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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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I am very fearful in life. I fear death, I fear walking around at night because i might get jumped or killed, I fear meditation, yoga and other spiritual things as evil/satanic.

Basically I had a period in life where i was heavily fundamentalist christian. I watched all of these christian documentaries on occultism and how it was tied to fallen angels/ demons etc.. So i am very afraid to do any spiritual practice, the astral realm also seems very scary to me. I have a lot of horrible nightmares and I'm afraid if i ever astral projected I would see very awful things. I have also read we go there when we die and im afraid i would go there and basically bring all of my fear with me. So, i need to let go of fear, i need to break it's chains.

Please give advice on how to break fear so i can actually start my spiritual journey. I have heard lots of bad stories about chakras, kundalini, and 3rd eye stuff, how it made people schizo or possessed. I need a system where i can face my fears.



Whats the oposite feel of fear? Tell me. Then you would want to get it by meditation, chakra balancement, psycological means, etc. You have to use logic, you cant just take fear away but if you channel that emotional energy into some different feeling, there you have it.


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Its natural to feel that.

Its two main things to consider.

First, you have unresolved issues. You have to face them, head on, conciously.

You have to sit down, and meditate on why you were hurt, why you were scared. Understand the reasons. But also do not forget your emotions. While meditating, let yourself feel fear, cry if you want, whine. By doing this you will releasing the tension that you have around those areas. This is the process of self healing. Identify problem areas, and spend time nurturing, encouraging them, just like you would a child.

The second part is creating new points of attraction. You are not used to feeling courage, so in a sense, you can not connect to it.

However, if you consciously start connecting, feeling, identifying what is courage, how it feels in your body(feeling it, or "seeing" it), you will start accepting it more and more.

Where attention goes, energy flows. As above, so bellow. Use these principles to navigate.

Slowly, the parts of you that are fractured and that you are resisting will start "aligning" in a sense, unifying.

This is when your courage will come to file, not by forcing it in, but by simply accepting it in.



Let me add something, dont face your problems with a hot head, meditate until you have an impartial sense, its easier and better for your health.


Third eye can be either good or bad, kundaliny I huess its the same, if your vibes are positive you will tune with the ligth and vice versa.

Chakras the more balanced the better, then you can continue your journey. If fear is your main problem check the root and foot chakras, try non-risky ways to open/rebalance.

The upper chakras are dank but if they over actived and compensating, they lose their abilities to do good.

Crown and third eye chakras are very tricky, dont rush anything with them.



Do as anon said but simpler,

Start a meditation program

Ask God to guide you.

If you were a fundamental christian I recomend this book


The art of effective worship

It will help you to rediscover GOD and it will help you in the occult.


muh mental transmutation

read Personal Power



Thank you based worshiper of the One True G-d.



gibes me a copy of that book



>hot head

Get this hothead out of here!



It was shared on the fringechan library request thread.


I would suggest heavy scholarship into Christianity and diving deep into the host religion you were brought up in, but from an observer/outsider point of view. Give Jesus a genuine shot, but never shut down the part of your brain that questions it all, logically, intuitionally, emotionally, etc. Eventually, you will see the religion for what it is and go into all these spiritual practices you fear with joy.

Scholarship and a firm foundation in theory is necessary before going into practice.

Also, read everything on montalk.net … not sayin everything he says is golden but he'll tell you a good deal about the many traps of spiritual practices in general (hint: fundamental christianity is one)



Thank you anon.



Fundamentally, there is nothing to fear. All you will ever find in the darkness is more of yourself.

I understand you won't be able to make sense of this now, but you will eventually get to a point where you will have this insight.


Expose yourself to the subject of your fear in a safe environment.

I had two big phobias in my childhood: fear of the dark and fear of spiders.

My fear of darkness was only when I was alone in it. When I was 11 my friend showed me these old mining tunnels from the Gold Rush era, and I was fascinated with them. They were labyrinthian and felt like some Indiana Jones shit to a kid of that age, they were very similar to this: https://youtu.be/KB0W6h13IX8?t=2m. I wanted to explore them on my own but my fear of darkness prevented me from doing so. I finally manned up, went by myself and forced myself down the tunnels. I went into the largest chamber, turned off the flashlight, and sat in complete darkness for 2 hours. Absolutely no fear of the darkness afterwards, and I would have many happy cave dreams.

