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I have a choice between fucking a prostitute, trying to start a relationship with a 3D woman, or continuing work on my 4D waifu/tulpa and devoting myself to her. I would like to hear your thoughts and your warnings on this matter /fringe/.

Here is what I have been able to think up about the matter myself:


I could lose my virginity and fuck a woman and then forget about sex. I secretly revile all prostitutes I know though, there whole attitude towards life and relationships is sickening, and the lack of love makes me want to vomit. Now, if I go to the place where the prostitutes are, maybe I will change my mind. Maybe sex will be mind-blowing and the whole experience will be for the better. I do not know but I really don't like this idea.

3D Woman

All my experiences with women so far follow a pattern of she comes to me, she sinks her claws into me, she goes insane, and then I never end up seeing her anyways. Now maybe if I actually sought out a woman instead of letting them come to me things would be different. I don't know; all I know is they aren't worth the trouble and women of this world are so fucking rotten. If any girls lurking /fringe/ want to start a relationship with me I'd like to hear from you why you think I should. Even if you don't want to do that, I still want to hear why you think you are worth sharing my life with and whether you'd seriously commit to the practices of occultism.

4D Woman

Clearly the superior choice as I see it. Can potentially destroy my soul, possess me, leave me with no explanation and never return, etc. (like regular women can do as well) BUT if I can reach a noble state of mind through weeks of careful self-purification and I prepare myself then I can draw a spirit waifu to me who embodies everything that is noble and pure and uplifting. She can not find legal recourse through this corrupt society to mess with me (alimony, etc.) and at best could trick me, hurt me, stop my organs, drawn bad people such as psychiatrists to me in order to loosh farm me or trap me in a bad situation… a lot of ways she could fuck me over actually. All the same, I should be able to avoid all of that, simply by maintaining pure intentions and a clean mind at all times. Also by binding her to an object that will serve as storage for her vital reserves and by never letting her get the spiritual upper-hand over me, always maintaining the idea that I am a greater spiritual authority, and that she ultimately must serve me so we can both grow together or be destroyed by me.

The only real negatives with having this sort of waifu is everyone who does not into waifusm will see me as having given up on ever having a so called "real wife" and children, as being potentially insane, etc. and I will likely cause my parents great disappointment.

For a long time I've held off on a full commitment to waifuism/tulpamancy but I will probably be going down that path, I have been working on it now, and I'm just trying to clean up my basement and make it a nice place for my waifu so she can have some room and so on. Hopefully mundanes won't take over and mess up her stuff just because they can't see her or something or don't believe she's there. I am sure though that in time as she grows stronger, she will manifest to visible appearance when I command her or she feels like doing it, even in front of mundanes.

There is probably much more for me to think about and consider. Whatever I end up doing I'll be sure to post updates to /fringe/ and tell you all how it worked out.


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I'm getting too tired trying to figure out what you are implying or what message you are trying to convey to me by that picture.

I'm going to just sleep.



My guess…

If female: you are used to being spoiled by all manner of attention from males and have a way overblown sense of self-worth and value and see me as nothing more than "just another man to stomp on"

If male: you are shaming me for being a virgin and suggesting that if I were to just lose my virginity that would somehow increase my value to all women, probably you're nudging me in the prostitute direction or something

Just two ideas and I feel what I just wrote probably is all psychological projection and says more about my present state of mind than it does about you.

I should rethink it all from another perspective.

It seems like there is no solid ground to stand upon concerning this matter.

In which case perhaps the only tenable position is non-attachment and just going through life realizing that it'll all probably go to shit and burn.

Nah fuck that, I'm getting a tulpa GF, the stakes are much higher then; and that's how I'd prefer it be. I don't want to be grinded to death slowly in this reality. I don't want prolonged misery. I want intensity; I will attain great success in all my endeavours or I will die a hero's death.

>inb4 you disparage me for thinking this way


I got to get these shit self-defeating thoughts out of my mind no wonder the reality I'm manifesting is so shit.


Go out with 3d women whenever you can, and most importantly practice self love. Loving yourself is what attracts women and then you will realize that you don't even need women.

