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Esoteric Wizardry


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Montalk is a legit occultist and not a bullshit occultist.


He puts aside the bullshit and really simply explains the basic reality of what's going on.


Yea he's legit. What exactly did you want to discuss though?

If you have nothing inn mind, has anyone actually finished reading the gnostic series? It just over loads me with information everytime I progress further in my reading


I thought people here loved Montalk's stuff. Haven't more people read his stuff?g


Yeah Montalks' great.


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Montalk is absolute and utter bullshit. I'd sooner listen to the tweakers downtown rambling about how a stick is a nephilem bone, than this nonsense.

I'm genuinely disgusted anyone can fall for this. Montalk is more absurd than scientology. In fact, this is like if scientology fucked spirit science and Montalk is their assbaby.



You're not very good at refuting things are you. And Scientology and spirit science have a lot of things worth criticizing about, but saying their absurd is baseless since what they say is actually based on things that make a lot of sense. I mean one corrupts the truth to endlessly scam people and the other oversimplifies it to the point of cheap entertainment but they are quit opposite of absurd. In fact for people who are completely groundless and openminded to utter filth to the point of being degenerate (yet aren't blue pilled, just retarded new age shit) spirit science is actually a pretty good thing to show those airheads. Fuck scientology though, obviously



Have ya read the gnosis series? That shit trippy



How would you know? i never bothered to refute anything, I just stated my opinion as an occultist. Montalk is full of more shit than l ron hubbard, and that piece of shit and his escendents are my stated enemies.

I really don't see how the people here are so fucking stupid. If he said his head were ade out of cheese and that he shit pudding, you would probably believe it.



Well, thats like, your opinion, man.

I vouch for everything on that site, finding the site after years of individual research it felt like reading a summary of my own studies, plus a few new things.

You're also the reason why one shouldn't be spoonfed knowledge, you might know meme magic after learning from those who knew from years of study and gathering intel, puzzling pieces and making new discoveries but you don't know the history, the why and how.

You're that retard from school with good grades who could memorize 2+2 but couldn't, to save his life, compute anything but sterile dogma.


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>autist amphibian


Honestly Montalk is the Alex Jones of occultism.

He's a disinfo agent who spews bullshit mixed with a grain of truth.

There is some good stuff on his site but the man himself is likely a high ranking member of one of the various orders that makes up what mundanes call "illuminati".

A lie built on truth is the easiest to believe.



I don't doubt that the least. I've still to find disinformation on the site, granted I haven't read it religiously, if you have an example, please go ahead and show us.









All disinfo.

The information provided is close enough to the truth to be believable but far enough to lead to false conclusions.

Let's take a simple example

"The global shadow government, also known as the New World Order or illuminati, consists of human elite directed by hyperdimensional and cryptoterrestrial forces who seek total domination over mankind. These human elite are assigned the task of enslaving the rest of mankind and then handing over control to their nonhuman superiors. Because such individuals are hungry for power anyway, they have no reservations about enslaving those beneath them."

This is a fine example of disinfo. There is not a shadow government but rather two forces of control vying for material power. The illuminates and those of the "new world order" are completely different groups. The new world order is mainly jews and politicians who want to turn humans into golems in order to rule over the earth forever, and they use mostly blood rituals such as sex rites and sacrifice to moloch to cement their power. Illuminates seek to the advancement of humanity through similary methods of political power and while better than the alternative are definitely not "the good guys".



As far as I can tell the ones ushering in a NWO are the Illuminati, a branch of the masonic lodges infiltrated and corrupted by Judaic Khazars. Their supposed nemesis are the Scottish Rite lodge, after the crusades they brought back to Europe delicate information looted here and there throughout the middle east which allowed them to consolidate power, things the thirteen bloodlines, the black pope & his coven, want to keep to themselves.

The thirteen families are working towards reinstating the old gods, the disembodied fallen, they're looking for remains to clone to let the fallen reincarnate which in turn will grant the bloodlines various rewards.

>the whole debacle in the middle east, finding babylon, persepolis, Zoroasters saucer etc

The Scottish Rite Lodge and affiliated are opposing the "Catholic church", so much is obvious after the church condoned the slaughter of Friday the 13th, if they're still at each others throats that I don't know.

This subject is covered in secrecy and disinformation, its easy to get it wrong and nobody to date has been completely accurate about it, that Montalk didn't get it right either is understandable, hes only human.

Please bring up another example that is -blatant- disinformation and not just lack of knowledge.


"Demons" = spirits of Aliens, very developed consciousness trapped on Earth unable to reincarnate, if able to then only into humans which would not allow for the massive soul/spirit to retain its information.

As for the Illuminati & the black pope cooperating, maybe, maybe not, in which case there are three major powers behind the curtain.

