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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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>being able to mentally "google" up any person you need

>can find the prefect job

>can find breedable gf

I'm surprised this isn't more popular on a site like this.


Any books on it?

>can find breedable gf

That'd be a bit hard to pull of as a synchronicity.



There's the obvious atkinson choice, but his exercises are heavy on using greenpilled irl friends (at least at first) which I doubt many here have.



I didn't know WWA did books on it.

I suppose we could make a group here, but that would take away the anonymous factor and is unpredictable.



>/fringe/ group

this idea will surely not blow over into memeing and fedoracoring, no siree.



There has to be some people or more specifically on fringechan that aren't completely retarded.




And how do you filter them out? Guesswork? Long interviews? Or do you want to try a magical method, like guessing the password for a secret board? Let's try that, call it, let's see, /illuminati/, I'm sure it will be something beyond sheer shitposting about smiley and his gf of the day.

Dry sarcasm aside: you're better off doing magic alone than with other initiates, a master is another matter, you won't find many of those on /fringe/ either way.



You're right, it is best not to rely on others.

What was your "obvious atkinson choice"? I'd love to skim over those books even if I can't do them with anybody.



And isolation is the receipt for madness,

Do your practice alone.

Disscus and share results and experiences whit others.

Look for balance if you really want to progress.


Can you explain how its done? Thanks.








>he thinks he's an initiate

>laughing hordes of magus.jpg



>implying it's that hard of a rank to achieve



I summoned a gf once. It wasn't much of a big deal and it wasn't a specific person, just someone with a set of traits I wanted. We even dreamed the same for some time.

We loved each other for a good while. It was fun and nobody got hurt in the end. It's over now, though.


It's called Dowsing.

I do it all the time. It is very simple for me, though I prefer to have a full day of uninterrupted work with no mundanes pestering me, to really put all of my mental-emotional force into an operation to manifest what I want.

You can find economic opportunities, perfect GF, even draw health to you.



Where can I learn this?



I have a friend who is getting good at this, care to share your technique?


Fiding a breedable partner is the easy part, start begging the ancestral memories to charge you with the wisdom to keep the relationship working after you find her, and strength of character not to have a breakdown once you see all you always waited for ditch you for your own mistakes. This last part might contain a little bit of projection.


I did this three times. Results were consistent with my answer above.


Downsing, eh? Will look into it.



Magical Use of Thoughtforms by

Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki


It's in the Misc Huge Filesize Books library.

There's also been a couple threads on here about it.






>Fiding a breedable partner is the easy part, start begging the ancestral memories to charge you with the wisdom to keep the relationship working after you find her, and strength of character not to have a breakdown once you see all you always waited for ditch you for your own mistakes. This last part might contain a little bit of projection.

So basically what you need to do to get a breedable gf is basically:

>Use some kind of magic (rune magic mabye?)

>Ask to be flooded with ancestral memories with the wisdom to keep a woman after i find her





Not exactly, it's more of a lesson on being careful with what you ask for.

You can ask for a chance to play at the NFL but if that chance pops up when you're skinny and frail and sick, you're just gonna miss your shot and feel depressed for a long while.

It's the same thing with women and anybody on the redpill community will vouch for what I'm saying, first you qualify yourself and then you go for the relationships. If you try the other way around it will lead to frustration with early failures.



So I should ask for relationship advice and how to make women like you etc.

To use your example; I should first ask how to be fit and healthy (being qualified) before I ask about playing in the NFL.



>So I should ask for relationship advice and how to make women like you etc.

That and becoming a man worthy of your ideal wife.



Never ask for something you can do yourself.

Never ask for things that are ridiculously impossible

Ask yourself

"Can I do this on my own?"

If so, you simply need to motivate yourself.

For example don't ask to be happy. Learn how to specifically ask for things that require the forces of causality to shift here and there so that a few minute details may send what you need your way.

If you really want to see some serious shit ask the universe to talk to you.

It will, and you had better be grateful for it when it grants you your wish.

Always be gracious if not grateful, otherwise all you're doing is spiting yourself karmically.




>draw health to you

dowsing is about manifestation you nitwit, it's yes/no answers





What to do if you need to meet a specific person again that you once met but do not know who that person is?



ive been able to do this in the past, i can think of a specific word (especially if i just learned the word) or a specific person and ill either hear the word spoken by someone or i will find my person within an hour or so (if im dealing with a tv personality or figure in history, it may take 2-3)





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It's intuition. I don't think it's something that can be really taught.

You have, you experience it, then you either rely on it or let others tell you it isn't real.

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