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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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Hello /fringe/

Don't normally browse this board and frank;y I don't know if this is >>>/x/ but I know I can't be the only one that experiences this, am I going crazy?

>close eyes

>see typical swirling colours

>a few days ago this started changing

>closing eyes now shows eerily accurate depictions of people

>they all seem to be dancing or talking

>they always turn around when I show up ie- close my eyes

>I can't recognize a single person

>I can't hear them but their mouths clearly are moving trying to say something

>the faces aren't blurry but fully fledged and detailed

>they always turn and smile or frown or laugh when they see me

>its really smokey, like there's a fog

>if I open my eyes in the dark their reflections/imprints follow me in the waking world

As a young adolescent I had a pretty bad depression with psychotic effects (voices/images) but its been many years since that, and I never experienced what I just retold during those times. Other weird stuff that has happened is that as a child (according to my parents and siblings) I could foretell who was calling (before caller-ID existed) or who was at the door. Note that by child I mean between the ages of 3-5. So am I fucking bonkers /fringe/ or anyone here have similar experiences


Yeah. Happens. Welcome home.


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Alright, anything specific then? As in why it happens? Or if its anything important? My therapist couldn't make heads or tails of it when I explained to him


Happens to me all the time. Make an effort to tune yourself like a radio to a particular target and you can view them too.


Oh only difference is, they never see me OP, and they don't usually turn away from me but continue looking in whatever direction they are looking.



Read the part in Initiation Into Hermetics about astral larvae. That's what it is.



That happened to me when I used to drink when I was 17.


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Interesting, I have been drinking quite heavily this past month since its been a while since I've been to my motherland Spain It doesn't happen when I'm drunk though….


Will do

>astral larvae

That sounds weird as fuck.


>tune yourself like a radio

Would you mind going into detail. I don't think I follow


Do you ever recognize the people there? I've never recognized one, plus if I try to focus to hard on someone thats close their faces tend to shift and turn evil/demonic



Yeah I have never had it when I was drunk but always saw it when I was laying down thinking aobut the night before all hungover and busted.

I think it has something to do with like trying to make the memories and piece everything together. I don't know I am just saying I think I know what you're talking about.



No, different drugs alter your perception, aura, shield, others thoughts emotions and essence can go past your defenses and your minds intermingle in your aura/soul, you communicate there in memories and emotion, from your third eye, the seat of your spirit you can mold your soul with thoughts to go with the exchange.


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I don't think I follow


ur crazy op



I am fucking tired of you metawhining faggots shitposting on /sudo/. Shut your goddamned mouth. None of you stupid fucking faggots have moderated a website in your entire life. Shut the fuck up holy shit. The /pol/ mods are super based and amazing moderators. If I hear someone complain about a /pol/ moderator one more time, I think I'm going to legitimately explode. I just don't know anymore…. I just can't understand how anyone can complain about pol moderators. They do such an excellent job. Keep all the shitposting at bay. Keep all the important threads stickied. Autosage or remove irrelevant threads. They're just So. Damn. Good. at what they do. I'm absolutely dumbfounded that anyone could ever think, even for a mere second, that a /pol/ moderator could do anything wrong on /pol/. Those moderators have been selected by the most reasonable person possible: Heil. The greatest board owner on this entire fucking website. To deny that Heil is the greatest board owner on this website is absolute mental retardation and gymnastics. Shut. The. Fuck. UP!!!!! /pol/ moderators are absolutely fucking GODS. FUCK OFF KIKE SHILLS!!!!


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That reminds me a few days ago I was lying in bed thinking whether I should meditate or AP since I haven't done the latter in a while. I sort of forgot how to do it so I decided to imagine what I was seeing behind my eyelids was a wall. After concentrating on this for a while I was suddenly in a room where all of the walls were "painted" with this "color." I was a bit disoriented and had a lot of trouble keeping my balance. Not much time passed and I was faced by a wizard dude who was dressed a bit like Orko from He-Man but dignified and mature, and a lot more human shaped (still couldn't see his face.)