Scottish Rite are the ones behind CERN in an attempt to usher forth Lucifer to raise the vibration of Earths inhabitants to enlighten everyone, for whatever reason.

They're all scummy cunts but I would bet my money on Scottish Rite, though, their involvement in USA and its policies are absolutely detrimental and aligned with the Illuminati.

>Pikes letter on ww3 and using Zionism

Various factions jockeying for power, the lines are so blurred they might as well be helping each other.



I agree with this way more than I agree with this;





>"as far as I can tell" *lists off every guff disinfo conspiracy story from CERN to the Black Pope and ET* "the lines are very blurred".

oh, you don't say. that's some real learning you've applied here. too bad critical thinking and resolving contradiction hasn't enabled you to put it better than that. I guess the conspiracy is TOO big for mortal minds, and that's what everyone should take away here.



>TOO big for mortal minds

no. all we have are fragments to go by. if you feel they are inadequate feel free to dismiss it.

>>"as far as I can tell"

was written because i'm not sure but this is the best i got for now.

feel free to tell us what your conclusions are, how it all ties together, what is BS and what is not, i've probably read the same words a dozen times but you might bring up something new.


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>inb4 ET's don't real

thats a prime tell someones been spoonfed occult knowledge and know nothing but meem magic.

>the shit real occultists have had to wade through to find what /fringe/ has now established as practice

there is so much, so so much you don't know, refuse to accept and can't connect.


No one gives a fuck about opinions unless you can back it up with facts (that may or may not be true).

We can share with each other the puzzle pieces we've found and collaborate towards a greater puzzle that reveals the truth. This page is like the backbone to everything else (along with the faq page) as it reveals the method behind fact checking,



Now this is going somewhere (barely). You claim that the shadow government and the illuminati are two forces of control vying for material power, and that combining them and calling them as a single shadow government is disinfo. But then you say that neither of them are the good guys though one is less evil than the alternative.

If they are both bad then why even bother differentiating them? It's like the governments we have today, two parties or so which don't consist of any good guys. Sure what you say is true, but it is more of a red herring; though it is factual it is misleading and distracting to what's important.

Anyways, Montalk does actually differentiate between them when actually talking about them in info. You took a sentence from an introduction page and then use it as an example of not being informative enough. Surely you realize now how fallacious that is?



There is an entry in the Q & A page that addresses this.

» I have a question which is kind of unrelated: Regarding the “Negative Aliens” and the “Illuminati”; who’s ultimately in charge? I’m assuming there’s a hierarchy. If I recall correctly, the Reptilian Aliens report to the Nordic Aliens, which means the “Nordics” must be atop the Pyramid, with the Illuminati being “third in command” under the Reptilians and Nordics.

>That’s one version, yes, and it makes the most sense to me. I think it works something like this:

Demonic overlords (5D negative)

Nordic occult overlords (lower 5D negative)

Nordic crusaders and Mantis beings (upper 4D)

Lower demonic minions (astral)

Reptilian Minions and other negative aliens (lower 4D)

Grays, which are genetically engineered robots (semi 4D/3D)

Upper Illuminati (occult, possessed, secret society people) (3D, a little 4D)

Shadow Government (underground bases, ultra-black ops military)

Lower Illuminati (political elite, Bilderbergers, etc.)

Open secret societies (freemasons and so on)

State/local government, corporations, university systems, etc.

>So that’s top to bottom, except each thing can influence each thing below it. So for instance one could have demonic entities influencing people at the local level.



I was just unsure if you're a shill or not.

I'm as blind as anyone else. I think life is partly like the allegory of the cave and partly like that fable about falsehood being to man's nature like fire (and truth like ice), wherein he constructs his reality from dreams.



As someone who highly appreciates Montalk's work, I actually cannot swallow the alien stuff. Of course they are real in the sense of inter-dimensional beings. But actual physical aliens? Genetic engineering? I don't agree with the terms he's using. If greys exist then maybe they are like humans with compromised genetics but the "genetic engineering" would happen though some sort of negative syncrhonistic action from higher dimensions as opposed to scientific physical genetic engineering. I'm sure what I say is what he means (though I tend to stay away from his alien articles so I wouldn't know).

And all this talk abut alien contact/interference and abductions and such. Godammit it's annoying as fuck. If a person has never had problems with these things in the first place then why expose themselves to information that wouldn't currently help? He should move that stuff far away from the main page. Reading about stuff that isn't present in one's reality is only going to induce thoughts about it and thus attract such forces much more than if one never read about them in the first place.

But this is easily forgiven; If anyone is just learning for the sake of learning then they should have the self control to not think about things that would attract negativity. If someone is reading about something just because it's interesting and they are lacking in self control then maybe they deserve what's coming to them as it would prove a harsh lesson. Who knows if they would actually learn from it though. Though considering how much of a goodie goodie Montalk is he probably doesn't want that to happen anyways. Especially considering how all this stuff would just divert and discourage someone new to the site… I guess anyone who finds the website would have a basic enough awareness to not attract such negativity though, I mean he does explain and refer to the thought attracting phenomenon a lot anyways.

