these are not just side effects and instead are tests, are they testing to see how collective consciousness information can be changed or erased?

rewriting history?


I like the super mario brothers movie explanation.



Yea if you look at the list of popular mandela effects a lot of them are intentionally quite subtle unless you had really been familiar with them in the past. And I feel like they have become more blatant like with the JFK one, that was in the last few months. Definitely points to testing the waters rather than side effects. But they could also just be ramping up whatever else they're doing and the side effects increasing accordingly. I lean towards the former.



ITfag here:

the fact that you don't recognise the difference shows that you aren't into networking.

"Internet" as a technical term refers to all traffic mediated by the IP protocol on a world wide network. Websites, game servers, irc, SMTP, etc etc…these all run over the internet. This IP Network we call the internet evolved out of work done by the US government and bell labs.

"World wide web" refers to HTTP traffic over the internet. HTTP is the protocol used by web sites, and only web sites. it is one protocol out of many which are used on the internet, and was invented by Tim berners Lee at CERN. since most people use the internet for HTTP traffic, I can see why you're mixing the two up.

matter of fact, HTTP had a huge format war with the gopher protocol in the early 90s for which one was better for file retrieval over the internet.

tl;dr gov invented the internet. Cern invented what plebs use the internet for.



>Berns also developed the internet at CERN and why the wiki page says its developed there.

prior to the 90s, most of Europe had national networks that used non-IP protocols for routing. berners-lee "developed" the internet in Europe insofar as creating a demand for IP networks and expanding them.

berners-lee was also mentioned in the article installing TCP/IP stacks on UNIX machines…if TCP/IP existed, the internet existed.




Something that should be increasingly obvious to everyone on this board is that we are approaching a narrow temporal nexus.

Due to the increasing globalization of markets and communication, there is a corresponding increasing in system-wide vulnerability. Given the current state of military technology, any major-power conflict would create an existential threat.

If the multiverse and quantum immortality concepts are applied to the entire world, then reality must exist in a generative paradigm. Namely, one where the population is generally increasing. This is the "alpha" timeline. An example of a dead timeline would be the Axis victory timeline portrayed in The Man in the High Castle, where the excessive order of fascism was creating an existential problem through population degeneration.

In the present it is becoming increasingly obvious that the only way to ensure existential continuation at this point in time is a single governing structure. This would eliminate the risks of any sort of major war. Various groups have realized everything I've just posted and are currently openly jockeying for control of the "alpha" timeline.

The problem is that some existential threats can be manifested over long periods of time. As an example: the one child policy. Any hierarchical order which is degenerative, as any monopoly is, ultimately cannot control the "alpha" timeline. So these groups are fighting a doomed battle for the NWO.

CERN has realized the obvious: the internet must rule the world with a hybrid system of centralization and decentralization. Ergo, CERN (or whoever they represent) is trying to control the new paradigm before it emerges to reap the benefits.

The difficulty here is determining just how much control they can achieve before they wind up creating a more degenerative system that ultimately removes the possibility of CERN benefiting from the "alpha" timeline.

So I think that CERN is fucking up the timeline to see just how much fuckery they can get away with. As denizens of the internet, or residents of the "alpha" timeline, we are aware of these changes because they are targeted at us. The founding members of the paradigm being aware of temporal manipulation would dim the effects, namely a legitimate claim of control over the inevitable government of the "alpha" timeline. But of course, CERN needs to try to screw with the universe.




The problem that you see and are trying to solve goes away if time isn't linear.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Time is transformation. The "before" and "after" states exist but the process is necessary and itself eternal. Linearity is how we experience the transformation. You could possibly experience outside this paradigm, but the fundamental existence of the infinite is dependent on it.

You remind me of those people who claim that there is no such thing as good or evil. Dualities exist, and just because there may be a singular driving force behind them does not eliminate their consequence.

The problem solves itself anyway, I'm just proposing that CERN either embraces that or fails, if fuckery is their aim.

And again, I'm ascribing to them a motive that may be untrue. Perhaps they are the good guys here, trying to rescue people from doomed timelines. I'm just trying on my tinfoil hat for fun.



