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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1470852610899.png (135.27 KB, 2000x2000, 1:1, epycwynnv1.png)


Cast basic spells and perform rituals on this meme face to bring epycness, happiness and entertainment to all whom gaze upon it. This is a powerful image morphed from the Awesome Face capable of bringing greatness to anyone who wields it. Please discuss how the Epyc Face affects you. Also feel free to discuss how you feel on the topic of meme images being used for magic and the upsides and downsides of it.

P.S. I might've attached an entertaining tulpa to the image if you are capable of divining one from it.



>Epyc Wynn

>"I might've attached an entertaining tulpa…"

No, you diden't.

Because you can't even magic.


Damn nobody's going to at least contemplate this loosh-filled beast?




And I can't even spell when I sense the smell of mundane scum like you.



Nice pic tho fam.


Memeroni memeroni give me the looshioli.


File: 1471559138747.png (213.38 KB, 2000x2000, 1:1, epycwynnweed.png)

Day 69:

I have ganied 420 loosh points since I began spreading this meme. I don't even know what a loosh is but I'm brimming with it.


The trick to spell caste is to ejaculate on your sigil or it won't work. Posting pictures of it will increase the power of the spell. Sorry girls, you can't into magick (unless you have a willing boyfriend).

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