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The rules are simple and mostly apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/:
1. No duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit
2. No making threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread
3. No creating new threads purely to no-effort shitpost (you will be forgiven if it's a major GET)
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Those pushing an association between fringe/paranormal/esoteric beliefs and far-right worldviews don't actually believe in what they're selling you, but rather simply want to capture your mind and voice for their own sociopolitical agenda. Truth is irrelevant, belief is everything to them, the goal is "shifting the Overton window." They are effectively grass-roots shills, a reflection of their own paranoid fantasy of conspiratorial super-jews. You guys are quite frankly gullible, so you serve as a perfect target. This isn't just going on here, but on many alt-right chans and boards. It isn't organized, or at the very least not beyond a very small scale.

Places like /bmw/ show as clear as day what's going on and their megalomaniacal intent.

Some tactics used:

-Sockpuppeting as an OP asking a question that they themselves reply to.

-Pretending to hold positions they don't to their own and caricaturing them to try to discredit opposing views.

-Use of thought-terminating cliches to derail all rational argument in favor of imagery and spectacle.

-Bundling alt-right ideas with unrelated ideas repeatedly to make the alt-right content seem like a natural extension of it.

-Repeatedly asking loaded questions that frame opposing views as straw men to force others to continually defend their view against mischaracturization, making them "win" by default.

-Encouraging fellow grass-roots shills by making them feel empowered. This is what "meme magic" is all about.

Basically, look at the talk about jews, shills, and "the illuminati" touted about by alt-righters, these are the same tactics that they themselves use. Their paranoia is a reflection of their own psychological makeup and practices. It just makes sense to fight fire with fire against the evil super-jews, right?


Unfortunately this board is fairly unmoderated because of the owners stances on censorship. This means that shitposters from /pol/ can rant about "meme magick" and /x/ can post about "gangstalking" and it will remain here for new users to see.

But the most important thing about this board is the FAQ. That is all that is needed. This whole board could be just the questions thread and a bigger FAQ and the board would be the same if not better.

This board is not "alt-right". Many of us hold, or used to hold, alt-right opinions due to our time on imageboards, but I'm sure most of us understand or eventually will understand that politics is irrelevant in the big picture. Only a few people shitpost about "meme magick" and politics, and those are easy to disregard as there is genuinely helpful posts pretty often.


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My current political views are pretty much summed up "Ona - Nexion".



your too late to stop them, things are already changing fast.

Politics are only a means to an end for them to reverse society's degeneration.


I'm not political, I can perceive political views that run through my mind on occasion, but since I don't help out my community or take action in anyway, they have the resourcefulness of a dead rat.

But, if I get fringe advice/information from an alt-right, nazi, racist, whatever label you want to demean them, and it's useful, though I don't share their views, I don't much care, I thank them anyways.

To me, I can't hold that perspective while going right-hand path but, they are just another view of the world and are relevant to the person treading that road. They might learn something about themselves that may enrich the Monad in a way we can't quite perceive yet.



who is misleading whom? is it the theosophists latching onto the nazis or the other way around?


I'm NS and fringe and I don't do any of what you claim. I'm here to talk about fringe topics and I use the flag cause that's what I am. If I want to talk about pol stuff I'll talk about it on pol. What's your grudge with BMW? They're not my kind of group either but until you can point me to threads on their board proving that they are doing what you claim here I'll write you off as low effort leftypol drama bait.

inb4 shill, sockpuppet etc.



>the same tactics that they themselves use

Of course. Those tactics are effective at propagating a belief system between sufficiently vulnerable individuals.


>who is misleading whom?

It's just a system of beliefs propagating. The deception is self-inflicted.



Interesting OP, you yourself seem paranoid and illogical and vulnerable.


>the people using deception are against one of the most deceptive people of all time

Sure thing OP.



I have absolutely no problem with that.

One does not get 'misled' without misleading themselves. A real wizard also listens to himself after he has heard the opinions of others. Stay true and keep your head straight, and things will be alright.

The Jews are asshats though and will bring about their own destruction, I've got some first hand experience



>It's just a system of beliefs propagating. The deception is self-inflicted.