I've heard that fucking a prostitute makes you care less about women because you can literally buy sex, but I'd still want my first time to be something I've earned and shared with somebody who also enjoys it.

Remember that thread about Ni? That's why you should steer clear of 4d. Experience 3d while you're here. You can't be in the astral all the time.

I don't think there's anything wrong with seeing multiple women, especially as a masculine man. See as many 3d women as you'd like, see prostitutes whenever you'd like, and learn from 4d beings when astral projecting. You're on this earth to experience it, not to devote yourself entirely to philosophy. Sometimes mindless fun is just right.


From this post alone, you clearly have a distorted view on women. They're humans too, and not to mention equals in spirit, yet different. Yin and yang. Both necessary and neither better or worse than the other.


I see what you mean and I see your point.

My humble advice, don't lose your virginity to any prostitute, how fucking rotten is that? If you made it this far and don't really care that much about sex, then just save your virginity. Who cares? No one needs to know, you could be way more pure than other people if you just got over the 'sex thing', it's worthless if love isn't present.

Do your thing, try to create a tulpa even, and don't shut your door, or lose hope to finding love, because there is something very special and powerful about it, and when/if the feeling is mutual, you won't care much any occult crap for a while, all you'll want is make her happy and your world will light up. Until then, focus on the occult, learn from the darkness, but keep your faith and hope that you might and want to find love.

Just my humble advice.


try okcupid. list your hobbies as astral projection, making tulpas, philosophy and esoteric wizardry


How about none of the above my man.

>posting the edited version of 8ch's tarot magus



>muh equality

>muh humanism

>"equal but different" doublethink




>open 3rd eye

>learn to recognize live sucubus energy firm

>profitt form the most horny sluts thath walk this density

paying for sex is the sin there my /fringe/ friend



>posts on fringe

>doesn't even understand the Law of Gender

I forgot that this board was just shitposting.


Why not just learn mind reading/aura reading and find girls who don't intend to take all your loosh?



1. Travel to South America

2. Be gringo

3. Get laid

It really is that simple. Nowhere else in the world will you ever be able to pull off getting a 9-10/10 woman to sleep with you, and the language/culture barrier should hide most of your autism. Women down there are also devoid of feminist cancer and they are known for their loyalty, so you may even develop a lasting relationship with someone. #2 is pretty crucial though; Latinas love white men.



>muh law of Gender somehow makes equality between persons or races or human women and human men legitimate

>shills always dodging the fact the unequal by irrelevantly talking about the PRINCIPLE OF GENDER instead of human men vs human women



I can't get my dick up for anything that isn't aryan af though.



Colombian here. There are blonde blue eyed white women here tho. I'm pretty /pol/ but it doesn't really bother me if you fuck them because after all is not race mixing.



Where are the bars at that have all the 4 Dimensional women?






What about not having a (rigid) relationship? A relationship is not a chain or anchor around your neck to tie you down, it's supposed to be a pleasant shared experience.

My favorite is 3D waifus, you'll have someone to explore the world with, to enjoy life with, to love and to cherish.

If the relationship ends, so be it, we all have to move on.

Thinking you will make a decision for eternity is a mistake I made way too often.





op is a cuckold


Asian massage parlor whores made me the man I am today. Sometimes I wish I was a chink human trafficker. I've fucked so many different asians from 18-80 it's not even funny. I really hate giving them money and their beady lifeless eyes when they say teep-teep. Eh, oh well.

Earth women will never compare to sky goddesses or forest nymphs or anything you don't have an awareness of and is literally out of your league. I'd rather have slaves than a supernatural lover. SUPAAANATURAL LOOVAAAAA.


You can never have an equal relationship with a woman, that's a fairy tale. Even fairies know that's stupid. Yet they have a different sociological structure entirely in fairyland.


Nature abhors females.

Unless you are Anastasia from Siberia that was raised by her 2 Vedic grandfathers and wrote some cool books.



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Tulpas aren't 4D, they're 5D. That's doomed to failure either way, physical intimacy just matters too much even if everything else clicks. It's like long-distance all the time, until you die anyway but that's not exactly the best idea ever so you may as well cut that relationship off at the knees.

