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Esoteric Wizardry


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163886 No.80796

The Hermetic View of Religion

There are two basic philosophies of religion: the first is the relative and the second is the absolute or universal. From the beginning of humankind to the present day, all those religions which belong to the relative philosophy of religion have gone through their initial stages, have reached their peaks and, during the course of the ages, have come to their end. Each relative religion has its own founder. I refrain from citing all the systems of relative religion; anyone who has studied religious philosophy will have become acquainted with a number of religious systems of the relative type. They are all subject to the same law of transitoriness, regardless of whether they have lasted for hundreds or thousands of years. The length of time a religion may exist always depends upon its founders and teachers. The more universal laws a religion contains, the more universal truth it represents and preaches, the longer it lasts.

Its existence will be shorter the more one-sided, fanatical, dictatorial, and authoritarian its doctrines are. However, each religious system has thus far had its good purposes and its special mission. Each has always contained certain partial aspects, however concealed, of a portion of universal truth and lawfulness, whether symbolically or as an abstract idea.

A true adept will see in each relative religion, regardless of the historical era in which it may have existed, fragments of some basic ideas that had their origin in the universal religion and which point to universal law. Therefore, the adept appreciates each religion equally, without paying any attention to whether it is a religion of the past or whether it still exists today or whether it will exist in the future, because he is aware of the fact that each religious system has followers whose maturity suits that of the religion.

From the Hermetic point of view, even materialism is a kind of religious system, one who representatives may believe in God but not in anything supernatural, and who adhere only to that of which they are able to convince themselves – in other words, to them it is matter which prevails. Since the initiate knows that matter is the symbolic representation of the divine appearance reflected in the laws of nature, he will not judge anyone who believes merely in matter. The more mature a man has become during the course of his incarnations and evolution, the closer will he come to the universal laws, and the more deeply will he be able to penetrate into them, until finally no relative religious concept will satisfy him. A person like this has become mature for the universal religion and is capable of approaching the universal laws in the microcosm and the macrocosm.

This is to say that any religion that does not represent the universal laws completely is relative and transitory. The universal laws have been unchangeable from the beginning of the world and will continue thus until the end.

The mature Hermetic may officially belong to any religion, depending on whether he really wants to do so and whether he considers it preferable in his dealings with people – perhaps to avoid drawing the attention of immature individuals to himself. However, in the innermost of his spirit and his entire being he will profess the universal religion, by which the universal lawfulness is to be understood. An initiate does not believe anything unless he can convince himself of its validity; neither does he believe in any personified divinity nor any kind of idol. Rather, he worships the universal law and harmony in all forms of existence.

These few words should suffice to demonstrate the difference between relative and absolute philosophies of religion.

a17973 No.80797

me the hermedick copying from bardon's book

187aba No.80800

Hermeticism is bullshit occultism trash

a7b385 No.80802


And yet here you are trying to get loosh.

9a5616 No.80828

faefa4 No.80833


Kill yourself. bullshit "occultist".

187aba No.80845


[bullshit occultist detected]

e57a80 No.80855

>implying the relative is somehow less important than the absolute

187aba No.80863


bullshit "occultist" detected

e57a80 No.80887


shitposter detected

187aba No.80897


We'll you've got me caught.

What's the next step of your master plan?

eff636 No.80970


Thank you anon.

faefa4 No.80971


Thank you anon.

a17973 No.80989


Thank you anon.

faefa4 No.80998


Thank you anon

a17973 No.81003


Thank you anon.

a7b385 No.81020


Thank you based Anon.

da8116 No.81023


Thank you anon.

faefa4 No.81029


Thank you anon.

a17973 No.81050


Thank you anon.