How can a system of beliefs propagate itself? That sounds like the trick of erasing the deceivers and shifting blame to their dupes.



>erasing the deceivers and shifting blame to their dupes


People are still responsible for the consequences of their own ignorance.

A healthy dose of skeptical disinterest and media literacy would be enough to avoid this kind of problem.


What are you talking about? /fringe/ has a far right flavor because we're mostly from /pol/. We ARE the ones shilling occultism on /pol/. It's useful.

Don't be made because lefty memes are shite


What OP basically did is equivalent to barging into an Illuminati meeting and telling its members that there's a world spanning conspiracy.

Nat Soc ideology is simply a means to an end for us to create the spiritually advanced society that can later accept a less authoritarian regime some day in the future.



This, but venturing further into the greenpill shows that the teachings of /pol/ and fringe are completely opposed in terms of being (un)polarized. I'm sure there's a middle path to unify national socialism and magick but /pol/ doesn't seem to show any signs of being that path.



The say was a virus does: by infecting it's host and using it as a mechanism to replicate itself to others. The infection vector of belief systems is language and image. In populations with weak mental immune systems, like /pol/, /x/, /fringe/, and Reddit, infections run rampant.

This isn't to say that there aren't "bug catchers." There's people who get a sexual and/or emotional satisfaction from spreading STD's and other illnesses to others. It is no different in the world of ideas. These are the priests and the pundits, and on boards like these the ideology-infected trolls who get satisfaction from using trolling tactics to spread their beliefs.


"I'm the one using them, not the other way around!"

It goes both ways, a self-reinforcing clusterfuck of independent shills shilling shills.



The same way^



So who do you blame, WASPS?




Everything has been shifted so far left that the middle path is now somewhere in what is considered the right.

Obviously the "far-right" is too far depending on what you define as far-right

Don't be such a good goy



No bro, there is no right/left in magick.

there is experiences,truth and practice.

/pol/ is polluting every known board on this site and for those who are seeking truth, this is distracting and annoying to say the least.



To see "the truth" in the current year requires one to consider where the majority amount of lies and deception come from. /pol/ isn't too far in that regard.



You don't see the amount of lies,disinfo,manipulation on /pol/?

the amount of bullshit on this board is phenomenal.



>false dichotomy


>stagnation of thought

> wishful thinking

>separation from reality

>mob mentality

>circular logic

/pol/ is so far from the truth and there is no way to bring them out of it because they got so comfy in the hypnosis that any attempt to snap them out of it is met with hostility and resistance.


possibly the only thing they are right about is the jews.

anything else is just pretty much a lie or an illusion

their redpill is a sugar coated cyanide



we're only saying /pol/ is closer to reality that the brainwashed masses. chill out. obviously they're idiots too but they're a hell of a lot more in touch with reality than the people around you in day to day life



if being right about 1 thing makes them "closer" to reality in your opinion, then ok.

wouldn't call that " a hell lot in touch with reality" .

they are 1 step better than normies in my book tbh. /b/ is doing much better even in their current state of decline.



/pol/ is heavily misled. They sort of had the right idea, and then decided to play the political game instead of finding a solution. Their solution to the suicidal white race is that everybody else is at fault and we must kill them. Their solution to liberalism hurting the west is that we should swing the pendulum the other way.

What can you expect from mundanes? Leave these petty struggles behind. There is much more for you.



True, I agree



Fuck the right-wing.

Fuck all your shitty political memes.

Nature is fascism and fascism is nature.

It's not about left or right, it's about right and wrong.

About the universal truths on how man should exist that has been diluted and forgotten.



whats the point in using quotation marks if you're going to change the words that i used?

i would not say /pol/ is "a hell lot in touch with reality"

i said they are "a hell of a lot more in touch with reality than" normies, which is what you said 1 sentence after strawmanning me

i haven't been on /b/ in almost 10 years but im just going to assume you're referring to meme magic or something which is ridiculous to say they're better than /pol/



you sound like a leftist talking about trump. Anyone who thinks the solution to saving whites on that board is to kill all the browns is underage.