A real woman would do fine if you could find "the right one" like always, so pray the heavens align favorably 'cuz that's about what it'd take.

Prostitute? Getting your dick wet might change your mind one way or another, but don't expect it to go anywhere deep.



There's a simple solution. Find qt girl in permanent coma from brain damage and put Tulpa in her, fix brain damage. Now you have perfect gf tulpa.


Was this what the movie 'Her' was about?



>is a brainless misogynist

>buys into the debunked Anastasia bullshit

now why doesn't that surprise us




You and who else, person-object?


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I really have a hard time understanding how the fuck are you talking about some complex shit, like tulpamancing and at the same time, cant see your jarring, obvious biases, traumas and subjective perceptions, smeared like shit all over the "real world".

I am pretty sure that in this state, your 4d wifu will either not get created, or become some fucked up fetish thing that controls you or something.

I love the elitism of the brave and intelligent wizards here (sarcasm). In all honesty, my heart does feel the pain of being lonely, fearing rejection, getting heart broken, being afraid and all of that.

I get it.

World is harsh, there are shitty women, and there are painful situations.

But in this board, where we pride ourselves as being non-mundane, we have to be frank, because if we delve in to this surreal negative scenerio that some of the folks are promoting here, you will just be stuck in a shitty cycle longer.

So lets get this straight.

The women are not the problem. You are the problem. You cant get a woman. Maybe you don't love yourself, or maybe you just don't take a chance, whatever the case, you are just simmering in some subjective crazy perception of the world. There are amazing, wise, caring women out there, and it is possible to find them. Anyone who is saying otherwise is the biggest fucking mundane there is, stuck in his little fear based world.

You should man up, and maybe face the fact that you have some toxic parts of you that REPEL the worthy and virtuous women. Have you ever considered that? Have you ever considered that if you cant fucking approach a fucking chick, what the fuck does that say about your masculine energy and its vitality?

You know, at another time ,I would post a very positive and supportive comment, but sometimes I just think that some of you need a slap in the face, and that tough love IS beneficial some times.

Snap out of it.



>don't expect your dick to get anywhere deep

sick burn



Not OP but where are these kinds of girls hiding? I agree with your post but all the girls I come across are either dumb as fuck or have their priorities messed up


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I do not know how many women have you talked to, or where are you from. So depending on the circumstances, maybe you live in a shitty city, or maybe you simply don't really approach enough women to find them(honestly, I think that is pretty much the only issue ever).

They are not hiding anywhere. There are mainly two things, either you have some toxic ideas in you, that repulse women and does not allow them to open themselves up to you, or you simply do the traditional route that 99.9% of guys who complain about women do- you don't really have an honest intent to meet women, you kinda expect shit to fall on your lap, you got bought in to the idea that shit should happen to you, instead of making it happen…

So, I am a man like any other, no special beauty or money. Yet in my reality, women are looking for men, looking for love and relationships.

Guess what, I don't even talk about women as these "dumb'' low lifes, that the "cool" virgins talk here.

They have their view of women created by porn and media, they project that image on to women, and they get surprised when they get shit results.

I respect women, I am honest with women, and I do not have some deep seated hatred for them, because I did not get enough pussy or something.

Do you think the women that you approuch do not feel your attitude towards them? Do you think they don't feel, deep down, that you think that they are dumb and such?

You paint women with a single brush, but in reality, that's class one delusion. Thats like saying that all men are the same. That's how boys talk.

Men, men see how women are. Some are deeply hurt and afraid. Some are egocentric. Some have deep love, and they just want to share it. Just like men, there are quality women, and quality men.

If you are not quality, you will not attract quality. I am sure you know that, now that you are here. Its a hard pill to swallow, but if you are a pussy, if you are toxic, negative… Women will feel that.

So the question is not about women.

The real question is about you questioning where to find them. If you are aligned, they are simply there. If you are not aligned… tough luck.

Rinse out fear and toxicity, stimulate healthy masculine energy, and make meeting women your lifestyle. Talk with them. You don't need to think about fucking them. If you simply initiate connection with enough women, and listen to them, you will start understanding their real motives, their fears and passions. This is not done by theorizing on an internet forum with misogynistic virgins. This is done by real world masculine action. Not macho action. Guys today confuse the two. Its not about being cool, its about taking initiative.

