His idea of morphic resonance is related to quantum superposition and Platos ideal forms. Since the collective atoms that make up your body occupy a similar pattern the emerging intelligence will contain knowledge from all similar patterns.
Patterns or forms of a similar type will evolve together faster than light because once reality is defined a certain way it will be immediately understand as such throughout the whole universe. So if a mathematicians solves a complex problem, and another one is working at the same time, they will actually contribute to and work off of the same collective consciousnesses, because they are defining the new edges of reality as far as humans understand it. This is how Calculus was discovered in Europe and Asia simultaneously before the invention of the steam engine.
This occurs by defining what reality could NOT and carving meaning out of what is left.
It also assumes that reality is defined entirely by thoughtforms/energy. As you experience(observe) you collapse the wave function and choose one side of the slit, so this necessarily defines that you do not choose(or experience) the other slit.
It kind of implies that for example that pre-microscope atoms actually didn't exist and we closed off possible realities by creating a machine that made it capable to observe them, thus collapsing all possible realities into the one that most correctly fit the collective understanding of the universe at the time, which was atomic theory. In order to transcend this and say, time travel, we would have to work backwords and unravel our understanding of this reality in a logical way and submit it for acceptance to the collective. Language, Logos, defines reality, literally, because meme magick is rheeeeeeaal.