Only a fool would read /pol/, or anything for that matter, and assume everything there is truth. /pol/, however, has been right about most things, such as race, and has been a good place to collect information. I say was because /pol/ has been recently subverted and has lost all qualities it once had. It appears now as something to put blame on in the future, especially with people pushing the "Right Wing Death Squad" meme. I sometimes wonder if anyone on /pol/ isn't a chatbot or in an alphabet agency.



depending on what you mean by fascism, there is a difference between it and the natural, divine way of organization. check out Evola's criticisms of fascism and national socialism to get an idea.. there are many similarities between the traditional kingdoms and fascism, but also a lot of differences. fascism is sort of a degenerate kingdom; though arranged in a similar hierarchy, everything is corrupt and the power derives from "the people" rather than a divine principle (especially in natsoc)


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Politics are the tool to push the revitalization of the European's spiritual consciousness.



Not an argument.

This statement in particular applies to yourself.

>Use of thought-terminating cliches to derail all rational argument in favor of imagery and spectacle.

Though I don't expect you to be able to escape your thought-terminating cliches because you're a faggot.



You'd be surprised, there's quite a few manbabies that hold such position. I've seen them face-to-face so I'm certain that it's not all kids.



I've browsed /pol/ for years, I know what they talk about. It's easy to miss the underlying message when you're caught up in the circlejerking and shitposting, but take a step back and actually look at what gets posted. The entire board carries a negative feeling of hatred to it. All the posts promoting christian monarchy and complete authoritarianism are easy to take as jokes until you realize that these are real beliefs.

Considering you relate any criticism of the board to a strawman of "a leftist talking about trump" and calling others underage, you're clearly too far into the circlejerk. Try to look, objectively, at what gets posted. There's obvious jokes, but there's a serious undertone to most posts.

"Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they're in good company."



found the nigger



Killing of all the shitskins is the most sensible way to save the white race. They just won't stop reproducing like mad and fucking everything up. With the other races gone we don't have to worry about our low reproductive rates at all, we can just have a utopia, without shitskins fucking it up.


this post made 532432 pol users commit suicide


What about nazbol esoterica?


OP a faggot


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Easy just take consent laws away from white women when it comes to white men impregnating them


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>ignoring politics

Ever heard "as and above and so below" ?



What do you mean?


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After going /fringe/ politics has become a question without an answer that depresses me greatly.

The answer I arrived at was that left and right are two sides of the same coin. It doesn't matter where on this spectrum people fall because the Libertarian/Authoritarian axis so so freely ignored. It doesn't matter if someone is left or right if BOTH want to take all of your freedoms.

After that realization, the next to come was that the only revolution that mattered was a revolution of the self. By deepening my practice and becoming more powerful in all aspects of my life. Otherwise what power do I have to influence my surroundings? So my sight went from the outer focus to an inner focus…

…And yet…I can't help but feel I'm burying my head in the sand. “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” So by ignoring the horrible circumstances around me don't I allow them to happen? I know "As above, so below" so by empowering myself, I change the world right?… But I have trouble believing that sometimes.

…I don't know guys. I just don't know.


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I don't ignore real politics. I just ignore fake, retarded politics. Almost all of what is considered "politics" amongst most is merely a scratching of the surface that doesn't get anywhere close to addressing the root cause(s). The best one might do is maybe find a way to influence local politics to provide relief where it is most needed. That is of course if you are truly driven by some principles that (assuming) have been thought through all the way. Beyond this it is (in my opinion) highly cancerous to the mind body and soul of an individual to allow their conscious mind to become fixated and distorted by the memetic trends and psychological manipulation society (and the internet) is so privy to.

