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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: 1468095323719.jpg (76.49 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 926463793.jpg)


Redpill me on Saturn. Why does it have a hexagon on it's North Pole?


What are the mysterious sounds it makes?


What's the deal with the invisible outer rings?


Why is the astrological sign for Saturn a communistic hammer and sickle?


Why is the Jewish day of rest on Saturday (Saturn's Day)




>Why is the astrological sign for Saturn a communistic hammer and sickle?

its not. don't be retarded



>water isnt wet, don't be retarded


I'd rather be greenpilled on it but otherwise I'm with you.

Funny how some people get so worked up over a stupid rock formation on Mars meanwhile there's a perfect geometric shape on Saturn.


You know that image you posted was a computer generated image…right? That isn't a real photo.



That is a possibility, for sure.

If the Earth was flat. And or if all space mission after the first faked ones to beat Russia were also fake.



Saturn must be anti-semitic.


In astrology the crescent means spirit and the cross means matter, or incarnation into matter. Thus a cross over a crescent represents the material aspect of life having dominance over the spiritual. This is what Saturn represents in a nutshell



you can see saturns hexagon with a cheap telescope from walmart



CGI images of planets and fake trips to the moon don't make the earth flat. Might as well use a new name now tipp, that was a blunt try at linking them together.

Otoh maybe it's a real photo taken by voyager, the space probe sent out in the era of cassette reels.



You know the subliminal suggestion behind the movie Jupiter Rising?

Antique telescopes are different than new telescopes, and if you want to stargaze you should spend the 2 thou to get one. Could be counterfeits being made by now though, imo.


So the Muslim and Jewish cubes are Saturn, the Christian cross folds into a cube which is also Saturn and the Nazi black sun is Saturn. Everybody's into Saturn.

and Saturn represents Satan.

Is this correct?

I really hope this is all wrong after hearing that "Sounds of Saturn" audio. What a fucked up thing to worship.


File: 1470991025171.jpg (161.22 KB, 1096x776, 137:97, johnreid_saturn.jpg)

The sound IS why it forms the Hexagon.


Saturn isn't Satan. It's a physical manifestation of the cosmic LAW.



>hurr durr derp dee derp

not an argument kys


the black sun is probably the celestial pole and draco

saturn is not the same as satan

the cross is the southern cross

don't believe the hype



thx anon




Black Sun is a masonic theme which I have no idea about. Watch Space 1999, it's in that, put alongside with other masonic motifs. Also the nazis used it, but the more you look into the nazis, the more manufactured they look too.


Go on youtube and type in 'lion heart understanding the saturnine current' and listen to all three parts.




'Lion heart' with a space bw lion and heart btw. Kthnxbye



This is probably the most greenpilled post here. The fact is what people call "Magick" is simply the realization that mathematical frequencies are what make up the physical fabric of space time.

The Hexagon on Saturn is simply a physical manifestation of this fact.



>magic is misunderstood physics

Come back when you realize it's the other way around.


I'm inclined to believe David Kike, ahem, David Icke on Saturn. The rings and the hexagon are both the result of sonic resonance. Hyperdimensional beings might be using it as a tool for mind control, in coordination with the moon. Of course, satanist jews worship this tool.



You guys are gullible, look up "convection cells", when heat is moving matter quick enough it is also formed into a hexagon for efficiency.

There's your red pill.


Saturn means form and time, as in, the duration in which you need to form something and duration something lasts.

It has more to do with the fact that Saturn is the farthest planet you could see with ancient telescopes though. Religious. Since it was seen as the outter ring of the solar system, it supposedly signified limitation, boundaries, the slowest cycle, etc etc you see the theme?

There's a theory Saturn use to be an inner planet however, and contributed to regular life cycles on Earth, like the Moon.

Now we can see the Oort cloud… ice and debris and comets at the /fringe/ of the solar system, and that the sun produces an electric magnetic ionized (did I get that right?) sheath around our entire solar system to redirect ionized particles and other nasty stuff. The Sun is more connected to the outter reaches than anything really, imagine that?



I'm saying that all imagery we have of the planets are like to be fake but if so then the space programs haven't sent shit up there meaning they never got there, because supposed flat Earth would stop them.

Now take a step back and evaluate both standpoints or rather possibilities.

How about this, what if the earth was round, we have sent space craft to other planets, and photographed them, for CGI artists to make impressions of, how it would presumably, as near as possible it would be seeing it from a deck in orbit. Does this deal with ultimatums? No but were the moon missions faked? Maybe, the Earth is round but could still have van Allen belt meaning the trips were faked but probes and robots are a okay.

Even if these are CGI or artists renderings they still hold whatever depicteds etheric impression.



Well, perfect geometric shapes is exactly the kind of thing you find spontaneously in nature time and time again.



This. I'm tired of seeing people who are supposed to be somewhat enlightened not understand that magic manifests itself in natural, logical and causal proceses. Very rarely if ever you will see it break the laws of physics.



Jewish Saturn Worship



If jews research things they are respectable members of the world but if you do it you need put in the looney bin. Thats just how things work here. Deal with it xd



Everything was created by sound.



Sound is the manifestation is frequency.

Everything was created by Song.



It's both. divine paradox


Saturn………………………… THE STAR.


Too bad, cunts. Now it's a harmonic resonance device linked to your cunt chakra and responsible for maintaining the prison grid on this planet through the artificial moon interface.



No you can not. You can barely see the rings. It also has to be at a decent angle to Earth. Still pretty cool to observe regardless, but you will not see enough of a disk with a small home telescope to see the cloud formations. You need to go to an observatory. I don't even think Walmart has telescopes.



Saturn is a dead man walking.


File: 082a778d870fdbd⋯.pdf (2.18 MB, 070_RingmakersOfSaturn.pdf)

Saturn is the a part of the Saturn-Moon Matrix, which is an artificial signal projected from Saturn's North Pole. The signal travels through Saturn's atmosphere. The signal is amplified by the rings of Saturn, which are artificially constructed. The signal is sent to the moon, which is also artificially constructed, and used to send a signal to the earth. What this transmission is, I do not know.

The official explanation for the hexagon on Saturn is the phenomena called sheer winds. However, many religions incorporate saturnian and lunar symbology in conjunction with the hexagon.

I have uploaded a rare book written by a NASA employee using only NASA imagery detailing the discovery by our probes that the outermost A-Ring of Saturn is in fact uncompleted and in the process of visible construction at the time of publication (mid 80s).

here is a david icke video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVpZMh1PaeA



Where's the upload on that book?

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