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File: 1467961608820.pdf (288.24 KB, 1450128744517.pdf)


Pdf thread

(Attached Pdf is Mind Reality The Universe Is Mental by Enoch Tan)

Post last edited at


File: 1467961669418.pdf (4.96 MB, 1450136539346-0.pdf)

Chaos: A Very Short Introduction

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File: 1467961991832.pdf (3.79 MB, 1450128827900-0.pdf)

Tarot For Your Self 2nd Edition

By Mary K. Greer

Post last edited at


File: 1467962051401.pdf (1.58 MB, 1450128827900-1.pdf)

Temple of The Black Light

Post last edited at


File: 1467962169413.pdf (47.63 KB, 1450129747750-0.pdf)

Seven Success Secrets of Hypnotism Practice

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File: 1467962957375-0.pdf (3.79 MB, 1450129747751-1.pdf)

File: 1467962957375-1.jpg (189.49 KB, 824x1024, 103:128, 1450127592510.jpg)

Tarot For Your Self 2nd Edition

By Mary K. Greer

(repost, same as >>79555 )

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File: 1467963309229.pdf (30.29 KB, 1450136539346-1.pdf)

The Cycles Of Chaos: Deconstructing Initiation

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File: 1467963400459.pdf (433.14 KB, 1450136571112-0.pdf)

Oven-Ready Chaos

by Phil Hine

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File: 1467963462880.pdf (26.49 KB, 1450136571112-1.pdf)

Chaos Magick and Luciferism

by Michael Ford

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File: 1467963807916.pdf (42.32 KB, 1450136571112-2.pdf)

Astrology - A Rational Chao/Dynamic Appraisal

by Frater Choronzon

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File: 1467964125233.pdf (52.46 KB, 1450136571112-3.pdf)

Practical Applications of the Chaossphere

by Fra.: Neonfaust

Post last edited at


>none of these have names

>whoever is uploading them is not posting what they are

>just random PDFs being uploaded

How do I know this isn't just a thread full of PDFs full of gay porn or something?


Oh it's all the old chaos magick books and a few other old books that used to be in the /fringe/ library.



Was gonna post this as well. Not to mention that PDFs constantly have new exploits for running malware.



Ban pdf's w/o names.



This is a good thread. Would've wished names for the files, although.

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