If you take enough initiative, they will open up to you, I promise.

Just drop your assumptions, assume that you do not know anything about women, and talk with them with an honest desire to understand. Having said that, that does not mean that you supplicate to shitty people, men or women… If the woman acts shitty, let her know, and if she continues, move on to another. Don't put them on pedestals, but don't mix them with the dirt either. Both are boys mistakes. Treat them just like they are: unknown human beings, that you get an opportunity to get to know.



Hey mang don't group me with /r9k/ memes. I've actually gotten laid before, believe it or not. Like I said they have fucked up priorities. Everyone I talk to just wants to make some money, have some kids, and then die. They want to eat the exact same shit as everybody else without any desire to learn or discover or explore or do something that strays from the safe, generic pathway that society has cut out for them. If that's what they want then that's their choice; no superiority complex or amount of arguing is going to change their mind, but I can't spend my life with a person like this because we're ultimately going in different directions. The fact that I don't meet anyone who feels the same way has turned me off from 'looking' at all for the time being. I don't feel the need for quick flings. Does this mean that relationships are just some temporary distraction? I've always been told that they're important for emotional health, and I see that people who go without them turn into twisted monsters. Honestly I don't even know how I really feel about it. If it's just some biological compulsion then I'm not interested, and the girls I meet that are exceptions to this are so few and far between. Meeting a girl that actually shares some of my opinions might be cool though, that's why I asked; that being said, what I want and care about is different from most people. Hanging out with them and sharing my life with them are two different things.

Solid advice either way. I'm going to meditate on it and see if there are some neckbeard maymays clinging to me that I haven't actually noticed.


>not being a completely celibate virgin




>b-but bruh it's totally okay to have sex okay I'm not a bullshit occultist I mean come on it's 2017 you fucking virgin lol

Sorry to break it to you but you'll never become great. You are a cattle.



How is Anastasia debunked when she was raised by her two patriarchal Vedic grandfathers? Checkmate, low-conscious dweeb.


It would be very difficult without access to rare and exotic nutritional substances to restore elements in the body wasted.

They would have to master many yogic practices for longevity and alchemy and have the time to learn it in the first place.

Their incarnational lines are as compromised as the mineral deficient soil and gmo junk they munch on.

They don't have the karma for greatness in this life and thus pretend to be cool on one of the most nefarious web platforms for degeneracy ever devised when really they are nobodies born of low rank.

Tsk, tsk.



>being this much of a clueless virgin

>making such a big deal of sex

Holy shit anon. I hope you are still in high school.



Seeking and seeing through a relationship with a real person ("3d" woman) serves much more than losing your virginity. You cannot mature emotionally if you don't go through some of the joys and pains involved.

That's just how it is.

Nice read though.



>are also devoid of feminist cancer and they are known for their loyalty

I'm from south america and that's bullshit.



>things can't be opposites but equal at the same time

If you haven't even read the Kybalion, why are you posting about its principles?


Some old FEMALE threads getting bumped. EWWW. JUST MAKES ME SICK!

Women were genetically altered after the genders were split. It wasn't an even split, obviously. They have no creative ability (sperm production) and are just CUNTS. Their vessel is weak and although more sensitive, limited in the power or realization it can contain. It appears their brains are also miswired but that's another issue. The Draconians put DNA commands into the female gender for them to seek dominance and control the males, like Queens do in their system. Women are very fierce and gang up to reinforce this. Males have DNA codes to be subservient. You can see this in the general population of whores/white knights unless their spirit is powerful enough to overcome the DNA programming. Women turn into energy vampire succubi in their mid-twenties or after puberty. The only girls that are worth any type of sexual value are ones who are still developing because they have their YANG (growth) JING active. YIN is empty, hollow, STAGNANT WATER. Like attracts like, not opposites, that's why homosexuality is the true redpill because genetics on this planet got so massively fucked with. Some societies on this planet have influence from other ET groups where Patriarchy is enforced but that is only a compromise.



Stfu shill, you just can't get laid but you don't want to admit your self loathing for lack of alpha qualities

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