I just avoid those articles like the plague and read the matrix, metaphysics and gnosis articles. Those are an absolute goldmine. The conspiracy and science articles are just information that most, including me, wouldn't be able to put to practical use. But everything other than the alien articles (including most of the conspiracy articles, though the one on school is quite the worthwhile read) is just so incredibly informative.

I mean it's nothing new per se, it's just organized in such a concise and convenient manner. Maybe more references would be nice but there's enough there already along with terms to look up for further reading I think it can satisfy anyone who really wants to know the truth.



Then again. avoiding the alien articles may just be an indication of underlying personal issues. Meh, I'll read them when I feel like it



On the other hand it could be more of an indication of Montalk's underlying issue than anyone else. Someone in another thread made a hilarious joke about it (though it was probably meant to be an insult) how Montalk just has teenage angst and silly nightmares which be bases all these articles on, lol

I can't remember exactly and for the life of me can't find the original post anywhere. It was either here or on fringechan I think. maybe it got deleted, oh well, made me laugh pretty hard.

If people just want more commentary on his stuff there's a thread that's about to fall off the catalog here


I don't think we're close to the thread limit at all but perhaps it may or may not be bumped. I remember before the board got (accidentally?) wiped there was just dozens and dozens of indexed pages meaning hundreds of threads so we probably aren't close to the thread limit at all



You asked for what I think is BS so here it goes, bearing in mind it's an opinion you're welcome to discard:

CERN is bullshit, Pike is bullshit, Roswell was bullshit, the Jesuits are bullshit, Religion is mostly bullshit, The illuminati is half bullshit, masonic schisms are bullshit, as is catholic and masonic opposition. History, religion and news are the flagship storybooks of one decentralised global publishing house; with ultimate editorial authority resting somewhere, and all characters, events, ideas and factions mentioned by them are their exclusive trademarks and intellectual property.

mass enlightenment might not be bullshit, but I wouldn't hold my breath, also I'd question the meaning of the word 'enlightenment'.


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The thread asked for opinions. I stated them.

Do you claim your words to be anything other than your own opinions based on your perception of reality? Fuck, I doubt you and most of this board could even state that. You are nothing but a mouthpiece for he opinions of anther, of whom you have no care to verify.

Montalk is probably one of three things.

#1 clickbate spam.

#2 Crazy person with an incredibly fragile ego (like the whiner i am responding to.)

#3 Controlled opposition.

There's some more for ya, mindslave.



>The thread asked for opinions. I stated them.

No it didn't. I mean the OP didn't. If you think Montalk is full of shit then why don't you actually try to prove it? Take an example of something he said and prove that it's full of shit. Otherwise fuck off with your "opinions"



Sure it did. Why else would it be there.

Here's one for ya, fool, how about you prove just ONE of them right. Think you can back up, sufficiently, a single fucking thing that whack sycophantic piece of shit, has said? I don't think you can.

Besides, as a follower, a thoughtless automaton and such, you should know far more about montalk than I, a mighty wizzard. So have at it. Can you prove the mantis people are being assfuckrd by viking marauders to this day? How the fuck do you believe? Oh, that's right, you don't fucking know how to think.

If you have to rely on beliefs, you're already lost to the truth.



Many of the things he says are based on the kyabalion, neoplatonism, gnosticism, etc. Many people on this board think those things are legitimate.

Not to mention his science articles are based on actual science, I would actually love to talk about quantum mechanics.

So really it depends on what you think is "right"



My pile of shit was based on a burrito, yet a burrito it is not, even if the consistency of the center has remained.

In other words. The best lies are based on truth. I could say that in two generations, all humans will be twenty feet tall, just because people have gotten taller over the past generations. It's still utter bullshit though, people are taller because our diets have changed, and we don't live in igloos.

So where is the fucking truth, rather than the stories based on smatterings thereof?



See your twenty feet tall claim is expanding on something. Montalk doesn't really expand on anything he's just summarizing and connecting things.

You haven't even produced any examples, just baselessly accusing.



Spoken like a worthless slave. Let me guess, you're a hipster too.



>projecting your insecurities onto others



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Montalk has never named der jude.

You know the rule, "He who doesn't name the jew is a fool".



I'll take that as another vote for controlled opposition. Hmmm, lets dig into this piece of shit shill montalk fellow. Watch him be paid off by israel or soros somehow.



have you ever considered that there are people who don't agree with you who aren't pursuing any interest besides doing what they think to be right?




Are you serious? I don't think anyone names the jew as much as Montalk. He goes on and on about the old testament and their god, Yahweh.

