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Shiism? Sufism? Gnostic islam? help /fringe


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how about not following a retarded abrahamic religion that exists only to farm loosh for jewish entities?


Sufism definitely.






>not knowing Islam is a Christian heresy of a monk named Ozim who desperately tried to be Jewish, failed, then tried to be Christian, failed, and instead made his own cult and took up a title for his name



More specifically a child fucking monk created Islam


but, I agree with >>80621 abrahamic religions are dumb AF






>there is esoteric Islam

colour me surprised


>implying they all pray to the same entity



All Abrahamic religions exist to feed Moloch.

Wake up goy.



>Sanat Kumara


tip top kek



So you're saying Saturn comes from Venus?



I'm saying that Molech-Saturnus is no aeon.



Now I'm interested. Can one derive esotericism form any (natural) religion? I bet some religions are better suited than others.


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This is disgusting and you should be ashamed of posting it.

I like Rumi. And Mohammed. All those prophets were straight G's. It's only that certain dark forces corrupted nearly every religion and began to divert energy towards false-light thoughtforms and soul entrapment in false-god paradigms of certain galactic empires. Those early books gave plenty of good advise from the founders of civilization here like how to curb female destruction and besides, who doesn't like young pussy? They are simply guidelines based on certain laws of life. The rest is for the weak.


File: e5bfa70ab83377f⋯.jpg (278.04 KB, 348x500, 87:125, shutterstock_1967043.jpg)

Saturn was also stolen.



>fuck enough young pussy using taoist alchemical techniques and you could end up looking like this once dormant dna is activated

>or you can do it the ecstatic Sufi way, or the Egyptian, or any other original school of alchemy which we now only have fragments of masquerading as modern religions



>This is disgusting and you should be ashamed of posting it.

>besides, who doesn't like young pussy?


all religions come from each other.

in eden we needed no religion.

after we had tribal religions (animism) which grew into pagan religions and when the pagan religions because corrupt it grew into judaism, and when that became corrupt it grew into christianity then islam etc.


Judaism was ripped of from ancient Sumerian myth, Christianity was ripped off from ancient Jewish myth, Islam was ripped off form Christianity and Arab paganism.

The whole sufi mystic thing was ripped off from catholic monks.

Personally, i suggest you avoid the religions of Abraham as much as possible



This is probably the simplest explanation for how best to deal with abrahamic religions. If you want actual answers you go straight to the source. Avoid the obfuscation that occurs when something is rebranded - you go straight to the primitive mysteries and leave behind the labyrinth of falsehoods.



the abrahamic religions are just as corrupt today as the pagan religions were in the past.

to ignore them is ignorant. you must see all pieces of the story to see the bigger story.

abraham, the prophets, jesus, mohammed, were all holy people who played an incredibly important role in humanities evolution.

the bloodshed in the name of a religion correlates precisely with how much political power that religion has at the time.

when a new religion begins it is always much more benign and accepting than the official religion of the time.

as it gets more power, it becomes another means of control and must be updated again.



Fuck off christcuck.

You had your time, now you are just embarrassing yourselves trying to make people worship your demon.

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