If you are interested in politics, I would suggest doing some scholarship on political theory, history, etc., rather than focusing on what's happening now. Becoming obsessed with what "they" are getting away with on a daily basis, and then working up the anger and will to spread the information and so on (as pol and tumblr enjoy doing) sounds like a great idea until you start reading stories of injustice so much that you have now pumped your nervous system with this. On top of all this, I am of the opinion that many of these "truth networks" on the internet have become hijacked by "them" and has been transformed as a platform for a highly advanced psyop. I would suggest doing some research on the problem/reaction/solution tactic employed by those you want to control. It has become clear to me that they have assumed control and dissemination of information, even the stuff they did not want you to know. This is a form of damage control I suppose. Might as well become the sole provider of the info if it's going to get leaked anyways, subsequently generate the reaction you want, and finally provide a half baked "solution" filled with psychological blind spots, emotional bias, fallacies, ego feeding, hate, fear, etc., etc… and the sheeple eat it up thinking they're doing the right thing. And then you have every side against each other and all that other divide and conquer crap and other cointelpro bullshit. It is highly comical to me that people are still falling for this in 2016. I would prescribe Individuation and standing apart and separate from society altogether and all of it's forms of social/cultural/genetic/memetic conditioning.

It is amazing how they can weaponize anything. In either case, politics as defined by many is an illusory concept that fails to recognize the larger underlying psychological, philosophical and existential framework as well as real objectivity in relation to history, occult or otherwise. Anything short of this in terms of big politics is shooting yourself in the foot. If you want to make some change, there are many ways including doing something local. Going on rants on sites like this about things you might be (and probably are) being psychologically manipulated into investing in is a waste of your own time and life energy. Don't do it!

Just go feed some homeless people, turn off the tv, and enjoy the sunshine. If you want some excellent books on political science and theory, etc., let me know I'll post a superb list for you.



the condition of a society's government is representative of the condition of the people within that society. it is also representative of forces above it. everything moves on the wave

though i'm not that poster, maybe he meant something else. I think you can 'ignore politics' though, because if you just understand yourself, your family, relation to other people you'll understand what is happening in politics as well



I agree with this.



>The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing

This is a logical viewpoint on politics, but you need to look at it on a higher level. Politics is a game that has been played since the beginning of civilization, and yet we still have disaster. What all these "good men" have brought has only led us to more confusion. You could waste your life getting into politics and attempting to be one of these "good men", only for the pendulum to swing back later and ruin all the progress you've made - or you could focus on yourself and your local community and see the changes you've made in each person.

And that quote can be used in many different ways. Here's a way I'd like you to think about:

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil (those who prevent us from discovering a higher truth by distracting us with attacks based on our physical and ego-filled irrelevances) is for good men to do nothing.



>You guys are quite frankly gullible, so you serve as a perfect target. This isn't just going on here, but on many alt-right chans and boards. It isn't organized, or at the very least not beyond a very small scale.

Nice, using bane to post this. That's the main manifestation of the spell, actually.

Is it organized when it is the result of a spell meant to create a seemingly unorganized grassroots movement?

You can't literally fight it because it was cast way back before that movie was ever made. Meme magic wasn't created by it, only the belief in it was.

Ebola-chan was the source of that, and everyone fed her because of this belief.

Try to analize it, you can't figure this stuff out. It's already turned into something that exists individually in everyone who had contact with it, like a computer virus that will recreate itself again and again once one file is cleared because there are a 1000 backups for every one copy.

It only creates belief and leads believers to discover a hint of truth.

It's annoying the fuck out of the "responsible" people, because it is so weak and slow it can't be predicted. Like a slight cold that just keeps mutating and can't ever be cured.


Honestly, I don't care. This world has had its fair run and the current state of this sorry species deserves to be ran into the dirt and burnt to a crisp.

If something survives then good! Maybe they'll actually be a species that withholds common fucking decency. If not, they'll be burned to the ground as well. A grand civilization becoming nothing more than the fertilizer for the new roots of the inheritors.


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Politics is fun!

If you sorely believe that you can't use it to help spiritual growth in those around you, maybe you're just acting out of spiteful elitism


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>Still doesn't know the sauce.

>Doesn't know that Merton Memetic Antivirus 2016 is out of beta.


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What you are doing in yout very first post OP is called, projection, i bet you are that anon that claimed over and over that everyone got the black sun wrong and how it was just a concept, and how nazi occult practitioners didnt exist.