The entire meme of the corrupt demiurge that is (or was before the board wipe) comes from Montalk and he explains that the jews literally ruined reality, "The Ark Stone being used by the Mosaic priesthood to invoke Yahweh was a blatant abuse of high demiurgic technology. It shifted history in favor of negative forces."

This is from the gnostic series of articles which is something I've yet to even finish reading properly, let alone wrap my mind around. Has anyone actually read that stuff?

As for modern references, search the site for Israel and other terms, see for yourself what comes up. He's answered plenty of questions in the email Q & A page



So he's rehashing the bullshit that destroyed the gnostics



How is it bullshit?


I'm moderately familiar with montalk and he does get a lot of very detailed esoteric concepts right but I think his way of combatting the Demiurge/Matrix Control System is WRONG WRONG WRONG

I took this bit from his website.

>Esoteric training paths fundamentally aim to disengage the initiate from lower/outer aspects, and engage the higher/inner. By overcoming the lower self and recognizing the true higher Self, one overcomes the soporific pressures of the world, of linear time, and of material determinism. As a result, Spirit influences the world instead of vice versa.

>That is how the Demiurge will be placed back under the reign of Logos. When we cease to continually inflate the Matrix Control System with our ignorant participation in it, when we instead shift the fulcrum of our consciousness toward the “Waking World” or the “Kingdom of Heaven” as Jesus called it, that is when the old world as we know it will collapse in upon itself. It’s already happening to some degree. This will happen in synchrony with a lifting of the quarantine, the return of the Etheric Tide, the dissolution of linear time, and the visible breaching of alien activities into our consensus reality.


As a certain someone would say…too much sun and not enough lightning. He's a lot like nimrod de rosario

Montalk is basically saying to focus on developing the Spirit and ignore everything else as "lower" and insignificant. But this is incredibly dangerous, new age, mind over matter garbage. The Battle is both within and without. What is the significance of a small group of people not getting their loosh farmed when miscegenation is multiplying exponentially? Montalk speaks so highly of the Spirit but does not recognize the importance of the proper hardware to run such a Spirit.

The Demiurge must be fought with iron, blood AND Sprit. This is a battle on all planes that you must be willing to sacrifice your physical body for.

So while Montalk will certainly be more popular with a wide audience he ultimately traps the hero by causing him the ignore the greatest threats to his struggle: Physical escapism and miscegenation. Of course the Jews are the biggest proponents of both, with the nigger sports teams, alcohol, drugs, and ONE LOVE.



Well first of all you're reading from the summary page, it would be good to read the actual in depth article that has dozens of paragraph to explain what he means.

Second of all, you're warnings sound exactly like one of his pages that goes on and on criticizing the "you're belief creates your reality" new age ideas while providing the alternative of action as you have suggested here


The similarity is striking in what you and he says, I think you will enjoy that read

But even what you quoted is a good last step. Also the next thing he says anyways is

>In the meantime, as we finish out the second phase, we must continue being true to our higher and nobler qualities. We have to be mindful of what originates from our lower nature versus higher nature and distinguish between them so that we can consistently choose the latter.

So yea do the actions that are true to nobler qualities, and that would be as you say fighting with iron blood and spirit. This will, in time allow the majority of people to not be loosh farmed and once that happens the last step can occur. Once everyone is awakened then as he says

>This will “tide” us over until divine grace or some cosmic shift grants us etheric activation and spiritual transcendence that currently seem beyond practical reach.


He goes on and on though, where he talks about action is in part 2




YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Shhh… There's no occult, only Truth now…

I'll catch up on that video because Bartley is a straight G and one of the vetted few who are part of my clique, nah mean?

Yeah, Montalk is alright but I don't have the patience nor resonance for his articles. I also don't favor his terminology. We racist wizards are always right, so maybe he just isn't hardcore enough. I've also heard Bartley use the newspeak term 'partriarchy', like those patriarchal reptilians boo-hoo, when really it's been revealed they are ruled by queens. Whatever.

Regardless of those basic ideals, there is a new source of occulted info on the block you might want to know about. His info knocked me on my ass for a few days and I just now got around to assimilating it. Mind you, he's still in an MK programming haze and hasn't really got his memories straight, but the ones he does… Well, really sheds light on the degenerate elite who are having drug-fueled clone parties in ufos while abusing time travel tech and have subsequently fried their brains along with various timelines. Now they are scrambling for a solution.

Due to his programming, I find many inconsistencies, especially in regards to the jewish question and larger societal issues such as we like to entertain ourselves with. Who is really in those underground bases and part of the breakaway civilization? His version is that it all started with tech from the Nazis, which most of us have heard before.