52d301 No.81051


Thank you anon.

a17973 No.81052


Thank you anon.

e57a80 No.81069

what the fuck….

can we actually have a discussion on what OP is saying? Does anyone actually know what he was talking about? I sure do and would love to talk about it

a17973 No.81075


Thank you anon.

a17973 No.81076


He's copying from bardon's 4th book of wisdom.

e57a80 No.81087


What about it though. It seems incredibly biased and espouses something that isn't necessarily objectively true

a17973 No.81089


meh it doesn't look worth discussing. It sounds like "Bullshit occultist tier".

e57a80 No.81090


Yes but how exactly is it bullshit. I think so too, but it'd be interesting to talk about the faults in this ideology and what a better alternative would entail; or rather whether any one of us actually understands as opposed to regurgitating what they've read

a17973 No.81098


>I care.

e57a80 No.81119


Shouldn't you? If you don't care then go kill yourself. What's the point of living without having a care?

dab1f8 No.83788


Is there a pdf of this book?

5739cd No.83816

Holy fuck, this much shilling in this thread…

Is it the shlomos? Do they really fuck around here so much like they do on /pol/?

Look at that, not talking about the ideas discussed by the OP at all, just shilling indefinitly…

392143 No.83878


Thank you anon.

187aba No.83880


It's tipp the resident autist and raging sperglord, ignore him.

b25282 No.84548


I believe the thank you anon chain is a temporary meme chain of expressing gratitude, I don't believe it has anything to do with shilling, either way…


Thank you anon.

OP has shown maturity with his post.

To reply to




Implied that relative is less important than the absolute.

I would like to differ:

>matter is the symbolic representation of the divine appearance reflected in the laws of nature


>Energy is relative

>Matter is relative

The absolute is relative but the relative isn't the absolute


9d5943 No.95995


Thank you anon.

a38860 No.95996


thank you anon

ac88d4 No.96003

Okay guys that was fun but let's have an actual discussion now.

Personally my nuclear family is aware that I spend a lot of time reading weird-ass books about reality, but I have the rest of them convinced that I'm a Christian like them because I was in the past and it makes them feel more comfortable with their views and with me. My friends are mostly agnostic atheists, with a few anti-theists (including my brother to some extent) and a handful of Christians. My parents are only very loosely Christian and my father has studied Taoism in the past while my mother listens to some weird spiritual podcast. They more or less told me and my siblings that they have no idea what is true in the world so we should figure it out for ourselves, which is pretty great parenting imo.

What about you, /fringe/? How do you approach religion in your daily life, and how do you approach it in your occult studies? Do you ever ask any beings higher than yourself for help? Have you met any entities that religious people have given names to? Have you discussed hermeticism with people in real life? Have you had any particularly positive or negative interactions with atheists and/or the religious?

9d5943 No.96006


All maps to the same direction, the marriage with Eternity.

96a189 No.96488


>The absolute is relative but the relative isn't the absolute

Maybe it is

168cd6 No.96535


I only really talk about /fringe/ stuff with my brother (his daily practise focusing more on NLP, Hypnosis & Daoism).

I haven't any "higher" experiences to speak of unless you count accidentally waking up a sleeping tree during a late-night, post- El Topo, DMT trip

Heck, I don't even practise for any purpose higher than my own happiness and day-to-day sense of wellbeing – and I have not yet even solidified my practise into a reliable procession of daily-ritual.

On the other hand I'm enjoying the Stoicism of Epictetus' philosophy – so there's that. I'm surprised at how most folks here seem to only read "occult-y" stuff; having a more comprehensive map assists in accurately apprehending the territory. But look at me typing in a tone of instruction to people who – if their boasts and off-hand comments be true – ought to, themselves, assume the role of teacher.

Does anyone else find shoddy writing a major turnoff in esoteric literature? (e.g. Angel Tech by Antero Alli)

25d4da No.96539


>Does anyone else find shoddy writing a major turnoff in esoteric literature?

Is that your only complaint regarding Angel Tech?

168cd6 No.96541


meh, Antero has some interesting exercises and some …. acceptable (?) points to be made – however the shoddy writing and absent editing degrade what value the book has.

Thus; I can only recommend it to the devotee of esoterica, and at that with the caveat of it having value for one read-through.

Go well, friend. Alli is a bizarre fellow…

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