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I saw a youtube channel of a woman in the gangstalking/low-frequency weapon paradigm and it looks like being at the brink of madness every day. I think it happens rarely (when gangstalking is considered debunked and unambiguously crazy, it gains effectiveness) and many reports and literature on it are aimed purely at creating hysteria and disbelief.



> reports and literature on it are aimed purely at creating hysteria and disbelief

I think this is true, but idk how rare it is. Clearly there are schizos and/or psyops out there making videos in order to make anyone who may truly be a victim of this sound crazy.

Anywhere to get more legitimate information?



I think that'd be hard to find, but knowing German might be a big help if there's leaked Stasi stuff from the old days. Otherwise the nearest reference might aswell be fantasy. Maybe try oWoD's NWO in that case.

fwiw i thought i experienced it the week i 'woke up'. After leaving the welfare office (of coursh), I was heading to go down this grassy hill when I noticed a guy in sunglasses was walking behind me. I followed a fence wall to the left and them a guy in sunglasses and baseball cap came out of an alcove right as i got round the corner, and they were walking sort of briskly towards me front and back. I strayed onto the grass and one carried on down the hill, the other down the lane, but I felt that it's unusual to see someone walking there without a dog, especially working-age guys on a weekday. Spooked me a little.



If you find any old Stasi documents lying around, I'll translate them for you.


thanks, but i've looked before and came up empty. might be something you'd have more luck with, access to the Stasi archives is said to be possible for Germans: http://www.bstu.bund.de/EN/PublicEducation/Library/_node.html;jsessionid=CAA13848CB15AD16BC0DC889B9357A64.2_cid329

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