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Esoteric Wizardry


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Can I use magick in conjunction with hacking cracking for those of you that really care about terminology for some reason to increase results?



I don't see why not, though. The more you study, the better intuition you have and so you can find areas of weakness better. But no, you couldn't just go up to a computer and hack it using magick.


Kill yourself.


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Years of aimless study and meditation gave me a intuition really powerful,

The last week just by using only my intuition I got the wifi key for a free wifi , my mind just jumped to the numbers .

Magic and programing will work together greatly if you combine it wiselly.



I was thinking of it before I started readings materials.

I still don't know much (we could say I barely know anything)

But I was thinking that someone with very well trained powers could bypass passwords altogether and directly write to memory.


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Most definitely possible.

In relation to Hermeticism, what would most apply here is the ability to control the Electric and Magnetic fluids in the body and outwardly projecting them in a sort of bubble or aura around you, your hands, fingers, etc. This is why many people successful in IT/PC fixing is that even if a computer is broken, it'll simply just work for them without much actual effort on their part.

The Electric fluid from the human body can manipulate the electricity within a PC is the basic idea here. Since computing technology is very young in the grand scheme of magic and human history, one can seriously ponder how useful and strong a dedicated technical alchemist or wizard can actually be.



increased luck in random generator situations is what have attained throw visualized




Why not use some form of divination to get the password?

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