He started telling me a story and asked me for help. The problem is that right at the moment he expected an answer from me I thought of a strategy game and instantly woke up on the material plane.


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Whenever your visualization is in overdrive, make cute girls

Whenever you see wretched things realize them as your own personal beings as though they were your goons designed to inflict horror in whomst'ever you should so choose



you can make a shield around your Divine Sphere of Influence.



Yea, you're sensitive, you've got the clairvoyance. You can make and consecrate some Solomonic pentacles, the Saturn ones are good for putting fear into spirits so they don't mess with you. This is all found in the Greater Key of Solomon, the Lesser key is for summoning the goetic (demons), don't mess with them, stick with angels and the spirits around you for now.

Make sure you have boundaries and that you do a daily cleansing/banishing ritual EVERYDAY WITHOUT EXCEPTION.

I know psychics that get passively influenced and incredibly vulnerable if they don't shower daily because the influences from the shit around accumulates in their aura and begins to influence their mind, also making them more vulnerable to possession.

Just know you can't be fucked with if you choose to not be fucked with and do daily maintenance and you're fine.


Making boundaries and cleansing. LBRP is another way to banish and cleanse your aura.



https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XvyPscRD1ss and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVDGY5BKT5k can help too.

Intention and Will are key to power and safety. Be wary around the Solomon Keys's guidance.



If you function from the demiurge perspective, then I see your trepidation. But the Pentacles work from what my peers tell me, which is important if you can't keep the spirits annoyances at bay. I don't have the problems OP posted so I can't personally vouch for them.

My friend who works and speaks with God and the Angels directly (God is male and heavily Solar fyi) thinks Gnosticism is an absolute farce, which was a shock to me since it's so prominent in modern Occult circles, however, that may mean it really is just a silly meme that spread too far, a sinister ploy to cast doubt on the benevolence of God as we are in an age of monumental deception…or not.



Oh you're THAT Montalk poster again.

If you're so sensitive that you need these videos, have you even tried reaching out and asking higher beings or angels to have them explain to you their take on why Gnosticism is incorrect? I'm fine with Gnostics since I'm personally on the fence myself, but I'm surprised I haven't heard the above tried. Just the over-all point of "light workers tired of being a pawn in the Light vs Dark war which is primarily designed to farm loosh" Besides that, Gnosticism still relies heavily on Kabalah and Judeo-Christian teachings for understanding the Universe and function of Magic. If they use that, I don't understand the trepidation around the use of Pentacles. Worst case scenario you have the Demiurge spooking off his own creations, big whoop.



>the pentacles work

ok. in my opinion, however, i advise to stop offsourcing your power to exerior things.



if/when the Infinite Source speaks to you, it does so via intention. there's no use for words for such an advanced being.

>angels have a hierarchy

>but hierarchies of any sort are inexistent in the higher densities, as All are Sovereign, Divine and Eternal.

are angels saying the truth?

>god having a gender

the Infinite Source is All. thusly, it Encompasses All. it has no need for a defined gender. any assignation of one to It is for understanding It without having to expend so much effort at understanding the One and the All.

>god being assigned to an astrologic sign

why would the Infinite Source limit Itself and Its Experiences to a single thing located on astrological calendars of a single race in a single planet?

it seems to me that your friend is contacting demiurgic disguises.

>gnosticism is a sinister plot to cast doubt on the benevolence of god

gnosticism as it normally stands holds that 2 gods exist: the demiurge, creator of all physical and ensnarer of spirits coming from the Infinite Source, which would be the "christian god", "satan", and many other names.

the other one is called the Infinite Source, also called the One, the Infinity, the One-Consciousness, the All, the Monad, Aeon Sophia (this one is for 1 of its Undivided Aspects, thusly I mostly ignore this particular name), and a lot more. This god made us all, as in the spirits. It is eternally benevolent: using this perspective we can see that Unconditional Love is an appropiate answer to issues, as I am going to explain:

All that has its origin in the Infinite Source (the whole Creations) can be restored to the Original State of Unity Consciousness (being in the All) by throughout application of Intention, Will and Unconditional Love.

