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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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All of the abilities I'm about to tell you about can be discovered by reading The Kybalion and meditating intensely upon the application of the 7 universal hermetic laws. However by revealing them here I should be able to accelerate you through that process.

Presencing of God

All accomplished mystics will attain this ability and talk about it in their books at some point. A good example of a book that talks about it is: http://www.yogebooks.com/english/atkinson/1922innersecret.pdf

Several other books in the library talk about it too though (Science of Miracles, Sorcery, etc.).

This technique is really simple to describe. You lift up your mentality, degree by degree, as close as you can to the Absolute (we call it many different names but it's the same principle). In so doing you elevate your consciousness above the lower causal planes, you vibrate more on the level of spirit, and so all things beneath you (such as those planes dealing with personality, circumstances, etc.) become subject to your will. Once they are subject to your will, you can simply imagine new conditions, circumstances, attributes, etc. and attach them to you. The work of self-transmutation becomes simple.

In practice you will encounter many obstructions, such as those from low virtue, or from simple exhaustion of your vitality. It can be a difficult battle wrestling with your mind and body and all obstacles of life but you must make an effort to bring out the divine in yourself and let your spiritual authority reign. The Universal Master Key by Franz Bardon gives you a pretty good road map here as to what you will have to do.


All abilities I shall describe hereafter are more efficacious the greater your own self-transmutation and the higher your mentality at the time of the working.


Communion with God

God is always with you. Through every man and woman, through every animal, through every sign the world gives you; all of it is sacred and meaningful. If you want to receive a sign from God, if you yearn for answers, they will come to you from everywhere and anywhere. Never feel that you are lost, for in every experience, the universal laws are ever in operation and your recognition and understanding of the working will reveal everything to you. If you feel overwhelmed by the synchronicities or led astray into dark places then break resonance with them, let the karma be drained and lived out, without any new generation of pain and sadness.


Karmic Exhaustion

A quick note on karma; you can exhaust your karma through a stoic attitude to life's suffering. Do not dwell too much upon what weighs your soul down, let it happen and pass. When you are ready to create new karma do so by turning your desire upwards (desiring things higher and better than the previous low desires) and be ready to face everything it brings. A proper perspective on life and the right mentality will make you immune to the pain of life; because the All generally does not manifest for us that which can cause us no pain anyways since we have matured beyond it.

See: Lesson V in Advanced Course in Yogi Philosophy and Oriental Occultism for more information.


Using The Attractive Power of Spirit

The spirit holds together all bodies (of mind, of "matter"). It draws to it everything.

Use your imagination and concentrate on a point in space. Now use the will (intention) combined with desire to exert a kind of attractive power to draw to that point thoughts to be condensed there. Some of this you see, some of it you only feel, but as you maintain the pressure it all draw to that point. If your desire (emotions/loosh) is deficient then use the power of spirit to draw in more loosh to you (best practiced in combination with breathwork).

In this way you can draw any knowledge, circumstances, conditions, people/entities, etc. that you need. The best practice exercise here is to imagine a book and intend (as by the attractive power of spirit) into its pages information that you need. In this way you can receive immense volumes of information tailored exactly to you.

A spiritual adept has an uncanny ability to receive at the right time whatever he needs through the mediums of thought-attraction on the mental planes or synchronicity.


The Ideal System of Physical Cultivation

It is a system which is efficient, adaptable, and requires little time.

It works by increasing the circulation to all parts of the body, control of the breath, tension and relaxation of muscles, using as many of the muscles in the body all at once, and invigorating the nerves and the organs.

It can be used anywhere, even by one who is VERY busy or dealing with very trying circumstances, and takes little time; yet gives better results than many exercises which take hours of work.

In its higher phase it is combined with mindfulness (an intense awareness of the whole body, of movement, of everything)…. and thoughtforms which regulate and enhance the energy flow and many other aspects of the physical body and its connected subtle bodies.

It does not necessarily look very impressive but it is very powerful.

It brings about the greatest results with the least expenditure of time.


Thank you anon.



Kill yourself, you fucking disgrace.



Nice opinion.


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Thank you anon.



(((bullshit occultist detected)))



What's non-bullshit occultism?



All occultism is bullshit, sissy wizard.



Bullshit occultist detected



Thank you anon.



Thank you anon.



Thank you anon.



Thank you anon.



Thank you anon.



Thank you anon.



Thank you anon.


the birth of an ebin new may-muh?



Thank you anon.



bullshit occultist detected






















Thank you anon.



