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Esoteric Wizardry
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Praise Kek! His likeness has been formed!

That being said, any thought on the design? We've spent the past four days trying to get this ring made for each size, and making sure it's producible.


I noticed you have Kek shirts for sale. How is it you are even able to produce this stuff and sell it? How big is the whole Kek movement?


>a frog with teeth

You seem confused. Maybe a tongue would make more sense there?


I'd buy it anyways but I don't want people thinking it's a reptile like a crocodile or something. It's a frog.


File: 1469061881665.jpg (476.6 KB, 1666x984, 833:492, teeth_frog.jpg)


Frogs do indeed have teeth. Perhaps you are in need of another croakening, young tadpole?


Is there a place where I can order one of these rings? Do you make them yourself?



Looks like an iguana on crack in drag.

Cool idea if you actually make it, but it needs some work. Definitely remove the teeth.



>It grows at jumping rates

I just realised how convinient the simbol of a frog is for kek , it jumps from the memeverse to reality, from stone religious tablest to mesageboards on the internet,

Praise kek and lest pray to have his strength to jump as high we can to get a little touch of the stars.



Dur dur

You tink there is only your way

But when you become Shiva you realize that you are more than a way whit beginning and end

Get out of the history with beginning and end and enjoy the marvels of the open world unlimited and unbounded.

be your own game ,choose (or not) your own goals.


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They're up on shapeways at the moment. I could do lost wax casting, but to be honest, I could not produce them myself and deliver them for the low cost that shapeways can http://www.shapeways.com/shops/mysticoasis


I'll buy your kek ring for kicks if you remove the teeth and make it a bit more frog-like.


praise kek


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How have these digits gone unChecked so long? Shadilay, they wait no longer. A new design has been created!


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More for Kek







Somebody should make a Maya or Blender file for anons with 3D printers that want to proliferate these rings for cheap


File: e0f1899d789255f⋯.png (363.08 KB, 824x684, 206:171, e0f1899d789255f04a1307d94c….png)


How fucking poor are you that $26 isn't cheap? Get a job, NEET.



It's cheap, but I'm talking about M A S S C I R C U L A T I O N. You want Kek to spread and be powerful don't you? Who besides only those with the hairiest of necks would pay $26 for an Egyptian frog ring?

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