YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Victim Mentality Prevents Real Social Change 07/24/16 (Sun) 00:07:48 No. 80593
New Lindsay Zywiciel video, fuckers:
07/24/16 (Sun) 04:48:58 No. 80595
07/24/16 (Sun) 23:52:24 No. 80622
w2c qt conspiracy theory gf?
07/25/16 (Mon) 04:02:44 No. 80627
07/25/16 (Mon) 19:03:14 No. 80637
she replied to my message, what do i do?
07/25/16 (Mon) 19:50:01 No. 80638
Tell her I love her.
07/25/16 (Mon) 19:54:56 No. 80639
07/26/16 (Tue) 15:23:22 No. 80669
Sorry mate, she didn't mention you in her reply. Don't lose hope.
07/28/16 (Thu) 04:09:38 No. 80707
whats the airplane looking thing
07/28/16 (Thu) 04:30:20 No. 80709
She's always talking about chemtrails, that's probably what it's supposed to be.
07/28/16 (Thu) 08:45:25 No. 80715
>Ballast barrels in a prototype Boeing 747. Photographs of flight test barrels are sometimes said to show chemtrail planes.
07/30/16 (Sat) 11:52:22 No. 80827
I can't stop watching her videos. How is one woman so based?
07/30/16 (Sat) 14:56:17 No. 80834
she is a fat whiny midget with a nose ring
07/30/16 (Sat) 14:56:40 No. 80835
and you're a degenerate virgin neckbeard
07/30/16 (Sat) 14:57:56 No. 80836
07/30/16 (Sat) 15:00:52 No. 80838
there is no emotion, there is peace
08/01/16 (Mon) 03:26:25 No. 80938
>you will never have a qt greenpilled gf to escape the matrix with
08/01/16 (Mon) 04:42:49 No. 80940
Greenpill her yourself, you beta male.
08/01/16 (Mon) 05:37:22 No. 80941
08/01/16 (Mon) 09:47:08 No. 80946
>Every insult is projection
I hate this meme.
08/03/16 (Wed) 19:39:47 No. 81183
>you will never bring down the system for Lindsay
08/04/16 (Thu) 14:02:21 No. 81274
When did Lindsey become a fullchan icon? Im capping this thread
08/04/16 (Thu) 15:06:18 No. 81276
you mean lindschan?
08/04/16 (Thu) 16:28:49 No. 81282
Which video was that?
08/04/16 (Thu) 20:13:32 No. 81287
Well that was disappointing. Hardly an argument.
08/04/16 (Thu) 22:31:47 No. 81292
There was a /fringe/ thread in between.
08/06/16 (Sat) 23:56:12 No. 81404
>no gf who shouts at HAARP when it's too windy
08/07/16 (Sun) 00:19:37 No. 81408
When some autistic virgin started shilling him.
Yes, it's a tranny.
08/07/16 (Sun) 00:43:36 No. 81410
08/07/16 (Sun) 00:54:57 No. 81411
SAGE! 08/07/16 (Sun) 18:14:59 No. 81435
Go back to facebook OP.
Also she is asexual and has bpd. Enjoy your obsession.
08/08/16 (Mon) 13:11:28 No. 81509
She has mentioned sex with her husband before
08/08/16 (Mon) 16:39:19 No. 81518
>she met her husband online
we are all gonna make it
08/08/16 (Mon) 22:34:40 No. 81524
>Nose ring
02/02/17 (Thu) 18:24:33 No. 90941
Dude you must be very lonely to consider this a qt.
I mean, she's a normal girl. A bit fat, but I guess to you americans this must be what an anorexic looks like.
02/03/17 (Fri) 02:55:47 No. 90971
Everything is black and white! She figured it out! All cases are the exact same! Wow. We were doing it wrong before. This isn't a complex world, it's a simple one where only simple explanations are valid.
02/24/17 (Fri) 21:56:52 No. 93171
I enjoy the new Lindsay & friends.
