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Esoteric Wizardry
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How would one begin to learn magick? I'm incredibly new to this stuff, i just read a book on how to summon magical entities (not expecting anything of interest tbh) but halfway through i became enthralled, i lurked this board, googled shit, and the entire subject is incredible to me. So is there a place i can ask questions about this stuff? Because all of it is so overwhelming and i don't know where to start.



Question thread on this board, question thread on fringechan.org. Also see the Faq. Enjoy the ride buddy.


What's the name of the book you read?



it was simply titled creating magical entities, author is david michael cunningham



Oh shit what are you doing newbie, the creation of magickal entities is advanced magick, usually not attempted until many other things are practiced and a certain foundation is set. Not that you can't make them already, you can, but they are powerful and if your intentions aren't very pure (I mean this in the sense of very concentrated, very specific, not scattered) you can draw in so many psychic influences into the entity and it can develop a complex and autonomous personality and defy you, potentially harming you. It can go very good or very bad or very silly. You never know.

If you want to get right into that right now and start creating entities, godspeed to you, but many have done exactly that rushing into this high level magick shit just to end up destroying themselves. Just please document the whole thing for us, tell us about your entities when you create them, and how it all works out for you.



>rushing into this high level magick shit

>please document the whole thing for us

armchair occultists



What brought you here? Why are you even posting here?



Why should I answer you?



Because you have nothing better to do.



Neither do you.



I'm checking in quickly to make a few posts and see what's going on on /fringe/ before going to sleep.

You are that same guy who makes those same shitposts over and over and over and does nothing else.




Does your autism not know any bounds? You're a good argument in favor of more moderation on here.


Nice projection of your unbounded autism.



well meme'd


magic aren't real retards

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