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Esoteric Wizardry


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So if meme magic is real… Then have our ancestors memed Heaven and Hell into creation?




Yes, but not in the "concrete" way you're thinking.


Ok OP you know "Veelox"?

Well "Heaven" and "Hell" are the Christfags Veelox. They are places they created in the astral to hang out together.



>hanging out in hell

god damned christians (what an ironic sentence)


>Meme Magic

Leave it to the memefags to not understand magic.

No, heaven and hell have not been 'memed' into existence, because they have not been created using cancerous images that spread like wildfire.

True, you can view religious iconography as 'memes', but they only reestablish an idea of heaven or hell that was there prior to the images.

Heaven and hell are actually not so different from earth, and earth has not been memed into existence unless you have a very broad definition of the word meme.



>Soul recicle system

Time don't exist

So perfect sistem version for recycling 99.99 of the souls is implemented 1rd day becose we got the all the experience off the final day version

Why not 100%

Perfection is garbage, perfect being's don't interact whit other being's becose perfection, the Same whit systems perfect systems are not interactive becose it would broke their perfection.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

Beauty is a unique or rare or diferent from the norm , in a perfect universe like the one we live beauty is in all the imperfect tings we create and surrounded us .



>earth has no permanent astral manifestation because it hasn't been meemd

top wizard



Even though the basic principle works, meme magic is not the master key to explain everything. Keeping everything within the framework of meme magic severely limits yourself and ties you to physical representations of thoughts. The earth does not have a 'permanent' 'astral' manifestation, for it is ever changing and exists only within the mind.

That's where it comes from, and not some stupid smug frog icons.

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