can you motherfuckers stop shitting up a perfectly good thread?
your accusations are based on how he has
>used psychedelic substances, not as a tool but a toy.
but since he says
>Psychedelic and Dissociative experiences seem to open up pathways in my brain that lead to dormant abilities I've had but never used
the other shit he said is unclear in what it means but it's clear that he's not some faggot druggie like you make him out to be;
your post is retarded, rethink your life if you are so quick to judge and berate others. basically shut the fuck up
you even said "as some call it" he's clearly a moron.
you are also a moron though, but more in the sense of not shutting the fuck up about yourself. shut the fuck up
>There is no one path.
no one said there was just one path. the path is something we all have to take, even if the path is different for everyone. it's a subjective phrase and if you could stop taking every opportunity to show off how you know better than everyone else you'd get past your pretentious fuckery and realize that most people here do know what their talking about
> Being able to navigate the pathways of the mind in induced states outside of my control has offered new concepts to me I wouldn't have thought about otherwise.
>I wouldn't have thought about otherwise.
but that's wrong you fucking retard. you talk with such a big ego, but ironically (pretty expected actually) you have an incredibly limited belief about yourself and this also proves that you're using drugs as a crutch, the potential for being able to think about things is literally limitless. don't underestimate the boundlessness of consciousness
at best the drugs spred up the process of discovering realization but it's literally never required
there's a difference between using and abusing drugs. you're only explaining what happens when it's abused
>being this degenerate
kill yourself