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I keep having dreams about the girl I dated in high school. Dreams where we get back together, dreams where we fugg, dreams where I just see her on the street and she ignores me, dreams where I go places and she is there, dreams where she looks completely different but I know in the dream that it's her, dreams when I can't see her but I can feel that she's there.

She's the only girl I ever dated and I'm 26 now. I haven't seen her in almost ten years. But these dreams won't stop. I don't think about her much in my waking life, only when I'm asleep.

How fix?


Damn son you've got part of her soul lodged in you. That sucks. I've had similar kikery happen to me in the past except it was random appearances of family members. I banished the fuck out of them and attacked them very violently every single time. They're gone now.

Break resonance with her, drain the emotional-connection into new emotional-connections.


It's your destiny to be with her, seek her.


Date more women until you get over it



Not OP, but I'm going through the same thing. Would this be considered a general schema or thoughtform of the person rather than actually having part of the persons soul inside you?



You know what a soul is right? It's a thoughtform, a complex one, composed of many thoughtforms woven together. So you really have part of their soul in you. That part of the soul of the person you have though doesn't have to have the awareness (spirit) connected to it. Parts of your soul rub off and get lodged everywhere, on people, on objects, etc. all the time. Those fractured parts of the soul can then diverge overtime and they can also be reconnected and so on. If you want to establish a genuine contact with the other person you need to connect it back to their spirit somehow, either by retying the soul pieces you have back to their main soul which is linked to spirit, or directly tying it back to their spirit.



>retying the soul pieces you have back to their main soul

how do i do this



I'm going to make this as simple as possible for you.

Create two or more thoughtforms.

Then, take parts of them and connect them together, or otherwise link them. Observe the effects, such as changes in behaviour (if your thoughtforms possess any behaviour at all) and other things that may happen.

This will give you the practice needed to link some soul pieces back to someone's main soul.



befriend it and feed it. spirit sidekick.

atm shes looshing you in your dreams because shes to weak to do anything else but this has potential.

much better than selfmade tulpa.

feed it food, offering, transfer energy to it.



Ignore >>80103 she is likely bpd or otherwise a kind of psychic/spiritual drain. Cut of all contact, find peace with your own soul, you don't have it right now which is why you're broken. Do little things for yourself, cook yourself a good meal, take a bath, take a day off, whatever makes you happy and isn't destructive (booze, drugs, sex etc)


No exactly the other way around, you imprinted a bond on her (psychological and spiritual) and that bond is still around. You need to cut it off. It's like a second umbilical cord only where it once nourished you it's not poisoning you.



See a therapist. Magic can't fix crazy.



says the nigger



>You need to cut it off.

Any tips on doing so?

My normal meditation routine is rhythmic breathing about 2 times a day for 15-20 minutes per session, mainly for Aether element gain. I'm sure I could tie in some way of breaking a spirit bond just simply using Mentalism. Just visualize her, an "umbilical cord" where we are attached, and myself cutting/breaking it?

What's worse is that I've been trying to cut off all physical contact with her lately, though for whatever reason I'm pulled back in. Real loss of control when this happens, then my memory goes blank if I attempt to think about what occurred. Some things she's said kinda freak me out too, like "You're tied to me", "You'll never leave", etc. without me mentioning anything of the sort. She doesn't know I'm an Initiate, and she's Atheist.



Ask your monad, maybe?

She could say many things but you notice those that corroborate your idea. Even mundanes and normies use that expression.

However even fedoras can believe in a love spell if it starts working for them, they have no counscious of the side effects (after this life bz muh fedora).

First thing to do is know what is she doing, if anything. Then use that to break the effect. Many people use divination to get that. Since you are somehow imparied, learning it now, would just add fuel to your suffering.

The etherical cords ( your bet) are usually connected to the area of the body where the manifestation happens.

If you're getting dreams about her that could mean that theres a connection to the third eye and not the umbilical area.

If you can meditate, try also to unbound yourself from it. Deattaching yourself from her.

If you can unbound for a moment and then you feel trapped again, then you may need some counter measures against "her attack".

Would suggest not to harvest more energy until you're free.


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If you kill her, then the spiritual bond will be broken, then you can be at peace.



G8 b8 m8 :^)



>Ask your monad

now exactly what does this mean in your opinion?



This could be a very open subject. Just take it like a psycologic tool. Say what you want like its already done with faith. Many people ask some deities, depending on their faith and many because its just weird to ask 'yourself'. Try the best suitable option for you.

Why this work could be due to a will strong enough to unbound your free will from some elses will. And this will gives "permission" for your monad to act. This is me rationalizing the process



Alright anon. Odd story happened after I applied what I said here:>>80688

I spent about a day and a half performing visualizations of cutting any sort of bond between us, focusing on all 3 particular planes they could be in. A sexual bond was the strongest.

After that, some other thoughts I had that related were similarly extinguished; visualizing the same "fantasy" for a lack of a better term, then having it appear breaking into many shards of glass. Did both of these methods for a decent amount of time.

What's weird? Next time I talked to her, she ended up wanting to talk less, and seemed generally apathetic, and wants change the way our personal relationship has been recently to be not as close. My energy levels currently have skyrocketed and I'm thinking much clearer, with more motivation.

Take this for what you will, and thank you.



Good job freeing yourself from that bound, keep it up. The tools you used seem very effective. Its good she is a fedora and got it rather quickly.


I had a dream like that once. The emotional pain upon waking was abhorrent. I shudder to think of the pain you live with every night and morning, you have my deepest sympathies, for what little they are worth.



