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Esoteric Wizardry


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What progress have you made or what phenomena have you experienced regarding thoughtforms?

Also how accurate is this picture, and where do daemons fit in all this? It seems they are sort of between godforms and egregores, but the way the term is used in the linux OS as background processes one might erroneously consider them to be more like servitors.


If anyone is interested in sigils there's a couple videos about sigils by Grant Morrison that I posted in the other waste of a thread, they are much more relevant here though




I haven't had much experience with these things, other than randomly making my own sigils to accomplish things. Those can't really be proven as they could always just be coincidences, and I don't do that anymore since I realize sigils are just tools to alter subconscious beliefs (that dictate the operating system of the universe, so to speak) and with that understanding I can just cut out the middleman and increase my confidence directly.

However I have had the experience of ego death a few times (through drugs and stuff) finalizing the realization that the ego being tied to my identity is kind of an illusion and that I can choose to identify with whatever the fuck I want. This led to a weird state of dissociation where I just kind of sit back and let the thought-form that is my ego just kind of take over on auto pilot. It's mostly meaningless though as I still experience everything, just that on a fundamental level I'm completely lacking in stress. Also it seems to give me a very high understanding and control of my subconscious, allowing connections to be autonomously be made allowing a higher intuition; though due to my apathetic nature I never use the self control to do anything. My ego is incredibly convincing I guess, making all of this all the more meaningless.

I think this has more to do with completely lacking in astral abilities due to a complete lack of experience in that regard. Which is probably due to the dissatisfaction my ego has in being a failure in all the things I've wanted to accomplish for the past half a dozen years.


So in case you didn't realize, you, yes YOU, are an egregore. At least your ego is. If you raise your awareness enough then you realize or attain activation of the godspark that is your spirit, and you become more of a godform that is in a symbiotic relation ship with the egregore that is your ego.



How do you make them?



That's a very simplistic image for neophytes and mundanes.

To understand thoughtforms first realize the three planes, material, mental, spiritual. Or whatever terminology you prefer.

Everything on the material plane has a counterpart on the mental plane. A thoughtform is charged intention concentrated through the forcible of Will. Any being with Will can create a thoughtform. The human ego, the Am is a product of Will and is a complex combination of thoughtforms connected to Will through the energy body of the mental plane which acts as a conduit to the material body.

A "tulpa" without independent Will is subject to those with Will who supply their energy. No thoughtform can survive without Will in some form. Cultivating a being in order to give it Will and an independent energy body requires intimate knowledge of the mechanism of the energy body and can generally only be done by the developed adept and master.


I drop lsd and go out to the bars with my friends so I can observe mundanes using magick without realizing it. I got the idea after dropping acid at a music festival and being overwhelmed by negative thoughtforms. There were definitely wizards there somewhere. But I also noticed the ones normies made, so I decided to test it out. At this point its pretty basic to identify the different varying thoughtforms and their energy levels. I'm starting to see energy more clearly now too so I can actually make out the thoughtforms floating around their hosts. Its also let me sense and interact with local land spirits too. I haven't messed with making any of my own yet though.



Can you elaborate a little bit? I'm especially curious as to how you became so sensitive that something normally so intangible could be straight up visible to you



I assume changing your own ego through thoughtforming is possible?



As Ive come to understand it, I'm already an "ascended master" as some call it. But instead of coming here knowing that, I decided to have a little fun with it. Psychedelic and Dissociative experiences seem to open up pathways in my brain that lead to dormant abilities I've had but never used. My reflexology friend says I'm like an adult riding a bike with training wheels when I could just ride normally. I've got the knowledge in my being, and not in the "you contain the whole universe within yourself" shit. Its integrated, I just gotta get out there and mess around to get hands on experience.

I've also taken it upon myself to incorporate thoughtforms into my ego starting from the lower realm of consciousness up. So instead of focusing solely on the aspect of becoming a godform myself I try and emulate lower entities to understand them more. It works the same way as the human body. You have a barrier of dead cells protecting the important things inside. So I took the lower "degenerate" side of things and surrounded myself with it as a barrier. I think that because Im integrating these energies Im able to notice thoughtforms because they are generally associated with these lower energies.



>ascended master



Here's the truth, your chakras are completely unbalanced because of the immature and flippant way you have used psychedelic substances, not as a tool but a toy. You are suffering from delusions and are currently in a downward cycle. I'm sorry but you're beyond help.



>doesn't notice the use of quotes

>assumes I used the word literally

>pleb tier occultists judging anons over the internet

If you call yourself a wizard, and don't use drugs because "hur dur you're gonna damage your energy", then you're a shit tier wizard. Real wizards can take drugs and still maintain sanity.



Drugs can stimulate the energy body and temporarily open certain chakras, such as DMT opening the third eye.

Those who understand the path realize that use of these is limited as the master is capable of such results without their use.



You ever notice that the guys doing tons of drugs, despite what they tell you, have fucking massive egos and are kinda solipsistic?

That's the bigger danger. They can make you think you're a lot smarter and more advanced than you are. Seen it lots of times in others and in myself. You don't even know the ways the drugs are subtly changing your thoughts and emotions. You wake up one day and you're somebody you don't even recognize.


