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The Occult meaning of 72 Virgins promised to suicide bombers. (pic related). So, in essence, they didn't lie right?

Did I do good or am I retard?


The Quran does not mention 72 virgins. It says men who kill and are killed in the name of Allah will be greatly rewarded in heaven, and this includes women. Somebody else said you would get 8000 servants and 72 wives. So yes, you're kinda retarded.

Either way, it's all irrelevant because Islam is a load of shit.



>Islam is not based on celestial worship

Nigga have you even read the Torah, let alone the Koran?



Sorry, Islam is not based on celestial worship. They do have a knack for stars and heavenly bodies, but those are only 'spread out by Allah'. To worship anything other than Allah is a sin.



>on /fringe/

>doesn't understand the difference between exoteric and esoteric

>can't into astro-theology

Retard, all of the "Big Three" religions are based on worship of the Celestial Bodies. Get a clue.

Read Joseph Campbell.

Jordan Maxwell seems to be pretty good, too.


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