02/27/17 (Mon) 02:33:22 No. 93382
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >ywn have a three way with two greenpilled grils
02/27/17 (Mon) 02:48:17 No. 93384
Chastity is the first virtue in man or woman, and the man who, however he may have strayed away, cannot be brought to the right path by a gentle and loving and chaste wife, is indeed very rare. The world is not yet as bad as that. We hear much about brutal husbands all over the "world and about the impurity of men, but is it not true that there are quite as many brutal and impure women as men? If all women were as good and pure as their own constant assertions would lead one to believe, I am perfectly satisfied that there would not be one impure man in the world. What brutality is there which purity and chastity cannot conquer? A good, chaste wife, who thinks of every other man except her own husband as her child and has the attitude of a mother towards all men, will grow so great in the power of her purity that there cannot be a single man, however brutal, who will not breathe an atmosphere of holiness in her presence. Similarly every husband must look upon all women, except his own wife, in the light of his own mother or daughter or sister. That man, again, who wants to be a teacher of religion must look upon every woman as his mother, and always behave towards her as such.
03/03/17 (Fri) 19:24:41 No. 93688
Peace is a lie there is only passion
03/03/17 (Fri) 19:38:44 No. 93690
Through passion I gain strength.
03/05/17 (Sun) 21:59:16 No. 94074
This bitch things Terence McKenna and Timothy Leary were government agents. Just ignore what she says, she's retarded.
03/10/17 (Fri) 00:13:31 No. 94301
but they are, ya dingus
03/11/17 (Sat) 22:59:20 No. 94341
no they're not, faggot
03/12/17 (Sun) 00:54:08 No. 94348
04/25/17 (Tue) 21:42:20 No. 96648
Who isn't a government agent anymore? Most of the posts on this board are CIA anyway. Get used to it and learn from them. Their magick is taxpayer funded.
04/26/17 (Wed) 13:16:24 No. 96684
Terrence McKenna was definitely up to something.
He promoted cultural dissonance. He redirected the legitimate anti (((Christian))) sentiment towards a general anti cultural sentiment. (See "Culture is not your friend")
In a similar fashion, he also promoted "going it alone". While this is an important component of practice, abandoning traditions and mentors generally leads to greater suffering. His "teachings" encourage further entrapment in the ego, and do not promote the higher self.
TL;DR: He died of brain cancer at the age of 53.
04/26/17 (Wed) 21:06:15 No. 96751
Does she where the bull ring through her nose ironically or is she actually retarded?
>talks about social slavery and how she decided to escape
>where's a symbol of animal slavery on her face every day
04/26/17 (Wed) 22:52:57 No. 96754
septum piercings are just a trend, you dip
04/27/17 (Thu) 01:44:12 No. 96765
(5. No identifying posts / namefag drama)
04/28/17 (Fri) 00:10:46 No. 96832
02/12/18 (Mon) 22:45:01 No. 115858
>M-maybe this time it will work.
Not only that you're very stupid on counting correctly, you're also very ignorant on ever realizing the numerous failures with zero progress that you've ever achieved in these past months or even years.
Because, picture yourself in this situation. (((You))) hold a 3 year old grudge because a crippled kid on a wheelchair laughed at you. Each passing day you write in your secret shelter of how much you hate this place while publicly trying to keep that poker face of not giving a fuck. You keep wasting your 3 years of your life on spamming and shitposting on an imageboard. You keep thinking that maybe, just maybe that this "brilliant plan" might work. No matter how many times the tactics are being changed, it will always has a one similar distinguish that you reek: autism, cancer
And after all of those failures, you keep lying to yourself that today was a success, that your plan worked and oh how cool and intellectual you were. Bathetic I've not seen for a long time of something like this level of failure. A fool that believes of being some kind of superman? Don't make me laugh, the absolute state that you're currently in is far beyond the breaking point. A miserable pile of excuse, lower than a trash, a scene from some dark comedy entertainment. Not only by destroying and harming yourself, but also your surroundings. You've became into such a bathetic state that I almost pity you.
02/13/18 (Tue) 10:25:03 No. 115894
Its still a symbol of impurity, and submission to the backwards neo-norms like cattle. How old is this woman anyway? Is she still living in a car like Terry? Maybe they are soul mates.
02/13/18 (Tue) 20:58:01 No. 115904
Fresh Lindsay when?
28/29. Not sure she lives in the car permanently, not sure I'd trust a woman to accurately run over CIAniggers.
02/16/18 (Fri) 06:21:33 No. 115986
She is 28 years old? Thats a surprise.
>not camwhoring to steal the loosh of hundreds of NEETs
04/28/19 (Sun) 16:25:15 No. 130547