The thing with /bmw/ is that thei are trying to reinvent the wheel to their image, the same thing hapened with psionics, its just that instead of mixing magik with phisical devises their are mixing it with image macros who original intention was to shitpost… thats why some faggets like you get this idea that they are doing something wrong or useless.


^This post is likely to be a shill, same tactic as JIDF on /pol/…



3/10 bait thread for making me reply.


Ups, when i said that a post was a shill here >>80124 i meant to aim >>79525



>race doesn't exist

>authoritarianism is always bad



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I was referring to real politics. >>80078 got it

Your post really resonated with me though. I've become more distant from /pol/ lately with all this "alt-right" nonsense. It seems as if appealing to the masses corrupts the original ideology altogether.

>If you want some excellent books on political science and theory, etc., let me know I'll post a superb list for you.

Go ahead. I'm interested.



Honestly? You are being misled from the moment you're born in this earth, so do whatever you want, the only thing that maters is how you feel about it, and being a good person to good people and everyone else, if possible.


You are right about them trying to mislead, OP; their shilling has begun. Their stupid frog god is their idol and imbues them with low-quality meme magic, the right wing has become their whole life.

That said, the current politics are all part of a big wave of human struggle. One side clashes with the other, and this process will continue in all days to come, for what is an action without reaction? This clash is natural like the coming of day and night.

This plane is fallible and cannot know lasting peace, one can only find peace within themselves.

Relax, ride the wave, find peace within, accept the reality and never lose sight of what is truly important.


/pol/ is right about NS, Hitler, the Jews, and race mattering a lot. Whites and Negros for example have vastly different energy guiding them ( with exceptions ). Pure negroes do not have souls, they are just agents of disorder. And with mixed races of any variety, there is also a mixing of different energies so they remain eternally conflicted or in a harsh struggle against themselves.

/pol/ is wrong about Trump not being controlled opposition and not thinking almost every terrorist attack is a Mossad false flag/hoax.

my 2c



Things 2deep4u anons will never answer:

>never lose sight of what is truly important.

Such as?



Your soul.



Agreed, anon, though I'm doubtful they're all false flags.


Before, nature was the main guiding energy for putting evolutionary pressure on spiritual development on this planet. Now, that primary evolutionary pressure comes from the world the jew creates - and his world will either make or break mankind. Denying jew's involvement in the tampering of the development of consciousness on this planet is total ignorance.

My 2c is that these forces are just too big at this point, beyond our control, and there is no political means to reverse it now, so it's a waste of your precious time to be consumed by /pol/ all the time, even if they're right at dissecting at what's going on with the world's direction. You should prepare for a major happening type situation though. That's just basic.



This >>80557 is what i meant.



>pure negroes don't have souls

They have, they're just of a lower, more animalistic kind. Don't over-indulge yourself on racism and self-importance



Just like /pol/ you are also coming from a place of limited understanding. It's okay though, nobody is perfect… just keep going as long as you remain open to accepting truth.


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Almost uniquely within the ancient world, Egypt was free from hereditary caste, racial, or sexual discrimination in political affairs. A social aristocracy was created by property inheritance, but a scion of poor or even unknown parentage might just as easily rise to high office upon demonstrating suitable prowess. At various times the throne was held by Negroes, Persians, Mesopotamians, Greeks, and assorted Asians without racial objections being raised. Women enjoyed the same "citizenship"status as men, including choice of mate and inheritance of property. Queens such as Nefertiti and Ty wielded as much or more power than their consorts, and female Pharaohs such as Hatshepsut and Cleopatra ruled Egypt as decisively and with as much popular support as did male Pharaohs. Even in the Egyptian religious pantheon, gods and goddesses enjoyed equal prestige.

To an observer this extraordinary flexibility and tolerance might well account for the staying power of the Egyptian system, in spite of the occasional invasions, occupations, and even civil wars that took place there. When the dust cleared, so to speak, the political and social institutions remained intact. For about 4000 years. And they were far more sophisticated and advanced than modern society. Scholarship in Occult Egyptology will prove this to be overwhelmingly factual.