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>those who understand THE PATH

Im gonna stop you right there. You're projecting your own version of truth onto other people. No wonder you're an uptight anus. There is no one path. Lrn2havefun mang


I understand the dangers. I had a psychotic break before, which translated more as a Waking NDE in my mind. Losing my sanity helped me find myself for some reason. Since then I've always maintained a healthy level of awareness on my mental stability and how the substances I take affect me. I see the inflated egos people don't try and accomodate correctly. I'm actually planning on developing a side inflated ego that I can inhabit when I need it to enter a higher state of awareness for when its needed. Mainly because I associate with magic of a ritualistic nature. Got the idea from reading about invoking entities through wearing masks in rituals. Its just a thoughtform, might as well make it myself.

Im definitely not solipsistic though. Personal experiences have broken down walls for me and the self isn't even that relevant if a concept in my mind. Just one of the many tools the universe offers us to explore.

While many cringe lizards will refer to drugs as "corrosive waters", I simply believe this perspective was only found because of a true lack of self awareness. Being able to navigate the pathways of the mind in induced states outside of my control has offered new concepts to me I wouldn't have thought about otherwise. As long as you respect the consciousness of the drug you're using and respect your own temple, substances can be a valuable tool to expand the mind. There's just too much judgement solidified because of the elitist nature of the posters on this board.


>pic related



Geez this is even worse than smiley.

/fringe/ really does attract lolcows


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8ch fringe is shit tier, I mainly come here for shits n giggles. I do my actual work elsewhere with people who can collaborate.

>plz dont tell me you take this board seriously

Also, PSSSSHHHHHHH, thats a good joke. Comparing an unstable attention whoring child to the few posts Ive made in this thread.

Swear to god the loosh farming hype is too hyphy right now or you was dropped as an infant.

>Just let that sink in



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can you motherfuckers stop shitting up a perfectly good thread?


your accusations are based on how he has

>used psychedelic substances, not as a tool but a toy.

but since he says

>Psychedelic and Dissociative experiences seem to open up pathways in my brain that lead to dormant abilities I've had but never used

the other shit he said is unclear in what it means but it's clear that he's not some faggot druggie like you make him out to be;

your post is retarded, rethink your life if you are so quick to judge and berate others. basically shut the fuck up


you even said "as some call it" he's clearly a moron.


you are also a moron though, but more in the sense of not shutting the fuck up about yourself. shut the fuck up

>There is no one path.

no one said there was just one path. the path is something we all have to take, even if the path is different for everyone. it's a subjective phrase and if you could stop taking every opportunity to show off how you know better than everyone else you'd get past your pretentious fuckery and realize that most people here do know what their talking about

> Being able to navigate the pathways of the mind in induced states outside of my control has offered new concepts to me I wouldn't have thought about otherwise.

>I wouldn't have thought about otherwise.

but that's wrong you fucking retard. you talk with such a big ego, but ironically (pretty expected actually) you have an incredibly limited belief about yourself and this also proves that you're using drugs as a crutch, the potential for being able to think about things is literally limitless. don't underestimate the boundlessness of consciousness

at best the drugs spred up the process of discovering realization but it's literally never required


there's a difference between using and abusing drugs. you're only explaining what happens when it's abused


>being this degenerate

kill yourself



see this guy actually knows what he's talking about. there is use for drugs, but their use is limited. it has potential to illuminate the path of enlightenment, but also there is potential to be a crutch (as in relying on something that you can use without. an actual crutch helps you when you can't use your leg, but if you can use your leg you are just letting it wither away as you rely on the crutch. yet if you've never used your leg ever in your life an automatic crutch can show you how using a leg works. that's how drugs could be helpful)


>I'm actually planning on developing a side inflated ego that I can inhabit when I need it to enter a higher state of awareness for when its needed. Mainly because I associate with magic of a ritualistic nature. Got the idea from reading about invoking entities through wearing masks in rituals. Its just a thoughtform, might as well make it myself.

Im definitely not solipsistic though. Personal experiences have broken down walls for me and the self isn't even that relevant if a concept in my mind. Just one of the many tools the universe offers us to explore.

first of all the way you say you're "planning on developing a side inflated ego" yet you also say "the self isn't even that relevant if a concept in my mind" seems incredibly contradictory. maybe you should clarify what you mean when you use the terms ego and self since I think you are giving opposite means to them

anyways though, assuming I know what you're talking about, I don't think this can work without actually operating from a higher state. you can't develop something you don't understand let alone haven't ever used.

Like I said in my post here


even if you do achieve a higher state of awareness you can't do anything about it if you don't know how to use it. We do have an astral body that brings about this higher state of being but we need to be able to use this astral body before we have access to higher functions while using the normal body. Using the astral body in the astral realm where the physical body can't distract us is probably how one can develop these skills, since using the astral body while still attached to the physical body is obviously going to be much more difficult. Maybe manipulating psychoactives to induce OBES for practrcing can be one way to do this, but I've told myself that the best way is to master lucid dreaming and astral projection before I can use higher functions in the physical world. Though that would require keeping the thought form that is my ego satisfied or at least more content to allow energy flow from the physical body through the chakras to the astral body.



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