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Esoteric Wizardry


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Does anyone else here get a feeling of horror when threatened by a commitment to something that could end up consuming your life or at least many critical and important years that you would rather devote to the salvation of your soul?

This keeps happening to me all the time. It's why I don't want to work any kind of job I can't walk away from and prefer temporary work and why I avoid getting into relationships with people too.

I feel this constant anxiety all the time when I'm having to do mundane shit to get money, clean up, get things all in order in preparation for what I am going to do. The longer I go without doing some advanced ritual work, inducing powerful trances, or doing some kind of worthwhile magick the more my anxiety grows and I feel my mind becoming numb and feel the strong urge to continue forward with developing myself.

Every day, no matter what, no matter that I am sick and exhausted and a bloody mess, I continue to do certain basic exercises of the mind and body to keep myself in shape on every level. If I feel that I am weakening at any point I get worried and feel more determined to keep it up, although not wanting to overdo things either and hurt myself.

Right now I have a variety of illnesses manifesting for me that are making me really suicidal. I feel like killing myself. I have to keep pushing forward though and eventually I'm going to have everything ready for my next big ritual and I'm going to complete another important step in developing myself into an extremely powerful wizard.

I also feel some anxiety about how much of myself has to die for me to continue forward. I have to adhere to so much secrecy, I have to experience the death of many relationships, I have to watch and be in pain as others suffer and I can't do anything about it because I need to develop myself so my future capacity to handle and amend the suffering of others will be far greater. I am so open to the thoughts of others and feel my soul tied into my house, into my surroundings, into everything I touch and I feel when others think about me or their awareness turns to me. I feel my soul merging with my surroundings and with concepts/ideals/etc. and I understand the necessity of soul-purification and transmutation. I have to constantly rest my awareness in the knowledge of the true self as well, so as not to get absorbed entirely into the nature of the elements, or of other natures that would absorb me into them.

God has thrown so many tests upon me to really give me the chance to prove my virtue and it continues all the time and with great severity. I experience constant, amazing synchroncities, and get clear answers and I read my surroundings like a symbolical dream understanding what everything means. I am constantly aware of my surroundings as being a reflection of my own mind and feeling my mind extended into them. I know so many correspondences and can sit in any place and read so many things about it and know what is resonating with me.

I am suffering so much but I feel the pendulum swing is coming soon for me. My will is like iron and I commit myself to even very simple things with a determination to complete it or die trying, seeing failure at dishonourable and unacceptable, because I must prove again & again to God that I will stand my ground to the bitter end of my intentions. My ability to concentrate has become so profound that I lose awareness of anything but what I am focused on.

I feel so fucking anxious navigating all these pitfalls and dangers and going through all this shit all the time and I just want to kill myself so badly going through this psychic hell. I am not sure how much longer I am going to have to endure before finally everything clears up enough and conditions are right that I can begin the very important magickal work that is going to take me yet another major step up in my soul's development.


When will I get to rest for awhile? Without stagnating though. I am so tired and I am so fucking determined. Eventually I will have everything ready… I would like to request some relief or support, so long as it does not take me away from the path by making me too content.



I feel how you do, but on a much much smaller scale. When I posted about not being able to handle mundane things anymore on the fringechan question thread, I was told that I needed to connect more to the physical. Open your lower chakras or risk quite literally going insane.

You'll get through this just fine. Don't doubt, just know. Know that you will get through this.


Do relaxation exercises and feel warm bright energy from your heart fill your body. Rest is what you earn when you complete something, so rest when you feel you've done all you could for today, or when you've accomplished a big task.



It's been 3 hours since I posted this thread and that was at about 1 AM. I can't sleep at all right now and have a thoughtform stuck to me that I'm trying hard to banish. I badly need to sleep and am going to have to get up to work very soon and I'm going to be completely fucked up because of this thoughtform attachment I picked up in the morning.

This thing is attached so fucking strongly and it's a completely pointless retarded thoughtform that just wastes energy and loops itself. I am trying to weed it out and it's difficult.



I think first step is controlling what you feel doing simple shit. Maybe practice something mundane, over and over, until you can choose to feel a lot of anxiety or none at all. I think some thoughtforms are invisible and present only in feeling and this may help clear them up.



That's me a while ago, until I posed myself a question:

I am enlightened, what do now?

Of course, I'm not enlightened, but the answer for me was in what I could do for others with my capabilities, powers and strenghts. No longer did those powers served only me in my inflation of becoming a magician or some sorts of that while negating the world. I realized the danger of inflation and megalomania and the power to fight that with service and goodwill towards others, which develops you anyways and in ways that are much better than ego-driven desires to succeed.

My advice to you is to connect with people, realize you are what you are thanks to other people, that your mind is inevitably made up of mindstuff of other people and have some gratitude for that. Even if there's bad people in your life, learn to forgive. Be merciful. And most of all, forgive yourself. Think of it this way: If God is all merciful and powerful, could God forgive the Devil? Then why won't you forgive yourself?


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Zen has many stories of doing mundane things. People get confused because they don't know what it has to do with spirituality, but it does.

The physical and mundane is the foundation, you have to reinforce it the higher you climb the ladder so you don't slip up.

I think if you can change your perspective on this manner, you won't have to separate these things from your salvation.


Why are you stressing yourself with "big" rituals when it's clearly fucking with you to this extent? Implement little changes into your daily life for steady small progress instead. Then when you feel like it return to a bigger milestone.



I don't have the time, I will be dead soon, it's either fix things up within a certain number of months or… die.

So I can die fucking up at magick or I can die from having wasted too much time.



Good point but consider if it's really advancing you in the long run. Maybe a slower pace really could net you more results.








Yes. It happened the other day


>The longer I go without doing some advanced ritual work, inducing powerful trances, or doing some kind of worthwhile magick the more my anxiety grows and I feel my mind becoming numb and feel the strong urge to continue forward with developing myself.

Do you summon entities a lot? What if you're being manipulated to do more and more magick with these beings?



There are tons of ways of getting into trouble, but just the same there are many ways of getting out of a bad situation.

>Right now I have a variety of illnesses manifesting for me that are making me really suicidal. I feel like killing myself.

You need to see a close relative or a best friend. Talk to them and ask them if they will help you to talk to a doctor or therapist. Don't just wait for things to get really bad.

>I have to adhere to so much secrecy,

Other people are afraid of the truth. They don't want to hear it and it makes them extremely uncomfortable. It is their problem, free yourself from that and say that weird ass occult stuff you want to say.

Wait until you intrinsically feel a desire to meditate or do a spiritual practice. Do not use sheer willpower to bring it about.

When your mind and body are ready, you will feel the urge to do something that is metaphysically empowering, but it will be of your own impetus.

When you force things and try to meditate or do tai chi when you're not feeling it, then you are hacking away at your mental reward system.

It should feel natural and innate to want to improve.

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