Allow me to continue with the introduction, this milab has overcome or been released from the black government and secret space program. He discloses through personal experience, much akin to George Kavassilas, that there is a Dark Technological Path alongside the Organic Ascension Process with the Earth. Using our spirit (or heart) to overcome this control grid is the goal of incarnating on this planet, currently. This is high level endgame material, so take note, rpers. Timelines are collapsing, illusions are falling by the wayside, this cycle is about to end with a big shift is coming. And remember that the internet and chan especially is a virtual reality no better than any other soul-trapping technological device. In fact, it's one of the chief methods to control you. This guy has shocking info from inside the breakaway society transhumanist agenda, those illuminati who are really fucked, locked into an AI interface and now asking for Humanity's forgiveness. Just fucking LOL!

P.S. Watch out for the shills on here who only sow contention and disagreement. If they were wise, them and the ignorant would think twice before posting. Also, those who perpetrate the blind kike meme deserve their fate. Aug also says that a binary reactive AI programming has invaded our consciousness, leading to fear and other predictive emotional programming. This can be overcome through heart communication/intention, which introduces a trinary system, defeating the AI and mind parasites.




I'm still waiting to talk about the gnostic series of articles with someone




Yea I ain't listening to something for almost 3 hours. Ironic how you say you don't have the patience for Montalk's articles

>abusing time travel tech

>a Dark Technological Path alongside the Organic Ascension Process with the Earth. Using our spirit (or heart) to overcome this control grid is the goal of incarnating on this planet, currently. This is high level endgame material, so take note, rpers. Timelines are collapsing, illusions are falling by the wayside, this cycle is about to end with a big shift is coming

>those who perpetrate the blind kike meme deserve their fate. Aug also says that a binary reactive AI programming has invaded our consciousness, leading to fear and other predictive emotional programming. This can be overcome through heart communication/intention, which introduces a trinary system, defeating the AI and mind parasites

Mind you all that sounds very similar to the stuff on Montalk's site, though as you said some of the terminology differs.

I recommend skimming through the thread before making any judgments. It's the least you can do if you're going to post in it lol.



Of course I care to know anything I don't know already.

I don't want to listen to hours of what seems like things I already know. As I said many of the things you said sound familiar already, especially since they come from the place this thread is meant to be discussing. If it was in text form I wouldn't mind reading, it takes longer to read than it does to listen.

Let's pretend I do already know, what is there you want to talk about? If I don't get what you say then I can check it out, but that hasn't happened yet.


Damn you got some deep seated problems don't you lol. But what my response to that should simply be: Likewise



Whew… Your ignorance is really showing. Like this thread had any premise from the beginning… This is all in the same realm of material and inextricably linked. How deep down the rabbit hole do you care to go? I'd rather hear from someone that was directly involved in these projects and has seen some serious shit than someone who uses the pseudonym of such. Consider me a couple grades above you in this game called Conspiracy Land. In the end, we only have our internal guidance and intuition to guide us through. Personally, I love listening to long interviews because I am a seeker with a thirst for knowledge.


I deleted those posts because they were disgraceful but you are still a total pussy.



>arrognatly assuming you're better while engagned in no discourse yet, not that that would ever justify it

>still calling me a pussy when you deleted your own posts

irony levels rising


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Take the chastisement like the inferior you are, ingrate. It's amusing that you condemn freely shared knowledge out of ignorance or laziness. I do not engage in discourse with those below me, it's a consciousness thing. You only drag down those like me; who knows if it's intentional or some sort of learned helplessness. Either way, just know you are not on my level but perhaps some day you shall ascend in conscious awareness.

It reminds me of how Tellez references in some interview how the 'elite' go crazy if they leave their bunkers and re-enter society, as if the negativity from the general populace is such an annoyance that they just desire to murder them. Lol…



Early scientologists were some of the smartest people alive. They very nearly escaped the matrix, which demanded the attention of the shadow government, and led to their corruption. All high ranking members were expelled. Any breakaways were squashed. Worst of all, any discoveries were blackwashed or destroyed.

They discovered they could deprogram each other and were doing it wholesale in a parallel society. Their (old) technology is quite valuable.





>Demonic entities are not 5D, that's giving them way too much power. They came from elsewhere, perhaps lower planes of existence as spoke by Thoth, and tricked Humans into binding contracts in exchange for technology.

>Some say 5D is beyond duality and I'd be apt to agree.

How can entities from a lower plane be able to trick Humans, if they have less power? Note that higher dimensions doesn't necessarily mean good or positive forces. There are negative higher forces that feed on us and positive higher forces that try to subtly guide is. The only dimension that's beyond duality is pure godliness. To exist and have experiences is to be anything but absolutely unified, and thus to be even slightly dualistic.

>Are these the Annuanaki/Hyperborean ethereal light beings that seeded life here fall into this realm? Likely.

>Then again there are said to be factions within that group divided over Humanity, but that could be descended Annuanaki.