What's your point, that race doesn't matter? Race does matter. It's the collective vessel/form that nature has provided souls that incarnate into a certain distinct racial group. There are different flavors/energies for every group simply based on the collective's evolutionary past.

Just as on the individual development level, one must refine and expand upon the soul-material that one has got, so too should hte collective whole refine upon and respect what nature has bestowed upon them and improve their blood/race. The direction of evolution is always refinement and progress, not muddying and destroying the work of eons.


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>Those pushing an association between fringe/paranormal/esoteric beliefs and far-right worldviews don't actually believe in what they're selling you, but rather simply want to capture your mind and voice for their own sociopolitical agenda

that agenda incorporates nazism and esotericism

there's nothing secret about it

honestly you sound like a christian raving about "the devil"


This shouldn't even be said. Let those stupid enough to be swayed to turn into sheeps




It's pretty easy to save yourself in my opinion. Why can't you do both?



If you think it's easy to save yourself, you've not gone far yet, anon.



that's not the black sun symbol in the picture though


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from montalk q&a

How might genetics relate to spirituality?

Genetics is kind of like car models, in that you can ask yourself what kind of person drives a BMW versus a Toyota. This has to do with what kind of soul chooses a certain genetic profile (if the choice is available) over another. To answer that question properly though, race is too general a classification since it has more to do with specific bloodlines or particular genes. For example a soul may incarnate into a body that appears to be of African descent not necessarily because it fits the “black” profile, but may because that body has 6 to 7 specific useful genetic traits unique to that body, and these traits may or may not have anything to do with the African ancestry. However, if a soul wants to go through the whole racism thing, feeling oppressed, working through issues of self-image, etc. then maybe it’ll choose that body in a particular place and time to face that challenge.

So it’s about the skills, biases, predispositions, self-image, how one relates to society, how it affects one’s relations in life, etc. that are behind what genetics are chosen by what incarnating consciousnesses.

Now, you can look statistically at different races and make generalizations about majority tendencies. And in turn, that would mean that statistically the souls who occupy these bodies might likewise have certain profiles / patterns that generally are attracted to those genetic factors. The coupling is weak but it’s there. But it’s weak enough that you can’t say, oh that particular person is white or black, therefore that particular person has this or that soul. That would be actual racism. But it’s not racism, in my opinion, to objectively observe the more general trends and coupling/correlation factors.

In my observation, people with light colored eyes and fair hair and lighter skin are less grounded, more prone to neurotic tendencies, more aloof, less emotional, not as deep and real and here, less outgoing, less animated, and quite frankly more cold, reptilian, alien, intellectual, disconnected, and potentially psychopathic. Like any stereotype, it’s a weak general pattern but doesn’t prevent individuals from defying that pattern. Therefore if you are none of these, no big deal, you are the exception then to the pattern.

Similar stereotypes can be made about the other races. But again, race is such a general category that to be more accurate you’d have to drill down into specific bloodlines. There are bloodlines that are given to math and science. Others to music and art. Others to being drug and alcohol addicts. Others to want to be defenders and protectors. Others to want to climb the social/political ladder. They may all be white. They may all be black. Hard to say, as it’s about specific genetic threads here, rather than the complete package that makes up a race.

That said, if you go back far enough in history, it does appear that certain tribes back then were naturally more given to soul-based things like art, music, industry, poetry, literature, and so on … while others were content to remain as animals. In the Middle Eastern history for example, there were a group among the Amorites who were known to the Akkadians as being backwards, animalistic, nomadic sub-humans. They didn’t bury their dead, they eat all their meat raw, they didn’t know how to farm, they stank, and they had no spiritual inclinations. Was that all completely culture? Or was there some genetic-spiritual correlation factor? And what happens if those genetics intermixed with the other cultures? Would it result in a mixed culture where one out of every X people would lack the genetic profile attractive to a soul interested in art, culture, music, altruism, or spirituality? That’s the only way I can see race factoring into spirituality nowadays, except I think the genetics today are so diluted and intermixed that it’s impossible to give a free pass to anyone because of their race, or condemn them because of their race.



