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Esoteric Wizardry


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I'm not sure whether this is the right board, but 8ch's /x/ is deader than un-undead, but I'm curious about poltergeists and /fringe/'s opinion on them. Namely, I would like to know

a) you accept the theory that poltergeists are not actual ghost entities but entities subconsciously created by troubled individuals?

b) How can a poltergeist, being a bodiless entity, manipulate physical matter? Call me a skepticfag if you want to, but I do believe in causally determined events, so if poltergeists can send things flying, they (as presumably non-physical entities) somehow need to be able to manipulate physical objects.


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a) not sure, did not have personal experience with them myself

b) Your misunderstanding comes from thinking that this plane that we inhabit is the only one, and that if stuff happens, it has to happen physically.

If a poltergeist is created, it is embedded in a field/plain/dimension above ours, the mental plane or however you want to call it.

The point is, just like with telekinesis(again, doable, but dont come here with doubt unless you tried doing it for at least three months), it does not work with the physical laws. The only way to influence that, is to make it move in a higher plane, the mental plane, this way, if energy is sufficient, it will start manifesting in the lower plane, aka the material.


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A) No.

B) Becuase matter is just condense energy so with a large enough amount of energy it can affect matter.


Poltergeists have a variety of origins and are attracted to specific areas or people that resonate with them well and feed into them emotionally.

All matter is merely condensed thought. When you have a strong enough etheric charge caused by intense emotions, you can manipulate matter by thought of the more fluid-type being condensed/concentrated to that physical level.



a) They can be both.

Poltergeists can be caused by living humans out of powerful negative emotions, in this way they grow as a thoughtform, same as with a Tulpa. They will begin to demand ever more attention in the form of powerful emotions.

They can also be spirits with or without a mission to fulfill. Some don't even recognize their physical body is six feet under and are in deep denial. If they let themselves be led by negative emotions, they can do harm.

b) 'Matter' is crystallized thought, as the anons above have said. It's nothing more than information, in the same way thoughts and emotions are information. Matter manifests itself on a lower, more stable and rigid manner though. Thus, material information needs to be overruled by spiritual information, so to speak.

'Matter' and 'Spirit' are by no means different, they form a continuum. Where thought wanders, matter will eventually follow.

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