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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1467727806669-0.jpg (51.95 KB, 683x500, 683:500, dreamtime chart1.jpg)

File: 1467727806670-1.gif (62 KB, 654x447, 218:149, Permaculture-Usage-Chart.gif)



There are many people who admire the ideal of Blut und Boden as the basis of the nation. As such, the best spirituality is the Indigenous Australian Dreaming.

The Dreaming is a connection between the people living, the land, the ancestors and the national (tribal) history. Ancestor myths combine with the land and prominent features are identified with Ancestor Spirits. This can be incorporated into environmental thinking and urban planning through Permaculture and the New Urban movement, both of which promote Traditionalism.

The Dreaming is the perfect life-concept for Nationalists and builds on the life-affirming ideas of Nietzsche, in fact, the Aboriginals were more advanced than Nietzsche around about 40,000 years ago. The concept of time in our reckoning is not a series of fixed events but a fluid yet connected 'sea' which has connection between points through the song-lines and Dreamings of the Ancestors and the current Mob. This is an idea based on quantum physics which the Aborigines inherently understood 40,000 years ago.

According to the Aboriginals, the ‘Dreaming’ era preceded our own and was when spirit beings formed creation. It is believed that a culture of heroes (gods) travelled across a land without form and created sacred sites and other significant places, giving the language to people.



An excuse to sleep all the time? Sign me up.

I hear Peyote is pretty good if you want to have spiritual dreams.

How does one go about contacting their ancestors on the spiritual plain?

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