Possibly. It seems Montalk says that the 'Anunnaki' created the Nordics who were the original humans. I can't be sure of the truth in this regard but if anything, it's probably more important to just be able to recognize who is trying to help and who is trying to deceive.

>Anything lower than these are a joke. This is the hierarchical and hive mind groups that has degenerated through technology, they are masters of lies and illusion. 3.5D tech, 4D tricks and astral interference is their specialty. Their influence over this planet is coming to a close. Due to higher universal laws, they can only interact with those who contractually agree.

I can agree to that. But then who are they contracted to agree with?



Arrr… My deleted post rises again. I'll ramble a bit more.

1. We don't know where they came from exactly. However, if they were higher than us in dimensional existence they wouldn't be manipulating or harvesting us because those higher species become self sustaining. I'd say only the beings who seeded or modified or sincerely supported life here deserve any acknowledgement. Humanity has some prized genetics and the emotional aspect of our manifestation ability makes us more powerful than any of these technologically or ritually dependent species. Look into the metagene, which is a fun little article online. Also, we can overpower anything they throw at us when we tap into that consciousness that resides in our heart, plenty of stories of abductees doing just that.

2. Lots of imposter Nordics, lots of stolen genetic material… Obviously they have been trying to destroy that genetic trace because of it's purity and power.

3. It's been said by some insiders that this 'ruling class' is being removed because their contact here is up. Either that or some higher powers are stepping in and saying that they can no longer interfere here.

They have interfered in all of our lives. SInce birth we have entered their world of contracts, that makes us subject to the rules and laws of their legal games which they take very literally and usually exploit, like they have with clones. This all changes when we wake up and realize this fact that the Universe operates on CONSENT. Removing consent from already existing contracts is a bit more difficult but can be done as intent is very powerful.


>With full credit given to Don Harkins, here now are the newly updated “Nine Veils”.

>The first veil: Ten percent of us will pierce the first veil and find the world of politics. We will vote, become active and develop an opinion. Our opinions will be shaped by the physical world around us; we will have been “conditioned” from our days in public education to accept that government officials, network media personalities and other “experts” are the primary voices of authority. Ninety percent of the people in this group will live and die without having pierced the third veil.

>The second veil: Ten percent of us will also pierce the second veil to explore the world of history, the relationship between man and government and the meaning of self-government through constitutional and common law. Ninety percent of the people in this group will live and die without having pierced the third veil.

>The third veil: Ten percent of those who pierce the second veil, will eventually pierce the third veil to conclusively find that the resources of the world, including people, are controlled by extremely wealthy and powerful families whose incorporated old world assets have, with modern extortion strategies, become the foundation upon which the entire world´s economy is currently indebted. Ninety percent of the people in this group will live and die without having pierced the fourth veil.

>The fourth veil: Ten percent will then pierce the fourth veil to discover the Illuminati, Freemasonry, and the other secret societies. These societies use symbols and perform ceremonies that perpetuate the generational transfers of arcane knowledge that is used to keep the ordinary people in political, economic and spiritual bondage to the oldest bloodlines on earth. Ninety percent of the people in this group will live and die without having pierced the fifth veil.

>The fifth veil: Ten percent will progress to pierce the fifth veil to learn that the secret societies are so far advanced technologically that time travel and interstellar communications have no boundaries and controlling the very thoughts and even the very actions of people is what their members do as offhandedly as we tell our children when they must go to bed. As in the days of Noah, this technology is even creating synthetic life forms, as man seeks to displace God. Ninety percent of the people in this group will live and die without having pierced the sixth veil.

>The sixth veil: Ten percent will progress to pierce the sixth veil where we learn the dragons and lizards and aliens we thought were the fictional monsters of childhood literature are real indeed and are in reality the actual controlling forces behind the secret societies uncovered in the fourth veil. Ninety percent of the people in this group will live and die without piercing the seventh veil.

>The seventh veil: Ten Percent will progress to pierce the 7th veil where the incredible world of fractal geometry and the universal law of numbers will be fully understood and embraced. The creative force of the entire universe will be shown to be linked to numerical code formulas and sequences, and all “mysteries” including the very fabric of time, space, parallel universes, and access therein is unlocked. Those whose intellects allow them to pierce the seventh veil often succumb to the lure and promise of massive wealth offered by the ruling elite, and thus over ninety percent of the people in this group will live and die without piercing the eighth veil.

>The eighth veil: Piercing the eighth veil reveals God and the pure energy known as LOVE that is the pure life force in all living things – which are one and the same. Deep-seated Humility is needed in order to ever pierce this veil.

>The ninth veil: Piercing the ninth veil means perfecting the pure energy known as love and thereby becoming truly one with God and His formulations. By perfecting this pure energy, one then fully embraces charity and therein gains full understanding of the universal plan of sacrifice, death, and redemption; life itself then becomes complete and one truly comes full circle and looks at the world through the eyes of an innocent child, yet with the deepest wisdom born of pure LOVE from the eighth veil.