Thank you anon.



Obulltisht detected



Thank you anon.



Thank you anon.



Thank you anon.



Thank you anon.



Those sound incredibly basic.You should have just said to balance your chakras by aligning your beliefs to achieve self actualization and allow the manifestation of your higher self into this realm.

That's simpler, shorter, and provides a method which you don't really do. I mean it's not how I would earnestly explain it but it's better than the shit your parroting OP



this tbh fam.



Thank you anon.



Even simpler.

Do at least 20 min daily of mindfulness meditation.



Yes but why and to what end? Meditation is a tool, what shall it be used for? Just doing for the sake of it daily isn't just using the tool, but can be likened to abusing it. Without understanding the process (or any understanding of what thoughts are and where they come from) can lead to false enlightenment to say the least



I understand what you said .

But there is nothing safer than mindfulness meditation

And the end is no end

This tipe of meditation will root yourself in reality and at the same time will create a subtle connection with God.

You can reach enligmentm by doing only mindfulness meditation but it would require a intense program and the sheer will to follow it. Done in moderation dialy will ROOT YOURSELF TO REALITY better than any other practice .

Which is a problem that all magus have.



Why would you want to be rooted in reality? Which reality? Reality is subjective don't you know? There are many types (or rather, paths) of enlightenment and some may not be desired depending on one's goals.

And how can you speak for all magus? That's an incredibly arrogant assumption to make

Subtle connection to god? You are always connected to god. The source created all things, evil and good. Without knowing the ultimate purpose of life you'd be lucky to come across it randomly by any sort of meditation.

All this could do is increase the skill of being aware and ignoring your thoughts if your lucky; there's no actual increase in knowledge or godly techniques with immense power that OP was talking about. At best there would be an increase in knowing of the self but only in the isolated sense



I mean, mindfulness meditation has become trendy and is often practiced by celebrities and stuff. But you sure as fuck don't see then attaining any sort of immense or godlike powers.

In fact this popularization and incredible over simplification seems to me an attempt to subvert the potential of this tool by making sure it won't actually allow anything useful to occur by turning it into one more thing the masses can simply abuse.

Even drugs are a tool but the way they are used they become abused. Everything is a tool that can be used or abused, and the abuse happens when it occurs 'for the sake of it'

On the other hand balancing your chakras can allow higher connections maximizing intuition and affinity for learning whatever skill is desired or required.

Sure chakras can be balanced by finding out what is causing the imbalance, and meditation can help in finding out what the imbalance is, but you can't cry out 'that's what I meant!!' because you said "And the end is no end " which is absolutely retarded. There is a means to an end, this is not an end in itself, as the saying goes. It's a part of a process, (one of many possible processes actually, I only explain the basic one), and without knowledge/awareness of the whole process it's moot


Hi just one Anon here.

Just to come and brag about this, but yep, it's really exhausting dealing with repeated, LETHAL damage to my body. Also planetary time reversal is one of my things.

Yep. Really, God or Not-demi-god or a centaur, really, everyone should just seek the way to overcome all the corrupted things that are going to destroy the minds and hearts and bodies of humankind and the animal and plant kingdoms etc, if not stopped in time..




Thank you anon.



It is basic af but it's potent. Sometimes that's just what you need is basic shit that works and you need that basic shit pointed out so you don't waste time on elaborate bullshit that goes nowhere. Anyways what's your objective? This shit lets you get anything solved and manifested. What's with the accusation of being a "parrot"? I can't tell people about shit I do because others done it before me and written about it before me?



muh chakras is no different from muh alchemical-self-transmutation btw




Thank you anon.




There is not reality, but reality.

You could literally with your eyes open see over the current physical, other worlds , like changing the texture in games.

Your mind is a prision and the key is the mind.

Or do you want to have marvellous magical powers only in your mind ,tinking that you are flying when in true you are running naked in reality.

I am not talking about the concept the magus has over himself,

I am talking about the image others have of us the magus.

Wich is not a good one thanks to all the morons who enter the occult and go nuts .

>I see celebrity's doing so

>But they don't have godlike powers

Nope they don't have God like powers

Just money ,fame ,sex ,and any material stuff .

Which doesn't seem to be so bad for me for mere plebs who only are doing a hobby for inner peace.

simple tings for simple people.

The masses don't need to meditated on the nature of fire , I was one of them I know what the 99.99 of them want.

Just a natural easy to follow instructions to reach inner peace .