>cont'd from >>80606

I think once portable genetic sequencers become cheap and common enough that anyone can buy one, there will be a real war of ideologies and ethics about how that’s used, what it all means, and how genetics factor into human behavior. It’ll also expose a lot of the lies that history, anthropology, archeology, and genetic academics have had the luxury of upholding. That’s coming in 10-20 years if the world continues without interruption. You’re going to see a new level of racism and anti-racism, new sects/ideologies erupt out of that. Interesting times.

Now, genetics just provides a toolbox. It’s you the soul who decides what to do with it. If your family has one soul origin, and you another, then of course you’ll be the odd one out despite having similar appearance. I’ve known the opposite case too, where a whole family resembles each other except for the one guy who happens to be really pale with really dark hair while the others look like average brown haired white folks. That guy then is ‘different’ at a spiritual level from the others. But is the behavior due to genetics, or was genetics selected due to the soul’s desired behavior? When two parents come together, only half of each’s chromosomes are selected “by random chance” to make the baby. Of course it’s not random chance all the time, it’s a palette of colors for the incoming soul (or whomever runs this operation) to choose. In this way, an incoming soul can, if it wants to, look quite different from the siblings.


File: 1469360548925.jpg (20.52 KB, 480x269, 480:269, 11659441_1448925868744466_….jpg)


Also I didn't say race or genetics didn't matter. I was trying to make the point that various bloodlines from various racial origins have all proven their worth in their own unique way.

I feel arguing or deciding who or which race or bloodline or genetics is "best" is like trying to decide on the most beautiful woman to ever exist in all of infinite creation (if you're a straight man.)

>inb4 muh white wimminz

>inb4 muh black soul sis-stars

>inb4 muh spiritual asian waifu

>inb4 muh exotic indian beauties

You're all retards


File: 4de943dd1aa5f66⋯.jpg (55.4 KB, 487x396, 487:396, averagepolmod.jpg)


>blaming other races for your low reproductive rates.



>this existence

>not being full-on 14/88 gas the kikes race war now deus vult natsoc übermensch




File: 93b2c73c799ba77⋯.png (289.81 KB, 1379x593, 1379:593, Screen Shot 2016-12-28 at ….png)

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Shut the fuck up Trent you esrar dealing jew and sexual abuser in South Florida , .

Trent dresses up like Bane in real life also , so expect this guy to act just as crazy , .

be careful with Sun in Cancer Moon in Gemini people in South Florida , stealing energy from Florida's Moon in Capricorn , as they think they can abuse The United States Of America's Moon in Aquarius , for stupidity such as jewish , indian , esrar , and anti-irish terrorisms , .


File: 513d5ccc144ac47⋯.png (612.56 KB, 600x600, 1:1, Weebus_Trisanimus.png)


Shut the fuck up "Spirit Scientist" you .rar file dealing goy and physical abuser in North Florida , .

Spirit Scientist dresses up in weed in real life also , so expect this guy to act just as crazy , .

be careful with Anti-Weeb in Pure Sun in semiticc people in Japan , stealing energy from Nagasaki's Explosion in radioactive energy , as they think they can abuse The Nippon in , for stupidity such as white, heterosexual, white , males, and irishphobic fuks , . . . . . . . .



>not being full-on 14/88 gas the kikes race war now deus vult natsoc übermensch

So many contradictory titles, but essentially you're right. They picture us as Hollywood Nazis and Hollywood Nazis is what they're gonna get.



>(((deus vult)))

Yes boyim crusade for pissrael very good hehe




You sir sound exactly like you're having a bad trip on a bunch of acid


top kek


look at this thread

the proof is there to see

the satanic forces of evil are trying to destroy the forces of good

using even topics of politics



Rarely have I ever seen something so choking on its own gaseous sulphuric ejecta.