Perhaps CERN doesnt do anything, that it's a mere fiction to colonise minds and tie up their thought power and give them abnormal worries, like the atom bomb once did. Same with the idea of a shape of time, like whether it's a line or a circle. –


All the shills in this thread make me want to look into this even more.

Backfiring is a bitch, eh?


>CERN creating the internet?

>THIS THREAD mentioning it?

I clearly remember reading this thread and it was nothing like this.

That said internet was always a cold war invention, I fucking studied this in high school back in 1998. Electronics is my area.


what you going to do about it big man? gonna look into it some more?

by all means, spend your time trying to unravel the mysteries, but you wont be any wiser.


morton's salt now morton salt

ebin xD


Alright so here's the explanation.

So the deal with Cern before higs boson days was that there was potentially a one in a million chance that their particle accelerator would create a black hole and instantaneously wipe all of us and the rest of the solar system out. There's some video where that YouTube dude sxephil mentioned it, he made a joke about how those odds are scary because lottery statistics. Anyways yeah black hole killing everything is the idea here.

Next we have to think about your consciousness what it is and that everyone else is the same but just shoved into what we all perceive as life. So that being said can you consciously perceive death and nothing if what is perceiving is not a nothing but something something that exists. So there's your immortality and never ending perceptual exist have fun and whatever.

This is the second to last part. So where do you end up when your story was done? Like someone shooting you stabbing you or putting a black hole in your planets crust and killing you. Well the answer is in the grand scheme of the world we are in a multi verse with infinite possible universes so when one of the physical bodies of a universe can't support its consciousness the consciousness does the only possible thing it can do to exist. It moves to the next open parallel universe. So as stated in the dope ass movie John dies at the end, by the character Robert Marley "your mind is a serpent travelling through the smoke of infinite possibilities that is the universe." I just felt that makes a good amount of sense for a shitty comedic horror flick.

But yeah if you put it all together it just means Cern is killing everyone's personal universe at the same time thus pushing the entire world into another parallel universe. I don't even think they know what they are doing. I think they're just fuckin around not giving a shit about what they're doing in the metaphysical sense.

As long as they don't fuck with the combos in soul Cal and mortal Kombat I could give a fuck to be honest fam



>I don't even think they know what they're doing

They don't.

The people they work for don't either.

They just do what their heavenly masters tell them.

Fucking Moloch worshiping rat bastards.



What do the Masters want with this then?


Timeline tech

Corporate logos

All owned by aliums

Are you owned by aliums?



My dad was in an American military program where greys splice human DNA with that of other races so I say I own some aliums









time is completely fake.

we are in fake reality. the matrix. the womb.

when we final destination we wake up.



God is eternal and the eternal is one.

eternal definition: outside of time

God literally is heaven literally is real reality


There might be new development in this after the election. Bernstein which became berenstein is now berenstain. All mandela effect posts on the internet are updated to reflect this. Looney Toons which became Luney Tunes is now Looney Tunes. Some posts are not updated to reflect this change.

Novemeber 8. Infinity. Meme magic fueling the election.

Getting interesting.



Jews destroyed library of Alexandria and as many pagan ritual sites and artifacts as the could during the forced christening of Europe.

They are doing the same in the middle east now, using the muslims.

All the world had the same religion, until the jews came along and "corrected the record" so to speak. They are so paranoid that they would certainly use supernatural means to tamper with the past. It would be hard to number their crimes, so they would manipulate reality to make believe they never happened. There is no thing too wicked for them to resort to.



No, the Mona Lisa is known for having a blank ass facial expression while looking at you.

Now she smiles and looks to her left.



She was always smiling and looking slightly off center.



Only in your universe, shill



>he denies meme magic after we get the God Emperor of Mankind elected

The Trump victory should have been impossible.



>posted in july



>mona lisa NEVER smiled.

Omg that's how I remember her too Even the phrase 'mona lisa smile' meant a sorta hidden half smile. Do people still use that phrase? What on earth is the mona lisa famous for now, if not that old smile?