If you had studied scientology, you'd know that emotion is another way to overwhelm an opponent and bend them to your will (for free). Hence, veil eight and nine are defeat…

I'm not going to shit on all of them, but this stuff is the purest of traps. Supposing supernatural entities have been around for a time, they've likely set up a nice spiritual funnel for those without meta-awareness.

That's most everyone; believing in god/oneness/demiurge/fractals and shit when they don't know what anything is or what their properties are. They don't know the rules of the game.

Yet another clue: the god overwhelm. No information here, just pure overwhelming terror/love/whatever.

But I suppose it's immaterial. I don't much care about their organization so much as I want to escape their prison. I only say these things in the hopes that somebody who knows more will return the favor one day.




Spiritless Human detected

Psychopaths, sociopaths, cluster B personality disorders, these are all the same thing. These creatures make up >65% of the world population. 2 legged beasts that incarnate from animal group souls of Gaia that run on pure ego because they lack a higher self. They are dull and predatory in nature, resorting to the most ridiculous psychological manipulation and projections that defy reality. Deep down they hate themselves and seek to destroy others and gain their loosh aka narcissitic supply. These are also Organic Portals that are used by some nefarious interdimensional beings to gain access to this realm. My thread on this was bumped off the board by such cretins. Be careful because they mimic and reflect your own spirit very convincingly. The only solution is to…


Due to ongoing changes in this planet's frequency it's possible they will start spontaneously combusting by the end of this year. BYE BYE.



The first 5 are unhinged tinfoil schizophrenia, but what's wrong with the last one?



Hey man I highly suspect I'm getting swarmed by some organic portals around me and I've especially noticed very strongly some mirroring shit where they reflect myself right back to me but when their attention is shifted to another individual in the group and I'm kind of just observing and standing back their behaviour changes drastically.

How do I settle in my mind if they're ok or not? Basically, I'm paranoid that I'm walking into a spiritual trap here, and all these organic portals are gonna do some bait and switch thing on me that is going to go bad.

Note: I'm talking about organic portals in the motherfucking ghetto. They could pull a gun on me and waste me one day and I might not even see it coming.



> Illuminates seek to the advancement of humanity through similary methods of political power and while better than the alternative are definitely not "the good guys".

They aren't the good guys? How? Pill me on this. Who are the "good guys" then?


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I liked reading the site. Found it as I was searching out stuff about alien abductions and gangstalking so there was a lot of validation for me there. If your experiencing the weird your in a very different situation than someone just curious about the paranormal.

Haven't visited it in a very long time though.

Conjecture. Speculate.

A roughed out map of what might be going on. Or a self fulfilling projection.

Maybe his entire site is just one giant electronic sigil feeding energy to the phantoms/beliefs contained in it? Likely to an extent. Though he's probably smart enough to have embedded sigils and other magical whatnots to maintain a positive effect.

At the end of the day though, what matters is where your personally drawing from. Either from something greater than yourself or just solely from your intellect. So technically speaking, an alcoholic actually working through the twelve step program is a legit occultist, since they are directly confronting the higher spiritual and all of the road blocks to it. Versus someone whose encyclopedic knowledge of arcane subjects is deep and wide, but is purely trapped in his/her intellect.



Those who choose to help people without any ulterior motive. Christ for example, and his cousin John were good guys. Saul was a piece of shit and worse than Judas by far.



You have to learn how to discern them via intuition. Try muscle testing. They are 2D predators that follow a predictable programming of love bombing (conning) the victim and then switching faces and trying to destroy them. Plenty of cluster B recovery groups, but at they end of the day they recognize violence/authority the most and fear death. Or you can turn their tactics against them to crush their ego but it has to be merciless then go no-contact.


>narcs are not humans, they're machines set on : hoovering=>love bombing=>devaluing=>replacing=>discarding=>vanishing=>repeat


This fucking thread.

Should I worry about being abducted at bight or not? I live in Europe.

I was expecting you guys to flat out agree Montalk was a deluded bullshitter.


Ok I meditated on this and got some basic information points.

>his material is "infactual"

>this stems from personal issues of him, or "sickness"

I thought "infactual" meant innacurate (I'm not English native) and I asked for details on what exactly was innacurate. I got a jumble of information I could not decode. I assumed this is because I don't know his material. "Something something regarding gnosticim."

I then got interrupted midway by a silver scaly entity who lunged into me head first. Probably going to have funky dreams tonight because that thing left my body tingly (I guess he invited itself in). It acted smug and didn't seem capable or willing to answer to my inquiries as to what the fuck ot was doing. Didn't feel bad vibes though.

