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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: 1470318094107.jpg (3.37 MB, 1671x2320, 1671:2320, Shadowman-3.jpg)


In sleep paralysis the most recurring "beings" that show up are shadow people. What interests me is the shadow man, but with a hat. What's up with that?

I saw the documentary "The Nightmare" (2015) and he showed up there too, but turned out to be an authority figure, like one guy tried to fight back two normal shadows, he was winning and then the hatman showed up and scared the shit of him back into normal waken state (or at least that's how I remember it).

Here's another really wierd case: in a ayahuasca session, a friend of mine got into a bad stage of the trip and lo and behold, hatman was there. He's never heard of sleep paralysis before that.

So, who is he? why the hat dude? it's out of style…. or at the very least, what would he represent in the subconscious mind? do some of us see the hat as scarier and/or more authoritative?


File: 1470327718991.jpg (10.2 KB, 340x408, 5:6, douchehatman.jpg)


I'll give him a new hat. He'll look more intimidating as a douche.



It's a duck.


Thanks for the new idea for trolling mundanes OP. I'll make sure to wear a hat next time I'm visiting people and spooking them.


>what would he represent in the subconscious mind? do some of us see the hat as scarier and/or more authoritative?

You just attract shit through your emotions it's not necessarily "symbolic".


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if you write down all of your dreams and look at them carefully, you'll know that isn't true. If we see something from our subconscious, it's a reflection of something that your brain has registered through out your life. Wired up in a funny way at worst, but still a message, a symbol, an emotion.


Some people like hats not a big deal



i think it might relate to a spiritual condition where the higher chakras become warped and distorted.



I'll be doing this as well.

Tattered grey/black robe and a hat of straw colored black with red lenses.

Shouldn't be hard to identify those who've seen the figure before and spook the hell out of them.

I'm looking forwards to halloween.



Holy shit yea it can be a visual representation of those permanently in the shade, not unable but purposefully taking cover from the light of the source. In the most literal sense they are cutting them selves from unity and oneness



>muh brain

More like something that rubbed off on your soul at some point.


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File: 4d2379033f2a293⋯.jpg (1.03 MB, 4912x7360, 307:460, (((hatman))).jpg)

File: 333923ea76517b9⋯.jpg (50.64 KB, 1176x954, 196:159, hatmanandcloakedfigure.jpg)



>hatman is actually jews visiting the goyim astrally and farming their loosh




Why does he have a hat that was invented in the 20th century? Did he buy that at Marshall Field's back in the 40's? I mean, when people had sleep paralysis back in Roman times: did people encounter a specter wearing a gladiator helmet?



since they're nonphysical beings, they conform to whatever mental/cultural image fits best



Hey I remember making this post! good times


hats with veils have existed for thousands of years

not to mention the jews have been wearing their hats since jews existed


yes your perception of nonphysical beings or even energies that only has a general 'flavor' responds with or correlates to the energies inside of you


You have evoked the wrath of Ben Garrison.

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