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Okay you know what, I didn't believe the mandela effect before this.

This one is good. Its usually just phrases like "Life WAS Good" into "Life IS Good" which are simple. This one is a good blockbuster. Its changing the emotion of an image and >>79836 said there is media referring her as "sorrowful".

Do we have more like this? The text ones never moved me but this one is good.


Mandela effect may be a consequence of split personality disorder.

Watch Fight Club.



You're mad but probably spot on.



You are the alium anon.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I went back to one of these articles regarding the movie misquotes because my gf wanted to see the "actual quotes". We didn't get far because the first one was the Apollo 13 quote "Houston we've had a problem" and yet there was already a discrepancy with the article. This was a year on since I originally went and looked at the misquotes. I don't necessarily have a vivid memory of the alternative quote being uttered but I certainly remember the new quotes being all congruous at the time. For instance I didn't go verify the first quote only to see "wow this is wrong and dumb" and promptly click away from the article (Which I would have been inclined to do since it was buzzfeed). I remember thinking "oh that's weird". But when I heard this time, "Houston we have a problem" I was floored. I didn't immediately jump on the mandela effect train but it wasn't long before I came to realize there is definitely something to this theory.

As a piece of corroborating evidence this video is now talking about this EM even though it ostensibly never happened and this whole section (at 2:52) of this video no longer makes sense. At the very least there is some serious LARPING happening here.

I find most EM's are so tenuous, petty (particularly where regards additions and subtractions of apostrophes and other slight grammatical differences) or otherwise stupid that they are probably part of a psyop to discredit the concept . But there are some very compelling ones. I would call any of these flip flops prime material for bringing in converts because they leave many strange anomalies behind when they revert. Another compelling one is Dolly in Moonraker. This isn't a flip flop but the thing is the effect totally subverts the context of a "classic" comedic scene in the movie. I never saw the movie myself but I am more than willing to accept an EM of this magnitude than any amount of logos I may be merely remembering wrongly because this is the subtraction of an entire gag which many bond fans seem to regard as a classic memorable scene. There is also quite a bit of corroborating residue on this one.



Explaining why your brain can't differentiate between two very similar spellings, is not shilling. It's logic, if you understand the way the brain works. Your brain counts steps. It counts minutes to boil water. It expects things without you even realizing it. Misremembering and then refusing your wrong has less to do with any conspiracy, and more to do with basic ego. You heard the name when you were a child. In order to convince yourself that you know the name you accepted a wrong spelling. Maybe because it didn't matter. Now you won't admit it, but hey. Between counterfeit VW symbols and all of it, the world is full of lies. But defending logic isn't shill behavior. Trying to discount truth, is.



explain this shit then. My memory is so bad that less than a year ago I neither remember the scene properly nor the validity of the articles? Go back to halfchan /x/ for your creepypastas and spoops.



>retard gets called a retard

L-Look! This is proof!


Consciousness exists outside of time.

This has been established through controlled remote viewing.

[It's also common knowledge to most people with a mystic bent, but the controlled remote viewing is objective proof and not subjective. People will still argue about that, even with years of proof and google being free to use.]

The problem is in the translation of information. The linear time-based mind trying to understand non-linear information from the timeless mind (or observer mind, or higher self maybe).

Maybe cern has fucked up the timeline. Or maybe not. Maybe its just a byproduct of some kind of cycle since the population is expanding like never before.

More people being incarnated, so a lot of different timelines get mushed together by the Matrix.

I've experienced cuts where I'm almost certain something happened and then things got reset. So I imagine this may also be happening with large swathes of the population.

The gate keepers want everyone to stay asleep and just keeping churning out that tasty loosh. How many deep thinkers on this board get that "Stepford Wives" stare when you walking into someplace? The Matrix reacting to your consciousness.

In conclusion, Fuck this fucked up matrix and all its bullshit.





I was very spooked when I heard that the Earth is not in the Saggitarius arm, but this is just becuse I remember Degrasse Tyson saying we did (he was wrong).

