>why don't you prove magick for me
>why must I do the hardwork of figuring it out myself
>yes you, you personally, must prove magick to me; nevermind the shitloads of people mentioned in parapsychological research already who've already demonstrated all of the phenomena of magick
>no I won't read Sorcery by J. Finley Hurley, Science of Miracles by Max Freedom Long, or Magical Use of Thoughtforms by Dolores-Ashcroft-Nowicki
>I'm just going to ignore Wim Hof and that one guy who sets newspaper on fire with his chi who are both on youtube
>I'm just going to ignore Mirin Dajo, William James, Carl Jung, various famous scientists, famous mediums, etc. who are very well documented for what they do
>why, look at this stupid skeptic blog, which fails to actually disprove the accomplishments of genuine occultists by showing ways in which they produce a similar phenomena through trickery but at the same time completely fails to meet all of the requirements of the genuine phenomena
>hey you think that guy set the newspaper on fire with his chi? Well look at my bullshit, you just put these chemicals in here and crumple up the paper, and that's how it catches fire! nvm that the chemicals you're using produce a completely different colour flame and other effects that are totally different from when he used his chi
>heh, you think walking on hot coals is a miracle? look at me scamper across hot coals barely having contact with them for more than a few seconds, this clearly means the men who've been in far hotter piles of coals literally going through them slow or standing there and not getting hurt aren't legit… oh wait I can't reproduce this phenomena with my fedora bullshit at all
>*fedora sweat intensifies* stop showing me all these genuine examples of magick! I'm just going to ignore them all and assume it's a trick, and say science will explain it later! it's all just tricks/illusions/sleight-of-hand!!!
>fuck you, use up your vital energy and many hours of your day to personally prove shit to me
>heh, a video of you doing magick? I bet you just edited it!
>reeeee magick doesn't real, you're all bullshit occultists
>spoonfeed me
>no I won't read through these books I get too bored and can't complete them and I barely even think about what I read
>why won't someone do magick for me? I don't want to put in the effort.
>I deserve to have magick proven to me, even though you as a wizard probably meet hundreds of sceptics every day, and have probably intentionally or unintentionally prove it to those around you on many occasions, but the internet continues to supply and endless supply of people demanding your time, attention, and emotion who all feel they are special enough that they ought to have a demonstration of magick done for them as well
>No I don't live around you and have an intimate relationship with you, I'm just another poster on the internet, who doesn't observe your daily life and practices and the various phenomena that happen around you
>please divert from your own personal plans and struggles to help me, even though I am far less deserving of help or correspondence or any kind of attention, when lined up against people who actually have the self-motivation to properly research and perform magick for themselves and can stand as peers with you
>oh and lets not forget that I'm an immature, irresponsible, or simply potentially hostile person that would hurt you (like Protagonist) after learning everything
>no this form of proof won't do for me, and this one won't either, and… I can't even make up my mind anyways what would constitute proof for me!
*tips fedora*