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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Franz Bardon - Practise of Magical Evocation (Audiobook)


Will keep going through this and uploading what I can. Sometimes I'll just force myself, even when I am very sad, because otherwise it'll never get done. Other times maybe I'll be in a better state of mind for it. It must be done. Work for works sake…

I just got another bit up now and have resumed reading specifically because a certain gay experimental wizard with a whole lot of drugs wants to try evoking an entity from this book while high af on acid and some other stuff. Goodluck to him!


ur gay tho


You look like a freak.

You sound like a freak.

You are a freak.

Kill yourself already.



Cool man, I'll listen to this if you keep uploading more stuff from Franz Bardon or anyone good.

I enjoy audiobooks while playing video games.



playing video games is the most occult experience you'll ever have



I agree ;_;.



I also eat food and sleep



Disgusting! I hope you're at least not breathing!




Don't worry about these posters OP, they're most likely bots. Keep it up.



You forgot your flag, buttlicker.



Thanks anon.



Thank you anon.



Thank you anon.



Thank you anon.



Thank you anon



Thank you anon.



Thank you anon.



Thank you anon.




Thank you anon.



Thank you anon.


You faggots are so damned discouraging ffs. I just want to read this book to myself instead of recording for you all.



File: 1470259029806.png (342.02 KB, 837x593, 837:593, Screenshot from 2016-08-03….png)



If you are too lazy to read, most likely you will be too lazy to do the work.



I have read about 200 books. I just am not good at narration / creating actual sound with my voice that sounds pleasant to listen to.


anti spam bumpanti spam bumpanti spam bump

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