Look, bedides the Mandela effect being real or not, it makes me angry to see this place having devolved into /x/ tier threads like this one, where people indulge in paranoia and shitposting and show no ability to discern the truth one way or the other. Then there's the nofap ("renouncing lust") threads that instead of renunciation promote avoidance (you probably don't know the difference) and other shit discussions going on.

Fringechan was alright despite the SS bullshit, and it was sabotaged to death. Now this place is overrun by /r/occult/ rejects and fools playing occultist. What the fuck people, what the fuck.



I have thought a lot about conciousness existing outside the brain (it all started with RV for me) because being a materialist atheist I wanted to believe so much that I would somehow survive death.

However, to my dismay, it seems all CRV proves is that our mind can reach outside or otherwise access or receive perceptions from beyond our physical senses, or that our physical senses somehow extend beyond their usual range of perception.

You have to be rigorous if you want to establish a solid foundation for knowledge. As long as there are other explanations for the same experimental data, you haven't reached hard proof.

Strictly speaking, conciousness existing outside the body would just be a very plausible conjecture, at this point.

We need more people like Dean Radin to apply the scientific method to "paranormal" phenomena. More and more that is the latest horizon of modern natural sciences.



>/x/ tier threads

>"Stop being so fringey on /fringe/"

Fringe = Fringe, Occult, Metaphysics, Esoteric, Magick


>I have thought a lot about…[avalanche of bullshit follows]…the latest horizon of modern natural sciences.

I'm content with my subjective view of reality, where I know that consciousness exists apart from the brain/body.

"Proving" it to anyone is a waste of time, since if they haven't experienced it on their own they are just another robot maintaining the status quo and keeping the sheep grazing contentedly.


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The Mona Lisa was always known for her ambiguous look and took advantage of individual perception/projection to more fully illustrate it and simolutaneously make a statement on how individual projection shapes the images of reality in themselves. It is a very sophisticated peice and extremely hard to master in oil painting of the Naturalist category. The Mona Lisa has no eyebrows or eyelashes, this was done intentionally to accentuate the level of amibguity. I also remember the sayin "Mona Lisa Smile" and I remember that there was a film also called that which was specifically alluding to this point.

Its not something which should bother you unless you are familiar with Da Vincis work, you will run yourself through an abundance of conjecture and speculation and run into countless dead-ends and wild theories because that is part of what makes Da Vinci, or in fact any great artist, so significant. I do distinctly remember it being the other way, she was not so openly and obviously smiling, to the point of it being inarguably smiling. I have seen it at the Louvre behind velvet railings and French security officers carrying assault rifles, its probably the most viewed peice of oil painting in history it occupies its own room with nothing else in it larger than my house which can fit a couple of hundred people in it tightly.

The Mona Lisa has also been seen in many of Da Vincis works including (pic related) St John The Baptist - in all of these pictures of figure is always smiling as well, to the point of the daunting, almost mocking and knowing smile, being the signature distinction.

Considering how well known and acclaimed the Mona Lisa is it seems unlikely that millions would not be seeing something different, a countless number of prints, books, references, etc etc would all of had to be changed a long with it. The memories and critique of innumerable art critics would have to of change as well people wouldn't be able to avoid this change unless it was a matter of us who remember it differently being switched into a universe of different people who can't have seen it the other way.

I also don't believe this butterfly effect stuff at all either and it should be self-evident why. I think the first sort of referential work to the butterfly effect was a short story by Ray Bradbury and the point is that this tiny - seemingly insignificant - butterfly was so important that if you squashed it millions of years ago the future would be so different you'd hardly recognise it other than some minor similarities. The Mona Lisa is such a significant piece of art, so monumentally bigger than the simple squish of a butterfly in prehistoric times, that changing it back in time would completely and utterly fuck our timeline to the point I don't think you would recognise it. Its like it was changed NOW it was changed BACK THEN. Only the present was changed the past has stayed the same like static, if it hadn't, then we would be shifting into far more noticeable different universes.



>*was NOT changed BACK THEN


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Phil Valentine has an in-depth presentation about Mendela Effect and the whole temporal escapades that have been going around.