Looks like she's become tied with your anima. Even though you don't think about her literally in everyday life, she's probably imprinted into your conception of feminity. Here's a few ways to address the problem: frequent more women, or learn about feminity, read some books. To really lodge her out, you can use a plethora of reimprinting methods. Start using lucid dreaming techniques if you dont already. If you can get to a point where seeing her acts as a trigger and makes you realize you're dreaming, even better. Once you're in control of the dream, you can banish her in some way, either attacking her image physically or using any other symbol of rejection. Since you don't want to repress your feminine psyche along with her image, you need to get a new image for it. Getting a girlfriend or a close female friend will help, but ultimately you don't want to base your anima on outside phenomena, which will just lead to the same scenario if the problem isn't addressed deeper. You need to cultivate your own feminity. This might demand doing things your ego will find revolting or insulting, but this is only an assault on a superficial sense of identity. You can start with things like paying attention to your emotions, trying to be delicate, wearing pastels, girly clothes, shaving your body hair, anything you associate with girliness. Since such an imprinting is probably linked with the fact you had your first sexual experiences with her, or at least a first experience of non-familial intimacy, Sexuality could offer a powerful catharsis: sissyfication, homosexuality and BDSM in bottom positions, anal play of any sort, be it solo, with a man or with a girl. You can go as vanilla or as hardcore as you want, and you don't have to continue after you've attained your goal, but if you've succeeded, you won't be revolted by it anymore, you'll be indifferent at worst. If you have any insecurities about your manhood, it might help to explore your feminity, even though that might sound paradoxical. All of this will lead you to a more balanced and flexible conception of your self. You can also try high doses of psychedelics in silent darkness, at least 5 grams of psilocybin, 2 tabs of acid or 3 hits of DMT, maybe more depending on your tolerance. What works for you will depend on your belief system, since gender as well as most thoughts are tied to semantic constructs. If you're some alt-right type the sexual stuff might not work for you, and if you're straight edge the drugs might not be a good idea. Ultimately, you should transcend all those ideologies, but if you just want to solve this there's plenty of ways of working within the thought framework you've inherited, whatever that is. But keep in mind reimprinting is sure to challenge some ideas you have about yourself. Of course, If you can already do high level ritual magic or yoga, none of this is necessary. I'm just offering practical solutions.



Moving away from femininity is what made me happier. I was so close to becoming a trap and I was obsessed with pornography and petty pleasures. I dived hard into masculinity to get out and it worked for me. I don't think you need to be androgynous by doing those things, as the study of magick is already a feminine thing. But getting to know more women (and really, more people) would absolutely help.

Gender isn't that important, as it's the easiest law to overcome, but it's not worth overcoming for something like this.



As I said, what works for you depends on your belief system. The fact that you went through that phase might have helped, though. I wasn't suggesting becoming a trap, just challenging your notion of your own sexual identity precisely to transcend it. Whatever you think about that, I'm happy you've worked out your issues!



What if you have same experiences with a girl that friendzoned you?



Be her friend? Soulmates aren't always sexual relationships.

You could be two guys and neither want it up the bum.

Such a relationship is mostly beneficial but if you're getting used, fuck it, then leave her. hue



Thanks, anon. I have more techniques as of now that seemed to have worked marvelously.

1. One-pointed meditation, anywhere between 5-10 minutes minimum. This helps the next part which is what I discussed in this post: >>80759

2. 'Cut the cord' using similar one-pointed meditation. Like the other anon said, depending on where you're attached will have different results; I cut every cord I could think of - third eye, solar plexus, sexual organs, etc. Something new I did is change the perspective in how you are cutting it. I first imagined as if I could see myself and the other person side by side attached with a cord, then cut it. Then, I switched perspectives to first-person and did the same. Spend about 5-10 minutes again, as a minimum, doing this too.

You also need to keep doing this frequently. The first time, I stopped doing it after 2 days, but the girl continued to be attached and tried to contact me again. This last time, I did the aforementioned process 5-6 times within the last 4 days. I haven't received any messages from her in 2 days, and prior to that, they were relatively emotionless one-word responses.

I'd then usually drift into sleep after the 2nd meditation but a basic banishing meditation/ritual afterwards works good too.



Can you explain more about one-pointed meditation you use?

How do you do banish meditation?


You need to get laid dude, go to a bar or something.


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Any one-pointed meditation will work, which is simply as fully focusing on one specific thing; could be an object, an emotion/feeling, pencil, a cup, a car, whatever. When you do it, viciously attack any other thought that intrudes in on your mind during the meditation.

It helps with gaining a higher mental focus, which is highly beneficial to the next part in the case of removing an attached person that's latched onto you.

For banishing, there's multiple ways to do it. What I personally do is mentally visualize a sphere or aura around my body, and -while rhythmically breathing- you inhale a cleansing, nourishing and detoxifying 'spirit/element', and exhale it's polar opposite. In this case, I'd be bringing in a more independent and self-sufficient form of completeness rather than that of feeling incomplete without the other person attached to me. When coupled with the 'cord-cutting' I mentioned in my other post, I believe the banishing enhances the effect, especially if you're under the negative control of entities/thoughtforms/love bites.

You can light incense during the banishing too which has also has an added effect, but make sure you don't fall asleep with it lit, of course.



this is some bullshit


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Absolutely degenerate.


Yesterday I got jerked by a disgusting thai hooker that looked like fat-bellied buddha but wouldn't let her finish me and steal my essence.

What a stupid day.


Sounds like a big problem









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