For spiders I caught a few house spiders and kept them as pets for a month, feeding them random bugs. My arachnophobia had lessened over time but this completely ended it.



It does work for some cases. But not in all, or some are harder than others.

Like someone who develops some kind of traumatic stress disorder, and has more difficulty dealing with people, plus anxious, plus trying to get over the fear of being stabbed in a street fight or something, is a bit harder and more dangerous to overcome than simply fear of the dark, no?



Get hurt.

Honestly, you will lose all fear if you get banged up enough, just keep going, eventually you will fear next to nothing.



>women getting beaten by their husbands daily will make them less afraid of being beaten

really makes you think hmm



Eventually everyone needs to learn how to stand on their own.

Yeah, actually, eventually you stop giving a shit and you will be free, unless you were destined to be subject to the whims of others.

Fear doesn't come from without, fear is an artifice that needs to be destroyed before one can reconstruct themselves absent those elements.

I know this from experience, sometimes growth only comes from the most desperate moments a human can experience.


Cleanse your body, everything else will align.



I'm not fearful of anything. I haven't had a nightmare in years. You just have to accept things. Accept that you're going to die no matter what. Accept that you might get jumped or killed while walking around. Once you accept reality then you can evolve passed fear.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



That isn't what scares me for instance.

The only thing that still has the capacity to «scare» me these days, is the thought of going utterly insane and completely out of control, or what could happen in other dimensions / a bad afterlife.



But, the positive side is that, because of these fears that are beyond this physical plane, nothing in this physical plane can scare me or bother me that much now…


OP, i am a person not well-versed in the occult, but with a little bit of experience in Christianity (I've read the KJV Bible once, and was raised Roman Catholic, as a background)

here is this information from me to you if it helps at all

unfortunately, out of my experience with Christianity, i had found it to be a great tragedy and a great plight for humanity that one could become so engaged with the Christian religion and the love of God and a sense of hope in one's life…. only to find that the ultimate finality of that path appears to be abandonment and tests and illusions

perhaps i am not God's elect, whereas other Christian believers are God's elect and the consummation of my afterlife will be eternal hellfire…. nonetheless, i must live as i am able and I say that my experience with Christianity leads me to the occult and paganism (and other non-Abrahamic faiths) and a also more familiar contemporary form of agnosticism

it does not hurt to give preference to Jesus, imo, though the bible itself has a lot of dogmatic checkpoints which disables a person's intellectual functioning, decision-making, and generally promotes fear amongst the reader who believes in the reasoning of the bible

(please forgive me, if i am wrong or if i lead you astray… this is my novice opinion as somebody who really tried to devote myself to Christianity)



I love Jesus and Jesus has an unlimited number of entries in my life, as often as He wishes to reveal Himself to me and be my God I will accept Him

….but, whether out of being tested, or for whatever reasons I feel that the God of the Christians will not answer my prayers and only reveals Himself in illusions and tests and therefore I'm constantly seeking a spiritual path which appears to abound with more "rightness" or "humanitarianism"



'humanitarianism' in the sense of 'the welfare of the individual'

(i.e… less suffering)


contemplate death, alot…


What about death? How does one address a fear of death?


If in immediate duress, a lot of niacin. The kind that makes you flush.

If you've got time on your side, google "David Snyder, Spinning".

That's more than enough information to save you years of therapy and hospitalization.

Good luck, and don't shit on my advice.



That's a pretty awesome technique thank you.

As for OP: There are esoteric religions based on Christianity that uses their symbols in conjunction with their practice.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It's a real doorway into a lot of really crazy stuff to be honest. D. Snyder's Spinning technique, and the associated full body matrix that makes it happen. Really opens the door to a lot of stuff.

The Niacin is just straight up survival. Being kind of perpetually on the edge of suicidal ideation, I at a point in my fairly recent [2-3 years ago] past found myself at the frayed edges of my rope, and having nothing to lose decided to consume an enormous amount of time release niacin. It was time-release, and I didn't give a shit so I pretty much chewed up the contents of a bottle. The effects were pretty interesting and kept me alive enough to realize that my fucked up brain chemistry wasn't me, and that I had other shit to focus on. Because fuck them.



It's pretty effective at reducing back pain and changing habits. Not gonna OD on Niacin tho.

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