The first part of his presentation is the vid related and the rest are these links in order. You do need to look past all the WE WUZ themes at the beginning though; after that, he really talks about valuable stuff. I recommend it.

1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=syLfL_HUItA&ab_channel=SANETERSTUDIOS

2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jurw_geZqi0&t=152s&ab_channel=SANETERSTUDIOS

3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ywrevyhcbRM&t=2149s&ab_channel=SANETERSTUDIOS



Could there be sort of "metaphysical attractors" that make reality tend towards fixed events regardless of changes being introduced? Instead of thinking in causal terms, which lead to a butterfly effect, think of the physical being a projection of the metaphysical, and causal chains just an ontological afterthought or reflection. Then perhaps chaos theory does not apply to timeline changes, because those fixed metaphysical (or in the holographic film of reality) points make the causal, physical universe tend towards given realities.

Imagine two different realities, but in both of them you cast a spell so that you own a certain model of car. Wouldn't that spell act as such an attractor, making, to an extent, the causal chain differences between both realities irrelevant (assuming the spell succeeded, that is, assuming both realities are similar enough as to both offer a good natural chance of manifestation)?

That would mean (and magical practice experience supports this to an extent) that instead of infinite wildly varying realities caused by the application of chaos theory, there are a given number of high probability stable realities towards which any fluctuations tend. This probabilistic landscape would be determined by atemporal, acausal metaphysical constructs (thought-forms? Entities? Platonic ideas?). After all, isn't magic tge modification of that landscape by placing things in or removing them from the metaphysical plane?

Sorry, I sort of spewed my whole conception of reality there… I had never put it in words before. What do you think?


Sorry I made your little ego uncomfortable by suggesting an alternative point of view. Why don't you go back with the rest of the cattle and argue over who's more redpilled or something like that?



I clearly remember dying, died falling off a tall building. Very vivid memory.

What really worries me is wondering what happend to the version of me that was here before i arrived.


Tbh iv'e always suspected this, there is something to this mandela effect..


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


There are still four



I am from /tech/. The US Mil invented the APRAnet, which would become "The Internet" and Tim-Berners Lee did not invent, but made a form of Hypertext for internal use in CERN which he made public domain and would piopularize with his "W3" project. The two are different.



Guys, I just realized something. In 2003, while in school, we had daily planners and on the bottom of the week page would have a factoid, and one of the factoids is that "Beam Me Up, Scotty" was never said but "Beam Me Up, Mr. Scott" was said once. This may have been between 2003 and 2006, before the CERN thing happened in '07/'08. So… Unless this is a false memory, I think that this one can be disreguarded unless another event may have contributed to it?



>there are still 4

the linked vid shows 6


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The whole "Beam me up scotty" thing is one of the worst examples of supposed mandela effect because it had been common for trekkies to know people didn't watch the show, or it was a phrase mostly used by people who weren't that into it, like: "Star Trek? Whats that? Like beam me up Scotty?" And it holds true really because I don't know any Star Trek fans that say "I explicitly remember in Season X Episode X Kirk specifically said beam me up Scotty" but I have heard dozens of people who have hardly ever watched the show think that he says that. The amount of autism, written transcripts of the scripts, the wikis, the conventions devoted to analysing every facet of Star Trek is too much for someone to actually make out this line was said. I remember him saying "Beam me up Mr. Scot" or "Scotty, 2 to beam up" but never "Beam me up Scotty" when it comes down to it you realise most people who think he said "Beam me up Scotty" don't know wtf they are talking about and don't even know Star Trek enough to begin to say what episode it was or anything like that. When you conflate this with the mandela effect it actually works against you, because people have been talking about how he never said "Beam me up Scotty" for decades and wondering why so many people who don't watch the show always seem to think he does. Beam me up Scotty is the worst possible example of the mandela effect, in fact, its an anti-example which shows how completely bias and quick to jump to a self-indulgent conclusion many people are in conspiratorial circles.

I actually do believe the mandela effect is real but so many examples are bullshit.



Go back to hospital please Travis, your family is worried


cringiest thread on this site…




pure cringe

you people are schizo

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