I looked up "infactual" and it turns out it doesn't exist, but "unfactual" does, and it means: inaccurate, incorrect, lying in legal terms.



ineffectual was the word maybe



He's talking about astral abductions which shouldn't happen unless you are a pussy (as in you implicitly give consent to get spirit raped)



>it felt like reading a summary of my own studies, plus a few new things

This is exactly how I felt. To be honest, all the "few new things" about abductions, implants and whatnot were a bit difficult to swallow. I'm undecided on that front because I don't have any first hand experience to contrast it with.

Most of what he talks about made me feel at home though. And that's the first time this has happened after years of reading stuff that only half-agreed with me.

This path gets fucking lonely sometimes.



If I believed in such things I would say the guy you were talking to (who never even bothered answering back) is a troll or a disinfo agent of some sort.

But instead I'll assume he was just reacting to Montalk's material from the ego, probably because he's going too fast and instead of assimilating what he consumes he's being consumed by the inevitable cognitive dissonance that jumps you at every bend of the rabbit hole.

And since we're talking Montalk I'll go ahead and say that he's actually both things. God damn (((reality))) is complicated.


>spend some months watching everything I can from bashar

>message is a bit too newagey for my taste, but principles sound good

>perhaps a bit watered down for their mundane audience

>bashar talks about hybrid grey/human aliens and a future of cooperation


>read Montalk a year later


And what's this about different beings being assigned different territories?




Be careful with the concept of consent. The universe operates on consent, but material, linear 3D reality does not, as consent is given implicitly upon entering the "simulation" and administered by your higher self in order to facilitate learning. In 3D reality, jews can rob you and apparently not give a shit about your freewill because of this.

It's on 4D reality (reflected synchronistically upon your timeline) where your free will is respected.

I don't know if you mistook Montalk's gnostic series and realm dynamics, if you expressed it wrong when summarizing or if it is me who is misunderstanding. In any case, it should be noted that interference does not originate in 3D reality. Rather it manifests here because it hijacks the mechanisms of the demiurgic dream in order to indirectly manipulate and feed off of you.

3D interference has no power over you if there's not a lesson you can learn from struggling with it, and it will disappear when nobody has a use for it anymore (in that sense). The problem being that entities that feed off of the wasted emotional energy involved in the struggle have a interest in prolonging the lesson as much as possible, in the same way a school might have an interest in keeping you progressing slowly through the curriculum and paying tuition fees along the way.

On a side note, I got strong Gordon White vibes from your post.



Honestly I think the "Grey/human" hybrid to "entrap the human soul matrix" is a red herring. I'm usually always in agreement with Montalk but I think he's wrong here.

Bashar & Adronis is probably correct, however ego filtered and washed down their messages are.



The alien technological enslavement agenda is an integral part of his paradigm. A lot of things depend on that. What exactly do you disagree with?



I have posted in this thread a few times over the course of the year and you can see how I love the gnostic stuff

but the alien shit I will not touch with a ton foot pole. shit is not real in the physical sense. there are extradiensioal beings, but you would have to be a total pussy and a completete weakling in the mental/spiritual sense to be affected by that

if you really do have these handicaps and are ravaged by such entities all the time, then maybe the material can help you. otherwise fuck that shit



>i believe in extradimensional beings but i won't be accepting none of that alien bullshit

reminds me of the original Star Trek series where episode 1 was some mind control and illusions stuff and then in episode 5 or 6 there's someone talking about possible ESP and they are like What the fuck are you talking about that is impossible



How did you type like me what the hell get out of my mind lol


I have the second part of the interview if anyone is interested.



Montalk claims that the human/grey hybrids are bad, where as I see them as Bashar/Adronis explain them.



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>listening to obvious controlled OP

>listening to any e-celebs/preachers

>listening to anyone that pushes ayy lmaos

You jobr is to discover the truth alone through examination and reading.

Montalk is an obvious hack. First clue being that his own name is the name of the site. Ego.

Second. He's really fucking young. And he harps the same line as the rest of the new age faggots. Nothing of serious research into occult.

It seems to me that the only author that he read was Blawatsky and the rest are new agers, kikes and CIA plants.



bullshit occultist parroting muh montalk is bad meme



I'm not sure I understand you. I know both corpus well. Are you implying Montalk doesn't explain the hybrids? Because he does. One of them explain them in a good light and the other in a bad light.

I appreciate clarfying Bashar's argument, bou didn't explain why YOU disagree with Montalk's view. Why is the hybrid thing a red herring?



To be honest the whole hybrid stuff sounds creepy as fuck. At least Montalk gives a reasonable explanation. The generic "help humanity progress thing" sounds very generic and naive. And to be honest impractical because only through spiritual ascension (reincarnation and learning) can humanity really advance. Anything else is giving us the "easy" lazy way out and robbing us of the opportunity.

Not to mention a hybrid race is NOT a human race.

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