And a connection to your own Higher Self can help too. If you want, you can add the Earth and True Light stars and beings (how to know what is True Light and what is false light? look at their eyes. do they look mortally icy/disinterested/uncaring of your Being? if they manifest in front of you. feel the emotions that they irradiate. do they seem "fake" instead of true "from the Heart" ones? do they speak in words or images instead of emotions, intentions, feelings? True Light beings will always use the latter. use your discernment. it's a great and inmensely powerful faculty that rarely fails if you are aware and connected to your Higher Self (as it can help you too, in actually many, many things))





This is why I use another form of Gnosticism to explain my knowledge about the Infinite Source. In this form…

1. there are 3 gods. The Infinite Source, the demiurge, and the corrupt demiurge. there's a very important distinction about the latter two.

2. the demiurge, in this vision, is a NEUTRAL "controller" and "manager". it manages the gritty aspects of the Shared Universe with total peace and serenity.

2a. this Shared Universe (at least) was made as an Hyperholographic Matrix, to help souls to learn quickly and to Unite with the Infinite Source once again, to bring experiences back to the Infinite Source, while having learnt and experienced themselves in their power as Infinite and Universal Fractals.

2b. yes, each one of us is a Fractal. this means that he/she/whatever IS the Infinite Source as It is You, in the Unity of All. in other words, "we are both creators and observators that are experiencing their own universes that came from the One in a recursive fashion".

3. normal gnostic demiurge=the corrupt demiurge

it is a parasite: the one that has caused negativeness across the whole Universe and even beyond, by greatly encouraging spirits to be disruptive and by ENSLAVING them to itself, in order to gather energy and to feed off it.

if you have heard about the "krystic consciousness", the corrupt demiurge fits the "dead-life construct" perfectly. the corrupt demiurge lacks a soul.

4. the corrupt demiurge has servants that are called ""archons"" (it's incorrect to call them that, since the word means "ruler" in Greek and, as you may know, words have a great power in this density [density="mental and spiritual dimension" dimension="physical level of elevation" or "different universe"]).

what do the ""archons"" do? they build entrapping constructions in quite a lot of places. for example, the hypercube that surrounds the Earth and that has its origin in saturn was originally made by the ""archons"".

5. counting the Beings that are enslaved to the corrupt demiurge directly, the ""archons"" have even more servants, in the form of Beings that are presently incarnated in another star race, for example the ""federation of light"", the ""council of 11/9/whatever"", the ""galactic sovereign convention of planets (or whatever it is)"" that are tasked with getting more Beings into the energy-sucking matrixes cleverly woven by the ""archons"" and the corrupt demiurge.

6. it goes even lower. the nwo, the satanists of the top 1%, etc, are all part of this construct.

7. they have various schemes so you get stuck like a fly on honey and unable to wriggle free, for instance, the fake "white tunnel" of death.

how to escape their control? knowledge, action, intention, and will are your main weapons. by knowing that you are Divine Sovereign and Free, and that they have broken Free Will (have you given consent to be "used" like a fucking energy battery? they love to bend Free Will by guilting you and a lot more too) it's IMPOSSIBLE to them to touch you any further. set limits and they are FORCED to respect them. and if they fail to, you have the CAPACIBILITY to counterattack them.

and where to get True Knowledge? many places! for example…




as always i have said, only take what resonates.

peace! :D :D




While the links you posted provide excellent analysis of the situation, I believe this is the only place where actual practical methods for overcoming are presented:






I get some sort of visions or visuals almost everytime I close my eyes then just kinda space out. Happens often when I'm about to go to sleep. Really started noticing it after I had experimented with psychedelics as a teen because the close-eyed visuals you experience on those made me curious about the capabilities of our minds and consciousness but it happened before then too



Mundies first step into the pond




>tells OP to do saturn/satan stuff

they're hungry and dying. DO NOT FEED



>for now



satanic disinfo.

There is only One God. all religion is wrong



I'll bet you're that spamming faggot from a year ago.

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