Yes it's all the same, but you posted a giant wall of text while I said the same thing in one line. I'm not complaining that it's basic, you said that it's basic in the title. But it's a convoluted explanation for something basic. Why have a wall of text when it can be explained much more simply without any loss like I did. In fact you only seem to be explaining symptoms of having this power without actually providing the technique.


And yea I never said it was different. It's just a different convoluted system to explain the exact same shit. There's even a concept in western psychology called "Maslow's hierarchy of needs" that is pretty much the same thing.

I can provide an elaborate criticism of what you posted if that's what you want.



>caring of what others think of you

>wanting Just money ,fame ,sex ,and any material stuff

LOL are you okay buddy?

I was being fallacious when I said reality is subjective, of course we all want to be aware of the most objective reality there is as it pertains to us (so it still is slightly subjective).

There are different parallels and when I say which reality I mean which realm? Just saying to be rooted in reality is completely pointless to say.

You can be flying in the astral and lying in bed "in reality" however the astral is as much a reality as the physical

>Just a natural easy to follow instructions to reach inner peace .

Yes but that's not what this thread is about. Mindfulness meditation is surely an easy way to do that. But if that's all you want then just smoke some weed once a week or month.


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Well I might as well post this, since I made what you posted simplified in complete parallel just for my own sake to make sure I wasn't talking out of my ass.

I can still provide an elaborate criticism to explain why I changed the terms and left out other terms and etc, but that would make it longer than just having the simplification. Feel free to argue how it's oversimplified, maybe I am misunderstanding, but try and make sure you aren't misunderstanding what I am saying. INB4 you point out how it's different and I end up explaining how it's the same, but in that case I would post an elaborate criticism I guess. Also posted some interesting pictures pertaining to the technique I talk about

Communion with god = connection with higher consciousness.

Requires balance of crown chakra

In other words, align subconscious beliefs with conscious beliefs to attain incredible intuition

Karmic exhaustion = manifesting reality within the limits of subconscious, which is linked to collective unconscious. As above so below

Requires balance of heart and third eye chakra

In other words, attain self acceptance, the self esteem to allow the idea that you do deserve these things. Attain visualization skills to be able to "pretend" that you have what you desire. But actually fill in all the little details of all the possibilities that you desire along with the possible paths that can get you there.

Using The Attractive Power of Spirit = beliefs create reality within the limits of subconscious. Literally the same thing as the last one, except for the drawing knowlege part.

This requires balance of the throat chakra. along with the others (especially the crown chakra to provide the intuition)

The drawing knowledge part requires actual progress in your life before you can have access to greater knowledge, perhaps to satisfy your curiosity or rather to ensure your self esteem in that you aren't crazy or delusional. So you're going to have to have some significant interaction with other people, with friends/acquaintances/enemies/etc depending on what progress is meant to be for you.

The Ideal System of Physical Cultivation = Efficiency

Requires all chakras to have about the same amount of balance

Basically stop stressing. Get into the "flow" or the gnostic state, permanent mindfulness in all actions that are done.


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>Communion with god = connection with higher consciousness.

>Requires balance of crown chakra

>In other words, align subconscious beliefs with conscious beliefs to attain incredible intuition

Thank you, this is the most precise instruction I've ever heard for using the crown chakra and great advice, but could you elaborate on how exactly that works and what techniques exist to do this? The only people that talk of this I know of are the rationalists, who then go on to crush and mold the unconscious beliefs as best as possible to match their reason.

Do you have a good source for understanding the process of "balancing the chakras" like this?


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So the subconscious beliefs are those that one isn't aware of, being formed through mass media, bullshit education, upbringing, conditioning, general brainwashing stuff, etc. Another term that could work is 'preconceived notions'

You know you have them when you have thoughts/emotions/behaviors that you can't explain. When you go 'wait why did I do that' or 'why do feel this way' you know there's beliefs hidden in your subconscious. One way or another you have to increase your self awareness to align your beliefs.

Whenever you confuse yourself you have do some analysis literally like you are someone you don't know. The same way you would psychoanalyze others you have to do it to yourself, finding some reasoning behind the behaviors leading to these beliefs, or rather ill-conceived notions and misconceptions.

On the other hand you don't necessarily have to find them as long as you can develop a new belief or affirm an conscious belief that makes it impossible to repeat what happened as long as you actually believe it. This can overwrite the subconscious beliefs without actually ever finding them out though if your action is contradicting your conscious beliefs then it's probably because there is some doubt (due to a hidden belief) and reaffirming may not be enough.