Sorry, I sent that reply early. I meant to say what I said, and then ask if that was REALLY a continuance. The writing is completely different and dramatically more sane in the second of these two posts. The genetic "war" will just be a bout of consumer choice. It's a privilege to live in such an era, indeed, and the privileged genelines will finally be able to share their wealth with the others. For the most advanced are not advanced because they are the most evil, but indeed because they are the least evil, the societies which are most capable of understanding when they must use hatred to break cults or love to build wonders. It is in having both capacities that a culture becomes hardened against subversion and capable of greatness. Soon all of man will be capable of greatness, if we've souls sane enough to buy the right genes.




File: 76b9867041692a2⋯.jpg (182.51 KB, 800x989, 800:989, The_number_of_the_beast_is….jpg)


>This means that shitposters from /pol/ can rant about "meme magick" and /x/ can post about "gangstalking" and it will remain here for new users to see


>— Anything that is fringe in some respect

All those ideas you don't agree with need to be stopped so new users don't see them?

You are the fully functional definition of whats wrong with the world today.



fuck off kike


File: 5d2e753e7601445⋯.jpg (35.9 KB, 600x450, 4:3, BetterDeadThanRed.jpg)


Apply the laws to politics, Neophyte.

Until then, death is a preferable alternative to communism.


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I like National Socialists more than I like people who abuse National Socialists and piggy back off of their momentum or energy.

I can get behind national socialists, for sure….they are actually intelligent and virtuous brotherly people….the main thing I can't get behind (regarding them)is the hate currents and hate movements



>Those pushing an association between fringe/paranormal/esoteric beliefs and far-right worldviews don't actually believe in what they're selling you, but rather simply want to capture your mind and voice for their own sociopolitical agenda. Truth is irrelevant, belief is everything to them, the goal is "shifting the Overton window."

And this is bad why? As long as we take over the world we can change truth to our benefit, just as the libtards have done.

I know this OP is over a year old but I just have to say it; I've seen posts like this on /x/ too and it's always the same badly tuned attempt at trying to make an open strategy look like a conspiracy theory. No one is hiding what they are doing, pretending that this is somehow a secret plan is just dumb.

The right wing will win using emotional and irrational arguments and there's nothing you bootlicking commies can do about it.

Trump is just one small troll in your face, next is hijacking feminism and turning political correctness against you, just you wait.



And why not keep spiritual things spiritual and political things political? There is no reason to force your outlook on things down everyone's throat.

>we can change truth to our benefit

>right wing will win using emotional and irrational arguments

This is /pol/ everyone. Not that I was expecting any better, but some people actually care more about truth than about some particular flavour of political spectrum.


I've begun thinking that a return to living among the rest of nature is the most sensible path forward. Maybe this whole 'civilization' thing was a bit of a mistake, and we should look to the types of lifestyles our ancestors led up until the agricultural revolution 10,000 years ago. I suspect that the domestication of humans, and all which that entails, has done incalculable damage to our mental and physical health, not to mention our spiritual health and the wellbeing of the rest of the natural world around us.

The question of how to get from here to there is another matter entirely, if it can even be done. Does anyone here share similar sentiments? I'm trying to understand the root of how so many things in the world became fucked up so as to find a better way.



Your either with us or you die on DOTR race traitor.




This is complete bullshit. The right-wing suffers from an over-abundance of rationality to the point of being ineffective cucks. The left is the irrational force that has 0 valid arguments and just shouts everyone down.



>DOTR meme

And when exactly is that?


>The right-wing suffers from an over-abundance of rationality

>The left is the irrational force that has 0 valid arguments and just shouts everyone down.

Care to provide examples?



Well right now Trump and the tea party are doing the shouting in america because they've applied the same tactic, but overall you can just watch the news reporting from any demonstration. There'll be the leftie cucks screaming incoherently and making shameless demands.

The gay pride parades is a notable example, marriage and sex is for procreation and the protection of the future generation, yet they want to turn it into masturbatory hedonism for their own selfish desires. It will be the end of them but in the process they are harming the world around them and increasing the suffering they will have to bear when paying off their sins in hell. It benefits no one, not even themselves and still they do it, can you get any more irrational than that?




If I get characterized as an alt-right shill I'm blaming this thread.

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