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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1470693704661.webm (3.9 MB, 720x381, 240:127, 1469929236674.webm)


Who up for a /fringe/ flockdraw? http://flockdraw.com/agn818

btw yes I'm the same guy from before





Oh is it August 8th already?



OP I don't see you in there.





tfw can't get flockmod to work in Wine on linux

Can anyone else?



I've been trying all day and can't figure it out.



Are you sure that it isn't just a container for the .swf?


File: 1470791959623.png (4.11 KB, 125x110, 25:22, Screenshot from 2016-08-09….png)


How do I run the .swf? What can do it?



swf is for adobe flash files. You need to have flash installed to run it. But I wouldn't run it because flash is always having security issues. That being said, that pretty much means you can't use flockdraw.

The flockdraw site uses flash, and so does the online app on flockmod. I'm pretty sure the desktop app is just a container for it.



I have Flash installed though… yet still can't run it?



Hmm. Can you do "open with" and then open it with your web browser?




No it didn't work.



Weird. Are you on Linux Mint? Try searching the app store/package manager thing for a standalone flash player.


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File: 1470795300362.png (702.97 KB, 1190x737, 1190:737, Screenshot from 2016-08-09….png)


tfw nobody to draw with


File: 1470795390159.png (749.11 KB, 1190x737, 1190:737, Screenshot from 2016-08-09….png)


ffs someone erased my grill I was drawing in the hentai flockdaw




File: 1470797226069.png (1.97 MB, 3840x2160, 16:9, Screenshot from 2016-08-09….png)


File: 1470800910609.png (42.04 KB, 207x276, 3:4, le grill with gun in water.png)


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File: 1470804748198.png (764.29 KB, 1920x1061, 1920:1061, Screenshot from 2016-08-10….png)

mfw getting piled on by a pack of fedoras


tfw a half hour of fedoras all mocking me and telling me I need to go back in the psychiatric ward



File: 1470811010413.png (483.71 KB, 1324x800, 331:200, Screenshot from 2016-08-10….png)


I'm currently in here.


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File: 1470813688028.png (510.45 KB, 1320x796, 330:199, Screenshot from 2016-08-10….png)



got on right as you were leaving

i'll try tomorrow


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File: 1470862196787.png (114.47 KB, 438x535, 438:535, PRAISE KEK.png)


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File: 1470865504080.png (713.25 KB, 1920x1061, 1920:1061, Screenshot from 2016-08-10….png)


File: 1470865763706.png (320.8 KB, 1190x737, 1190:737, Screenshot from 2016-08-10….png)

Maybe we could make a banner out of this.


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File: 1470877355584.png (378.62 KB, 1190x737, 1190:737, Screenshot from 2016-08-10….png)

le fringe girl


>mfw all this random shit I've been manifesting and some stuff I was getting visions of a few days ago all keep happening

>mfw my tulpa is manifesting in the physical plane


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File: 1470879412116.jpg (410.47 KB, 879x879, 1:1, Fringe Girl.jpg)


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File: 1470881753832-1.png (797.71 KB, 1920x1061, 1920:1061, Screenshot from 2016-08-10….png)



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File: 1470884378371-1.png (859.51 KB, 1920x1061, 1920:1061, Screenshot from 2016-08-10….png)


File: 1470885393731.png (131.49 KB, 900x540, 5:3, index.php.png)



sorry man I didn't see you on that day

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