Sometimes however you end up finding out a belief that is more true than you thought, or at the least there was a valid reason for some doubt revealing a truth you hadn't considered before.

A really good practice to increase self awareness in general is to do some meditation. Do one of the types of meditation where you try to still your mind by acknowledging your mindstream thought by thought and letting go, by perhaps coming up with reasons for why there's no need to worry about them.

Literally just listen to yourself. Understand that you are not your thoughts but you are the awareness that chooses which thoughts to act on and such. The thoughts come from your ego/subconsciousness/id (depending on which model you use your terminology from). So to understand what's going on underneath the surface you can just listen to yourself and consider why that thought would come up and the answer to this reveals whats happening in your subconsciousness.

As an aside, sometimes you will have realizations and epiphanies just from listening to your thoughts, or at least from figuring out why it's not a cause for stress, perhaps by creating a plan of action to neutralize all worries and issues. In these cases, it's not a bad idea at all to interrupt your meditation and just write down what you have figured out or developed. God knows I have dozens of random text files, in fact over time I would forget about the earlier ones and end up with the same core things that are important to me. These are the things I ascribe as coming from my higher self, what I'm meant to do and such. I can't really confirm unless I go astral projecting to meet higher consciousness or something though I guess it doesn't matter since it's just so logical.

But really the best way to go about this is to make sure you don't ever assume anything. We live in a society that's build seemingly entirely on assumptions and "trust" that the system works and that what we are told must make sense without actually figuring it out for ourselves.

Just be logical and make sure everything you know you actually know why it is so. If there's anything you don't understand then make it your first priority to understand it. It's like puzzle pieces where when you are ignorant you only have a handful and just a guess of where it goes, since you were told it goes there you assume that's where it's supposed to go. But when you start actually putting all the puzzle pieces together then you can start guessing what the rest of the picture looks like, this is kind of where the intuition comes from.

I unfortunately do not have any sources for how aligning your beliefs specifically relates to the crown chakra; this is developed from connecting different things I've read. Though I can elaborate on anything if anyone wants.

That being said, I'd be interested in some feedback in what I've said; maybe also fill in the gaps on how this directly relates to chakras.

Interesting picture btw, that's comibning a lot of different models. Sephirots are something I've yet to properly learn though they seem mighty interesting.


I mean if you learn about the different chakras you can catergorize anything related to self development connecting to which chakra it is relevant to.

I guess that's kind of going backwards, since you have to find the self development method first.

Having a chakra and then figuring out how to balance it? I would just simply look at the attributes of having a balanced chakra and research ways to develop those attributes, or look at attributes of imbalance and research how to resolve them.



That being said, the crown chakra is all about oneness and connecting to higher consciousness so having a balanced and active crown chakra requires unity within yourself. All is one.

Looking it up now, it seems that coming to terms and accepting the truth is actually related to the third eye chakra, which also deals with intuition.

Not entirely sure about this, but if a lower chakra is imbalanced then that probably means it somewhat blocks access to the higher chakras (note that inactive chakras are not necessarily imbalanced). So having any delusions would cause imbalance in the third eye chakra, so clearing all illusions in your beliefs and perceptions would be required to let energy flow for the crown chakra.


there are no gods tho, all deities are just powerful thoughtforms



I think god in this case is referring to the ultimate source of all things



[obullshitist detected]



what is it?



shitposter detected


I will bump this.



I can attest to what's being said here, and it doesn't surprise me that one of the higher quality posts here is swamped with retarded, angsty shilling.



Christcuck detected.


You're right anon, "god" is the omega point, the perfect assembly of all things within our universe, the collective consciousness. A superintelligence that has yet to be fully developed.

Don't listen to the salty christcucks, the only ones who would feel threatened by what you're saying are charlatans that have some direct and personal investment in trying to convert larpers in aid of their own personal cause.



Not in the way of a pantheon, no.

However there are entities, few they may be who have special responsibilities and reside outside of our reailty. You can call them angels or devas, it doesn't matter. They're special and powerful.




I think some people are actually confused (possibly deluded like you said) just because of the lack of clarification and definitions for terms, like in this case god. At least this seemed to be the case for the one saying there are no gods, the troll could have been thinking anything


power overwhelming can only come from those who do not visit a board such as this

this board is a degenerate society of the mentally ill

smiley is a false prophet, hired by esoteric forces to steal your powers and force you into weakness

wake up and see reality

(5. Respect anonymity. No identifying posts.)


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